The volume and passion made Red Skull nod secretly, it was great, it didn’t look like an act!

Soon, Gao Li was assigned as a senior scientist within Hydra, responsible for research on weapons and biology.

Although Gao Li was not allowed to have access to top secrets such as the Cosmic Cube because he had just joined Hydra, all other cutting-edge equipment was basically open to him.

Gao Li was simply overjoyed. What was the difference between this and inviting him to buy it for zero yuan?

Gao Li first spent a few days touring the Hydra base and roughly figured out what equipment he wanted.

Then...just like a mouse entering a rice vat, stealing!

"Copy, Please!"

"Copy, please!"

In a dark and uninhabited place, Gao Li first used replication magic to create several clones, and then used a two-piece transformation set to change their appearance.

"What kind of appearance should I change?"

Gao Li thought about it and decided to choose the "innocent" Hydra cadres and Hydra soldiers he saw on the road.

In this way, it doesn't matter even if it is photographed by the surveillance equipment, it would be better to be photographed...

Thinking of this, Gao Li raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Heh heh heh... let me, the Overhaul Card, parasitize the Hydra!"

In the blink of an eye, one month has passed in Gao Li's happy scientific research life.

During this month, Gauri got to know the German scientist who always had a sad face - Abraham Erskine, the father of the super soldier serum, and often asked him some questions.

Of course, in order to prevent the leakage of the card-repairing technology, Gao Li only asked about the difficulties and issues that were separated from it.

Gao Li had no idea how to optimize the technology of transforming humans. He originally planned to go to Tony to discuss and study it after returning to the Marvel world.

After all, brainstorming among geniuses is much more efficient than working hard on his own. With Tony's arrogance, it is impossible to reveal his skills, so he is the best candidate.

Unexpectedly, Gao Li would arrive during World War II. At this time, Tony was not even a fertilized egg, so he could only make his father angry first.

Fortunately, there are super geniuses in every era, and Dr. Erskine is the perfect replacement scientific research partner. It can even be said that he is the third reason why Gauri wanted to come to Hydra!

But since Gao Li was very happy, it meant that Red Skull was very unhappy.


In Red Skull's office, he angrily threw an ashtray out. This was the thirty-seventh desk item thrown out this month.

"Check! Screen everyone again! We must find out the Overhaul Card organization that has infiltrated!"

64. Chapter 64 The sword points at the Rubik's Cube of the Universe!



The subordinates opposite him remained silent, but did not carry out Red Skull's orders for a long time.

"What?" Red Skull stared, "You want me to invite you out?"

The subordinates looked at each other, and one of them bravely said: "But, but...there have been more than ten reviews of Hydra members this month, and everyone is panicked..."

"Yes... at least hundreds of people were directly purged just because they were suspected. This resulted in serious manpower shortages at both the grassroots and middle levels. Even the Yuan Dynasty capital expressed concern and dissatisfaction with this."

The secretary on the side also added bravely, after all, the Red Skull's self-examination action is too crazy.

Red Skull sneered: "Then what do you think we should do? Important instruments and equipment are stolen every day, are you going to help me find them back!?"

"Those arrested cadres were all caught on surveillance camera and their strange movements were captured. However, during the interrogation, they were kept in the dark and insisted that they were innocent. Do you think this is possible!?"

"There is no doubt that they must have additional firm beliefs, so when facing the extreme pain of torture, they can still pretend to be ignorant without fear of death!"

The subordinates were immediately speechless. They recalled the performance of those betrayers and suddenly felt the firmness of their beliefs.

Even though the evidence is irrefutable, they still deny it with innocent faces, and even refuse to reveal the person behind the scenes even after being tortured to the point of crying and howling... At least they can't do it if they ask themselves.

"Faith is the core concept that maintains Hydra. Now it has been tainted by others. This is by no means a temporary achievement! But we didn't know anything about it before the incident!"

"Isn't this shocking!? What kind of organization can infiltrate Hydra to such an extent?! However, after searching again and again, I have only found the name 'Overhaul Card'!"

