The cosmic switch suddenly lit up with red and blue light. Rocket opened the lid and pressed the button without hesitation.

"Cosmic-On!" (Cosmic-On!)

Instantly, all the existing astronomical switches in the Lyra flew out and merged into Rocket's body.

Rocket's body also burst into colorful rainbow lights. With the sound of excitement, a blue knight holding the Bali Sword was born!

Kamen Rider Fourze, cosmic form!

"This is... the power of the universe!"

Rocket clenched his fist. He had never felt such a powerful moment.

It was as if the energy of the entire universe was supporting him. The experience was very wonderful.

However, Rocket was not addicted to it. The most urgent thing to do now was not completed!

"Cosmic!" (Cosmic!)

Rocket pulled out switch No. 40 and inserted it into the bottom of the Bali Sword.

Then he raised the Bali Sword forward, and a huge silver-white wormhole opened in front of him, revealing the internal scene of Yale Tower behind the wormhole!

"Gao Li!"

Rocket passed through the wormhole and shouted.

Gao Li at the other end of the passage turned back and looked at Rocket in space form in great surprise.

There should be only one Kamen Rider Fourze of such a small size in the universe, and he would never make a mistake.

" are...Rocket?"

Gao Li blinked, his eyes full of curiosity.

"Is this the space form? How did you do it? How did you complete switch No. 40 in the absence of nodes?"

Rocket said speechlessly: "Is it time to talk about this now? Come with me!"

"Where to go?"

"Didn't you say that as long as you get on the man-made vehicle, it will cause it to crash? Then you might as well go to a habitable planet. I will open a wormhole to Bist and send you there directly."

Gao Li nodded: "This method is feasible, let's go."

Rocket opened the wormhole again and transferred to a forest on Bist with Gao Li.

"This ability is really convenient," Gao Li exclaimed sincerely, "You can go wherever you want. I wonder if it can send me back to Earth?"

Rocket shook his head and said, "Not yet, because I don't know the coordinates of the Earth. If I know it, it will be simple. I can check it when I go back."

"Hehe, can I use it?"

Rocket rolled his eyes: "This is a small-sized cosmic switch that matches my body size. It is not compatible with your regular Fourze driver."

"That's true," Gao Li shrugged, "By the way, how did you make the cosmic switch? Why didn't I know you had such a trick up your sleeve before?"

Rocket paused. Although he wanted to show off in front of Gao Li, but...

After thinking about it, he still said honestly: "I don't know."


"I really don't know. Suddenly, the composite switch glowed, and then I held it in my hand, and the cosmic switch was automatically completed."

Gao Li scratched his head, confused.

"Then I'll go back to save the experimental animals first, and I'll meet you later."

Rocket opened the wormhole again and left, and Gao Li sat there and pondered.

Why did the composite switch not change to the cosmic switch when it was in his hands, but immediately rebelled and upgraded to the cosmic switch when it ran into Rocket's hands?

Does the cosmic switch dislike me? ? ?


As soon as the duration of the "dead pilot" was over, Gao Li immediately returned to the Lyra.

He couldn't wait to see what the cosmic switch was like!

As for the throne of evolution, Aleita...there have been interstellar news reports on its destruction, so Gao Li no longer cares.

The biggest gain of this trip was that he got a lot of research data on the Supreme Evolution, especially in the biological field where the Supreme Evolution is best.

It's a pity that the data was blown up by the Supreme Evolution before it was transmitted, which made Gao Li a little regretful.

However, it takes a certain amount of time to digest all the scientific research results. Gao Li is currently more interested in fully testing Rocket's switch No. 40.

After a series of operation tests, Gao Li fell into deep thought.

"There is part of the cosmic cube inside... or the energy of the space gem. Where does it come from?"

Gori carefully recalled that all the operations he had done to infuse energy seemed to be to inject magic into it except for the initial manufacturing of the switch.

But why does my magic have the characteristics of the space gem?

Gori condensed some magic again, and after repeated observations, he finally had a vague feeling.

Originally, Gao Li was the master of magic in the DC universe and had a super high sensitivity to magic. If he was still in the DC world, Gao Li would have discovered the abnormality at the first time.

But after entering the Marvel Universe, Gao Li lost his status as the master of magic, and his perception of magic became like a layer of gauze in front of his eyes, not as real as before.

However, even through the gauze, Gao Li could vaguely see that there was a little energy of the space gem mixed in the magic!

Damn! Where did this come from! ?

Gori was puzzled. After thinking for a long time, he made a bold hypothesis.

It is very likely that the missing Cosmic Cube was not taken away by someone, but merged with me due to some accident!

"Did it merge with my body or my soul?"

Gori repeatedly scanned his body with the instrument, but found no changes.

Of course, it is also possible that only a trace of energy from the cosmic cube was absorbed by him, which temporarily allowed the magic to carry some space gem power.

Regardless of which possibility it is, Gao Li currently has no means to check the soul, so he can only give up for the time being.

Putting the cosmic switch aside first, Gao Li began to study the scientific and technological achievements of the Supreme Evolution.

Two months have passed since then, and Gao Li has also gained a lot and his knowledge level has increased a lot.

