It is simply a great charity that benefits the entire magical world!

"In short, I hope to use your connections in the magic world to spread this news widely. With your reputation endorsement, it can also reduce the difficulty of publicity. Anyone who wants to borrow the knight's magic power can come to me."

Gao Li's request was so simple that the magic masters agreed without even thinking about it.

In fact, they directly became the first batch of people to borrow the knight's magic power!

Among them, only Dr. Destiny did not borrow money from Gauri due to the dignity of the God King of Naboo.

It's not that Doctor Fate doesn't want to think about it - even if Kent is separated from the God King of Naboo, he is still a self-taught magic master. However, Naboo is the God King of Order, so he really can't get rid of this face.

After all, Doctor Destiny is equivalent to the envoy who borrows the divine power of order. What does it mean to say that you want to borrow other supreme powers?

Deadman Boston is not among them, otherwise he would not be able to borrow it, because his power comes from the blessing of Moro Kushner, the goddess of death.

As for the Phantom Stranger who was still there during the Darkness Rising event earlier, he has long since disappeared. He has always been so elusive and does not belong to the "Master of Magic".

It didn't take long for this shocking news to spread in the magical world.

It is no exaggeration to say that it directly caused a big earthquake in the magical world!

Damn it! Compared with the past, it is almost equivalent to new magic power at no cost!

Is there such a good thing?

Only those extremely evil mages are worried that it will be useless if they borrow the knight's magic power, because once the knight's magic power does something bad, it will freeze on the spot...

In addition, the relatively normal mages came in an endless stream to borrow the knight's magic power.

In the next month, Gao Li basically stayed with the magic masters to receive these visiting mages.

Ninety percent of the magicians simply gave up and retreated after learning that practicing knight magic would be life-threatening.

Although this will lead to more and more use of knight's magic, and the debt will become larger and larger, so that their research that has nothing to do with knight's magic will be used to pay off the debt and leaked to the Lord of Endlessness...

But the magic of knights is so tempting!

What's more, revealing one's own magical secrets would pose a threat to themselves only if their opponents at the same level know about them.

And leak it to the Lord of Endlessness...

They are not on the same level at all. Whether they know the secret of your magic or not, they can just slap you to death.

Just like a beggar never worries that a billionaire will covet the dime in his bowl.

Thinking of this, the magicians all looked away.

For the remaining 10% of magicians, after firming up their minds, Gao Li arranged a mini version of the Witch's Night Banquet magic circle for them on the spot.

After being promoted to the Lord of Magic, Gao Li mastered knight magic at his fingertips. He didn't need any human pillars at all and could cast the Witch's Night Banquet for one person by himself.

Among them, the magician who could successfully overcome despair and reach hope was lucky enough to directly change his profession to become a Kamen Rider magician. However, the phantoms transformed by failed magicians were all killed by Gao Li on the spot.

In just one month, Gao Li's disciples and disciples accounted for almost half of the human magic world.

If Gao Li can twist them into a rope, they will be the most powerful human force in the history of the magic world, bar none!

Before this, the most powerful human force in the magic world was the Cold Flame Holy See. Now Gao Li can change the strongest position with just one thought.

However, this means nothing to Gao Li. To say that he is "the strongest" is just the strongest among human magicians, and it does not even include the power of the Dharma God headed by Naboo.

Moreover, after Gao Li achieves this step, he can already achieve his original purpose of covering, and gain some benefits for him by the way.

After a month of thinking, Clark also strengthened his mind and came to Gao Li with determined eyes.

"Mr. Wayne, I have thought about it carefully! And during this period, I also used my super hearing and super vision to secretly investigate. The Holy Crusaders are indeed so evil. You did not wrong them!"

"Really..." Gao Li condensed a piece of knight's magic power, "Tomorrow is the winter solstice. Now that you have made a decision, let's go!"

"I can provide you with support to hide your identity, but how you do it depends on you. In principle, I won't intervene or interfere. Is that okay?"

"No problem! I'm very grateful that you can help me like this!" Clark was a little confused after saying, "Is this ball of energy in your hand support? How can you use it to hide your identity?"

Gao Li smiled and said: "It's very simple, I just want you to become a Kamen Rider."

"Congratulations, from today on, you are a Kamen Rider!"

104. Chapter 104 A grand ceremony that attracts the attention of all gods and demons!



Winter solstice, midnight.

Swamp Thing comes to the Parliament of Life, which is the headquarters of the Green of All Things. Every member of the Parliament of Life was once a Swamp Thing of the previous generation.

"John Constantine came to me and asked me to implement a plan that would be beneficial to the Parliament of Life... and to the Green of All."

Swamp Monster said straight to the point, but the Life Council had different opinions.

"John Constantine cannot be trusted."

"What good ideas could he have?"

"Today is the winter solstice, so we should pay attention to the coming of the Son!"

There is no way, Constantine's reputation is too bad.

But Swamp Thing had been teammates with Constantine for a while and could still rely on his wisdom.

"Members of Congress, please listen to me in detail. This plan is related to the coming of the Holy Son - he wants us to give birth to a new generation of Holy Sons!"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the audience was shocked!

"What did you say?!"

"How is that possible?"

"It's already the winter solstice!"

"too late!"

Swamp Thing shook his head and shared his memories with the Parliament of Life.

A few days ago, Constantine found Swamp Thing.

"Alec, I have something to ask you...don't be too busy refusing. This thing is also good for you."

Alec was Swamp Thing's name when he was still a human, but since becoming Swamp Thing, Alec has transformed into a large pile of muddy vines.

"What good can be done about Constantine?" Alec muttered, but still decided to listen, "You tell me first, and I will decide later."

