In short, they don't look like humans at all.

"Dimensional Demon..." Ancient One panted, "I expected you to come to my door."

The red-skinned demon grinned: "From the moment you borrowed our power but didn't return it, you should have expected this outcome!"

"Your soul! Your flesh! Use it to repay your debt!"

The green-faced and fanged demon also laughed heartily. These dimensional demons that Ancient One borrowed and didn't return were evil gods that leaned towards the dark dimension. It was common for them to eat people and suck souls.

The winged demon smiled playfully: "Ancient One, you shouldn't have provoked us. With the power of the dark dimension, you can live longer."

But Ancient One looked normal, without any fear of death.

"My mission did end a little early, but it's not a few years away. I hope the future will develop as expected."

"Are you still thinking about what will happen in a few years?" The sharp-toothed demon sneered, "There is no other Supreme Sorcerer on Earth except you now, right?"

"In other words, the Earth is equivalent to being defenseless! Do you still expect your disciples and grandchildren, those shrimp soldiers and crab generals of Kamar-Taj to stop us?!"

After that, the dimensional demons laughed together and mocked the Ancient One wantonly.

"The existing wizards in Kamar-Taj are indeed unable to stop you, and the new generation of Supreme Sorcerers has not yet been born. It is not yet time for him to come out."

The Ancient One's tone was indifferent, without any worry.

"But... I don't have to worry about this anymore. There is a Chinese saying that goes, if the sky falls, there will be tall people to hold it up. Aren't you curious why I am so seriously injured?"

The dimensional demons were stunned when they heard this, and subconsciously stopped laughing.

Just now, they found that the hated Ancient One was in an unprecedented weak state, and they were overjoyed.

Because of their excessive ecstasy, they could not calm down and think about the cause and effect.

Yes... Who beat Ancient One like this?

Ancient One smiled and continued: "It seems that you realize that there must be a strong man on Earth, and I lost to him, which led to this desperate situation."

"Therefore-even if I am not there, he is not someone you can provoke! You can't even do anything to me, and he who can defeat me is a hundred times more terrifying than me!"

The dimensional demons looked at each other and saw a hint of hesitation in each other's eyes.

As Ancient One said, it's not that there are no strong people on Earth now.

Perhaps that strong man is different from the Supreme Mage and has no responsibility to protect humans, but once he encounters a dimensional invasion, it will inevitably affect him.

At that time, he will definitely take action and exert the terrifying power that can severely damage Ancient One on them!

An Ancient One can almost ride on their heads and act tyrannically, let alone the peerless master who almost killed Ancient One?

How strong should he be?

"Or... let's wait a little longer?"

The Red-skinned Demon said hesitantly, and the Green-faced Demon immediately nodded in agreement.

"Okay, I heard that Dormammu is ready and will start invading the earth in a few years. We can see his situation and make a decision."

The other dimensional demons thought this made sense, and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​invading the earth, waiting for Dormammu to be the vanguard.

However, the Ancient One who has fallen into their hands should still be enjoyed!


When Gao Li saw this, the timeline of the Ancient One was completely interrupted.

Obviously, the Ancient One had died at the hands of several dimensional demons at this time.

For a while, Gao Li's mood was a little complicated.

Although it was a hostile relationship and the two sides were fighting for life and death, the Ancient One did not lie. As the Supreme Sorcerer, he was indeed the guardian of mankind.

This indifference to his own death is also something that the current Gorri cannot do.

Presumably, the Ancient One also hopes that he can see this ending. He is telling Gorri through what happened at the end of the timeline-

Before the new generation of Supreme Sorcerers is born, it is up to you to protect mankind.

Fortunately, the dimensional demons were also successfully frightened by the Ancient One, and they will not have the idea of ​​invading the earth for at least a few years.

"The Ancient One who fought with me in the past..."

Gorri does not need to look at the past timeline, because the memories in his mind are happening in real time.

The Ancient One in the past is fighting with the Gorri in the past, and all kinds of magic are being used to find opportunities to leave the battlefield as much as possible.

As long as he can escape successfully, there will be no time and space paradox between him and the modern Ancient One!

However, at this moment, the Ancient One in the past was stunned.

He is the only Ancient One in the timeline who maintains super-time and space contact with the modern Ancient One, so the Ancient One in the past can also clearly perceive the situation of the modern Ancient One through this connection.

As for the Ancient One at other time points, because the experience of the modern Ancient One was related to Gorri, it was covered in Gorri's mist and could not be seen clearly.


The magic attack that could have been avoided was not avoided by the past Ancient One due to this distraction, and was hit head-on.

The Ancient One vomited blood on the spot, and flew to the next street with broken bones.

The past Gorri was stunned when he saw this, and was a little puzzled as to why the Ancient One was distracted in the battle.

However, after landing, the Ancient One did not fight back, but took this opportunity to cast a spell to open the Eye of Agamotto.

The Time Gem helped him enter the long river of time, but this time he did not suffer any sniping.

"So that's how it is... As expected."

Gu Yi seemed to understand something and let out a long sigh.

"Is this the last message you want to leave me in the future before you die?"

While sighing, Gu Yi's eyes turned cold and became extremely indifferent.

He truly felt the death of his future self, but there was no wave in Gu Yi's heart.

