T'Chaka raised his eyebrows. He was not so naive as to believe whatever the enemy said, so he planned to verify it on the spot!

As long as he knocks over the damn armored man and lifts off his annoying visor, the true identity of these gangsters will naturally be exposed!

"I swear in the name of the Black Panther God, you will definitely die today!"

T'Chaka snorted coldly and took the lead in attacking.

Gao Li also abandoned the GK-06 Unicorn, pulled out the stronger GS-03 Destroyer, and slashed at it with the high-speed vibrating blade.

To Gauri's surprise, the Destroyer struck T'Chaka's shoulder smoothly and smoothly, as if T'Chaka had completely given up on defense.

Instead, he attacked fiercely like a beast, and his vibranium claws scratched the G3-X armor in all directions!

Gao Li had to retreat quickly, finally getting rid of T'Chaka, and took another look at the Destroyer's blade...

Not only did it have little effect, the Destroyer even failed to hurt T'Chaka at all, but instead several sections of the sawtooth were broken by vibranium!

"Covered all over in vibranium? It's worthy of being your Majesty the King. It's so luxurious."

Gao Li teased, but his heart became extremely solemn.

Just from the confrontation just now, he could feel that T'Chaka's power was even greater than that of the G3-X armor!

The reality is even worse than this. T'Chaka also has skills that surpass him, coupled with invincible defense and the sharpest attack...

Can't beat it!

Gao Li understood this rationally, and the elders who practiced martial arts were even more happy.

"Great! Your Majesty is here!"

"With the Patron Saint, all enemies are nothing to worry about!"

"Your Majesty is the best Black Panther of the generation!"

"It's only a matter of time before the armored man loses!"

Even the martial arts novice Bai Gaoli can see things that the elders will only figure out earlier.

There is no doubt that the armored man's defeat is certain!

"It seems that you are not as strong as I thought," T'Chaka slowly approached with a cold face, "So, are you ready to face your own death?"

Gao Li stretched his muscles and chuckled: "I am ready to rebel against the generals - it's time for the Hydra family members to come out!"

T'Chaka was shocked and immediately took a defensive stance. He did not forget that there was more than one enemy!

However, nothing happened.

T'Chaka: "...?"

He looked at Gao Li again and heard Gao Li cough.

"Sorry, maybe my family is busy, so I just want to liven up the atmosphere."

T'Chaka's brows were furrowed under his mask, and it seemed like the enemy was messing around, but for some reason he always had an ominous premonition.

What are the other enemies doing?

It's impossible to just watch from the side, right?

"No, we must defeat this person as soon as possible so that we can be free to deal with other intruders!"

T'Chaka secretly made up his mind, and in fact, his guess was correct.

Gao Li just wanted to delay time. When he judged that T'Chaka was not his opponent, he used G3-X communication to notify other clones to speed up the transportation of equipment.

And Gao Li's body is also at full power, taking over and debugging new equipment all the time.

"There are also some instruments that I want that are only available here. It seems that we must defeat the Black Panther..."

Gao Li glanced at the many instruments and equipment behind T'Chaka and sent another group message.

[The first generation Gaori: Come and help me after you finish moving the things! 】

[Dreambius Gauli: Received. 】

[Jack Gorey: Got it. 】

[Seven Gaoli: Understood. 】

[Dynagori: Okay. 】

[Gaia Gaoli: Yes. 】

[Asgori: Oh! 】

During the short period of time when Gao Li read the information, he was suppressed by T'Chaka again.

The Destroyer was no longer shaken by the beating, and Gao Li could only take out the Hydra laser gun specially used for frame-up with his backhand and shoot it, but the effect was still not good.

After being protected and absorbed by the vibranium, there is not much power left in the shot, and T'Chaka himself is strengthened by the heart-shaped grass. His body is comparable to that of a super soldier, and he doesn't care about the pitiful remaining kinetic energy at all!

On the contrary, G3-X's armor was not so lucky. T'Chaka's attacks were crazy, and it seemed that he would not stop until the armor was peeled off.

Gao Li could only adopt a retreating tactic and try to hold on for a while longer amid the Black Panther's stormy offensive.

Despite this, Gaoli is still like a small boat in a storm, with the possibility of capsizing at any time!

"I'm here!"

At this moment, Asgori arrived first, shouting, and his transportation work had been completed.

Several other Gowrie clones followed closely behind, surrounding T'Chaka. The tragedy of the Red Skull was about to be staged, giving Black Panther the ultimate humiliation!

"Are these all the enemies?" T'Chaka seemed undaunted, "Come directly!"

The seven Gaoli rushed forward simultaneously, fighting with T'Chaka on the ground.

This moment is just like that moment.

——In fact, it’s not that similar. First of all, Gao Li’s side has been greatly upgraded. All members are equipped with G3-X armor, and their punching and kicking power have been greatly improved.

If this lineup were to fight the Red Skull again, they would be able to easily win without resorting to cheating tactics.

However, the enemy side has also been greatly upgraded!

T'Chaka is not only similar in strength to the Red Skull, but also superior in speed and dexterity. The most important thing is - his attack power and defense power absolutely crush the Red Skull!

