Thanos said categorically: "Immediately mobilize the entire army of the Dark Order to launch a general attack on the earth!"

"So fast?" Superstar was surprised, "We have just finished the last battle..."

Thanos said calmly: "A super star, with powerful soldiers and great speed. Gauri Parker, the leader of Earth's main resistance force, is a capable man. We cannot give him too much time to react."

"The more time we give him to prepare, the greater the uncertainty of the action. We must actually obtain all the infinite stones in order to wipe out half of all life in the universe at once!"

TPC headquarters base.


Steve, Bucky, Natasha and Clint's special moves hit Ebony Maw almost at the same time, completely killing the famous telekinesis master.

Under the pursuit of the four members of the victory team, Ebony Maw had no way to go up or down, and even had the illusion that he was facing the pursuit of all five Obsidian generals alone!

After the explosion went up, time was briefly paused, which was exactly what Thanos did.

Then, Thanos left the TPC base, and Gauri continued to use Time memory to cancel the time stop.

But for others, this process is completely insensible.

All they could see was that before they could breathe a sigh of relief after annihilating the enemy, Gao Li summoned them with a gloomy look.

In the TPC Director's Office, Gao Li said straight to the point: "TPC headquarters base has fallen, and two Infinity Stones have been taken away, namely the Time Stone and the Reality Stone."


Everyone in the victory team was shocked. Clint wondered: "We obviously killed all the intruders, is there anyone else?"

"Isn't this nonsense?" Gao Li rolled his eyes, "Not to mention the TPC headquarters base, even the World Tree Building and Stark Tower were attacked."

As he spoke, Gao Li connected to a communication, which came from the dilapidated Stark Tower.

In the image, there is a gray-faced Peter, Tony with only about half of his nano-armor left, and Bruce who has returned to his original form.

"Sure enough, your side was also attacked? I don't know how strong the TPC side is, but we can still kill the enemy relatively easily here."

Tony gestured back and could vaguely see Black Dwarf's body.

"Eh?" Peter asked doubtfully, "Mr. Stark, we are not in a more difficult situation..."

"Ahem!" Tony coughed loudly, "The adults are talking, children, please don't interrupt."

Gao Li did not take the opportunity to taunt Tony, and the current situation did not allow him to be so calm.

"What is known so far is that a total of five alien enemies have come to attack. They have terrible names in the universe, and are collectively called the Five Obsidian Generals."

"Now four of the five Obsidian generals have died on Earth, and their leader is named Thanos. He is a madman who wants to collect all the Infinity Stones to wipe out half of all life in the universe!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. This was simply a massacre within a massacre!

Bucky wondered at this moment: "Gaoli, how do you know this? We were obviously attacked not long ago, right?"

Gao Li explained: "One of the five Obsidian generals is called General Deathblade - in fact, you all know him. He is the alien who used the warblade who was first killed by you."

"What!?" All members of the Victory Team couldn't help being shocked, "He was beaten like that and he's still not dead?!"

"It's not that he didn't die, but he was resurrected with the help of the war blade. As long as the war blade is not damaged, General Deathblade can always be resurrected. His powerful self-healing ability also comes from this."

"But you don't know this, so I don't blame you," Gao Li shook his head. "I also dug out this information from his mind with the help of the power of the Mind Stone after I captured him."

"Including Thanos and the Dark Order he led, as well as Thanos's ultimate goal, all come from the memory of General Deathblade. Unless he is strong enough to resist the power of the infinite stones, it should be true."

"Of course, I can also see in my memory that Thanos is ruthless and ruthless. General Deathblade is not even worth the slightest bit as a hostage, and he killed many of us. Therefore, after taking out the information, I damaged the blade and killed him. ”

Steve sighed: "We should have destroyed his weapons at the beginning... But now that it's over, there's no point in regretting it."

"Why would Thanos kill half of all life in the universe?" Bruce asked, "Is he a mass murder enthusiast?"

Gao Li spread his hands and said: "According to General Deathblade's understanding, it is because Thanos believes that the total resources of the universe are constant but there are too many lives, so he wants to kill half of the lives to create a better world with abundant resources."

"Thanos has traveled to major alien planets many times to randomly kill half of the population of alien civilizations. He has killed an unknown number of lives, but he still feels that this is too inefficient."

"So Thanos came up with an idea. He forced people to create an Infinity Gauntlet that can use Infinity Stones. As long as you collect all six Infinity Stones, you can easily accomplish this goal with a snap of your fingers!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and for a moment they didn't know how to evaluate Thanos.

But there is one idea in their hearts that is undoubtedly unified - that is, they must stop Thanos's crazy idea!

"Then..." Natasha opened her mouth, "How many Infinity Stones does Thanos have now?"

Gao Li frowned and said, "I briefly fought with Thanos not long ago. At that time, there were two infinity stones on his infinity gauntlet. Plus the two that were taken away, there should be a total of four infinity stones."

"In other words, the remaining two Infinity Stones are on Earth. We will be Thanos's ultimate goal, and we are also the last line of defense to protect life in half the universe from being wiped out!"

