But because he understood, the Supreme Evolutionary didn't understand it even more--

He didn't understand how Gao Li could accelerate to such an extent!

86. Chapter 86 There is only one reason for your defeat!



Why can the armor maintain a stable shape and not fall apart when accelerating so fast?

Why is there no wind resistance?

Why didn't it trigger any physical phenomena that should occur at this speed?

Why can the wearer's reaction speed keep up with the acceleration?

Why didn't the wearer's body collapse as a result?

Too many questions filled the Supreme Evolutionary's mind.

For the first time in his life, he discovered that there was technology that he couldn't understand at all!

Of course, this is not because the Supreme Evolutionary is weak, in fact, he is indeed a top scientist.

But being able to apply tachyons is even more black technology!

"My lord, we have found traces of invaders!"

When the Supreme Evolutionary was thinking, his subordinates suddenly reported.

It was obvious that Gao Li, who had reached the limit of time-up, temporarily withdrew from the extreme speed state.

"Sir, do you need to send the Hell Legion over again?"

The Supreme Evolution's face darkened and his fists clenched.

He was really a little undecided. Judging from the previous battle, even if the Hell Legion was really sent over, it would only be a meal for the invaders.

But on second thought, the Hell Legion was just a consumable in his eyes anyway. Wouldn't it be great to use the lives of the Hell Legion to try to find out as much information about the invaders as possible?

"Send the Hell Legion over and try to entangle him!" The Supreme Evolution said in a deep voice, "I will deal with the invaders myself!"

The subordinate was surprised and said, "But sir, this is too dangerous..."

"It doesn't matter. Although the invader's ability is quite amazing, it is limited to this. My great power can completely restrain him, and even surpass him!"

The Supreme Evolution raised his head proudly. He was not blindly arrogant and joked about his own life.

After being attacked by a rocket without warning, the Supreme Evolution regarded it as a great shame, so he used the highest technology to completely transform himself!

At this point, even gravity has succumbed to the control of the Supreme Evolution, and can be controlled by him in size and direction at will.

In the face of the power of gravity, no matter how fast you are, it is meaningless!

After all, as long as gravity is strong enough, it cannot escape even at the speed of light. This is one of the four fundamental forces of the universe and represents the authority of the world's rules!


In the passage, Gao Li was running fast.

"The emergency stop device unlocking passwords of all creations are included in the database. At the same time, it also summarizes the various scientific and technological achievements of the Supreme Evolution, which can just be started together..."

Gao Li sorted out his next actions, suddenly stopped suddenly, and said "tsk".

Although the database was right in front of him, a large number of Hell Legions suddenly appeared in front of him to intercept!

"Grandma once said... Although I have no grudges against you, anyone who stands in my way will die!"

The captain of the Hell Legion was stunned when he heard this. Who is your grandma, the god of war, so domineering?

At this time, Gao Li had already grasped the Kabuto Kunai Sword with his backhand, and unfolded a giant ion beam blade from the sword body, sweeping past with unstoppable power!

"Shoot! Shoot!"

The Hell Legion was not a wooden stake standing there to be beaten, and immediately called on everyone to shoot, but Gao Li took several hits without dodging, and covered all the enemies within a radius of ten meters.

Avalanche Slash!

The terrifying destructive power swept around with Gao Li's slashing. Although ten meters is not much in the literal sense, it is much longer than an ordinary classroom, enough to cover the positions of hundreds of enemies!


Amid the violent explosion, the avalanche slash chopped and smashed everything within the effective attack range, and in the blink of an eye, only a few small fish and shrimps were left in the Hell Legion that came.

"One, Two, Three——"

Gori certainly would not let them go. He pressed the "full speed switch" in the armored insect instrument in the order of "one, two, three", and after closing the central carapace, he restored the insect horn to the state of the mask form and then opened it.

"Rider Kick!" (Rider Kick!)

Gori's body and electronic sound started together, leaping high into the air, and the long horn on his head also transformed into a wave of tachyons and gathered to his right foot!


The knight kicked through, and the remaining hell army was immediately shrouded in flames!

"Hu... Hu... Hu..."

Gori took a few breaths and rushed into the database without stopping.

Although he had just played a crushing game, such a high-output trick could not be used continuously, and the knight form also had a much lower defense than the mask form. If he was shot too much, he would be defeated.

After all, the aliens' technology is more advanced, and their weapons are generally more powerful than Earth weapons.

After holding the on-duty personnel in the database hostage, Gao Li forced them to retrieve the data related to the rocket, and successfully found the release code of the emergency stop device.

Gao Li immediately transmitted the information back to the Lyra, and the medical AI will automatically run the release program and activate the first aid kit on the rocket!

"Huh... I finally solved the most important thing."

Gao Li felt relieved and breathed a long sigh of relief.

"The rest is the various research data. Please help me pack and retrieve them." Gao Li used the muzzle of the gun to push the head of the alien in front of him.

"Yes... please don't kill us!"

"Don't worry," Gao Li promised, "Grandma once said that I am the most trustworthy person she has ever seen. If I say I won't kill you, I won't kill you."

The staff on duty in the data room are all civilians, but they don't have the fearless spirit of the soldiers. In order to save their lives, they hurriedly stuffed the research data of the Supreme Evolution into the save disk brought by Gao Li.

Seeing the massive amount of data flowing into his hands, Gao Li couldn't help but get excited. He really didn't know how much unknown knowledge was contained in it!


A thunderous roar suddenly came from behind. His intellectual property rights were violated in person, which was the most intolerable thing for the Supreme Evolution!

