"Clark, who beat you like this?"

"Uh..." Clark hesitated, "It's Mr. Wayne, but he did it out of kindness and to help me recover."

The Kents also became hesitant to speak. They were grateful to Gao Li for helping them change Clark back, but they also felt that Gao Li was too harsh. They were extremely conflicted.

And they knew very well that Clark was invulnerable and powerful, but he was beaten by Gao Li until he almost didn't recognize his mother. On the other hand, Gao Li was unscathed. This...

"Is he also an alien?" Jonathan muttered subconsciously.

Clark heard it clearly immediately: "Dad, you really know that I am an alien, right? How did you pick me up in the first place?"

Faced with Clark's repeated questioning, the Kents could not hide it and told him what happened that year.

"I have been hiding the small spaceship that carries you in the basement of the warehouse. After your friends leave, I can take you to see it."

"That's not possible," Gao Li poked his head out like a ghost, "If you want to find the Fortress of Solitude in the North Pole, the key on the spaceship is essential."

The Kents were startled and quickly looked back at Clark.

"Clark, Mr. Wayne also knows your life experience? And what's going on in the North Pole?"

"I haven't had time to tell you yet," Clark scratched his head in embarrassment, "Tomorrow I will go to the North Pole with Mr. Wayne. He said that the answer to my life experience can be found there."

Jonathan glanced at Gao Li with extreme vigilance, and suddenly a new friend he had never seen before appeared and said that he wanted to take his son to the North Pole. It was really like child abduction.

Gao Li also saw their worries, shook his head and said: "Relax, you see I can beat Clark like that, you can't stop me from doing anything I want to him."

"Even so, I'll bring him back to tell you first. Is that enough to prove that I have no ill intentions?"

Jonathan hesitated: "Having said that, we don't have that much savings to afford Clark to go to the North Pole..."

Not to mention the cost of going to the North Pole, Clark almost couldn't pay back the credit card he spent a while ago.

Gao Li said calmly: "It's okay. I'll reimburse you for the whole trip. You don't have to feel indebted. Just think of it as a reward for saving many people before."

Jonathan said seriously: "I have always taught Clark that you should save people without expecting anything in return! So..."

"Why can't you ask for something in return for saving people?" Gao Li interrupted him, "You ask your son to become a saint. Have you ever thought about the bad impact it will have on other people?"

"...Huh? How bad is this? It's obviously a very righteous idea!"

Jonathan retorted unconvinced, how could he not know that it could also affect outsiders?

"There was a wise man in an ancient Eastern country. He scolded his disciple because he saved people but refused to be rewarded. The wise man thought this was a very bad example."

Gao Li's words made Jonathan even more confused. Shouldn't saving people without expecting anything in return be a positive example?

Gao Li explained: "Think about it, he saved people but refused to be paid, which brought him a good reputation. So after that, what should other people do when they are faced with a situation where they can save people?"

"If he saves people and receives a reward, people will naturally compare him with that disciple and think that he is morally inferior for saving people and actually wanting to repay him."

"If things go on like this, saving people has become a thankless chore. Except for those true saints, everyone else will give up saving people due to various concerns."

"This will lead to many people who should have been rescued but failed to be saved in the end. It will also lead to many people who had the ability to save others but failed to take action in the end. After all, you cannot ask everyone to sacrifice themselves for others!"

After hearing these words, the Kents and Clark were stunned on the spot. They had never considered this angle before.

But after thinking about it carefully, I have to admit that Gao Li seems to be very reasonable...

Could it be that they were really wrong? ? ?

The rest of the night was spent in deep contemplation by the three of them. Gao Li was not here to give them any ideological education lessons. After the tea, he took Zatanna away and left.

After returning to the hotel, Gao Li lay in his room and clicked on the system interface that had just flashed a new prompt.

"It seems that my hard work in opening the company in the past six months has paid off... I was actually given an SS-level lottery!"

Gao Li immediately became energetic, but when he thought about it, he felt that it was more than that.

It should be added to the influence he had on the magic master and the violent beating of Superman tonight. The combination allowed him to get a reward of up to SS level!

"No matter what, let's start pumping!"

