"I understand how you feel, but we must respect the contract. War brings only destruction, not peace."

The biggest difference between the new gods and the old gods is that they must be very loyal to their clerical attributes. In particular, abiding by contracts is one of the symbols of justice and order, so the new gods of light cannot break their oaths.

"But if we do nothing, the balance of the universe will be broken." Another new god of light said worriedly.

"Apocalypse's ambitions are clearly revealed, and they will never give up!"

Heavenly Father shook his head slightly. He knew that what this new god of light said was true, but the current situation did not allow the new founding star to intervene directly.

"We need to protect the order of the universe and not be swayed by emotions, so what we need is strategy, not impulse."

The Heavenly Father stood up, His figure looking tall and majestic against the mural-like background of stars.

"Inform other planets to increase their alert and activate emergency plans. We will prepare for possible wars!"

"Is it just preparation? But..." Orian wanted to say something else.

"I said, wait and see what happens."

The voice of Heavenly Father seemed to be an insurmountable command, and Orion had to shut his mouth.

The gods echoed in unison, although their eyes were still full of worry.

In fact, complex emotions surged in Heavenly Father's eyes. He understood the anger of the New God of Light and their desire to come forward, but he also knew that this was not the way to solve the problem.

"Go back. The peace of the universe is fragile after all. It is like a thin thread swaying in the wind and rain. You must stick to your respective responsibilities."

When the new gods of light heard this, they all retreated silently, leaving only the Heavenly Father. In the palace of the New Founding Star, silence enveloped everything. His eyes were still staring at the distant starry sky.

Chapter 243: Glorious Phoenix, Ion Shark

Oa star.

After Gao Li transformed into Ultraman Blazer, in addition to sweeping away the remaining demonoids across Oua, he also took the opportunity to explore the former headquarters of the Green Lantern Corps.

With the help of research and induction of green light energy, Gao Li really discovered an interesting place.

After clearing out all the demonoids, Gauri returned to the Justice League, who were discussing the intelligence they had collected.

It is absolutely certain that it was Darkseid who led the new dark gods of Apokolips. Although Darkseid did not actually state the purpose clearly, everyone speculates that it must be inseparable from the revenge of ancient times.

"... In addition, it should have another effect, which is to gradually weaken the resistance forces that may be encountered in the future, so that they can no longer form a coalition as they did in the past."

Bruce expressed his views in a deep voice, and Diana said worriedly: "Judging from this situation, will Darkseid's next goal be the Heaven Realm?"

"It is indeed possible. We should rush to support Tianjing!" Clark said passionately.

Arthur sneered and said: "I think those high-ranking gods don't need our support. They are eager to see us again. We were just sent out not long ago, and you forgot?"

Clark said seriously: "Aquaman, I know..."

"Okay," Gao Li interrupted, "Even if you want to support the Heaven Realm, you can't enter now unless all the gods work together to lift the ban."

"Besides, what Neptune said makes sense. Many of the God-Kings in the Heaven Realm are no weaker than you. One more than you is no more, and one less than you is no less."

"Uh, okay..."

After hearing what Gao Li said, Clark could only sit down first.

After all, the Justice League is not his one word, not to mention Superman is not a person who refuses to listen to advice, not to mention that the one who persuaded him was Gao Li, whom he was extremely convinced of.

After the meeting, Gauri pulled Hal aside alone and pulled out the photos he had taken.

"Hal, do you know where this is?"

Hal recalled for a while and said: "Although the outer layer is damaged so much that it is hard to see, if I remember correctly, this should be the central energy battery of the Green Lantern Corps."

"Central energy battery?"

"Yes, according to the basic knowledge I gained from the Green Lantern Corps, the light ring needs to be charged from the lamp furnace, and the lamp furnace needs to be recharged by the central energy battery that returns to Oa regularly."

As he spoke, Hal sighed slightly: "I didn't expect it to survive... It's obviously the core of the Green Lantern Corps, but Apokolips actually let it go?"

Gao Li shook his head and said: "On the contrary, Apokolips should have concentrated its attacks there. I looked carefully when I took the photo, and there were especially many Green Lantern corpses nearby."

"You see, the central energy battery seems to have been severely damaged, but it was not completely destroyed by Apokolips. This is already the result of the Green Lantern Corps' full protection."

Hal was silent after hearing this, and his expression became much darker.

After being silent for a few seconds, he said as if changing the subject: "In short, I can only tell you that this is the green light central battery, but I don't know if it can still be used if it is so damaged."

Gao Li nodded clearly: "That's pretty much what I guessed. No wonder I sensed pure green light energy that far exceeds the level of lamp rings and lamp furnaces."

"As for whether it can be used... I think it is definitely possible, especially as long as this pure green light energy does not disappear, it is meaningful enough to me."