Tony said solemnly: "Speaking of which, Bruce and I are also members of the victory team. In this battle to defend the Infinity Stones, it seemed that we defeated the enemy, but in fact we lost to the five Obsidian generals in the end."

"And Gao Li, you are the director of TPC and the boss of our victory team. It was only because of your timely support that all the infinite stones were not taken away this time... So you are in charge! What should we do?"

Gao Li pondered for a few seconds and said: "Actually, this is the reason why I summoned you. I have just asked Izzy to pass on the order. All TPC headquarters and branches around the world have entered the first level of combat readiness!"

"Everywhere must be on guard against attacks by the Dark Order at any time. Zeya and Yake are monitoring the earth around the clock to prevent the Dark Order from attacking!"

Peter raised his hand and said weakly: " said Thanos has destroyed many alien planets, right? I want to ask what kind of alien planets they are?"

"If it's an uncivilized civilization, it's okay. But if it's a high-tech alien civilization like in the movie, it can't defeat Thanos at all. Can the Earth really do it?"

Everyone's hearts sank when they heard this, and they felt like they had fallen deeply into the bottom.

Because what Peter said goes to the root!

The earth's civilization has not even rushed out of the solar system. Can it really fight against the dark cult that has destroyed countless alien civilizations?

Gao Li took a deep breath and raised two fingers.

"There's bad news and there's good news about this."

After seeing the other people looking over curiously, Gao Li said: "The bad news is that according to General Deathblade's memory, Thanos has destroyed countless alien civilizations, of all types."

"There are indeed alien civilizations that are still in the tribal or feudal era as Peter said; there are also high-tech civilizations that have entered the interstellar era like in the movie; there are even alien planets that are very close to the earth's technological level that can be used as a reference. ”

"However, it is a pity that when facing Thanos and the Dark Order, they all failed to withstand it. The only difference lies in the length of resistance. In the end, they all ended up being killed by Thanos!"

Gao Li's words made the atmosphere heavier, and the air froze as if filled with lead!

According to this statement, the earth will definitely die! ?

Even if you try to resist, it's just a useless effort!

"Even so...even so!" Steve gritted his teeth, "We can't just surrender! This is the responsibility of TPC and our victory team!"

No matter in any era, Steve was the person with the strongest belief and the most inspiring person.

But Gao Li didn't actually need such encouragement from him, and he didn't say that specifically to demoralize everyone.

"Don't be so nervous - of course it's right to be cautious. The reason why I tell you the truth is that I hope you will be mentally prepared for the intensity of the battle."

"The bad news I just told you, there is good news next." Gao Li pointed at himself, "The good news is that none of those alien civilizations include me!"

"The level of science and technology I just mentioned are all evaluated according to the level after excluding me. If I are included, many of my science and technologies have surpassed the top level of the interstellar!"

Gao Li was not bragging. The acceleration mode he had worked out in the past alone was able to fight against the highly evolved army without defeat. It could be said that he could defeat ten thousand people with one enemy!

As for the TPC under the blessing of Gao Li, in terms of the overall combat effectiveness of the army, it will not be inferior to any high-tech alien civilization, and it will even be better in terms of the upper limit of attack power!

"Hey, this is a pre-war mobilization, not your pretense meeting," Tony immediately said dissatisfied, "Didn't my invention improve the average technology of the earth? It must be the best in the entire universe!"

Gao Li touched his chin and said with a smile: "If you just talk about your early inventions, they are not at the forefront of the interstellar industry at most. But the inventions in the past one or two years are indeed like this, and they have been promoted to the first-class level in the interstellar industry."

Tony hummed: "That's pretty much it..."

"I'm just telling the truth," Gao Li said seriously, "Actually, our earth's technology tree is a little strange. Tony's technology is similar to the general situation of the earth."

"To put it simply, many of Tony's technologies are not too rare for alien civilizations, and can only be called mid-to-upper-class. But Tony has several inventions that have achieved a level that even alien civilizations cannot achieve!"

"You can understand it as if there was a scientific genius in the Middle Ages who always had epoch-making ideas, but was unable to complete them due to current conditions. This is exactly the situation Tony was in."

"Hmm..." Tony also touched his chin, "Is this a compliment to me? Right?"

Gao Li did not respond to him and continued: "It's a bit far-fetched... Anyway, what I mean is that if we go all out and fight for life and death, we still have the power to fight Thanos and the Dark Order!"

"The next thing to do is to strengthen TPC as much as possible to cope with future wars - having said that, Thanos is also an old cunning man in General Corvus Glaive's memory... Well, I mean the best military strategist, so I don't think he will leave us much time."

"That's right, they may attack at any time," Clint said worriedly, "How to strengthen the defense of the earth in such a short time."

Gory pondered for a moment and ordered: "First, we contact Wakanda, explain the situation to them, and invite them to fight against alien threats together."

"Don't think that Wakanda is a third world country on the surface, but in fact it has mastered the most advanced science and technology on earth... Don't ask me how I know, just do it."

Although Wakanda adopts a secluded strategy, if Thanos gets all the Infinity Stones, it will be useless for Wakanda to hide anywhere. Gory believes that the current King of Wakanda will definitely understand this unless he is an idiot.

