At the same time, a memory that is happening emerged in his mind.

The reason why it is said to be happening is that this memory is in a very strange state.

It belongs to the memories of the modern Ancient One, but when the modern Ancient One sees them, it seems like watching a live broadcast, and he can't recall the things that will happen later in advance.

"My history is being changed in real time... That's why this happens," the modern Ancient One pondered, "Is it because of Gao Li Parker?"

Gao Li Parker can easily modify the absolute time point when his strength is not strong, and it seems that he also has the power to change the reality of the past by action directly, rather than developing parallel time and space.

Then, the communication of the past Ancient One contacted him, and there was only one content in it.

- Go to the era when the past Ancient One fought with Gao Li Parker, and kill Gao Li who has lost his endless style!

The modern Ancient One and the past Ancient One are the same person, and based on the newly appeared memories, he immediately understood his thoughts.

If the past Ancient One consumes the transformation of Gao Li in the past, then because the past is affecting the future in real time, Gao Li in the future will lose the ability to transform into this troublesome form!

"But what should you do?" The modern Ancient One sent back a question, "If you were killed in the past, it would also affect me, and I would disappear directly due to the time paradox."

The past Ancient One seemed to have a very difficult fight, and it took a long time before he replied.

"It doesn't matter. I can't beat him, but I can still escape. I'll find a chance to escape later, so that he will transform in vain this time."

"It's not impossible, but if I travel through the timeline..." The modern Ancient One frowned, "According to my memory, isn't there a sniper targeting me on the timeline?"

The past Ancient One replied very quickly: "The sniper is probably aimed at me in this time. The river of time is so wide that no matter who it is, it is impossible to aim at all time points at the same time, and you will not be discovered by him."

The modern Ancient One thought for a while, felt that what he said made sense, and pinched the magic formula of time magic with one hand.

In the green light of the Eye of Agamotto, Ancient One made all preparations and carefully entered the timeline.

As expected, he did not receive any sniper attacks... But if it was a little later, Gu Yi was not sure whether the other party could react.

So he hurriedly found the time he wanted to go and sneaked in.


Mirror space, New York sinkhole.

Gao Li looked at the place where Gu Yi disappeared, and his brows frowned tightly.

At the moment when Gu Yi disappeared, a brand new memory appeared in his mind.

Gao Li remembered that he was drinking coffee in a cafe at that time, and suddenly someone patted his back, and then endless magic power burst out automatically...

Did Gu Yi attack me?

Gao Li just thought of this, and suddenly reacted.


I should not have met Gu Yi before!

What happened to this past experience?

Then, another new memory appeared in Gao Li's mind.

It was still that day, Gao Li was still drinking coffee in the cafe, and suddenly a serious traffic accident happened.

The out-of-control truck crashed towards him for some reason. Fortunately, Gao Li's body was comparable to that of Kamen Rider, and even stronger than many Kamen Riders in terms of data. He stopped the truck with his hands and feet.

Now thinking back, the traffic accident was somewhat weird, perhaps it was also evidence of Ancient One's action.

"No, no..." Gao Li shook his head, "I have never experienced such a thing, but this memory appeared... and their time is completely overlapping!"

The next moment, the third memory that happened at the same time in his impression jumped into his mind, which surprised Gao Li this time.

Because in the memory, just after putting down the coffee cup in his hand, he found that there was a commotion on the street opposite the coffee shop.

Gao Li would certainly not let go of the ready-made fun, after all, who doesn't like to watch the excitement?

So he looked intently, but was surprised to find that-

Damn! It's Ancient One!

In order to prevent Ancient One from using some magic that he couldn't defend against, Gao Li immediately transformed into Kamen Rider Wizard and started a battle with Ancient One.

As for the outcome of the battle...

Gorrie pinched his brows and couldn't recall anything, as if the end of the war hadn't come yet.

This was contradictory in terms of time logic, which made Gorrie feel very confused, so much so that he realized something after a few seconds.

"I actually pinched my own brows?"

Gorrie looked at his hands in surprise, and he could already see human palms directly, not the endless style armor!

Where is my endless style transformation? !

"By the way, if I have fought with Ancient One in the past, it means... I have already transformed!"

Gorrie slowly reacted, his history was being covered, and therefore affected him now, causing him to lose the endless style transformation of Kamen Rider Wizard!

"That's right, now is your death!"

Ancient One's cold words came from the sky. It was Ancient One from modern time and space, traveling through time and appearing on the battlefield.

Seeing Gorrie in human form, Ancient One nodded with satisfaction. In this state, Gorrie was just catching a turtle in a jar.

Gao Li stared at him intently, but couldn't help laughing out loud, which made Gu Yi's face darken.

"What are you laughing at!?"

Gao Li said calmly: "Seeing you reminded me of another thing, or it gave me an idea."

"You and the Ancient One who fought me just now are not the same Ancient One at the same time. If you can do this, why can't I?"

As he spoke, Gao Li tied a new belt on himself with his left hand and grabbed it high into the air with his right hand!

"Today is the day I die? That's not necessarily the case... As long as I don't die today, then my idea will become a reality in the future!"


Gu Yi consciously felt that something was wrong and immediately launched a magic attack, but was knocked away by two flying mechanical beetles in mid-air.

