After a day of research, Gauri returned exhausted to his magnificent luxury villa.

The villa is located on a hillside in the countryside, with wide views.

The moonlight shines on the floor through the large windows, reflecting the exquisite furniture and artwork in the villa.

Gauri likes to relax in this unique environment, away from the noise and worries of the city, lying on the comfortable sofa and watching the stars twinkling in the sky at night.

But tonight, a star seemed to be getting closer and closer to him.

"Huh?" Gao Li blinked, "That's..."

He took a closer look and saw that Clark, whom he had not seen for a long time, was here!'s just that for Gowrie they haven't seen each other for a long time, but for Clark, the violent beating he received in Smallville is still fresh in his memory.

At this time, Clark looked different from before.

Judging from his appearance, except for his slightly younger face, he is almost the same as the legendary superhero in the future.

He was wearing the iconic blue tights, with a red cloak fluttering in the breeze, and his blue eyes were deep and firm, much less green than before.

Clark drifted over, stood in front of the villa and rang the doorbell.

"Mr. Wayne, are you there?"

Gauri opened the door for Clark and pointed into the house.

"Come in and sit down. You don't want to stand at the door and talk, do you?"

Clark nodded and walked in behind Gao Li with his head held high.

After they both sat down, Clark was enjoying the quiet time while brewing the deep gratitude in his heart.

He came here this time because he wanted to express his inner excitement to Gao Li!

"Tell me, Clark," Gao Li spoke first, "What do you want from me?"

"Mr. Wayne, I want to say thank you!" Clark's voice was full of sincerity and gratitude.

"Oh? What do you say?"

Gao Li looked at Clark with a smile, knowing that Clark had a lot to say.

"I would like to express my most sincere thanks to you," Clark continued, his eyes showing sincerity, "thank you for telling me about the Fortress of Solitude."

"Well, of course, that's not actually called the Fortress of Solitude. I don't know why you call it that. It's actually an exploration spacecraft from my planet."

"But I also think the name Fortress of Solitude is very appropriate. If you don't mind, I would like to continue using this name. Is that okay?"

Clark was a teenager after all, so his words of thanks went a bit off topic.


But Gao Li didn't say much, he just nodded encouragingly and motioned for him to continue.

Clark also came to his senses and blushed slightly.

"I'm sorry, what I actually wanted to say is... this changed my life and made me understand where I came from. I learned a lot in the process."

"Not just about myself, but about the world. I learned to fly, became stronger, and more confident than before."

"I also understand the meaning of my existence, and I have a better understanding of my mission. I have grown a lot and changed a lot!"

Clark finished speaking in one breath and looked at Gao Li expectantly, not knowing how to hide his emotions at all.

Gao Li couldn't help but laugh. How could this a child who had just achieved something, showing off to an adult he respected?

Deep down in his heart, Clark probably hoped that Gao Li would recognize him, so he couldn't wait to come to Gao Li as soon as possible.

For Clark, who is still relatively innocent at heart, Gao Li is of course a heavy drinker of chicken soup for the soul.

"Clark, I can see that you are no longer the confused and restless child, but a man who is confident and knows what he wants to do. Your progress is amazing, and you no longer need to hide your strength like you did when you were a child. ”

Gaoli's eyes shone with admiration and encouragement, and he gently patted Clark's shoulder to express his understanding and support.

"Clark, you are an extraordinary being in your own right. Your inner kindness, wisdom and courage are unparalleled. I recognize you not only because of your strength, but also because of your character and determination."

"Your existence has far-reaching significance to this world, and you will affect the future of mankind in your own way! Come on, I believe in you!"

Clark felt extremely warm and inspired when he listened to Gao Li's words.

He knew that he was able to be here now, with unprecedented confidence and strength, all because of Gao Li's help.

"Thank you, Mr. Wayne!" Clark showed a child-like expression of happiness, "I will use my own power to protect this world! My determination and hard work will not let you down!"

Gao Li said gently: "Clark, you will definitely become a great hero, bringing justice and hope. No matter what difficulties you face, I will always support you."

Clark was even more moved, and just as he was about to continue speaking, he heard Gao Li's cell phone ringing.

Gao Li answered the phone, and Alfred's voice came from the other end.

"Master Gaoli, John Constantine, who you ordered Wayne Industries to keep an eye on some time ago, has had a recent incident. I think it would be better to inform you."

"What's wrong with him?" Gao Li frowned.

Alfred said: "According to the information from the police station and the hospital, Mr. John didn't know why he jumped off the train and was seriously injured."

"If you have anything to ask him, I suggest you go there as soon as possible. I heard that Mr. John was seriously injured and he may die at any time."

As soon as Alfred finished speaking, a coordinate was sent to Gao Li's mobile phone.

