"Don't waste your energy. The mirror space is isolated from the outside world. You can't pass on any information."

Suddenly, a neutral voice that sounded half male and half female sounded, causing Gao Li to raise his head alertly.


A bald head suddenly emerged from behind the door - to be precise, from a fire circle suspended in the air behind the door, wearing a monk's robe.

"My name is Gu Yi, and I am the supreme wizard who protects the earth. You can simply understand me as the guardian who protects humans from the invasion of demons from different dimensions."

"Mage?" Gao Li was stunned. "In other words, the current visions are all magic?"

He had hardly watched Marvel movies in his previous life. He only heard about some of them because of the high degree of discussion and wide dissemination. At this time, he only felt that he seemed to have some impression of magic and seemed to have no impression.

Gu Yi nodded and said, "That's right."

"It can actually make the space change so much. If it is not due to hallucinogenic drugs... What is the principle?"

Gao Li subconsciously had the desire to explore, but immediately came back to his senses.

"Wait, what do you, a wizard, want to do with me? I'm a 100% pure scientist, and I have nothing to do with magic, right?"

In Gowrie's opinion, he was in an unknown space, and in the eyes of outsiders, he had no body protection, and he was completely in a desperate situation.

In this case, the mysterious Ancient One did not attack or sneak attack him immediately, but communicated with him, so he should not be very hostile.

If we can negotiate well, maybe we can not only solve the dilemma, but also get the secret of magic!

"That's right in theory, but..." Gu Yi paused, "To be honest, Gowrie Parker, I have been observing you for a long time."

"As far as your job is concerned, it is indeed irrelevant to magic, but your existence itself endangers this world, or this timeline!"

Gowrie was stunned by what Gu Yi said. How could this person be blamed for destroying the world and even the timeline?

Is it appropriate to accuse him of destroying the world or even the timeline?

"Me? Threaten the world and timeline? I'm not being modest. You said that I'm just an ordinary scientist, I don't have such exaggerated power as you, how can I become such a super disaster?"

Gori pointed at himself, showing a pure look.

"Or is it that kind of old-fashioned movie and TV works... You saw me become a big devil in the future, so you went back to the past to stop me?"

"Then I promise to change now! No matter what crime I committed in the future, at least I am innocent now, and there is still hope that I can be transferred to the most benevolent and kind devil!"

Ancient One shook his head and said, "No, I don't know what you will become in the future, I can't see your future at all."

"But this is the problem. I can read the timeline with the Eye of Agamotto, so there shouldn't be an invisible future."

"But it's not just you, any people and events related to you are blurred, causing our timeline to be full of chaos in the future!"

Gori was stunned when he heard this. He just said it casually, but he didn't expect Ancient One to actually admit that he could see the future!

Regardless of whether this is possible or not, whether it is credible or not, if Gao Li wants to break the deadlock, he must first follow Gu Yi's words.

"Even so, it's just that the future is not clear, it's hard to say it's harmful, right? Maybe under my leadership, the future will be bright!"

Gu Yi smiled and said, "I don't deny this possibility, and as you said, no matter what the future holds, at least you are innocent now."

"That's why I'm willing to talk to you so much at this moment, and I've observed that you haven't taken action for so many years. I didn't intend to interfere."

Gao Li frowned and said, "You mean, what happened recently that led you to decide to take action against me?"

"Yes, that's right." Gu Yi nodded, "The knowledge you have acquired is knowledge that should not appear in this world, and is only available in this timeline."

"I have tried to observe tens of millions of timelines, and I have never seen any Kamen Rider's technology, so you are a singularity that will have a huge impact on the timeline."

"This will lead to a series of huge changes. Some changes are fine, but some changes are absolutely not okay, especially when it comes to changes in the 'absolute time point'!"

At this point, Gu Yi recalled the future of those tens of millions of timelines in his mind-Tony Stark will become Iron Man, there is no doubt about it.

"After experiencing a huge change, Tony Stark's spiritual level has undergone a huge transformation, which led to him becoming a superhero named 'Iron Man' in the end."

