In this way, it will be the earth that has the advantage in military strength!

In fact, before the war started, they had more detailed tactical assignments. For example, Peter was responsible for rescuing people in various battlefields, and Strange used his abilities to assist...

The battlefield is also roughly divided into four parts: east, west, north and south, all of which are handled by specialized troops. Among them, only the east battlefield is the most special, because it is Gao Li's battle alone.

——One person can defeat ten thousand armies!

Of course, the method Gao Li used was also very simple. It was precisely because he was so confident that he arranged it this way.

"Kabuto Power!"

"TheBee Power!"

"Drake Power!"

"Sasword Power!"


"Maximum Hyper Cyclone!!!"

Gao Li, who had transformed into Beyond Kato, used unlimited absorbed tachyons as energy to launch a thick beam of light that swept across the entire eastern battlefield!

With the beam of light strafing, nearly half of the vanguard guards on the eastern battlefield were reduced to ashes!

Gao Li kept up his efforts, and after simply dissipating heat, he launched an ultimate transcendent tornado, and the shining light dragon wreaked havoc on the battlefield again!


Yellow sand filled the sky with the explosion, and a large amount of the ground turned to glass. By the time the dust fell to the ground, the battlefield to the east had been swept away by Gao Li!

"Hyper Clock Up!"

Gao Li, who had entered the super-ascension stage, took the opportunity to look at the battlefield. Except for his side, the fighting conditions in the west, south and north were not too bad.

"Considering the heat dissipation problem, we should kill the hardest one first!"

Gao Li set his target on Thanos, but at first glance, he was slightly surprised.

I saw Thanos fighting the entire victory team alone, but he still seemed to be able to do it with ease, and even had the upper hand!

All the members of the Victory Team here are not just Steve, Bucky, Natasha and Clint. They are just the field team who go on missions most often.

The entire victory team sent by Gao Li this time includes Tony and Bruce, who also have positions on the victory team!

With the combat power of these people, they are among the best in the entire universe, but they have been defeated one after another at the hands of Thanos.

No matter how powerful their physical attacks are, Thanos can use the Power Gem to defend perfectly. However, looking at the armor on the victory team, Thanos can use the Soul Gem to directly ignore the defense and launch an attack on their souls!

Of course, the victorious team is not without achievements. Relying on their exquisite cooperation and various abilities, they can indeed occasionally cause Thanos to suffer a small loss.

It's a pity that in front of the Reality Stone, such a small loss will be erased by Thanos in an instant, which means it has never happened!

The most important thing is that Thanos is still using the Time Stone to accelerate himself, and can carry out a large number of offensives at the same time. It is as if the Victory Team is not besieging Thanos, but Thanos is besieging the Victory Team!

"If we hadn't used major memories to protect them before the war started, they would have been defeated long ago..."

Gao Li's face was solemn. He had long thought of facing the problem of the power of infinite gems, so he had made preparations to deal with it in advance.

Only the power of Infinity Stones can resist the power of Infinity Stones, so he asked the transformed Strange, Wanda, and Pietro to take turns leaving defensive energy on several major combat forces.

This residual energy can protect several powerful forces themselves, so that they will not be affected by the power of the Infinity Stones in a short period of time, just like when Gao Li protected himself from being stopped by Thanos at the TPC headquarters.

Gao Li's coping method is undoubtedly effective, but it has withstood Thanos's various domineering offensives of infinite gem powers. But the biggest problem is that this kind of protective energy will continue to decay!

If they fail to defeat Thanos before these energies disappear, their chances of victory will be greatly reduced!

Thinking of this, Gao Li approached Thanos without hesitation.

Gao Li pressed the buttons on the Hundred Insect Sword one after another during the acceleration of the super-upgraded time.

"Kabuto Power!"

"TheBee Power!"

"Drake Power!"

"Sasword Power!"


"Maximum Hyper Typhoon!!!"