"Pure green lantern energy far beyond the level of lantern rings and lantern furnaces?" Hal asked curiously, "I also tried to charge the energy at the central battery in the past. Although it is indeed more pure, it is far from the level you said, right?"

Gori explained: "The pure energy I am talking about is not the same as the pure energy you replenished. I mean the lantern beast - that is, the original emotional spectrum energy."

Hal was even more confused: "Lantern beast? What is that?"

"Of course ordinary Green Lanterns don't know," Gao Li laughed, "In fact, you have seen the lantern beast, and the parallax monster is the lantern beast of yellow lantern energy."

"And according to my estimation, the pure energy aggregate in the green lantern central energy battery should be the lantern beast of green lantern energy. I will go to see it later."

In fact, Gao Li did not say it completely. This was the result of the joint induction of the two lantern beasts in his body.

-Yes, in addition to the parallax monster, Gao Li also has a new lantern beast!

Looking back on this matter, even Gao Li felt it was outrageous.

When he was searching for a light beast in the universe last time, a blue energy suddenly approached one day, and it looked like a flying phoenix, and then...

Gao Li hadn't said anything yet, and this light beast with blue light energy took the initiative to merge with Gao Li, letting Gao Li serve as its host.

Gao Li: "Ah?"

This... I've seen active ones, but I've never seen one that active.

After the fusion was completed, Gao Li got the information from the light beast's consciousness and the reason why it did it.

This phoenix-like light beast is the blue light beast Yao Shi Huang, which represents "hope". Yao Shi Huang existed in ancient times and was the first light beast to escape from the chaotic universe and enter the physical universe.

When entering the physical universe, Yao Shi Huang knew that it was safe, so it had hope emotions and turned to encourage other creatures. It was the first creature in the universe to have hope emotions.

As for why it was so eager to get into Gao Li's body, the reason was very simple.

Gao Li searched for light beasts in the universe, and he didn't deliberately hide himself, so naturally there would be no news that could not be passed on.

When Yaoshi Huang heard that a powerful character urgently needed to find a lamp beast for some reason, Yaoshi Huang, who represented "hope", instinctively wanted to help this person who needed a lamp beast - that is, to give him the emotion of "hope".

However, Yaoshi Huang did not act entirely on instinct. Like the Parallax Monster, it had a clear self-awareness. Although it would help others, it would not merge directly with them as soon as they met.

However, the problem was... When Yaoshi Huang sensed Gao Li's breath from a distance, he was shocked to find: Oh my God! Origin! This person is too suitable to master the energy of hope!

From ancient times to the present, in countless years, Yaoshi Huang has seen countless lives in the universe, but no one has ever been as suitable for blue light energy as Gao Li!

This is simply a host sent from heaven, the Lord of Blue Lights given by heaven!

Of course, the lantern beasts can find hosts for symbiosis. For example, in the major event "White Day" in the original timeline, the red lantern beast Blood Slaughter Bull possessed James King, and the yellow lantern beast Parallax Monster possessed Hal Jordan and Sinestro, and even the Guardians Gunther and Barry Allen.

For Yao Shi Huang, Gao Li's body was as comfortable as returning home, even more comfortable than in the blue lantern energy pool.

Yao Shi Huang didn't know why it was like this. It was obvious that it didn't feel any blue lantern energy from Gao Li's body at all, but there were other energies with similar properties, which made Yao Shi Huang feel warm and comfortable.

You must know that the Green Lantern Corps was established because the Guardian race initially felt that green light was the most neutral, so they gave up the emotional spectrum of other colors. Therefore, in the current universe, only green lantern energy users are large-scale, and there are almost no users of other emotional spectrums.

And Gao Li can be said to be the first blue lantern energy user in the universe!

However, after learning that Apocalypse could invade the Earth at any time, Gorri never used the blue light energy except for the yellow light energy and green light energy that had been exposed.

He didn't even tell anyone, not even Bruce - it's not that Gorri didn't trust the Justice League, but that the Dark New God had too many means, such as stealing memories with mental abilities.

After a brief thought, Gorri also roughly guessed why he had an incomparable attraction to Yao Shi Huang.

It was probably because the endless magic power that Gorri obtained was the hope born after crossing despair. The light of hope generated from despair was not only similar to the nature of the emotional spectrum, but also more than blue light.

It's a pity that there is no light of despair in the emotional spectrum, otherwise Gorri felt that he could easily subdue the lamp beast of despair energy.

In fact, Yao Shi Huang was also shocked by his host after entering Gorri's body.

The light of creation is above! The new host's body actually imprisoned the parallax monster!

As lamp beasts of the same emotional spectrum, the seven lamp beasts all knew each other. They had originally escaped from the chaotic universe together, but they arrived at different times.