"This incident is the 'absolute time point' that exists in any timeline of our world. It is the cornerstone of our world and cannot be shaken in any way!"

"Otherwise, once the 'absolute time point' disappears, the timeline of our world will be like losing its cornerstone and will begin to fall towards the direction of collapse!"

"Absolute time point" is not a concept invented by Gu Yi, but a real existence.

There was once a parallel world where Doctor Strange Stephen Strange lost his lover in a car accident, which became his lifelong pain.

He traveled through time with the Eye of Agamotto, trying to go back to the past to save his lover, but the death of his lover was the "absolute time point" in his world.

Doctor Strange tried countless times, but could not change what happened, so he became stronger like crazy, and finally became so powerful that he actually changed the absolute point in time...

Then his world fell apart and collapsed in complete destruction.


Gao Li didn't know whether the absolute point in time was true or false, but he knew that Ancient One might really be able to see the future.

After all, Tony is not Iron Man at this time. He will become Iron Man in the future. Only Gao Li should know!

If he further speculates further, Gao Li feels more and more that his contact with Tony may really prevent Tony from becoming Iron Man.

After all, the butterfly wings flap too hard. Even if Gauri doesn't share Kamen Rider's technology with Tony, Tony will definitely get inspiration from it and invent the steel suit in advance.

If he had the protection of the steel suit, he would not be captured by terrorists... Although he has the steel suit, Tony, who has never experienced the biggest Waterloo in his life, is not the superhero he later became. .

As long as there is no drastic change in mentality and spirit, Tony Stark will just be a playboy billionaire with an iron suit, not Iron Man, who can still be as mortal as a god even without a suit!

"Will my existence destroy the entire world?"

Gao Li touched his face blankly, feeling so overwhelmed for the first time.

Chapter 11 Welcome to my world!


Seeing that Gao Li seemed to be gradually losing his fighting spirit, Gu Yi also lowered his eyes.

"I'm sorry about this, but there's nothing I can do about it. If I want to protect the entire universe, I have to eliminate the unexpected factor like you."

The power of the Time Stone relies on the existence of the universe, so when the universe collapses, even the Ancient One cannot reverse time, and there is no chance of a comeback.

Therefore, the survival of the universe can be said to depend on Gu Yi's decision at this time, and he cannot help but not choose the safest way.

"I have thought of other ways to remedy this. For example, if Tony Stark is not captured in Afghanistan, let him be captured in New York."

"So I triggered a series of causal changes, and finally succeeded in pushing the world's top terrorist organization, the 'Ten Rings Gang', to kidnap Tony Stark, but..."

Gu Yi did not continue, because Gao Li also knew what happened next.

This remedy was thwarted by Gao Li himself.

"In other words, everything is still my fault?"

Gao Li suddenly chuckled.

"When such a heinous terrorist attack occurs, even if it happens on a weekend and the casualties are minimized, there must be many completely innocent victims."

"Each of them is a son, daughter, father, mother, grandfather, or grandmother of their own family. They obviously did nothing, but they were involved in a murderous disaster that would make their families extremely sad."

"So I wanted to rescue innocent hostages and end this terrorist attack that has led to more and more tragedies. Is what I did a mistake?"

Ancient One frowned and said: "A few sacrifices are inevitable. Compared with the entire timeline and the entire universe, they are not even the ripples on the long river of time."

"The Kamen Rider technology that only appears in this timeline is also the biggest advantage of this timeline, so if you can retain your technology, it will be the best result."

"So I chose a result that is more beneficial to the timeline. I sacrificed a few people in exchange for an absolute point in time. Isn't it good that you and your technology can continue to exist and serve our timeline?"

"That may be true from a macro perspective, but I still have trouble thinking." Gao Li took a deep breath.

"I won't hate you for this. I can even understand your actions. What's more, you tried to save me... although the purpose of saving me was not pure."

Gu Yi slowly raised his hand: "Now that you understand everything, I'll send you on your way..."

