The explosive armor midway had already forced Loki and Ronan back again. When they resumed their confrontation posture, Gao Li had successfully transformed into the Kamen Rider Kato Transcendence form.

"Grandma once said..."

Gao Li stretched out a finger and raised it high to the sky.

"It only takes me a second to deal with bastards like you!"

"Are you kidding!?"

Ronan attacked angrily, and Loki came to his senses and began to use magic.

The next moment, there were hundreds of figures all over the scene, and it was Loki who used all his strength to transform Ronan and himself into dozens of clones!

It has to be said that this magic has miraculous effects in battle. Both Thor, Steve and Bucky have been confused by it.

Unfortunately, it is ineffective for Gao Li!

"Hyper Clock Up!"

Gao Li instantly entered the state of super time transformation. The speed of Haipa Jiado's super time transformation was even dozens of times faster than the ordinary time transformation!

It is known that the speed of ordinary time-increasing time is about the same as the acceleration form of fifty times supersonic speed, so the speed of super-time increasing time is hundreds of times supersonic speed!

At this terrifying speed, everything is almost completely still, as if time has been pressed on the pause button, and nothing is moving.

Except Gauri!

He didn't lie before. At this ultimate speed, one second in normal time is enough to do countless things.

"Kabuto Power!"

"TheBee Power!"

"Drake Power!"

"Sasword Power!"

Gao Li stretched out his hand to summon the Hundred Insect Sword and pressed the buttons on it one by one.

The lightning flashed around the sword. Gao Li didn't need to find the entity in Loki's illusion. He only needed to cut off all the beings present at once!

Of course there are the real bodies of Ronan and Loki among them!


"Maximum Hyper Typhoon!!!"

The Hundred Insect Sword extended a huge light blade, and Gao Li aimed it at the group of Ronan and Loki, and swept it away!

This is a trick on the same level as the "Ultimate Transcendence Tornado". The destructive power that is enough to penetrate everything within a hundred kilometers is concentrated in this giant sword of light. Even Ronan's strong body cannot withstand it. Its destructive power!


The scene was suddenly filled with lightning, thunder, and fire. The moment Gao Li exited the super-ascension transformation, they all erupted!

The illusion was all submerged in the flames, leaving only two broken bodies falling to the ground.


Both Ronan and Loki opened their mouths wide, with expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Before they could make any more noise, blood gushed out from their mouths like a fountain. Even with their inhuman vitality, they could not survive such injuries.

However, in their last moments before death, they still found it difficult to believe this reality.

what happened?

What on earth happened! ?

They didn't even react before they were cut off from the waist and killed neatly!

It was really like Gao Li said, the instant kill happened within one second!

"It turns out... this guardian... is really as scary as they said..."

Ronan's last thought flashed through his mind, and he lost all his life without resting in silence.

Loki also turned blue all over and died looking like a strange mixture of Frost Giant and Asgardian protoss.

"Huh? This scepter was also cut off?"

Gao Li walked over to take a look and found that Loki's spiritual scepter could not block the "Ultimate Transcendence Typhoon" and was also cut in two.

This shows that the magic thing is not the scepter itself, but maybe a certain part of the scepter. Gao Li immediately started studying it.

Fortunately, this is the World Tree Building, and Gao Li has a lot of research equipment here, and he quickly found the real source of power from the fluctuation frequency.

"This kind of fluctuation... is very similar to the Time Stone and the Space Stone. It is also an Infinity Stone."

Gao Li took out the Mind Stone from the scepter in one operation.

After all, he has been studying the time gems and space gems for some time, and he is quite familiar with the handling of the infinite gems.

In this way, the third Infinity Stone, the Mind Stone, officially fell into Gao Li's hands!

"It's almost time, let's take a look at Zeya's report."

Gao Li looked through Qi Zeya's mission report again, which was updated in real time. Since Gao Li had not proactively reminded Gao Li before, Gao Li was not in a hurry.

Just a few minutes after he started checking, a prompt appeared on Zeya:

"The Chitauri Legion has been completely defeated, and the remaining troops are being transported back to the Chitauri home planet in batches through space jumps."

"Very good, this is the time I've been waiting for!"

A ferocious smile appeared on Gao Li's face. These idiot Chitauri actually dared to attack the Earth. How could they not be taught a profound lesson?



After deactivating the transformation of Kamen Rider Kato's transcendent form, Takashi took out the Lost Drive again and transformed into Kamen Rider Zone.

Then Gao Li opened a space door and strode into it.

Not long after, another blue space door appeared in the vast outer space, and Gao Li poked his head out.

"Biological armor is not very suitable for survival in the space environment. We need to get it done quickly."

Gao Li immediately closed his eyes and felt the fluctuations left by his space. Fortunately, he found the right opportunity this time and came over very quickly, so he successfully caught the space trajectory.

Next, trace back!

Gao Li fully utilized the power of Zone memory, traced back to the Chitauri home planet in reverse direction, and obtained its interstellar coordinates.

Just now, Gao Li didn't come over immediately, but he just spent a little effort to display the space power of Kamen Rider Zone in all the gift packages prepared in advance.

——That’s a hundred nuclear bombs collected using the resources of the Overhaul Card!