Then, the red beetle automatically flew onto the belt, while the silver beetle went straight to Gao Li's hand.

"Now I have even grasped tomorrow!"


96. Chapter 96 Haipa ascends to time! Hundred Insect Sword, the perfect insect instrument!



Gauri didn't lie, he was indeed inspired by the Ancient One.

If Gu Yi can connect the past and fight the future in this way, then there's no reason why he, Gao Li, can't!

Yes, Gao Li has this confidence!

He is confident that he has obtained the Kamen Rider system using tachyons and successfully developed Kamen Rider Kaito. There is no reason why he cannot take a step further in the days to come.

Gao Li is confident that with his talent and ability, he will be able to develop the pinnacle of this Kamen Rider system in the future - the Transcendent Insect Instrument!

And when this thought arises in Gaoli, the future will lead to this development.

The power from the future - the Transcendent Insect Instrument, will surely exert its ability to travel through time and space, and will reach his hands!

Gao Li was betting that he had this talent!

Fortunately, he won the bet.

Feeling the most real touch of the Beyond Insect Instrument in his hand, Gao Li showed a smile and quickly placed it on the side buckle.

"Hyper Cast Off!"

Gao Li pressed the insect horn that surpassed the insect meter, and the scattered armor blasts turned into a blind-angle offensive, interrupting Gu Yi's subsequent pursuit.

"Change——Hyper Beetle!!!" (Beyond Beetle Change!!!)

I saw that Kamen Rider Kato transformed into Takashi changed drastically. The chest, back, shoulders, and limbs of the armor were greatly expanded, and the super-energy tachyon particles overflowed to release an aurora-like light!

Kamen Rider Kato, beyond form!

"What's this!?"

Gu Yi's lips trembled, and Gu Yi's mentality finally showed signs of collapse.


Why is it that no matter how many strategies he devises, Gauri Parker can always come up with some weird stuff to deal with it? !

Calm down... The top priority right now is to kill Gauri Parker, who is no longer immune to magic.

Gu Yi took several deep breaths to calm his mind and warned himself in his heart.

"No matter what new Kamen Rider he becomes, the things I should do will still remain the same!"

Steve and Bucky on the battlefield were completely dumbfounded.

Although after a period of time, their souls returned to their own bodies, they found that they could not do anything to help.

The battle situation is so rapidly changing!


Eh eh eh eh eh? ? ?

"So what's going on? Why can't I understand?"

"What happened!?"

All they saw was that Gu Yi suddenly disappeared, and then Gao Li's transformation was suddenly lifted.

Then another Ancient One appeared, and then Gao Li turned into a Kamen Rider he had never seen before.

Can someone please explain this to them?

But even if no one explained it, they could still see that the transcendent form Gao Li had just transformed into was in a state of preparation.

Originally, just transforming into the transcendent form would not spill out so many tachyons, but if one wants to use extremely high-power tricks in the transcendent form, one must enter this heat dissipation mode.

Obviously, Gao Li wants to face Ancient One in his strongest state!

"Hyper Clock Up!"

Gao Li surpassed the insect meter with one shot, and his body instantly disappeared on the spot.

After being stunned for a moment, Ancient Yi immediately reacted and controlled the Eye of Agamotto to catch up.

Gao Li understood that the transcendent form was not immune to time-stopping, so he wanted to switch battlefields and not give Gu Yi a chance to stop his own time!

Although super-ascended time cannot resist the stop of time, super-ascended time can transcend time and space and travel to the past and future at will.

Therefore, Gowrie's choice of battlefield was clear.

The time of the Marvel Universe!

Gao Li is not afraid that Gu Yi will not chase him - if Gu Yi doesn't chase him, he won't chase him. Then he can also learn from Gu Yi's previous despicable operation and go directly to the past to obliterate Gu Yi.

As long as Gu Yi was not stupid, he would definitely have thought of this and would have to pursue him no matter what.

After Gu Yi arrived here, Gao Li completed his inevitable conspiracy.

Even the Time Stone cannot stop the entire river of time, which is equivalent to completely abolishing Ancient One's ability to stop time!

However, this is not without cost. The super-time-upgrade can achieve dozens of times the acceleration of the regular time-upgrade, but it cannot be used in the long river of time. As a result, Gao Li cannot crush Gu Yi at extreme speed.

This is not because the long river of time has any restraining effect on super-ascending time, but because Gao Li is already in the state of super-ascending time, so he can jump out of the timeline and come to the long river of time.

Gao Li can't activate super-ascending time in super-ascending time, so he and Gu Yi have lost their strongest means, which is equivalent to canceling each other out.

The rest depends on pure combat power!

"Come here... Royal Bee, Thunder Dragonfly, Sword Scorpion! And perfect insect instrument, Hundred Insect Sword!"

Gao Li waved his hand on the timeline, and the Hundred Insect Sword carrying the three insect instruments of Royal Bee, Thunder Dragonfly and Sword Scorpion traveled through time and space and came to his hands.

Sure enough, the future self also developed the insect instruments of Royal Bee, Thunder Dragonfly, Sword Scorpion and Hundred Insect Sword. After all, they are the same as the core technologies used by Kabuto and Gangdou, and there is no difficulty in research and development.

"Gao Li Parker, what tricks do you have?"

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