"However!" Gao Li interrupted him, "This must be based on the fact that the 'absolute point in time' and its related theories are true!"

"As for whether the 'absolute point in time' exists, it is impossible for me to believe whatever you say. I will investigate it myself. After all, it is the bounden duty of scientists to explore unknown things."

"Because of this, even if I can understand, I will never give up resistance! Even if destruction is unavoidable, I must find a solution before the world is destroyed!"

Gu Yi frowned slightly and said, "What's the point of talking about this now? I won't put the entire universe and timeline at such a huge risk just because of your one-sided words."

"According to my observation, you only have two Kamen Rider systems that you can fight with. Kamen Rider Faiz is no longer available, and Kamen Rider G3 is not around, so you have no power to resist."

"Besides, I have already observed how strong the Kamen Riders are. Even if you have a backup plan and can transform, a mere Kamen Rider will never be my opponent. It will only be a futile and useless struggle!"

"That's not certain!" Gao Li showed a confident smile that showed he was very good at playing cards.

At this moment, the air seemed to be filled with the background music of "The Fierce Duelist" - in fact, a golden card actually appeared in Gao Li's hand!

Print cards on site!

"what is that……!?"

Gu Yi's pupils shrank slightly, and the indifferent expression he always had under control broke through for the first time, revealing a confused look.

In the past, it was precisely because of his state of mind that he could cultivate like an expert in this world. Gu Yi was able to let nature take its course calmly and did not interfere until he discovered the risk of annihilation.

But in the past many years of observation, Gu Yi has never seen Gao Li possess such ability?

Obviously, even Gu Yi couldn't see the existence of the system, so he naturally didn't know about the gold-level experience card Gao Li obtained.

However, even though he didn’t know what it was, the Supreme Master’s intuition told Ancient One——

That card is bad, it's going to be bad!

Gao Li must be prevented from using that golden card!

Thinking of this, Gu Yi immediately appeared in front of two golden magic circles, and he was about to throw them as long-range weapons.

But Gao Li was also prepared and shouted loudly.

"Gu Yi, you're on fire!"

Ancient One: "?"

Of course, Gu Yi was not really popular, but Gao Li really activated the "Invincible Flame Head" skill.

Gao Li was betting that Ancient One, who claimed to be the supreme mage guarding the earth, must have a great reputation in a field he had no contact with and could meet the conditions for the release of the "Invincible Flame Head".

As expected, although the Invincible Flame Head can only be released once a day, it is so powerful that even Ancient One is not immune to it.

Just hearing the sound of "Teng", Gu Yi's big bald head was on fire!


Gu Yi was finally truly shocked. She was actually attacked without noticing any signs!

For countless years, Ancient One has resisted a large number of demons, and undoubtedly possesses the pinnacle of magical cultivation.

Even the demon god who controls an entire dimension would be hard-pressed to attack Ancient One silently!

However, Gao Li, who knew nothing about magic, could actually make his head catch fire when he couldn't even defend himself!

"I'm hungry!"

Gu Yi was in unbearable pain and quickly cast a spell to put out the fire.

Without preparation in advance, Gu Yi would be nothing more than a mortal body that would die if killed. Of course, it would be difficult to resist the burning of the flames with his body alone.

"Haha, you feel so hot."

Gao Li was verbally attacking while silently chanting to use it. Suddenly, the gold-level experience card turned into the "Faulty Driver II" on his waist and a black and green playback cassette.

Gao Li pressed the cassette without hesitation!

"Kamen Rider Chronicles!"

The thick sound spread out along with an invisible wave.

In the blink of an eye, a huge, colorful clock appeared behind Gao Li, looking sacred and solemn.

"Don't even think about it!"

Gu Yi, who quickly extinguished the fire, snorted coldly, slid his hands and began to control the mirror space.

But soon Gu Yi's eyes widened, because the surrounding space no longer listened to his instructions, making him almost unable to control it!

To be precise, Gu Yi felt that the mirror space seemed to be covered by another layer of space. This was also something Gu Yi had never encountered in his long life.

"What the hell did you do?!"


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