"I know, thank you, Afu."

After Gao Li hung up the phone, his brows frowned even tighter.

Constantine jumped off the train?

Why did he jump off the train?

Although Constantine is a master in exorcism, his body is still mortal and he has not undergone transformation surgery.

In this case, if he dared to jump off the speeding train, would he still have a good result?

So he might have been fighting with someone on the train and was forced to jump off the train?

The more Gao Li thought about it, the more he felt that it was very likely.

If so, maybe Constantine's enemies are still chasing him, and it will be bad when they find Constantine who is seriously injured in the hospital!

Constantine must have no power to resist at this time. Although he is a big pit, Gorrie can't sit still and watch him suffer fatal danger.

At this point, Gorrie looked at Clark.

"Clark, can I ask you a favor?"

Clark was stunned. Just when he subconsciously wanted to ask what was going on, his super brain, which was usually rusty, reacted.

It must be related to the John Constantine mentioned on the phone!

Clark didn't deliberately eavesdrop on Gorrie's call. It was just that his super hearing was too powerful.

"You can fly in the sky, faster than any means of transportation. Can you please take me to this coordinate? Let's go now!"

Gorrie pressed the location on his mobile phone to call up the map navigation, and Clark stood up without thinking.

"Of course no problem, I will escort you there as soon as possible, Mr. Wayne!"

Soon, Clark took Gorrie to the sky.


Gorrie looked at the way Clark hugged him and fell into silence.

It was actually a princess hug.

"Stop, can you change the way you carry me?"

"Ah?" Clark was stunned, "Oh, okay..."

Then he changed to carrying a sack on his shoulder.

Gori: "..."

"I said stop, change to a more normal way!"

Clark followed suit and this time carried Gao Li on his back, which was finally not so awkward.

But after carrying him for a while, Gao Li felt like an old man who was being carried home by his strong son.

Luckily, Clark was still very fast, and soon brought Gao Li to the vicinity of the hospital, ending Gao Li's embarrassing journey.

"Mr. Wayne, this is the private general hospital, right?"

Gori confirmed the location, just nodded, and suddenly his expression froze.

"Clark, put me down first. I have to deal with some uninvited guests."

"What uninvited guests?" Clark asked eagerly, "Do you need my help?"

Gory glanced at him and said, "...It's not impossible. Why don't you try first? Then I can save myself the trouble."

Clark excitedly waved his fist: "Leave it to me! Mr. Wayne, who are we going to fight today?"


Gory couldn't help but fall into deep thought. Has this Superman been led astray by him?

Shaking his head and throwing away the messy thoughts, Gory said: "The opponent you are going to deal with, if I am not mistaken, is the devil from hell."

Gory regained the status of the Lord of Magic in the DC Universe, and his perception of magic is very delicate.

As soon as he approached the hospital, he immediately sensed a very familiar breath - very similar to the magic of the demons he had killed in hell!

"Ah? Demons from hell?" Clark was shocked. "Does this really exist?"

Gory laughed and said, "Of course it exists. I'm a magician, so what's so strange about demons from hell? Not to mention demons, I've even been to hell myself!"

Clark's pupils were shaking and he was shocked.

For him, who was a young man in a small town not long ago, what Gory said was like a myth happening around him!

"Mr. Wayne, you are so awesome!"

Clark said with great admiration, his tone full of true feelings.

"You can even climb back after going to hell!"

Gory: "???"

No, can you talk?

Gory glared at Clark fiercely and pointed to the corner of the street.

"Stop talking nonsense, your target is's you, Clark! Hurry up!"

Clark scratched his hair, put Gory down and walked over there.

Sure enough, behind the corner were many non-human creatures that could be seen at a glance as non-humans. Most of them were bare-chested and barefoot, strong and sturdy, with long sharp teeth and claws, and sharp horns on their heads.


"It's human!"

"What strange clothes?"

"But it should be edible, right?"

The demons laughed sinisterly, and Clark looked at their twisted bodies and bloodthirsty faces, and his face immediately darkened.

"You actually still want to eat people? No wonder Mr. Wayne asked me to beat you, it seems that you can't be spared!"

Although Clark has the concept of not killing people, even the later Superman, this concept of not killing is only limited to humans.

Superman's philosophy of not killing monsters like demons has never been applicable.

"Watch this!"

Clark approached quickly without hesitation and kicked down one of the demons from hell!

With a "bang", the demon flew backwards in the air wave, and then Clark grabbed the arm of another demon and threw him to the ground.

Suddenly, the whole street seemed to have an earthquake!

"Oh no, the sound is a bit too loud..."

Gori took out the magician's ring and cast a magic to cover the battlefield here to prevent people who heard the noise from seeing it.

"So strong?!"

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