The Parallax Monster snorted coldly, naturally not believing what Gao Li said.

You must know that even the things created by the green light energy are only temporary, and they are all green!

"What improvised creation!? A bluff!"

The body of the Parallax Monster swayed slightly, and then quickly turned into a stream of invisible gas, rushing towards Gao Li again.

"Let's try it next. How will the effect of adding additional elements be?"

Gao Li's eyes flashed, and a more gorgeous magic sword appeared in his hand to welcome the attack of the parallax monster.

"Boom boom boom boom...!"

Sword energy and gas intertwined, and the scene became chaotic and intense. Gao Li's movements were smooth and flowing, and he completely neutralized the attack of the Parallax Monster during his sword dance.

You can see Gao Li's figure flickering like a ghost sometimes, and moving like flowing water at other times, beating the parallax monster back steadily!

"How is it possible... who is this guy?!"

Parallax Monster is undoubtedly the most shocked. You must know that even the greatest Green Lantern in history has never dealt with him in such a crushing situation!

Not to mention that the Parallax Monster, who is good at manipulating emotions, can actually feel it - the opponent is far from using his full strength, and is just fighting him with a trying and toying mentality!

What a joke! ! !

"It's really an interesting opponent. It's a pity that you're not strong enough. It's very difficult to step on the ants without killing them."

As Gao Li smiled, the magic sword in his hand released a dazzling light, piercing the night sky like a bolt of lightning and going straight to the core of the parallax monster.


A thunderstorm seemed to have erupted within the body of the Parallax Monster, and it had already been beaten back by Gao Li and retreated back to the clouds!

It's not that Parallax Monster is not strong enough. In fact, he is stronger in mental attacks. Every offensive and defensive confrontation with Parallax Monster is like a spiritual battle.

In fact, Gao Li could also feel the parallax monster's mental invasion of him, but... it was useless.

It's not that Gao Li's will is indestructible, even better than Superman and Batman, but the gap in hard power between the two sides is too large. Even if Gao Li wanted to, it would be difficult for Gao Li to convince himself to have any fear of the Parallax Monster!

"It's almost over here."

Gao Li sneered, and the Dharma robe on his body glowed brilliantly.

Suddenly, a transparent magic tower appeared next to Parallax Monster, exuding powerful magic power.

The tower is like an extension of Gowrie's mind, echoing his power.

The most exaggerated thing is that it even resonates with the energy of Parallax Monster to a certain extent!

This caused Parallax Monster to be startled by the appearance of this magic tower: "What the hell? What on earth is going on???"

Is this a creation of the emotional spectrum?

The visual aberration monster has never seen such an emotional spectrum before! ?

What exactly is going on?

Why does this guy look like an emotional spectrum user but not like an emotional spectrum user? !

"Let's restrain you first. It would be a bit troublesome if life in gas form spreads."

Gao Li looked solemn, his robes fluttering, and with a wave of his hand, the magic tower suddenly rose, trapping the Parallax Monster in it.

"Asshole! Let me go!"

Parallax Monster let out a heart-rending howl, but to no avail. He could feel that the energy of this suspected emotional spectrum was actually higher than his yellow light!

This is outrageous!

"Then... I will first weaken you to the extreme, and then force you to make a phantom contract!"

What Gauri created this time was not a weapon or defense, but a blazing fireball.

The fireball was like a miniature sun, emitting blazing light and lighting up the surrounding night!


Gao Li threw the fireball at the Parallax monster. The fireball exploded in the magic tower, but its power was concentrated and limited within the tower!

"Ouch! Ouch!"

The Parallax Monster let out a shrill scream, and when its body was burned in the blazing flames until only a tiny bit remained, Gao Li's hand reached through the connecting wormhole and directly caught the remaining Parallax Monster. come out.

"This level should be enough. No matter what I do to you, you won't be able to resist."

Gao Li laughed like a villain, and the Parallax monster was finally completely panicked.

"You! What are you going to do!?"

"I want to rely on the commonality of endless magic power and emotional spectrum as a bridge to form an improved phantom contract... Tsk, why should I explain this to you? You won't understand it anyway."