When he was less than ten meters away from Thanos, Gao Li was already holding a towering sword made of energy and slashed at Thanos fiercely!

In this room of lightning and flint, Thanos, who was already in the accelerated state of the Time Stone, turned his head slightly, the acceleration increased again, and at the same time, a purple light flashed on the Infinity Gauntlet.


As Ultra Typhoon made contact with Thanos' body surface, all the vast destructive power was absorbed by the Power Stone, and then released in the direction of the winning team!

"Tsk, it really isn't that easy..."

Gao Li himself is a veteran at accelerating the flow of time. This is the signature ability of Endless Style, so it was not too surprising as he quickly dodged in front of the winning team.

I saw Gao Li once again releasing the Ultimate Beyond Typhoon, turning into a shining giant sword that held up the sky, colliding with and canceling out the energy shot by Thanos.


Two terrifying forces of destruction collided with each other, erupting into pillars of fire that briefly separated the two sides of the battlefield.

After releasing his ultimate moves many times, Kamen Rider Zero-Two temporarily stopped transforming due to system overheating, and Kamen Rider Zero-Two seamlessly connected to the 02 driver.


"Zero-Tworise! Road to Glory has to lead to Growin' path to change one to two! Kamen Rider Zero-Two! It's never over!"

At the moment Kamen Rider Zero-Two finished transforming, the smoke and dust were turned into air by Thanos using the Reality Stone, and the battlefield suddenly became clear and clean.

Thanos, who had the upper hand, was not in a hurry to attack, but just looked down at Kamen Rider, and the Victory Team finally had a chance to breathe.

"After all the effort to plan, what is the result now? The power of an individual is enough to determine the outcome of the battle. In the face of overcoming cleverness with force, all your preparations seem meaningless!"

"It seems that you feel that you have won, so you have the time to stop and talk nonsense." Kamen Rider raised his eyebrows slightly.

"I just don't want you to die in vain," Thanos showed a cruel smile, "Only in this way can your despair please me!"

"Thanos, I overestimated you," Gorri shook his head, "What I saw in General Grim Reaper's memory... what you slaughtered the universe to save the universe, it's all fake, right?"

"Looking at your bad taste, I think the biggest purpose is to satisfy your desire for killing! It's your inferior disguise with a seemingly lofty but actually bullshit ideal!"

Thanos was stunned when he heard it, and then laughed softly, and the laughter even got louder and louder.

"How can you understand my great ambition? I have fought for so many years, and violence and killing have never been out of personal grudges, but I don't deny that what I am about to do to your stubborn and annoying little planet can really make me enjoy and happy!"

Just like when he defeated the three giants of the Avengers in history, Thanos, who was confident that he was in a winning situation, said his true thoughts without any concealment!

"Then your enjoyment and pleasure will soon come to an end..." Gorri waved at Thanos, "--I will personally end it!"

Thanos snorted coldly: "Without the accelerated armor, you can't even resist the acceleration of my time gem, what are you still talking about here?"

As an excellent strategist, Thanos certainly didn't just stand there to chat. Before he finished speaking, Thanos seized the psychological gap between fighting and talking, and after accelerating his own time, he punched Gorri with a thunderous force!

This punch was really lightning fast, so fast that no one on the Victory Team could react!


A dull sound came out, but Thanos' pupils shrank slightly.

Because his punch, which was determined to win, was actually blocked by Gorri with a casual hand!

237. Chapter 235 The Resurrected Avengers!


"It actually blocked it!" Thanos was surprised and thought quickly, "Could it be that his armor can also speed up? No, that's not right... It was more like he predicted it in advance and blocked my attack route with his hand in advance!"

Thanos is indeed an experienced top fighter and quickly determined the truth.

Yes, Gao Li used the calculation ability of Kamen Rider 02 that was almost predictive of the future!

But Thanos was not without other methods. After figuring it out, he sneered.

"Since it is a prediction in advance, it's no big deal... No matter how you predict, you need the most basic action time. I don't even want you to have time to act!"