Constantine took a deep breath and made up his mind.

"Listen to me, the prophecy of the return of the Son will definitely be fulfilled, but how it will be fulfilled is not clearly stated in the prophecy, so we can use a neutralizing force to fulfill the prophecy."

"Alec, let me ask you a question first. When you turned into a swamp monster, did you ever regret it? A body like yours can no longer be gentle with your girlfriend Abby..."

Before Constantine could finish his words, he was angrily lifted up by Swamp Monster.

"Constantine! You are so low-level that you can't be more low-level. Are you just looking for me to make such a dirty joke? Now the entire species hangs by a thread!"

Obviously, Constantine's words directly hit Swamp Monster's pain point.

Abby is Alec's good friend and his girlfriend. However, even though Alec is a plant god, his body has completely transformed into a plant and does not have the ability to reproduce with mammals.

The mammals here refer to humans - of course, he can't do any mammals, let alone give birth, and he can't even do the things he loves to do.

"Oh, calm down," Constantine took out a cigarette calmly, "Of course I don't just want to joke with you, don't get angry, I have everything under control."

"Listen, let me light a cigarette first, and then I'll tell you my plan. I promise you'll absolutely love it, and you'll even be grateful to me."

Swamp Thing was silent for a while, then put Constantine back down, and Constantine also took the cigarette and lit it.

"The prophecy about the second generation of the Son is that on the winter solstice, through the combination of nature and supernatural, the Son will be born, right?"

"Then, all I need to do is lend you my body to possess you on the winter solstice, and you and Abby do things that couples should do, wouldn't it satisfy the prophecy conditions?"

Abby is a human being who is natural, and Alec is a plant god who is supernatural. Their combination is of course a combination of nature and supernatural.

When Alec heard this, even though he looked like a plant, he showed an extremely shocked expression.

"you you!?"

He never expected that Constantine would come up with such a crazy plan that violated moral ethics!

Moreover... Alec always felt weird using Constantine's body to do that kind of thing with his girlfriend.

However, it had been too long since he had been with Abby Wing. If he missed this opportunity, he might never have it in his lifetime.

After all, Swamp Thing does not turn back into a human after retiring, but becomes a member of the Parliament of Life.

The Life Parliament is a step further than Swamp Monster. Swamp Monster is just a humanoid creature that looks like a variety of plants. The Life Parliament is directly a large group of conscious trees and plants.

"I...I don't know," Alec was silent for a moment, "But can this plan succeed? It is said that heaven will send extremely high-level angels to earth to combine with the contemporary Virgin. I discussed with Abby's children how to win the authority. Pass them?"

Constantine's plan seems ideal, but there is a fatal flaw, which is the authority to become the contemporary Son of God.

It does not mean that as long as the conditions meet the prophecies, the Son will definitely be born.

Otherwise, on the winter solstice, if we find a lot of random demons or monsters and combine them with humans, wouldn't it be possible to give birth to tens of thousands of holy sons?

Meeting the conditions described in the prophecy is only the most basic requirement. In addition, it depends on who is more qualified to become the Son of God - there is only one Holy Son of the Son in the contemporary era.

And the Son is related to heaven, so in the advent of the Son, the children of angels and the Virgin undoubtedly have the highest authority!

Even if Constantine brings about countless couples who meet the "union of nature and supernatural on the winter solstice", their children together cannot possibly compete with the children of high-ranking angels and contemporary Virgins.

"Don't worry, I've thought about this a long time ago."

Constantine sighed and blew out a smoke ring.

"Don't ask for specific details. I don't want to talk about it, or even recall it. But I can guarantee that the union between the angel and the Virgin will never succeed."

"At that time, as the representative of the green of all things, the strongest plant god in this supernatural force, the child born by you will definitely have top authority and be able to win the first place in authority during the winter solstice."

The memory ends here, and the Parliament of Life debates endlessly.

"Constantine may have some conspiracy!"

"Probably not? What good will it do to him?"

"I don't know if there are any benefits, but I know there is absolutely no harm in trying!"

"Yes, give it a try. Anyway, there will be no loss if you fail."

If it succeeds...

Even the members of the Life Council who have turned into giant trees can't help but feel excited.

The contemporary Son of the Green of All Things!

That's too tempting!

"Go and try it, Alec!"

Finally, the Life Council made a decision.

Alec himself couldn't resist the temptation. Finally...he can finally feel Abby's warmth again in a human body!

The swamp monster couldn't wait to return to Constantine, and then contacted his girlfriend Abby.

After a set of tossing, Constantine turned into a soul, temporarily wandering in the sky, and the flesh was lent to the swamp monster Alec.

"That way, there will probably be no problem. I heard that the Green of All Things has a special technique that can make the other party 100% successful in sowing..."

"And I will lend my perfect body to Alex so that he can have a good time with his girlfriend, and then successfully implant his elemental embryo into a fertile soil."

"The prophecy was fulfilled, the Holy Crusade was stopped, the devil was taught a lesson, I was praised, and Abby - Abby will be pregnant."

Constantine, in the spirit state, silently reviewed the game and felt that everything was as planned.

If Gao Li knew about Constantine's amazing operation, he would have to be amazed and praise you.

I cuckold myself, only you can do it!

In fact, Constantine was helpless. The day when Nigel helped him recover his body, he threatened the life of the baby downstairs in the hospital.

This forced Constantine to sign a contract with Nigel and carry out the evil plan of the Eternal Punishment Legion. However... Constantine did not want to help Heaven enslave humans, nor did he want Hell's conspiracy to succeed.

He chose to stand on the side of humans!

Although the Green of All Things is quite hostile to humans, the modern swamp monster still retains humanity and cares about the safety of humans.

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