The invincible attack brought by vibranium, coupled with the invincible defense, combined with the superb fighting skills of Black Panther, T'Chaka was not at a disadvantage for a while.


The first generation of Gory was not careful and had his visor blown off by T'Chaka. Fortunately, Seven Gory and Jack Gory crossed to block the subsequent offensive.

However, the camera mounted on the Black Panther armor still captured his face clearly and transmitted it to the cloud background for automatic search.

Not long after, the latest information was transmitted back to T'Chaka.

"After comparing the appearance, it can be confirmed 100% that this person is the German officer Walter Beffenbach!"

And the big data AI has ruled out the possibility of disguise. It seems that this person did not lie about his identity.

As for Hydra...

How could Wakanda not know the information that the United States can know?

Isn't Hydra the official Nazi organization of Germany!

It really matches!

"Hydra, Hydra...!"

T'Chaka's anger and hatred surged. This Hydra really dared to do this!

They even dared to set their sights on Wakanda!

"The army is probably already surrounding the surrounding streets. Hurry up!"

Gory finally had the advantage in numbers. While besieging T'Chaka, the first generation Gory could still find time to urge the original Gory.

And the original Gory had basically completed the debugging. The only thing left was to directly manufacture the chip!

"Got it! Coming right away!"

The first generation Gory ended the call and sneaked out to see if he could free up his hands to carry the equipment.

But after just a few steps, T'Chaka threw Esgory at him like a dart, forcing the first generation Gory to stop and take him.

"It's so annoying to be covered in vibranium!" Esgory complained, "After our attacks were absorbed, they were almost like tickling, and had no effect at all!"

If it weren't for the ultimate defense brought by vibranium, how could all seven of them fail to take down T'Chaka?

Even if he wanted to lock T'Chaka like he did with Red Skull, it would not work in front of his slippery body. As a master of fighting, he was most wary of such locks.

"After all, his skills were insufficient. Last time, he only caught Red Skull off guard... If he could use joint skills skillfully, then Vibranium would not be able to absorb this kind of kinetic energy."

"But don't worry, the main body has a countermeasure plan, and he will definitely be able to deal with him before the army arrives!"

The first generation Gao Li sighed and joined the battle with Es Gao Li.

It is also good to weaken T'Chaka as much as possible before Gao Li's main body takes action!

"Haha, they have begun to struggle in vain!"

The members of the Elder Tribal Council looked very calm, as if they had already won.

It was not until a while later that the eighth Kamen Rider G3-X rushed to the battlefield from the periphery that the elders raised their eyebrows in surprise.

"Another one is here to die?"

"Didn't you see that seven people couldn't defeat His Majesty? What if there's one more?"

"It seems that the invaders are absolutely at their wits' end, so they resorted to this desperate measure!"

The eighth Kamen Rider G3-X, the latest clone of Gori, shouted on the spot.

"Tiga, come on!"

T'Chaka snorted when he heard this. He had the same idea as the elders, and one more person wouldn't have any impact on the battle.

After kicking Seven Gori away, he faced Tiga Gori head-on, and was about to use his superb martial arts to hit his vital points.

However, as soon as T'Chaka made a move, his eyes suddenly blurred, and when he came to his senses, he was thrown out in an instant!


T'Chaka in the air was still in a dream, and none of the elders watching the battle could react.

What happened just now? !

How come the new guy... suddenly became a peerless master! ?

"Oh, oh, oh! Is this the complete G3-X with full-power AI?"

The rest of the Gori were all amazed. Thanks to Wakanda's advanced facilities and equipment, the epoch-making AI chip was finally manufactured!

"Yes, you have worked hard to collect data for so long."

Tiga Gori smiled. In fact, after finding it difficult to hurt T'Chaka, the seven Gori present received instructions and began to slack off.

Prolonging the battle rhythm will help Gori collect T'Chaka's move data through the G3-X armor, and feed it to the AI ​​to generate a counter-movement routine.

In "Captain America 3", after Tony was beaten up by Steve for a while, he relied on this method to kill Steve.

"Then we will leave two to assist you in the battle, and the rest of us will go to carry the equipment!"

The first generation Gori gave a command. T'Chaka had just been thrown into the next room by Tiga Gori and could no longer hinder their actions.

Tiga Gori, Dyna Gori, and Gaia Gori immediately followed the order and went straight to the next room to find T'Chaka.

On the other side, after T'Chaka got up, he stared at the three heroes of the Heisei era vigilantly.

He didn't know whether it was a coincidence or a martial arts crush, but anyway... the enemy who should be killed will not change!

"It is obvious that seven people can't match me, and now there are only three people? How arrogant, you will pay the price for your arrogance!"

T'Chaka roared and pounced. Facing the black panther rushing in front of him, Tiga Gori seemed to have suddenly changed.

Tiga Gori, as if he had practiced with T'Chaka countless times, dodged T'Chaka's attack with a sideways move to the peak, and kicked him in the abdomen at the same time.

T'Chaka raised his knee without hesitation to block.

However, Gorri seemed to have guessed this response in advance!

Before T'Chaka raised his leg, Gorri changed his attack and raised his palm to smash down.

T'Chaka was unable to react in time and was slapped to the ground by Gorri, making a muffled groan!

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