More importantly, with Gao Li's accumulated knowledge and experience, combined with some research results of the Supreme Evolution, he finally has the confidence to truly perfect the transformation experiment!

That is to obtain the physique of Kamen Rider, but without any side effects!

89. Chapter 89 The one-year period has arrived, and the Dragon King is welcome to return!



After Gao Li completed the improvement of the transformation experiment, the first thing to be improved was naturally his own body.

Rocket's knot has been untied at this time, and he has talked to Gao Li, so Gao Li does not need to avoid the transformation surgery with him.

"If everything goes well, other aspects of my body will not change, but my strength, speed, reaction, etc. will soar straight up, which means that my combat power will increase a lot out of thin air."

"In this way, I don't even need to transform to match the power of ordinary Kamen Riders! No longer have to worry about being easily defeated and killed before the transformation!"

Gori made predictions excitedly, and soon wrote the automatic operation program. After repeatedly verifying the reliability and safety, he lay on the treatment table.

Just like on Earth, this time the transformation operation was performed by more advanced alien technology, and Gao Li was reborn in a short time.

Thanks to the improved self-healing ability, Gao Li didn't even feel like he had undergone a minimally invasive surgery last time. He almost didn't need to rest and could go directly to the physical fitness test.

"Punching force 3219 kg, pulling force 4428 kg, full equipment bench press 5196 kg, kicking force 10573 kg, 100-meter sprint 4.87 seconds... a physique that is seven or eight times higher than before!"

Gori was amazed at his test results. Now he is a real super human body, a Kamen Rider who does not need to transform!

At the same time, Gao Li found that the golden pupil was also integrated into the Knight Kick.

The two have the same effect in terms of burst, but the golden pupil is more concentrated, from the original double increase to four times increase.

But correspondingly, due to the concentrated explosive power, the maintenance time has also become much shorter, which fits the positioning of the ultimate move.

Gori named it-Golden Knight Kick!

"My God, your data is higher than my universe form, it's outrageous!"

Rocket also flipped through the report with amazement. Obviously, the universe form is the highest peak of Kamen Rider Fourze in theory, but now Gao Li can directly surpass his combat power without transformation.

Rocket is so jealous!

"That can't be compared like that," Gao Li said, "The cosmic form is strong in a variety of astronomical switch capabilities, and the punching and kicking power are secondary in comparison."

Rocket didn't hesitate much. After traveling in the interstellar for a while, he knew that now that he could transform into the cosmic form of Kamen Rider Fourze, he could definitely be ranked among the top strong men in the universe in terms of combat power.

Of course, this is based on the fact that Rocket didn't know about the supreme existences such as the Celestial God Group and the Five Great Gods. If he didn't compare them, Rocket was right to think so.

"What are your plans next? I have found the coordinates of the earth and can send you back directly."

"Earth... I've been away for a long time, and I miss home."

Gao Li glanced at the starry sky outside the porthole, and then looked at the countdown on the system panel that had ended.

That's right, the one-year period has arrived, and the DC universe can welcome the return of the Lord of Magic!

... In human terms, the system has accumulated enough time and space energy, and Gao Li can return to the DC universe at any time.

"Then let's go back to Earth first. I just happen to have some things to finish."


Earth, America.

Two young men met on the street, one was young and handsome, and the other was thin.

"Bucky? Did Regido call you too?"

"Yeah..." Buggy was stunned, "Mr. Regido called you too?"

Steve nodded: "Well, I wonder what he wants to see us about."

During this period, in order to reduce the consumption of magic power, Gao Li's clone has become more and more reclusive and rarely meets people.

As for the operation of the World Tree Consortium, professional managers have long been hired, and the founder does not need to worry about it at all.

So Buggy and Steve really haven't seen Regido for a long time.

When they opened the door of the office, Gao Li, who had just taken back his clone, had a bright look in his eyes.

"Steve! Bucky! Long time no see!"

"Yes, the last time we met was about three weeks ago." Buggy nodded.


Gao Li coughed. In fact, he hadn't seen them for several months, and he still needed to adjust his sense of time.

"Why don't we go out and get together again?" Steve suggested, "I know a great bar."

Bucky smiled and said, "Forget about the bar. You get drunk after one drink and you can't enjoy it much."

"We can talk about the dinner later. I called you here today because I want to ask what you think."

Gory asked Bucky and Steve to sit down in front of him and crossed his hands in front of his nose.

This posture of being on high alert made Bucky and Steve subconsciously nervous.

"You... what do you mean?"

"Let's talk about you first, Steve." Gory looked at the thin Steve, "Do you still want to join the army now?"

Steve was stunned and said, "I have no such idea about joining the army for a long time. Didn't you convince me, Reijido?"

"You made me understand that I can't be wishful thinking. On the surface, I devoted myself, but it was actually just a selfish behavior, which added burden to my comrades."

"So I gave up this idea and changed to do more volunteer activities and contribute to everyone as a volunteer."

It must be said that Steve's three views are still very positive, and his personality is also very good, which made Gory nodded with satisfaction.

"In other words, you didn't insist on joining the army before because you wanted to fight the enemy or were obsessed with the military. You just wanted to do good things, so being a volunteer is fine... Is this understanding correct?"

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