Pepper endured it for a while before asking: "So why was Stark Tower attacked? Tony, did you make any enemies?"

Tony was taken aback for a rare moment and pondered for a few seconds.

“There are a lot of enemies, I’m not sure which one they are.”

Pepper: "???"

No, where did you go to attract so many enemies? ?

But when she thought of Tony's usual bad character, Pepper immediately felt relieved.

Gao Li frowned and said: "If it is a terrorist attack targeting you personally, then maybe their methods are not limited to these."

"There may not only be air strikes, but there may also be terrorists waiting on the ground. It would be equally dangerous to go down hastily..."

Tony snorted and said: "Since it's coming at me, I won't run away, just let me..."

Gao Li interrupted: "You two should follow closely behind me. If you are in front of me, you will hinder me. This is the safest method at present."

Tony was hesitant to speak. I really want to ask you, a little kid sitting in a laboratory, what ability does he have to take the lead?

Why do you mean it will hinder you... How dare you say that this is the safest method? ? ?

But before Tony could ask, Gao Li took the lead and rushed down. Tony and Pepper had no choice but to follow.

After the three of them descended more than twenty floors, they were almost out of breath from exhaustion. At this time, Tony suddenly grabbed Gao Li and Pepper.


Gao Li and Pepper were both puzzled, but they still stopped and saw Tony making a silencing gesture.

Gao Li listened carefully and could hear faint but dense footsteps coming from downstairs, getting closer and closer.

"Ordinary people will definitely flee downwards. If they are still going upwards at this time, they are probably terrorists."

Tony's face looked a little ugly, now they were trapped in the stairwell.

The alternative is to go back up and race against the terrorists, but the top is already a sea of ​​fire, and going back is a dead end.

Or leave the stairwell on the same floor, but in this environment where footsteps can be heard, the sound of the door opening must not be hidden from the terrorists.

By that time, they will be in a dead end and can only be surrounded by terrorists!

Tony thought about it in his mind, but found in despair that even with his genius mind, he couldn't think of any way to break the situation.

After all, they have no weapons now. Even if they have weapons, they are unlikely to be opponents of experienced terrorists.

Dead end!

Chapter 4 I have the future in my hands!


After realizing this, Tony's expression changed several times.

In front of him was a child who was invited by him and who would not have suffered this disaster if it weren't for him.

One is Chili, who has been with her for many years and has become more than a friendship. Although the relationship has not been formally established, there is still a deep feeling.

It seemed like he had been thinking for a long time, or it seemed like he had only thought for a few seconds. He finally took a deep breath, as if he had made up his mind.

"Listen to me carefully. There is only one way left now, and that is to lure them away with one person, and the others will take the opportunity to escape. The terrorist attacks are most likely aimed at me, so..."

"You go up quietly. I will open the door on this floor and bring them in. Then you can take the opportunity to go down. This way you can avoid a direct conflict with them."

Pepper covered her mouth and suppressed her voice.

"Tony! How is this possible? I will never leave you alone!"

Tony said a little unnaturally: "We are running out of time. This is indeed not my style, but it is also based on rational considerations."

"First of all, this happened because of me. Secondly, sacrificing one person can save two people. This is more cost-effective... Do you understand?"

"Tony, I have no intention of owing any favors...and I haven't secured the start-up capital yet."

Gao Li smiled slightly when he heard this and raised the phone in his hand.

"Besides, since I said it will be safe, then it will be safe!"

Tony was stunned: "What do you mean?"

"Didn't you just ask me a question? You'll soon know why I'm still using this old flip phone."

After that, Gao Li faced the incomprehensible looks of Tony and Pepper, entered the three numbers "106" on the flip phone's dial, and then pressed "Enter".

"Burst Mode!"

The flip phone suddenly made an electronic sound, and along with the sound of charging, the frame of the phone also lit up!

At the same time, Gao Li twisted the phone screen, and the entire flip phone suddenly turned into a small pistol.

Tony: "???"

Pepper: "!!!"

This... this mobile phone can also be used as a gun?

But what good can a small pistol do?

If you want to stop terrorists in the stairwell, getting a Gatling machine gun is about the same.

Just as they were thinking of this, Tony and Pepper saw Gao Li pointing his gun at the empty stairs.

"What are you going to do..."

Before Tony could finish asking, Gao Li suddenly pulled the trigger!

"Bang bang bang!"

The Faiz mobile phone in blast mode will shoot three times in a row. The high-power photon bullets converted from photon blood penetrate several flights of stairs and reach the terrorists below!


Just by hearing the screams of the terrorists, Tony knew that the shooting was effective. Gao Li immediately pulled the trigger four times, causing screams from below.

"It is precisely because they have so many people and are all packed in the stairwell that they can hit everyone with blind shots."

Gori retreated triumphantly and could hear a lot of gunfire coming from below, but their bullets were not as powerful as photon bullets and could not penetrate several floors of stairs to hit Gaoli.

On the contrary, Gaoli calmly input "27r" to reload, and then there was another wave of continuous shooting and screams.

After repeating this several times, the screams below were basically inaudible, and Gaoli stopped shooting temporarily.