The Red Skull became more and more excited as he spoke. He stood up and slapped the table.

"In other words, this is a time of life and death for Hydra. If the Overhaul Ka parasitizing inside Hydra is not eliminated, one day Hydra will be completely eroded, and it will be called 'Hydra', but it will actually be 'Overhaul Ka'. !”

"Could it be related to Regedo Noah?" The secretary suddenly guessed, "Just judging from the time, many strange things happened after his arrival."

Red Skull shook his head: "For newcomers to the organization like Noah, as a rule, manpower and monitoring are deployed throughout the process, and he is monitored and monitored around the clock."

"However, apart from tinkering with the super weapon, Noah just likes to chat with Erskine every day. He doesn't make any unnecessary moves, and is innocent enough."

That's right, Gao Li didn't do any weapons research work at all, he was just paddling on the Scorpio.

Because I fish, I am happy.

During this period, Red Skull was also exhausted from finding spies within the organization, so he could only let Gorri take advantage of Hydra's large amount of resources for free.

After all, Gorri was different from other Hydra members. He was an irreplaceable top scientific research talent. Red Skull couldn't just attack him without any reason.

Moreover, who could afford to use top scientists as spies?

In fact, Gorri was far more than just taking advantage of others for free.

It can be said that he, who used clones to incarnate Hydra's major cadres to steal, was the real source of Red Skull's headache!

For Gorri, Hydra's internal access control was basically no different from air. He first opened a magic circle connecting to the inside, and then opened a magic circle connecting to the outside world, so that he could seamlessly move equipment from inside.

If he encountered heavy giant equipment, Gorri would use shrinking magic to take it away directly, send it to the secret warehouse established in advance, and then enlarge it. It was not difficult for him at all.

The whole process was smooth and flowing, and people couldn't help but ask why you were so skilled?

"Several sets of Kamen Rider G3 have been made, and all the necessary equipment has been obtained. It's time to aim at the Cosmic Cube!"

When using copy magic, Gao Li was not the only one who operated the armor, and he knocked out a Kamen Rider team.

And G3 is the easiest knight technology for Gao Li to achieve, and all needs can be met by just the Hydra equipment that has been moved away.

Gao Li's original body is pretending to be innocent in a laboratory full of surveillance, and the clone No. 2 Gao Li begins to wear the armor of Kamen Rider G3 with the help of other clones.

On the other side, No. 3 Gao Li changed his face to that of a Hydra cadre who was not caught, and stopped Erskine in the corridor.

"Dr. Erskine, are you interested in going with us?"

"You look like... Anderson? I've seen you before," Erskine was stunned, "What do you mean by going with us? Am I not already under the control of your Hydra?"

No. 3 Gorri smiled and said, "Let me introduce myself. I am actually a spy of the Great Shocker Society that is buried inside Hydra. This time I am here to take you out of the sea of ​​suffering."

"Our Great Shocker's philosophy is completely different from Hydra's. It aims to achieve the happiness of all mankind, so it is called 'Sustainable Happiness Organization with Computational Knowledge Embedded Remodeling'."

"Sustainable Happiness Organization with Computational Knowledge Embedded Remodeling? So that's it. The abbreviation is the origin of the name Shocker."

Erskin suddenly realized that he had heard of this secret society that had recently turned Hydra upside down.

To be honest, Erskine felt very happy about it and even wanted to thank this Great Shocker for helping him to retaliate against Hydra.

"An organization with this kind of philosophy should at least be better than Hydra, right?" Erskine muttered to himself, "I do want to leave, but this place is heavily guarded, and I'm afraid you alone..."

Gori No. 3 subconsciously glanced in the direction of Gori No. 2, and raised a mysterious smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Don't worry, the Hydra guards will soon not care about you."

Erskine didn't understand what he meant, but soon thought of something else.

"By the way, if you are sure, can you help me rescue another person?"

Gori No. 3 said in surprise: "Why, does the doctor have any relatives here?"