"Gauri Parker, it's true that you are sniping at me from the future time point towards the past time point. It must be because of that transcendent form, right?"

"You don't continue to attack me now, which means it is no longer necessary - indeed, there is no point in fighting anymore. Unfortunately, I just realized this, and it is already too late."

Gu Yi shook his head slightly, as if talking to himself.

His thoughts were consistent with those of the dead modern Ancient One: before the birth of the new generation of Supreme Mage, the guardian of mankind was Gori for the time being.

Facing the invasion of foreign enemies, humans need someone tall enough to stand in front.

It's just... I didn't expect that Gao Li would have grown so tall after not seeing each other for a long time?

But now, Gao Li has grown fast enough and tall enough to make Gu Yi feel more at ease.

"Next, it's time for me to clean up the mess I caused and deal with the trouble for the 'New Guardian'."

Ancient One re-entered the timeline and came to the time before the battle with Gao Li.

At this time, Gao Li was sitting in the cafe drinking coffee and lamented that the coffee tasted terrible.

This was the fourth time that Gu Yi entered the same time period, but this time, Gu Yi looked at Gao Li silently, but did nothing.

Time passed minute by minute, and soon Gao Li stood up to pay the bill, left the cafe and went home.

The new reality covers history. Today is calm and nothing happens.

The New York Magic War, which originally shocked the United States, no longer exists.


The seriously injured Gu Yi felt relieved after seeing this, and sat down against the wall a little unbearably.

He looked in the direction of Kama Taj and thought that there was still another version of himself in this era - that was the Ancient One who didn't know anything yet.

"It's time for me to leave..."

Ancient One struggled to get up, activated the Eye of Agamotto, and returned to his own time.

But the landing point was not New York, but Kamal Taj.

"The history that will happen in the future must continue as usual, so that Gauri Parker can become as strong as he is now and become a new guardian whose strength surpasses mine... I must maintain this causal relationship."

Gu Yi secretly thought about it, and he believed that if the dimensional demon really invaded the earth, Gao Li would never sit idly by and watch, but would fight back.

After all, Gu Yi did not attack Gao Li because of his bad moral character, but simply because Gao Li could change the identity of the time bomb at an absolute point in time, so he planned to defuse the time bomb - that is, to erase him.

The memories of the modern Ancient One who had observed Gao Li for so many years were also instilled into the mind of the present Ancient One, allowing him to be more certain about Gao Li's character.

So what needs to be done is clear at this point.

"Gauri Parker, I know that with your power, you can already see time, so you are looking at me, right?"

Gu Yi said softly, as if talking to himself or speaking to the void.

"Please watch out, I will take on the responsibility of the loser - accept death in the future. However, between now and the future, the earth still needs my protection."

"Therefore, I will modify all my memories of today, so that I was seriously injured only after fighting the Dimension Demon. In this way, after I recover from my injuries, the future cause and effect cycle can also be achieved."

After that, Gu Yi waved his magic spell, letting the magic circle completely cover himself, and began to clear and modify his own memory.

Gao Li watched the second half through the timeline and was filled with emotions.

When Gu Yi entered that time period for the fourth time, he actually wanted to talk to Gu Yi.

But just now Gao Li tried it, and the super-ascension time transformation was unable to enter this point in time!

This corresponds to Gao Li's previous guess that two of him cannot exist at the same time.

"Oh... now that we're done, let's go find where Steve and Bucky are."

Gao Li also checked the history of Steve and Bucky being sucked in, but it was not that he was not worried about the safety of his friends just now, but it was unnecessary.

For him who can travel back and forth between the past and the future at will, there is no difference between looking for it sooner or later.

But now Gao Li also knows a limitation - that is, he cannot go to the past or future where he exists.

"It seems like it might be better for me not to enter the timeline for the time being." Gao Li pondered.

As long as he does not enter the timeline, it means that he does not exist in the timeline, and he can go wherever he wants.

Once it enters the timeline, it will constitute "Gaoli's history", so there is no way for him to enter this history.

"let me see……"

Gowrie began to investigate where Steve and Bucky appeared, looking towards the future, and it was shrouded in fog again.

"My talent for hiding the timeline is really disgusting," Gao Li said with a bit of pain. "Although when I was weak, it could protect me from the prying eyes of the big guys, but when I have the ability to detect the timeline, I will be connected to myself. are all affected by it.”

However, Gao Li felt relieved for the time being. If Steve and Bucky's future was covered by his fog, it meant that they would definitely meet him in the future!

"Since we are not going to enter the timeline for the time being... let's go back to the DC Universe first!"

Gao Li came up with the idea that when he becomes stronger in the DC universe, he can cope with possible crises in the future.

At the very least, you need to replenish the endless magic power first, right?

But now he is in a relatively safe place on the river of time, where Gao Li can rest his body.

Thinking of this, Gao Li ordered in a deep voice.

"Travel, start!"

98. Chapter 98 Gaia Memory!



Gao Li traveled back to the DC universe, and it was the familiar deep sea immersion again.

When the light gradually brightened in front of his eyes, Gao Li woke up in the life-saving capsule of Feidian Group.

"I have been in the Marvel Universe for just over a year, and the time here has passed..."

Gao Li looked at the clock in the safe house: "About fifteen minutes?"

That's okay, it doesn't take too long.

"I wonder if there are any changes to the system?"

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