"Okay! It's up to you next!"

On the other side, under the sky-high flames, Doomsday's figure emerged from it.

He evolved again, his body looked huge and mighty, his red-black shell exuded an evil glow, like a demon emerging from an endless abyss, his body exuded a blazing light, as if his power was enough to destroy everything!

Doomsday pressed down on the three people like a mountain, and the terrifying sense of oppression seemed to be able to swallow up the entire city!

Faced with such an enemy, Diana, Bruce and Clark did not retreat at all.

"This monster comes from my world..." Clark said in a deep voice.

Diana smiled slightly: "It just so happens that I have killed monsters from other worlds!"

"...If I'm not mistaken, he seems to be stronger than before."

Bruce said softly, his eyes fixed on the huge figure.

Clark and Diana also nodded silently, and the three of them knew that this battle would be unprecedentedly difficult and thrilling.


Doomsday let out a deafening roar, and orange energy gushed out of its body, quickly spreading to the surroundings!

The ruins that were already broken collapsed even more at this moment, and the whole world trembled under the pressure of Doomsday!

"Let's go!"

Clark said loudly, and the three superheroes rushed up to meet Doomsday's might.

The battle broke out, and the air was filled with a symphony of metal and sparks. The Vulcan Sword in Wonder Woman's hand drew an arc of light, and Bruce's Destroyer and Clark's fists met together!

Faced with the attacks of the three people, Doomsday did not retreat. He waved his huge fist, and his body emitted a blazing light, scorching the earth within a radius of 100 meters!

But Diana, Bruce and Clark have never been frightened by his roar. They continued to charge forward with the blazing light!

Wonder Woman's sword flashed with cold light, and she dodged Doomsday's attacks gracefully and swiftly, and displayed amazing fighting skills from time to time.

Bruce's fighting style is like a hunting shadow in the dark night, turning into a dark whirlwind to interfere with Doomsday from time to time.

Clark faced Doomsday's power head-on, and his super power shook the entire battlefield. He faced Doomsday fearlessly with one collision after another, and one strong punch after another, fighting for a chance of victory for everyone.

The following battle was as fierce as a storm, and the three of them kept dodging Doomsday's attacks and launching counterattacks at the same time.

Doomsday did not show weakness, his attacks became more and more violent, and orange energy raged in the night sky!

The ruins of the block trembled in this fierce duel, as if they were about to turn into powder completely!

Fortunately, the powers of the three superheroes intertwined to form a powerful barrier. They worked closely together, always maintaining tacit cooperation, and strived to bring Doomsday into trouble.

Diana's swordsmanship was sharp and precise, and her slash seemed to be able to tear the space apart; Bruce's actions were as fast and cunning as a ghost in the dark night; Clark's thermal vision was as hot and powerful as the sun!

PS: Since Calvin has appeared, the next chapter explains the setting of Calvin and Martian Manhunter. It is completely free, please feel free to watch.

183. About Martian Manhunter (this chapter is free)


About Martian Manhunter (this chapter is free)

Regarding Calvin being Martian Manhunter, I decided not to adopt this setting.

In the comics, Martian Manhunter once told Superman that he joined the Justice League because of what this organization represents. "Protect the weak, correct mistakes, uphold justice for all, help humans learn to understand, and realize the potential of human nature."

As a result, he was there as a senior orange watching the three giants and Doomsday fighting hard, and also acting in front of the president and his subordinates. This is too weird.

Don't say that he didn't take action because he was a general and couldn't leave his post. As the human bodies of the generations of Ultraman in the Earth Defense Force, which one was there to watch the show all the time, and didn't transform and fight because of his job? Ultraman Blaze's human body is simply the captain in a leadership position, and he will also transform and fight.

The normal reaction should be like Diana in the movie, who was already on the plane and decided to get off the plane to provide support.

Martian Manhunter! Why are you just watching! ?

Of course, it can also be said that he has some unresolved knot or his ideas are not yet clear, so he has not taken action. But there were a lot of casualties in the Kryptonian invasion and the Doomsday incident (in the movie, many people died just from the Kryptonian transformation of the city), and if the Martian Manhunter just watched and was indifferent and refused to take action, then it is really impossible for him to become a superhero in the future.

Even if Spider-Man was depressed for a long time after his beloved died, didn't he cheer up and protect the people?

184. Chapter 182 Justice Sanction, No Mercy!



The three giants of the future Justice League continued to attack Doomsday, but Doomsday's defense was still far beyond their imagination.

Every offensive was like hitting an indestructible iron wall, and it was difficult for them to shake Doomsday with their own strength!

Facing such an outrageous enemy of such a large scale, even with the strength of the three of them, they would feel their physical strength gradually depleted.

The attacks of the three giants were gradually becoming slow and weak, and their bodies began to be exhausted. However, the three of them did not give up, they gritted their teeth and continued to fight!

"Even if we can't defeat this monster, we must still create opportunities for Fangs!"

This idea became the biggest belief supporting the three of them, especially Bruce and Clark. They especially believed in the ability of the fangs!

The battlefield continues to expand, new buildings begin to collapse, and new streets begin to crack.

But none of the three people had time to pay attention to this. They only had eyes on the Doomsday standing in front of them, and they could only concentrate on attacking this monster whose self-healing ability was too terrifying.

"If this goes on forever, he will continue to adapt to it!" Bruce said hurriedly, "We might as well gather all the remaining strength and give him the strongest blow together!"

Diana hesitated and said, "Is this too risky? If it doesn't work, then we have almost no way out!"

Clark took a deep breath and said: "Believe in Wei... Fang! I can only believe that Fang can really kill him!"

"……All right!"