These nuclear bombs are all set to detonate at a scheduled time, and their appearance is shrouded in light blue space power, ready to go off at any time.

Gao Li also pulled out the Zone memory and inserted it into the kill slot on the side.

"Zone! Maximum Drive!"

Gao Li hit the kill bar and activated Zone's ultimate drive, immediately opening up the space between the Chitauri home planet and a hundred nuclear bombs!

Then - they are all transported seamlessly and detonated!

A second before the explosion, Gao Li closed the space door, hiding his merit and fame.

The yield of each of those hundred nuclear bombs is not small, Gao Li believes that it is enough for the Chitauri to drink a pot.

After all, Gao Li is not a demon. He will not blow up the entire Chitauri home planet just because of a war, but a return gift of this level is still needed.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it make our interstellar friends misunderstand and think that the earth is easy to bully?


Heimdall reported Loki's death to Odin and Thor. Because Gauri killed Loki too quickly, Heimdall did not even have time to call Odin and Thor.

By the time Heimdall informed them, the dust had already fallen to the ground, and Loki was too dead to die.

"No—! Loki!!!" Thor cried out in pain, his eyes red with blood, "Gaoli! I want you to pay with your life!"


Odin grabbed Thor and held him down with great strength.

"You are no match for Gao Li. Are you in a hurry to die and want to reunite with your brother as soon as possible?!"

"But father! Don't you..."

Thor turned around to question angrily, only to see Odin closing his eyes sadly, his whole face showing an aura of great sadness.

"Thor, of course I feel the same as you, I said, everything will eventually pass away. It's just been brought forward. Don't be too sad about it."

Thor struggled hard and said: "Are you kidding!? Even if the ending is death, I will question Gao Li face to face, why did he kill my brother!?"

Odin said coldly: "Then you are humiliating yourself! Do you know that when Loki controlled the Destroyer to kill you, and the last time Loki went to Earth and fought with you, although the damage had been controlled, The smallest one, but still several people from Zhongting died because of it!”

"Gaoli can tell you that this is murder for life! For Gaoli, Loki is no different from ordinary Midgardians, and the Asgardian protoss is no nobler than humans!"

Thor stopped struggling and became silent.

After experiencing previous experiences on Earth and growing up, Thor could not say that they were nobler than the people on Earth.

Not to mention that to Gaoli, who is completely a human on earth, the Asgardian protoss is nothing at all. You Asgardian protoss dare to say that you are more noble than the people on earth. You asked me about Gaoli's endless golden dragon. No fists?

How come the noble King of the Asgardian Protoss cannot defeat me, a human on Earth?

In short, there is no way to reason, no matter how you look at it, Asgard is in the wrong.

"Besides, as far as I know, the country where Gauri lives has a law called the 'Castle Law'. Since Loki invaded Gaoli's home, it was legal for Gauri to kill Loki... No matter what, , even Gao Li can’t be held accountable.”

Thor gritted his teeth: "Is there no way? Do we have to swallow our anger!?"

Odin sighed and said: "You are not young anymore. It's time to see clearly the reality of this world - to put it simply, fists are the last word, and the truth is in the hands of the strong!"

"Gaoli is stronger now, so no matter what he does, it is right, because the weak have no say. In the past, Asgard could rule the nine realms only because we were stronger at that time."

Thor's expression became depressed, and his fists clenched and unclenched.

Odin shook his head and said: "You should go back and relax your mood. Don't go to the atrium for the time being. After all, Gauri is Asgard's insurance, and you need to try to avoid conflicts with him in the future."

"……I see."

Thor replied dully, and left the palace while stumbling.

Earth, America.

Gao Li didn't know what was happening in Asgard, and he didn't have the energy to care, because Consortium X and TPC officially appeared in front of the world, but they accumulated a lot of problems for him to deal with.

However, Gao Li had already anticipated this situation, and Daxiu Ka had already made sufficient preparations in advance.

As the chairman of the World Security Council, Pierce made full efforts to operate, and various political donations and leverages were also used.

In addition, there are members of the Great Shocker in the top governments of various countries. For example, there is more than one Great Shocker among the members of the US Congress, which finally successfully promoted the recognition of TPC by countries around the world.

As the top multinational international joint organization, TPC was officially established!

And the SHIELD, which originally had a similar positioning, was also incorporated into the TPC, which caught Nick Fury off guard. His always calm face rarely showed a stunned expression.

What's going on? !

If I don't pay attention, I will have a new boss!

Since this is the will of the World Security Council and the top governments of various countries, Nick Fury, who is happy to get a new boss, is powerless to stop all this from happening.

It's just that Nick has not yet defined TPC as an evil group. Looking at the name and intention, it's quite good, and it may even be more beneficial to the earth than SHIELD.

Nick is not the kind of person who clings to power. He hopes that the earth can be safer under external threats, so he waits and sees who the new boss is.

After a while, the news came out.

The director of the Earth Peace Coalition Organization TPC is... Gory Parker, the major shareholder of the World Tree Consortium and the major shareholder of Consortium X!

Nick Fury: "Huh?"

How could this be! ?

At the same time, Gory issued the first directive to form a special operations team within TPC.

Nick looked at the plan announced to the internal staff and was speechless for a moment.

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