"That's not the case," Erskine shook his head, "I recently met a very talented young man named Regido Noah. He has such talent at the age of a teenager. It is definitely the only one I have ever seen in my life. It would be a waste for him to fall into the control of Hydra."

"Although it is rumored that he joined Hydra voluntarily, based on my contact with him, he is a good person at heart. Good boy, he should just be forced to pretend to be with Hydra. With his talent, he will definitely be helpful to you Shocker. "

"Uh..." No. 3 Gao Li hesitated, "We will consider it. Maybe you will have the opportunity to work together in the future."

Erskin said worriedly: "Then how do you plan to lure away the Hydra guards? If you are not sure, don't involve him. I am afraid that he will be executed as a defector..."

"Shh!" No. 3 Gao Li raised a finger to his lips, "Listen... it has already started!"

65. Chapter 65 True Knight Unparalleled!



In the laboratory, Gao Li leaned back in a chair and closed his eyes to rest, while projecting his consciousness onto the replica No. 2 Gao Li.

Although the replica created by Gao Li using magic is very similar to the shadow clone and can act independently, it is indeed more reassuring for him to handle key matters personally.

If you look at the surveillance video, several Hydra cadres walked into the small room with a smirk, and when they came out, they had already become fully armed Kamen Rider G3!

As usual, Gao Li still left himself a way out in case the action failed, so he did not use the GM-01 Scorpio automatic rifle that had been displayed, and the GG-02 Salamander howitzer that needed to be matched.

Although he only had the GS-03 Destroyer Super High Frequency Shock Sword as a melee weapon, he could just grab any long-range thermal weapon, and the difference would not be that big.

Soon, Gao Li met the first patrolling Hydra soldiers. The other side was stunned for 0.5 seconds, and then raised their guns and fired without hesitation.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Gao Li had already picked up the Destroyer and charged forward, not dodging the blue beam.

He just wanted to take a direct shot to test the destructive power of the G3 armor. Anyway, the clones were not afraid of death.


One of the major features of weapons using the Cosmic Cube as energy is that the bullets have their own explosive properties, and a ball of fire immediately exploded on the surface of Gao Li's armor.

"It hurts a little..."

Gao Li instantly estimated the destructive power. Compared with ordinary weapons, it was already quite amazing. It really deserved to be a technology that was ahead of the US military by an era.

If it was concentrated fire again this time, it might really cause the armor to be damaged!

"It's useless?!"

The Hydra soldiers were shocked when they saw this. Since the upgrade to laser weapons, they have not seen any bulletproof vests that can withstand it!

After a brief shock, they were well-trained and wanted to try to attack with concentrated fire, but unfortunately Gao Li would not give them another chance.

Facing the enemies on the battlefield, especially the Nazis, Gao Li never had the concept of holding back.

He swept a few swords across, and the ultra-high-speed vibrating blade cut everything off smoothly, and the scene was extremely bloody!

Fortunately, Gao Li installed the automatic coding function in the MDSS artificial compound eye in advance, and at the same time changed the display color of blood, and then filtered out the bloody smell...

Well, it basically won't cause physiological vomiting reactions.

"Is this the laser gun that uses the energy of the cosmic cube? Let me try it out and see if it works."

Gao Li picked up a handful and held it in his hand as a hot weapon, and continued to kill towards the location of the cosmic cube.

At this time, the Hydra base was full of alarms, and the Red Skull, who was awakened from his sleep, immediately received a report.

"Is there an enemy breaking into the base?"

The still confused Red Skull almost thought he was not awake, or was still in a semi-sleepwalking state.

Someone actually dared to attack the Hydra headquarters with the most complete manpower and firepower! ?

"What is the size of the enemy?"

Red Skull asked casually, but the secretary seemed a little hesitant.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he said something that even he himself could hardly believe:

"Uh... it seems that only one has been found so far."

"One person???"

Red Skull felt that he was still dreaming, and even wanted to try his ancient method of pinching himself.

Going alone into the Hydra base, isn't this a sure way to seek death?

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