Diana gritted her teeth and used all the divine power in her body; Clark also fully squeezed the solar energy stored in his cells; Bruce gathered and compressed all the remaining energy of the BAT2 armor into his feet at once!

"let's go!"



The three giants hit Doomsday at the same time. Faced with the combined attacks of the three, Doomsday did not flinch, but he also felt the danger and threat from it, and instinctively used all his strength to resist.

However, is it so easy to take the desperate blow from the Big Three?

When the three of them's attacks hit Doomsday's body at the same moment, Doomsday fell from the sky like a meteorite and hit the ground hard!


There seemed to be a huge earthquake in the surrounding area. The dilapidated armor barely protected Bruce from falling dozens of meters away. He shouted at the top of his lungs: "Now! Fangs!"

"Speed! Xtreme! Maximum Drive!"

Gao Li had been prepared for a long time. The dual extreme drives exploded at the same time, and his whole body turned into extremely fast lightning in the air and kicked towards the Doomsday!

There were also many kryptonite swords, which automatically formed an array under the control of Gao Li's magnetic levitation. They formed a sword formation around Gao Li and swooped down toward the Destroying Day together.


Dazzling lightning surrounded the pillar of fire and soared into the sky. At the center of the fire, the kryptonite sword array was inserted all over Doomsday's body, turning him into a hedgehog!

"Drink ah ah ah!"

Gao Li roared and poured in all his strength. Finally, Doomsday was weakened to the extreme by the kryptonite. His body strength dropped again and again, and he could no longer withstand the impact of the dual extreme drives.

If you slow down and look at it, you can see that Doomsday's body becomes like fragile glass. It is quickly covered with cracks, and then the whole body is cracked!

With a "click" sound, Gao Li penetrated Doomsday and landed behind him, with his back facing Doomsday and his eyes lighting up red.

And the Doomsday was completely shattered in Gao Li's back, turning into ashes all over the sky and never being able to recover again!

All the kryptonite swords fell to the ground, and Clark and Diana, who had little strength left, breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this.

"Finally killed him..."

"it is finally over……"

After Clark finished sighing, he added sadly.

"Um... I'm sorry, can you move the swords away? There are too many. I can't move a finger now."

Gao Li laughed and gave an automatic command to the magnetic levitation device on the Kryptonite sword, and they all formed an array and flew away side by side.

Clark could finally relax, and Gao Li stretched out his hand to pull him up.

"Your name is... Fang, right?" Diana asked aloud, "We recently organized a superhero alliance, are you interested in joining?"

Gao Li had a strange expression on his face and suppressed a smile as he said, "I'll forget it. I'm just a hero out of interest and don't want to join any organization."

"But this young man is very good. I strongly recommend him to join your alliance. You guys will not regret it."

With that said, Gao Li patted Clark on the shoulder.

Clark also had a strange expression on his face, and he held back what he wanted to say.

"By the way, where's Luther? He was the one who created and released this monster!"

The events of Doomsday were finally over, and Clark remembered the culprit.

He just tried to use his super vision to search everywhere, but found no trace of Lex at all.

"Who knows," Gao Li said casually, "If he had been around here before, he might have died because of the residual power, right?"

Bruce limped over at this time and retorted: "I don't think it is possible, especially since I have in-depth knowledge of Lex Luthor's intelligence information."

"He is extremely arrogant and arrogant. He is a typical extreme narcissistic personality. He even believes that he is of great significance to all mankind. It is unlikely that he will create a monster without leaving any backup plan to save his life. He will never commit suicide."

Clark couldn't help but recall what happened before, and frowned slightly.

Since Lex has studied his abilities so thoroughly, he may have also completely understood Superman's character. The reason why he felt confident in facing the Doomsday at that time was that he was convinced that Superman would never ignore death and let him die in front of his eyes. ?

Maybe this is the so-called "good guys deserve to be pointed at gunpoint"?

"That Lex Luthor can't hide forever, so don't worry too much about it."

Diana, as an old senior, comforted them. After confirming that Doomsday was dead, they should go back to rest.

After all, they had used up almost all their strength, and they were all injured by Doomsday. That monster was such an exaggerated existence.

In this way, it was really thanks to Fang that he could kill the monster, allowing all of them to win without sacrifice.

"Okay," Clark could only nod, "I think Luthor has probably figured out everything, and he must be hiding safely now. I'll find a way to deal with him later."

This is exactly the case. After Clark and Doomsday fought each other, Lex immediately went to his own shelter.

This shelter was built at a huge cost, and even a nuclear explosion could not hurt it at all. It also took all measures to prevent Superman from snooping.

Lex understood that even if Superman was angry, his "hypocritical" sense of morality and responsibility would make him want to capture him and accept legal sanctions.

And he can just take advantage of Superman's weakness!

Thinking of this, Lex laughed triumphantly.

It was just that not long after Gao Li and the three giants of the Justice League parted ways, Lex suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

"Hahaha... eh?"

Lex's laughter stopped abruptly, because a warm liquid splashed on his face and kept soaking his clothes.

Then there was endless pain, and Lex could hardly breathe!

"What's going on?!"

Lex looked back in horror, only to see a magic circle appear behind him, and a hand holding a sword pierced his back.

"Although your high-tech protection is still useful for Superman, it's a pity that it doesn't work well for magic in the field of metaphysics."

A cold laugh came from the opposite side, and Lex's eyes were about to burst.

"Who are you!?"


Gao Li laughed, and the image he appeared in the Feidian Group had changed his voice and appearance.

For a guy like Lex who considers himself a smart man, the unknown is probably the most unbearable thing, especially when he doesn't even know who the murderer is before he dies!

You should feel miserable before you die, which can also be regarded as a way to vent your anger for the casualties and damages caused by Doomsday.

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