

Aboard the Lyra.

After Gao Li left, Rocket collapsed to the ground again as if he had lost all his strength.

He didn't drive the Lyla away, and he didn't even have the strength to climb into the driver's seat.

Unexplainable emotions flooded Rocket's brain. He didn't know whether it was regret, resentment, or something else...

All in all, I was very confused.

After sitting blankly for a while, Rocket finally opened the cockpit's control screen and slid it aimlessly.

He didn't know what he was doing, as if everything was meaningless.

It's just that the body is moving mechanically, like a walking corpse.

Gaoli had escorted the Regu Spura family for a long distance, but unfortunately the traces were captured by a satellite launched by the army midway.

The pursuers came one after another, but Gao Li used the Kamen Rider system to tell them——

Who has the strongest individual skills on land!

"Exceed Charge!"

After Gao Li knocked over the armored tank with a punch, he opened his phone and pressed the confirm button again.

"Exceed Charge!"


Gao Li jumped up, and the crimson electric drill ruthlessly penetrated the plane in the sky!

"You dare to fly at low altitude in front of me. You really don't want to live or die."

Gao Li snorted coldly and used his height to observe the enemy's formation before landing.

"Very good. We have been surrounded to a fairly close distance, but we have basically reached the limit. If we are any closer, it will be difficult for me to protect the Hot Bone Spur family..."

Gao Li silently calculated. The reason why he used the basic form to fight first was to induce the army to get closer.

After all, the accelerated form has a time limit, and he must defeat as many enemies as possible within ten seconds!


"Start Up!"

The moment he landed, Gao Li started the accelerometer.

The acceleration mode was quickly changed, and as his figure flashed, he immediately entered a state of terrifying activity at fifty times supersonic speed.

During these ten fatal seconds, Gao Li saw everything as if it was at a standstill and could only be at his mercy.

Next up is the dark red electric drill——

Fifteen companies!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The heavily armed army was penetrated by multiple life-threatening light cones, and fifteen big explosions shot into the sky one after another!

No army can withstand a terrifying enemy that moves at fifty times supersonic speed and can use its special moves as normal attacks.

Not to mention the army under the supreme evolution, even Thanos's army will not be able to do it!

"Damn it! Is there nothing we can do about it!?"

In the frontline headquarters, General Nadu slapped the console in anger.

When he first discovered Gao Li's traces, he was still very excited.

Don't look at this unidentified little bug. I don't know where such terrifying individual equipment came from, but it has obviously reached its limit!

Otherwise, the little bug wouldn't be able to escape.

After all, that top speed is really terrifying. If you can keep using it, it will be no problem to stay where you are and continue to fight head-on with them.

In fact, General Nadu did see Gao Li exit the acceleration mode.

So obviously, this powerful speed must have its limitations!

"We must take it down! Cut into thousands of pieces! Only then can we wash away the shame just now!"

General Nadu issued instructions to his soldiers with a tone of victory.

It's just one person, but he can't stand up to his invincible army!

Not long after, General Nado saw Gauri transform into Kamen Rider Faiz acceleration mode again on the surveillance camera.

ah? ? ?

How could this be? ?

Is there no limit to this kind of plug-in ability?

Is there anyone who can take care of it?

"Sorry, we are...really unable to do anything for the time being."

General Nadu's deputy was covered in cold sweat, but he had to bite the bullet and answer him.

"After all, this speed is too amazing. Not to mention our individual aircraft, even our fighter planes cannot reach such top speed."

Fifty times the speed of supersonic speed is simply outrageous. Except for interstellar spacecraft, how could anyone build individual weapons to be so exaggerated?

Even if it were really that fast, the user wouldn't be able to react at all!

Hey, wait a minute, if you say this...

The enemy's individual soldier skills are not only able to accelerate a thousand times on the surface, but can even speed up the user's thinking a thousand times!

And it seems to have no side effects!

This is even more outrageous than before. It’s absolutely outrageous to open the door for outrageous people. It’s so outrageous.

"How can such perverted technology exist?" The deputy muttered to himself thinking of this, "I wonder if the Supreme Evolution Master can do it?"

Although it is disrespectful to have this thought, it is obvious that supreme evolution is probably impossible.

Otherwise, wouldn’t they have been equipped with all the army’s equipment earlier?

"General, I watched his battle records repeatedly and found a flaw!"

At this time, the technician suddenly came in to report, bringing good news that cheered up General Nado.

"I don't know if it's because of excessive energy consumption. It seems that not long after using acceleration, the energy field on his body became weaker and weaker, and became more and more unstable. There is a possibility of collapse on the spot at any time!"