Gao Li washed the handle several times with a sense of ritual, and after worshiping the Sanqing Buddha in his heart... and himself, he ordered the lottery machine to start rotating.

When the lottery machine stopped, it disintegrated into light spots all over the sky.

Chapter 41 The evil witch group is here!


The light gradually condensed into a white and silver card, which looked very familiar to Gao Li.

"Huh? This is... a silver-level early access card?"

Gao Li turned over the card and saw a blue Kamen Rider drawn on it, which looked both familiar and unfamiliar.

He thought about it carefully for a long time before he dug out the Kamen Rider from the corner of his memory.

"Kamen Rider Water Rider..."

Water Rider is a Kamen Rider from the future in 2051. He uses the power of water to transform. He is a rare Kamen Rider specializing in water attributes.

Because it uses future technology, it has some outrageous supernormal performances, such as the five senses can even perceive the distortion and change of time and space, and all the data are very good.

The most exciting feature of Kamen Rider Water Rider is that once Kamen Rider Water Rider enters the water, all aspects of his abilities will increase dramatically!

"It seems suitable for dealing with some enemies from the ocean, but it's a pity that it's useless at the moment. I can't turn into Water Rider and attack Atlantis for no reason, right?"

Gao Li thought about it and could only put away Water Rider's experience card for future use.

After dealing with the system, Gao Li took out the red kryptonite ring to play with.

"I thought the only function of kryptonite was to restrain Superman, but I didn't expect it could also awaken superpowers?"

Gao Li was very interested in this, so he asked Clark to tell him in detail about the enemies he had dealt with before.

However, Gao Li was very disappointed after hearing it.

Because those who rely on kryptonite to awaken their abilities, basically everyone has corresponding serious defects, and even fatal side effects.

For example, a person with the ability to absorb heat must keep absorbing heat, otherwise he will freeze to death due to hypothermia.

For example, the coach they just dealt with, after being handed over to the local police, Clark also specifically reminded the police to be careful of his self-immolation.

On the way to Kent Farm, Gao Li asked him the reason. Clark said that during the previous fight, he used his super vision to see that the temperature in the coach's body was getting higher and higher.

If Gao Li and Clark were not too strong, the coach would be defeated on the spot after a short fight. It is estimated that if he fought for another half a minute, he would have spontaneously combusted and died.

Moreover, kryptonite can cause cancer. When the radiation is large enough to change genes and trigger superpowers, Gao Li estimates that the person is not far from cancer.

"Let the company send someone to collect more kryptonite tomorrow. Now go to sleep."

Gao Li put on the magician ring of "Sleep" and immediately fell into a peaceful sleep like a baby.

The next morning, Gorrie went to Kent Farm to watch Clark's escape pod without waking up Zatanna who was sleeping soundly.

Of course, he was not completely ignorant of alien technology. Astronomical switches were a kind of alien technology, and Gorrie had already thoroughly studied the relevant information.

"What kind of metal material is this? There are also complex geometric figures and symbol systems engraved on it. What is its function? Is it for aesthetic purposes?"

"It shouldn't be. Kryptonian culture doesn't seem to pay attention to artistic atmosphere. Maybe it's the language of Krypton, or a special coding method?"

"Well... it may also be similar to the function of circuits, which can be used to enhance the aerodynamic performance or protective performance of the escape pod. I wonder what energy it relies on to drive it?"

The Kents and Clark watched Gorrie turn around the escape pod all morning, touching it left and right, and muttering as if he was possessed.

It wasn't until Zatanna came from the hotel to find someone that Gorrie returned to normal.

"Forget it. Without the assistance of instruments and equipment, we can't find out too many secrets. Can you sell me this escape pod?"

The Kents shook their heads together, and Gao Li held up a finger.

"I'll tell you a number."

"No, we won't sell it for 10,000 US dollars... No, we won't sell it for 1 million US dollars!" Jonathan refused subconsciously, "This is the most precious memory of our meeting with Clark!"

Gao Li shook his head and said, "No, how could such alien technology be worth only 1 million US dollars? I won't be so stingy and fool people."