What surprised Yao Shi Huang the most was that Gao Li did not merge with the Parallax Monster, but simply suppressed the Parallax Monster completely. This ability that was superior to the lamp beasts was something Yao Shi Huang had never seen before.

After a brief explanation to Hal, Gao Li teleported directly to the Green Lantern Central Energy Battery.

Among the three emotional spectrums that Gauri currently masters, only Green Lantern can be mastered purely by studying the energy of Green Lantern. It is roughly equivalent to a supernumerary Green Lantern, so it is relatively weak.

As soon as he got close to the central energy battery, Gao Li could clearly feel that the green light energy was much more active and powerful. He immediately wrapped himself in the green light energy and tentatively contacted the central energy battery.

In an instant, Gao Li was connected to the central energy battery, and his consciousness also came into contact with an internal will.

"who is it?!"

A voice came out, and Gao Li took a closer look. He seemed to be able to see a green creature that looked like both a shark and a whale.

"My name is Gauri Wayne. You must be the Green Lantern Beast Ion Shark, right?"

Gao Li had already learned about the seven lamp beasts from Parallax Monster and Yao Shihuang, and immediately recognized the Ion Shark.

"Gowrie Wayne?"

Ion Shark was confused for a moment, and then couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Ah! Are you...are you the host of Yao Shihuang?"

In addition to surprise, there was also a lot of intimacy in his words.

This is because Yao Shihuang can be regarded as the savior and enlightener of Ion Shark in a sense.

When it entered the physical universe from the chaotic universe, the ion shark was the sixth to come out, but it came out so slowly that half of its body was bitten off by a chaotic creature.

After entering the physical universe, the ion shark is dying. At this time, it has no courage - or willpower.

The lantern beast with "compassion" energy is another savior of the Ion Shark. It was the second one to enter the physical universe, but it took pity on the lantern beasts behind it and once again chose to put its tentacles into the chaotic universe to save them.

Although the seven lantern beasts were rescued, the reformed octopus paid a huge price. Not only was he mentally traumatized, his consciousness became low, but all the tentacles of the converted octopus that penetrated the chaotic universe were necrotic from the legal level.

The light of creation at that time, that is, the white light energy after the seven lights were combined into one, had weakened and transformed into the spirit of existence. Fortunately, the spirit of existence inspired Yao Shihuang, and Yao Shihuang converted part of the necrotic tentacles of the octopus , connected to the seriously injured Ion Shark's hind half.

This allowed the Ion Shark to continue to survive, and the Ion Shark also gained courage and willpower and became a Green Lantern Beast, so it would have a good impression of Gao Li because of the Glory of the World Phoenix.

But as soon as these words came out of his mouth, Ion Shark was shocked again and discovered another shocking fact.

"Ah!? You...are you actually the host of the Parallax monster? Can one creature be the host of two lamp beasts at the same time???"

The Parallax Monster is the Ion Shark's formidable enemy, and the Ion Shark can't help but feel confused.

What's more, one person can possess two lantern beasts at the same time, which is completely beyond the ion shark's knowledge!

"Calm down, can you sense it more carefully?" Yao Shihuang couldn't help but say.

"Huh? Oh..."

Only then did Ion Shark realize that Parallax Monster had not spoken for some reason. After sensing it again, Ion Shark was shocked for the third time.

"Ah!!! You...you can still suppress the lamp beast like this?! Who are you?"

"I am...ahem!" Gao Li suppressed himself forcibly, "I am the master of magic, and of course I am also a user of the emotional spectrum."

"Although you may have been in the central energy battery all year round and have never heard of the name of the Lord of Endlessness, you have sensed the tragedy that happened on Oa, right?"

Ion Shark was silent for a long time after hearing this, and his mood seemed extremely low.

The lamp beast does not only have the one emotion it represents. It naturally possesses all seven emotions and six desires, but the emotions they belong to will be stronger.

"I know...but...oh, there's nothing I can do."

Ion Shark sighed. During the war between Apokolips and Oa, he could of course choose to go out and possess Lantern and let Green Lantern evolve into Ion Man.

However, the effect of this is of little use. No matter how strong Ion Man is, he can't be Darkseid's opponent. Instead, the Green Lantern Central Energy Battery will lose its guard due to the departure of Ion Shark.

——The reason why the Green Lantern Central Energy Battery survived the Battle of Apokolips is that in addition to the Green Lanterns guarding it from outside, the Ion Sharks also worked hard to defend and stabilize the Central Energy Battery internally!

After all, almost all Green Lanterns were engaged in the highest-intensity battle at the same time. The energy of the Green Lantern was quickly exhausted, and then a large amount of energy was directly charged from the Green Lantern central energy battery at the highest power.

Chapter 244 Please ask the Lord of Endlessness to save us!

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