"Secondly, we should vigorously develop the vanguard force. In terms of basic combat power, the Earth has no chance of defeating the Dark Order. They even have enough troops to conquer alien planets that are larger than the Earth."

"Moreover, according to General Grim Reaper's memory, the basic force of the Dark Order is called 'Vanguard', which is a perfect biological weapon with a strong physique and fearless genetic level. Thanos can completely mass-produce it!"

"Not only that, the Vanguard also has a strong physique. It may take several armed soldiers to kill one... Therefore, we must play to our strengths and avoid our weaknesses, and focus on bringing out the Earth's greatest strength - the vanguard force!"

Bucky scratched his head and asked, "The Dark Order heard you say so much, don't they have vanguard force, or are their cutting-edge forces not as good as ours?"

235. Chapter 233 Final Battle


Gory was speechless: "Didn't you just kill their top combat force? In addition to Thanos, the most powerful vanguard combat force of the Dark Order is the Obsidian Five."

"It's not that the Dark Order lacks talents, but Thanos has no need in this regard. Except for a few covert operations like today, Thanos can just rely on the Vanguard to push forward at other times."

"Oh...oh..." Bucky retreated awkwardly, "Go on."

Gory nodded and said: "In short, we have an advantage in this regard. Now we just have to see how many new vanguard combat forces we can find before Thanos attacks."

"Isn't this unlikely?" Tony questioned directly, "No matter what kind of strong master, it takes a certain amount of time to cultivate. It is not so easy to appear. Will Thanos leave so much time for the earth?"

"If you want to speed up, you can find a group of people to wear my steel Legion. But since the Ultron incident, I haven't been so crazy about mass-producing steel armor. "

"Besides, the more powerful the steel armor, the higher the difficulty and technical precision required for manufacturing. It is impossible to mass-produce it. The average strength of those steel legions is basically not as good as my nano armor. "

"Your steel legion needs to implement a plan, and the manpower can be found on-site from TPC." Gao Li said, "My plan is actually similar to yours, which is to find someone to transform into a new Kamen Rider."

"It's just that in terms of quantity, the manufacturing difficulty and technical requirements of Kamen Rider are higher, and it is even more impossible to mass-produce, so the total number that can be mobilized at present is even less than your Steel Legion. "

"Among the Kamen Rider technologies I have, such as Kamen Rider G3, the knight armor that can barely be mass-produced can hardly be called a vanguard. At most, it can have an advantage when dealing with the Vanguard. "

As Gao Li spoke, he frowned.

The reason why he didn't produce too many Kamen Rider armors before was not because he didn't think of this, but because most Kamen Rider systems have requirements for the transformers.

Apart from other things, the Kamen Rider G3, which is the easiest to mass produce, requires the wearer to have extremely strong physical fitness, and it is difficult to select the number of people who can form an army.

"Just if I think about it in a different way, I can try to find some people who can transform into stronger Kamen Riders, which is enough to make up for the quantity with quality, such as using the memory of the concept of infinite gems!"

Everyone immediately understood Gao Li's idea. For example, Kamen Rider Time, which can reverse time and space or stop time, is more than enough for one person to kill a hundred Kamen Rider G3.

After all, after Kamen Rider G3 was stopped in time, it was just a target to be beaten, and it couldn't even resist.

"Then where can you find talents who can adapt to the memory in such a short time?" Bruce asked curiously.

Gao Li smiled and said, "First, try to find as many people who can adapt to my other Kamen Rider systems. As for the memory of the infinite gem series... I actually have someone in mind."

Because there was not much time, everyone acted at the fastest speed after the meeting.

Gowrie also went straight to find his own candidates - the ones he chose were all those who had become superheroes in Gowrie's memory, but failed to become superheroes in this life due to Gowrie's butterfly effect!

For example, Steve Strange, who was called by Gowrie to perform surgery on Ben Parker, Gowrie thought he was very suitable for using Time memory.

After all, the Time Stone was once placed in the Eye of Agamotto, and even the Ancient One cast spells to control time many times. In the original history, Strange was the next Supreme Sorcerer. Gory didn't believe that he would not use the Eye of Agamotto.

There are also memories corresponding to the Reality Stone and the Mind Stone. After repeated consideration, Gory found the Maximoff brothers and sisters.

Although Gory didn't know how the Maximoff brothers and sisters got their super powers because he hadn't watched many movies, he had heard of some famous settings.

One of them is that the Scarlet Witch is good at changing reality!

Then the memory corresponding to the power of the Reality Stone should be highly compatible with Wanda.

As for Pietro, he was assigned to the memory corresponding to the Mind Stone - Gory had the highest adaptability to the memory corresponding to the Space Stone, so he didn't look for anyone else.

Facts have proved that Gory was right!

For unknown reasons, Strange encountered a car accident shortly after saving Ben Parker, and his proud hands were left with sequelae, and he is looking for a cure all over the world.

Gori promised to do his best to help cure Strange in exchange for TPC's superb technical strength, and made Strange agree to become a Kamen Rider.

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