The Time Stone started to work again, accelerating Thanos to an unimaginable degree. Everything seemed to Thanos to be almost still!

Due to the protection energy provided by Strange with the Time memory, Thanos could not let the gem power act on the Victory Team and Gao Li for the time being, but it also acted on himself!


Thanos clenched his fist in this super-accelerated time flow, and the Soul Stone began to shine.

This is an attack directly targeting the soul, which can ignore the opponent's defense and armor to a certain extent!

At this point, Thanos is also fortunate to have obtained the Soul Stone before the war - even if he has to sacrifice Gamora for this, Thanos can also bear this grief.

The reason is nothing else, just because the armor of these Kamen Rider systems developed by Gary Parker is too hard!

The most representative of them is the metal atomic cluster locust used by Natasha. The peak defense can even withstand the world-destroying blow that is enough to destroy the surface of the earth. It is quite outrageous.


The next moment, Thanos' fist hit Gary's body mercilessly!

Before Thanos showed a smug smile, Gary, who was attacked by him, suddenly disappeared on the spot.


Thanos' pupils suddenly shrank, and another Gary had appeared behind him out of thin air, and as soon as he appeared, he kicked directly, kicking Thanos's back of the head with lightning and thunder!

"Zero-Two Big Bang!"

The huge impact and severe pain erupted at the same time, and it erupted in the brain, which was the thinking center, depriving Thanos of his ability to think!

At this moment, Thanos couldn't understand what was going on, nor could he think about what was going on. He could only fly out with blood flowing from all seven orifices.

However, Thanos' body still had the instinct of a warrior, and he clenched his fists almost like muscle memory.

The light of the reality gem lit up, and Thanos subconsciously modified his injured reality!

A brand new Thanos reality covered the injured Thanos reality. He turned around coldly and looked at it, but suddenly his mind was shocked!

I saw Gao Li in front of him also flashing, and a thunderous Gao Li once again kicked Thanos in the face at almost zero distance!

"Zero-Two Big Bang!"

This time Thanos was beaten even worse. Last time, he took the relatively harder back of his head, but this time he was directly hit on the most vulnerable face!


Thanos flew backwards uncontrollably, no longer bleeding from all seven orifices as before, but changed to a more serious bleeding from all seven orifices!

The fights happened very quickly. Before the Victory Team members understood what was happening, they could see Thanos being kicked by Gao Li.


The sound and dust from the landing, as well as the blood along the way, all showed Thanos' situation!

"Eh? This... this is..."

Tony's eyes widened suddenly. Gao Li actually did what their entire team couldn't do?

Just looking at the Kamen Rider 02 armor Gao Li was wearing, he suddenly realized and guessed the reason.

Just as Thanos thought, no matter how fast the future calculation of the 02 armor was, it still required the most basic decision-making time, and even the time for Gao Li to take action.

Therefore, Gao Li's ability to almost crack Thanos' time acceleration would be cracked by the more exaggerated time acceleration.

However, the real unique skill of Kamen Rider 02 lies in the quantum jump device!

Gao Li can directly quantum jump countless possibilities. As long as the jump has made a decision and the possibility of action, Gao Li can skip this time in this time and space and directly reach the result!

The first attack just now was exactly like this, and then Thanos used the Reality Stone to modify his own reality, but quantum leap is also a kind of reality modification.

All Gao Li needs to do is to leap another possibility again to make up for this attack, making Thanos's reality modification useless!

"Who do you think has been studied the longest in the hands of the two Infinity Stones you took? You actually want to use the Time Stone and the Reality Stone to fight against me?"

Gao Li sneered and landed gracefully.

It's hard to say about those top gods and ancient beings, but among the group who are all exposed to the Infinity Stones for the first time, Gao Li dares to say that no one knows the Time Stone and the Reality Stone better than him!

Just like the time stone can go back in time, the Reality Stone also has its limits.

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