"Either they are all dead, or they are not so dense, so blind shooting can't hit anyone... Tony, what do you think?"

Tony was a little stunned. What do I think? I'm looking at your phone. How many bullets are there!

Is this an unlimited bullet phone?

"Your cell phone is..."

"Ah, are you talking about this?" Gao Li introduced excitedly, "Photon blood is a plastic and convertible energy medium, which can be regarded as a photon-enriched liquid energy."

"So based on the theoretical model of the photon terminal, I let the photon blood undergo a quantum phase change, thereby forming a photon beam with high coherence and directionality, that is, a photon bullet."

"Photon bullets can penetrate the air and other media, and cause thermodynamic and electromagnetic damage to the target. I also measured the generation rate and conversion efficiency of photon blood under different conditions through experiments..."

"Is it time to talk about this now?!" Tony slapped Gao Li's head in annoyance.

"Ah? Didn't you ask me..." Gao Li covered the back of his head a little aggrieved.

Tony was speechless for a moment, coughed and said: "What I actually want to say is... your high-penetration bullets force them to not dare to rush up, so why don't you continue to shoot down for a few rounds?"

"As long as you shoot down into a hornet's nest, you can guarantee that all places are covered. Anyway, in front of your photon bullets, their bunkers are useless, and they will be shot through wherever they hide."

"That makes sense." Gao Li nodded and entered "103" and "Enter" on the dial again.

"Single Mode!" (Single-shot mode)

Gao Li used the Faiz mobile phone that had changed to single-shot mode to fire several rounds of shots from different directions down.

As a special bullet with a power that can even cause damage to Kamen Rider, the mere reinforced concrete is like a tofu dregs in front of it, and it can't serve as a bunker at all.

Sure enough, a few more screams rose, and then there was silence.

"Okay, the area below has been cleared, let's go!"

Gory led the way and ran down, followed by Tony and Pepper, and soon they reached the first floor.

"Hide here and don't move, let's go out and take a look." Tony whispered to Pepper.

Pepper just shook her head and wanted to speak, and saw Tony repeating Gory's operation, and sneaked out with Gory without giving her a chance to object.

Perhaps because a team of terrorists had just entered the stairwell, the terrorists on the first floor didn't seem to care much about this place, which gave Gory and Tony a great opportunity.

They crept down and sneaked to a load-bearing column, observing the scene on the first floor.

You can see many tourists and staff, like the bank robbery in the movie, gathered in the central area by the terrorists and sat down with their heads in their hands.

The terrorists patrolled around with guns, and it was only a matter of time before they found where they were.

"How do we do it?" Tony asked with his eyes.

"Wait for the drone." Gao Li responded with his mouth.

A question mark appeared on Tony's head. How much can a drone carry?

It is estimated that even slightly important guns cannot be transported... What's the point of waiting for a drone?

The drone will arrive as soon as they say it. They just finished communicating and saw a drone hovering at a window not far away, with a suitcase hanging below.

Such an obvious thing obviously attracted the attention of the terrorists.

They were about to approach, and at this time, accompanied by screams, several terrorists were hit by Gao Li who attacked brazenly!

"Cover the drone in, the horn of counterattack is about to sound!"

Gao Li shouted and started shooting at the terrorists to attract their attention.

The terrorists also reacted and fought back. A large number of bullets pressed Gao Li to not dare to leave the load-bearing column, but the flying shrapnel also shattered the window glass.

"Hey-hey-! Box, box!"

Gao Li threw the phone to Tony and asked him to continue shooting. He clapped his hands at the drone, and the drone equipped with simple AI flew over immediately.

However, just halfway through the flight, the drone was shot down by terrorists in mid-air.

Fortunately, even though the plane crashed, the inertia made the box slide all the way over and was caught steadily by Gao Li.

"Huh... Fortunately, it was delivered smoothly!"

Gao Li took a deep breath, and felt that the huge pressure between life and death suddenly disappeared.

Because at this moment, he has successfully grasped the future!

Gao Li couldn't wait to enter the password to unlock it, revealing the contents inside -

a bottle of drink, a flashlight, a camera... and a belt!

Chapter 5 Invincible!


"What is this?"

Tony asked curiously while shooting passionately with the terrorists behind the bunker.

Before, he saw Gao Li deliberately control the drone to bring the box over, and it seemed that he also regarded the things in the box as a magic weapon for victory...

But no matter how Tony looked at it, he didn't think that drinks, flashlights, cameras and belts could defeat terrorists?

Gao Li didn't answer him, but first unscrewed the bottle of drink with "Transformation" written on it, and drank tons of it.

"Are you on vacation or in a terrorist attack? Is it time to drink drinks leisurely now!"

Tony felt screwed. After drinking, Gao Li wiped his mouth in disgust and answered loudly: "You don't understand, you can't use the belt if you don't drink it, otherwise who would want to drink such a bad drink! Next time I will make it fruity!"

Kamen Rider Faiz's belt driver-originally normal humans cannot use it, generally only by the monsters of the Orphino race or humans with the Orphic mark in their bodies.

However, a man named Nomura developed a drug that allows even ordinary humans who are not suitable for the transformation belt to transform into Kamen Rider. This is the "Transformation One-Shot".

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