Gao Li shook his head. The endless golden magic power had completely controlled the parallax monster.

Even though the Parallax Monster was beaten to the point by Gao Li, in fact, as a Yellow Lantern Monster, it can grow back very quickly as long as it is fed enough fear.


Only the screams of the Parallax Monster were left in the sky. When Clark and Victor barely recovered from their fall to the ground and flew up to the sky again to look for the Parallax Monster, they only saw this strange scene:

——The Parallax monster was only the size of a head, and was caught in Gao Li's hand. Its anthropomorphic face showed a spoiled expression.

"Wei...Mr. this the end?"

Clark was a little dazed, Gao Li nodded and said: "That's right."

Clark blamed himself: "It's all our fault for being careless. We got tricked accidentally, and we actually have to trouble you this time..."

Victor also seemed a little downcast, and he didn't expect that his debut as a member of the Justice League would be a big blow.

In order to end the embarrassment as soon as possible, Victor quickly changed the subject.

"Excuse me, what happened to this monster? Why does it look... so bad?"

Gori explained, "Because I took some coercive measures against him, and now I am his superior master. And I also used this authority to forcibly dig out the information in his memory."

"Have you seen the memory of this monster?" Clark asked curiously.

"Yes, his name is Parallax Monster, a lamp beast with yellow light energy." Gori tossed Parallax Monster like a ball, "There are six other lamp beasts like him in the universe."


Clark and Victor both shouted subconsciously, wouldn't that mean there are still six big troubles?

As if he could see their thoughts, Gori shook his head and said, "Don't worry, Parallax Monster is so chaotic and evil only because it is a yellow light lamp beast."

"The other six lamp beasts correspond to the other six emotional spectra. For example, the green light you saw before represents 'will', and its lamp beast is very neutral and kind."

This made Clark and Victor feel relieved, which was good news.

When the three of them returned to the surface, Arthur and Barry, who had also barely escaped the influence of fear, also rushed over and surrounded the parallax monster who was still maintaining his Ahei.

"Gori, why don't you just kill him?" Arthur asked.

He was really convinced. No wonder everyone in the Justice League trusted Gori so much.

Gori was really able to turn the tide by himself!

"Because he is still useful to me." Gori said lightly, "With the parallax monster, I can not only directly control the yellow light energy, but also almost the original yellow light energy."

"Like the Green Lantern that I studied before, in fact, the energy is not just second-hand or third-hand. It was transferred several times before it finally reached the lantern ring and the Green Lantern's body."

And if the emotional spectrum is obtained directly from the lantern beast, it can basically be equivalent to the emotional spectrum pool in the origin wall, which is to directly use part of the original power of creation!

Everyone nodded as if they understood it. To be honest, they didn't understand this kind of technical problem.

Anyway, now that the matter can be resolved, everything will be fine.

In a sense, it ended too quickly.

At least Hal Jordan is still staying at home. If Gowrie could deal with the Parallax Monster a little slower, or not so crushing, perhaps Hal could strengthen his will and become a Green Lantern again to save people and fight against the Parallax Monster.

I can only say... Maybe the moment of Hal's rebirth has not yet come.

On Gowrie's side, the success of the contract with the Parallax Monster has made him find a new goal.

There is not much time left before he can go to Marvel, but Gowrie still wants to waste as much time as possible - his journey is to the stars and the sea!

In short, Gowrie plans to take a short space trip.

Anyway, for Gowrie, who has the dual technologies of the Rainbow Bridge and the Wormhole, no matter where he goes in the universe, it only takes a moment to want to go home.

"Why do you want to leave the earth so suddenly?"

In Wayne Manor, Bruce was also stunned when he heard Gowrie's decision.

"Xiao Guang will miss you, and so will we."

"I'm not always in outer space. If you miss me, I can come back right away."

Gori thought for a moment, then explained: "Because I want to find other light beasts and try to copy the contract on the parallax monster."