"Ah? Is it really that valuable? Could it be that it can be sold for 10 million US dollars!?"

Clark is a teenager after all, and he began to be a little tempted.

"Dad, Mom, let's sell it! Ten million dollars can make us live a carefree life for the rest of our lives!"

Martha refused firmly: "We will never enjoy wealth and glory by selling our son's things!"

"You are all wrong," Gory said lightly, "I mean one hundred million dollars, and the price can go up."


For a moment, the three people on the opposite side took a breath of cold air!

Especially Clark, it really raised the room temperature by several degrees.

However, the Kent couple is worthy of being Superman's life mentor in most universes. Their will is particularly strong. After hesitating and struggling for a minute, they still chose to refuse.

Not only do they not want to sell Clark's escape pod, the most important thing is that they have a natural wariness and distrust of big chaebols like Gory, and they always feel that there may be complications, which will lead to their peaceful life being broken.

"Okay..." Gory sighed, "Then I won't force it. Anyway, I still have the Fortress of Solitude to study."

After letting Clark pack his luggage, Gory and Zatanna took him on the road.

Zatanna, who has not reached the level of magic master, cannot perform space-related irony magic, so the three of them can only take a special car to the airport.

Then they entered the terminal shared by business class and private jets, walked on the VIP exclusive security check channel, and rested in the first-class VIP lounge. There was no need to walk in the airport, as there was a tram to pick them up all the way...

In short, it opened the eyes of the young people in the small town who had never taken an ordinary plane. Clark was dazzled all the way and asked carefully whether there was a charge for eating in the VIP lounge.

Just as the group was about to board the plane, a fiery red bird flew over. It was one of the many familiars released by Gorri - Garuda.

"What? At this time!?"

As soon as Gao Li received the message from Garuda, his expression immediately became uncertain.

"What's wrong?" Zatanna guessed something immediately, "Did they find the evil witch group?"

Gory nodded and said slowly: "It seems that we can't go to the Fortress of Solitude for the time being. The evil witch group must be dealt with as soon as possible, otherwise it will cause a world-destroying crisis."

"Xiao Za, let's split up into two groups. I will go to destroy the evil witch group. You take the fastest plane back to Gotham and stay with your father. Remember to keep in touch with me through telepathy along the way."

Faced with this sudden change, Clark seemed confused and uneasy, and asked weakly: "Mr. Wayne, then...what about me? What should I do?"

Chapter 42 The First Efficiency in the Magic World


Gory glanced at him and said: "You go to the North Pole as planned. As long as you take the key to your escape pod, it should be easy to find the Fortress of Solitude I mentioned...It's actually a large spaceship."

After all, Superman's strength is not as strong as his, and his magic resistance is too weak. It is useless to deal with such major events in the magic world. Bringing him around will only add to the burden.

"Ah?" Clark was stunned. "But I've never been to the North Pole. I...I..."

"Calm down. You are strong and healthy. Ordinary people are no match for you. You can't be abducted, right? So your safety is not a problem."

Gori patted his shoulder and stared into his eyes.

"Everything depends on you. I believe you can do it. You have to believe in me who believes in you! Don't you want to learn magic? Then the heart of belief is your magic!"

"Uh... OK, OK, I know, Mr. Wayne."

After being fed a lot of chicken soup for the soul, Clark nodded dazedly. Zatanna asked puzzledly:

"Why let me go back to Gotham? At this time, I stay by your side to assist you, so that I can be more confident in destroying the evil wizard group, right?"

"No need, didn't Doctor Fate say that the evil wizard group is a group of ancient wizards? Then any wizard can't be my opponent."

Gory explained: "I am not arrogant, but a more appropriate arrangement. Your father showed the magic of space movement when fighting with me."

"Then no matter what I need at that time, you can call your father to cast a spell to teleport all the magic masters over, which is safer."

Zatanna understood and hurriedly boarded the plane back to Gotham.

Gao Li also took another plane and left, leaving Clark standing there alone scratching his hair.

"Hey, by the way, what does it mean that the heart of faith is my magic? So can I use magic?"


Gao Li was going to South America, where the evil witch group's lair was hidden.

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