The technician presented the analysis data charts measured by various instruments. Although General Nadu didn't quite understand them, he roughly understood the meaning.

"Oh? In other words, that guy's individual equipment can't hold up and is completely damaged?"

General Nadu's eyes lit up.

"That's right!" The technician nodded, "When that time comes, it will be our chance!"

General Nadu couldn't help but laugh out loud. As expected, it should be like this!

Individual equipment with such exaggerated performance must be accompanied by extremely huge pressure burden, and it is estimated that it cannot support such continuous use.

Damage is a foregone conclusion!

"Okay, okay... keep an eye on him!"

General Nadu waved his hand and was full of confidence again.

As the holographic image changed, it can be seen that the equipment on Gao Li's body began to be covered with cracks, and the most important thing was that the driver on his waist also emitted green smoke.

"Faiz driver can't hold up?"

Gao Li blinked, but did not show any panic.

He just took out another Faiz driver from the box he carried with him, opened his phone in advance and entered the code "555" plus "Enter".

"Standing by!"

As the standby sound continued to ring, Gao Li's original belt gradually turned into ashes and fell off, and Gao Li also seamlessly connected the new belt.

——While buckling the new driver with his left hand, he also inserted the Faiz phone with his right hand!



It can be seen that Gao Li's whole body was originally shrouded in a white light, which was the phenomenon of canceling the transformation.

However, before the white light disappeared, it immediately turned into red light, which was the phenomenon of completing the transformation!

When the light dissipated, the brand new Kamen Rider Faiz stood proudly in front of everyone!

"What a joke from the interstellar space!!!"

General Nadu punched through the holographic projection with one punch, causing no damage to the holographic projection.

He failed to vent his anger effectively, and turned into a desktop cleaning master, sweeping away everything on the table in anger.

"There is no flaw at all! How many sets of this kind of individual equipment does that bastard have?!"

One set is already so tricky, but there is more than one...

Is there still justice? Is there still law?

The technician who made the original report was embarrassed at this time, and then he broke out in a cold sweat.

Because he gave General Nadu false hope, he would become the target of General Nadu's anger.

Fortunately, General Nadu's professional quality is not bad, and he did not sit on the position of general for nothing, so he barely restrained his anger.

He glanced at the technician coldly, without saying much, but issued a new order.

"Mark out all his past routes and see where his most likely destination is?"

After the route map was displayed, General Nadu raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"As I expected... No matter how strong they are, they can't fight a war of attrition with us in our base camp."

"He's not stupid. He knows that he must find a spaceship as soon as possible and escape from Bist to survive!"

The simulated route map in the holographic image predicted three routes, but the end of each route led to the local hangar.

"Divide into three routes!" General Nadu immediately ordered, "Divide into three waves, go to the hangar in advance and wait for them to fall into the trap."

"If you find that it's impossible, then immediately destroy all the docked spaceships, so that they can't fly away, and they will find that it's all in vain after fighting hard!"

General Nadu became more and more excited. Only by letting the little bug that caused him to lose face fall into despair can he relieve his hatred!


As Gao Li's figure flashed by like a ghost, he forcibly cut a bloody path under the obstruction of the army.

He was like a wind of destruction that brought death. Wherever he passed, there were heavy weapons that were pierced. No one could stop him even for a second!

Those heavy firepowers that were extremely powerful in the past were like plastic toys in front of Gao Li, and they had no power to fight back at all.

"Time Out!"


Gao Li reappeared, and even with his amazing physique after the transformation, he began to breathe heavily.

He had experienced too many battles along the way. Gao Li had transformed into Kamen Rider Faiz more than once and used the acceleration mode more than once.

The acceleration mode was designed to be ultra-high power, which would bring a more severe burden to the transformer. It was not thought that someone would use it so frequently at the beginning of the design.

"It's a bit bad. Although the journey is almost over, the inventory of Faiz drivers is running low. Can we successfully make it through?"

Gao Li felt a little heavy.

He seemed to be in high spirits, and he could kill gods and Buddhas, but the price he paid for this was that the inventory of Faiz drivers was consumed very quickly.

Not to mention that his physical strength was also seriously depleted. If Gao Li was just fighting, it would be fine, but he was fighting while distracted to protect the whole family of Hot Bone Spur, which would be difficult.

"Be careful!"

Thanks to the sensitive sensor, Gao Li suddenly saw from the corner of his eye that an armored tank was about to fire at the Regusila family.

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