"Of course, I will still be very friendly to light beasts in the non-evil camp. I will discuss with them whether we can become contract partners, and the content of the contract will be changed to be very equal."

Bruce has read the information on the emotional spectrum, and suddenly realized: "Do you want to collect all the emotional spectra?"

"Yes," Gao Li raised a finger, "Based on my research on green light energy and yellow light energy, I found that the two actually have the characteristics of fusion!"

"It's amazing, right? Obviously, green light energy and yellow light energy are tit-for-tat and restrain each other, but they can also merge with each other... Then if the seven major emotional spectra are gathered, the seven lights can be combined into one!"

This is Gao Li's idea, but it is very difficult to complete.

First, if Gao Li wants to restore the original power of creation as much as possible, he must find the lamp beasts of the major emotional spectra, and cannot use the power of lamp beasts on only a few of them.

Otherwise, the emotional spectrum energy that does not come from the lamp beasts will cause the energy level to be slightly lower than that of the lamp beasts, and there will be an imbalance when the seven lamps merge into one.

Secondly, the seven lamp beasts have been separated in ancient times. Even the parallax monster does not know where the other lamp beasts are, and it is very difficult to find them in the entire universe.

Gao Li can only rely on teleportation-like cosmic travel to shorten the time, to control the parallax monster to sense other lamp beasts as much as possible, or to explore the legends of local planets to find the traces of other lamp beasts.

In short, the whole process is probably difficult and long, but fortunately Gao Li is not in a hurry, and he will search slowly.

His biggest advantage at present is that as long as he gets the interstellar coordinates, it will take only a blink of an eye to go to different planets, which greatly shortens the time cost of interstellar travel.

If it takes more than one month, then two months; if it takes more than two months, then three months; if it still takes more than three months… half a year, a year, or even more, Gao Li is willing to accept it.

And the end of this first exploration is set when the one-year period is up, and he will return directly to the Marvel world at that time.

"The Earth depends on you to protect it, so keep up the good work."

After Gao Li finished explaining the matter, he opened a yellow light wormhole on the spot, stepped into it and disappeared.

216. Chapter 214 Spider Web Incident?


Time flies when traveling in the universe, and Gao Li is already the most efficient.

Not only can he use the rainbow bridge and wormhole to cross between planets and even galaxies, but if he needs to search carefully on the surface, he can also transform into Ultraman Blaze and fly around a planet.

In short, by the time Gao Li's one-year term was up and he could go to the Marvel world, he really found many clues.

"The task set in the early stage is to find as much information as possible about the traces of the other lamp beasts, which is basically completed... When I come back next time, I will go to them one by one according to the clues."

Gao Li sorted out the information with satisfaction, opened a wormhole and returned to the earth directly.

The Justice League is not an organization that eats nothing. In the absence of such super-sized enemies, even if they encounter super-large disasters, they can handle them in an orderly manner.

This made the Justice League gain a lot of fame on Earth, and basically became the largest and strongest superhero organization recognized by the world.

This even reminded Gao Li of an inappropriate description - children always have to be separated from their parents to grow up. After leaving his care, the Justice League seemed to be growing rapidly.

Gao Li was naturally very happy about this, and returned to the Feidian Group happily, intending to go directly to the Marvel Universe.

This time, Gao Li did not choose to bring Xiao Guang with him. First, the last experiment was successful, and there was no need to bring Xiao Guang again. Second, the "capacity" occupied by Xiao Guang was too large, making it difficult for Gao Li's soul to fit other energy.

"If you think about it carefully, the "capacity" of the Endless Golden Yinglong style is estimated to have increased again, because it is mixed with the power of creation. I wonder if it can be taken away smoothly?"

Gao Li fell into deep thought. Fortunately, the emotional spectrum can only be used by Gao Li in the form of knight magic, rather than integrated into the Endless Golden Yinglong style, otherwise the "capacity" would be estimated to be much larger.

Fortunately, after trying, Gao Li used up all the capacity of his soul and could barely fit the current endless golden Yinglong form.

Then it's done, Gao Li starts!

"Crossover, start!"

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