With a "bang", Gao Li felt an invisible wave sweeping across, and he only had time to protect the save disk he brought.

Then Gao Li flew high and hit the wall hard!


The fierce collision made Gao Li dizzy and pierced through more than a dozen walls in succession, which showed how much hatred the Supreme Evolution had for him.

The data room was also destroyed by the power of the Supreme Evolution. The Supreme Evolution had backed up the data inside. As for the civilian staff who helped Gao Li, the Supreme Evolution thought that they had no need to live!

Therefore, with one blow, the area within a hundred meters was completely crushed, and everyone except Gao Li died!

"It was close... I was almost beaten to death!" Gao Li was shocked. You know, even General Nadu didn't mention that the Supreme Evolution was so strong.

Or it should be said that General Nadu had never seen the Supreme Evolution after the transformation.

If Gao Li's body under the armor was not also very strong, and he had just activated the golden pupil to increase his physique, allowing himself to reach the level of Little Superman, I'm afraid he would be in so much pain that he couldn't even crawl!

"It's you! You little bug who dares to steal my supreme wisdom!"

The Supreme Evolution had a gloomy face and pointed at Gao Li in the air.

"I didn't expect it to be so durable. I didn't crush it to death... But it's better. You will pay the price with endless pain!"

Faced with a powerful enemy, Gao Li naturally didn't waste words. He immediately tapped the side buckle and entered the time-up state.

"Clock Up!"

Gao Li stepped on the ground and rushed towards the Supreme Evolution, but the next moment another wave of waves burst out from the Supreme Evolution.


No matter how fast or slow, facing this kind of ultra-large-scale coverage attack, Gao Li couldn't dodge.

It can even be said that the gravity of the Supreme Evolution restrains speedsters like Gao Li, because the speed of gravitational waves in space is the speed of light!

As long as Gao Li fails to reach the speed of light, he will lose all his speed advantages in front of gravity, and he can only be beaten!


Gao Li's pupils shrank, and his body was swept by the gravitational wave and hit the wall behind him in a straight line.

Kabuto's armor finally couldn't hold on, disintegrated in a burst of electric sparks, and Gao Li also exited the time-up state.

"Hmph... Now tell me, where is 89P13?"

The Supreme Evolution came over step by step, looking at Gao Li who was pressed against the wall by the gravitational wave with contempt.

After all, he wanted to know the whereabouts of 89P13, so the Supreme Evolution deliberately slowed down the force of gravity, controlling it to a level that could firmly bind Gao Li but not kill him.

"Hehe... Indeed, I miscalculated and underestimated your strength. Then come here and I will tell you."

Gao Li was breathing hard, but the golden light in his pupils was brighter than ever before.

The Supreme Evolution was not stupid. He did not listen to Gao Li's words and approached. He said lightly: "I can hear you here. Just say it directly. This way, you can be forgiven of some pain before you die." Gao Li sneered: "I don't want to tell you this, but - do you know what the only reason for your defeat is?" "The reason for defeat?" The Supreme Evolution was stunned. "What are you talking about? It's obviously you..." "That's because you didn't kill me decisively at the first time!" As soon as the voice fell, a blue insect instrument flew over at a high speed and automatically fell on Gao Li's belt. "Transform!" It was the Gundou insect instrument! After Gao Li left the Bist planet, he saw that there was still some time left in the rocket, so what he prepared was - relying on the mature technology, he made Kamen Rider Gundou again! Gundou and Kabuto are technological products of the same series. Since Gao Li will make several sets of Kamen Rider G3-X and Kamen Rider Faiz, there is no reason not to do this when making Kamen Riders of the same series of Gundou and Kabuto. The only difference is that Kamen Rider G3-X has no branch model, and Kamen Rider Faiz is the safest and most stable model in the entire series, so what Gao Li did was simply to copy a few sets of it.

However, the Kamen Rider series that Gangdou and Kabuto belong to have their own advantages and characteristics, and the insect instrument also has its own intelligence, so of course different Kamen Riders of the same series are created to deal with different situations!


The Supreme Evolution was surprised and immediately increased the output of gravity.

However, unlike the Kamen Rider Kabuto Knight form that was just disintegrated by the blow, Kamen Rider Gangdou, who is currently in the masked form, has superb defense and withstands the pressure without disintegrating.

This gave Gao Li a moment of time, and he immediately controlled the special weapon on Gangdou's shoulders-Gangdou Vulcan Cannon!

“Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!!!!”

A huge amount of ion beam bombs poured out, with a continuous firing rate of up to 5,000 rounds per minute, turning the front of Gao Li into a sea of ​​beams in an instant!

Before the emergence of the Transcendent Form and the Perfect Insect Instrument Hyakusūken, this was undoubtedly the strongest firepower of this series of Kamen Riders!

"Impossible! How could someone as great as me be ignored..."

The light of plasma illuminated the pupils of the Supreme Evolution, and at this moment, there was only one thought left in his mind.

However, the light bullets that filled the space did not give him a chance to react. Before the Supreme Evolution could finish his anger, his whole body was riddled with holes!

After the death of the Supreme Evolution, the terrible gravity disappeared, and Gao Li also fell from the large hole in the wall to the ground.

As soon as he touched the ground, Gao Li couldn't help but lie down and gasp for air. He felt as if all the bones in his body were about to fall apart.

The steel bucket armor in mask mode also had a few electric sparks, and its shape was somewhat dented. The ability to control one of the four basic powers is really terrifying!

Fortunately, Supreme Evolution has super high attack and low defense, while Gao Li has high attack and high defense. Taking advantage of his negligence when he thought he was victorious, he finally caught the flaw.

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