107. Chapter 107 I, the Face Fruit Ability User!



Glastonburg, ruins.

The angel army has surrounded Clark, and Clark is unwilling to continue fighting with them, and is trying to find a way to leave.

At this moment, something strange happened!

The archangels sitting in Silver City are not just for show. Although they did not directly intervene in the Advent of the Son of God, they could not allow Heaven to continue to be humiliated at this moment.

Immediately, a healing holy light fell from the sky and landed directly on Uriel in the ruins!


Clark was startled and wanted to step forward to stop it.

He finally knocked Uriel down... Well, it wasn't that difficult, but wouldn't Heaven's treatment mean that all the previous treatments were in vain?

Although Clark is confident that he can knock Uriel down again, if Heaven repeatedly treats Uriel, it will be difficult for Superman to outlast them.

"Stop him!"

Clark was not the only one who wanted to stop his opponent.

The angel army did not arrive late this time, but rushed towards Clark one after another.

This group of angels surrounded Clark in three layers, which could be called a net of heaven and earth, so airtight that not a drop of water could be poured in.

And because the angels can fly, they still surrounded Clark from all directions. Unless Clark can move in space, he can't escape no matter how fast he is.

"Damn... Get out of the way! Get out of the way!"

Clark pushed the angel army away with force, but he didn't dare to really use ruthless hands on them, and seemed very restrained.

Although Uriel was beaten so miserably by Clark, he was at least famous and was one of the four angels in front of God-although he was undoubtedly the bottom among them, he was also very good at the bottom.

The "Light of God" and "Flame of God" are first-class as sandbags!

In short, it is very durable.

This is also what Clark felt when he did not attack first but resisted Uriel's attack.

Then, he could use his fists and feet without any worries.

However, the angels who blocked him were different. If they used less strength, they might have little effect. The angels all showed fanaticism and fearlessness.

If they used more strength... then they might easily kill the angels!

Angels are different from demons after all, and Clark was also influenced by his parents.

To attack Uriel was to step on Clark's minefield, and the Holy Crusaders under his command were also evil, which had accumulated Clark's anger to the highest point before that.

In other words, only the main culprit was killed - in fact, it was not accurate enough. Clark did not even intend to kill Uriel.

Not to mention the other angels. In short, Clark felt overwhelmed and difficult to deal with, and was forcibly dragged down.

After all, the angel army was not connected. If several mountains surrounded Clark, Clark could easily push them away.

The angels were all individuals. Even if Clarke pushed dozens of them away with great strength, the rest of the angels would not be affected by the power transmission as long as they avoided them.

Therefore, Clarke could only watch Uriel resurrect with full health and full status!


Clarke exclaimed unwillingly. Uriel looked at him hatefully, then flew away with great fear and rushed straight to Zed.

The fight just now had made Uriel very clear that he was not the opponent of this knight magician.

Even if he continued to fight, it would only be humiliating himself.

He had been humiliated enough today!


Zede had been stunned by what he saw. The changes in front of him were completely beyond her imagination.

The holy angel was beaten by a mortal magician...

How could I have such a dream?

No! This is not a dream, it is reality!

But Uriel didn't care what Zede's mental state was. He went up and forced the ceremony of the coming of the Son of God.

If Clarke hadn't intervened, Uriel would have been more ritualistic and let the Virgin Mary participate happily.

Now He just wants to complete the Coming of the Son of God as soon as possible!


Zed screamed uncontrollably, frowning tightly, obviously feeling pain.

Uriel continued the ceremony regardless. The Virgin Mary's pain was nothing to him. After all, the Virgin Mary was just a mortal.

"Hungry ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

This time it was a higher decibel scream, but not only Zed was screaming, Uriel screamed even louder than her!

"No! No no no! The container has been contaminated, she can no longer be the Lord's Holy Grail!"

Uriel wailed and withdrew, fleeing from here faster than when he came.

I saw that half of Uriel's body was black as if mosaics were made.

——It was the power of the devil that was eroding His body!

"My God, how could this happen!?"

Zed covered his face in despair, feeling ashamed and angry.

This is not an adjective, she was really ashamed to the point of wanting to die!

His body had been cleansed by the Holy Light of the Holy Crusaders, so why was it still contaminated by the power of the devil...

Zed quickly guessed the reason.

It was John!

John Constantine!

In an instant, Zed felt as if he had died, and the pain even exceeded the stage of wanting to commit suicide.

At the same time, the angels were all furious!


"Absolute blasphemy!"

"Absolutely indisputable!"

"The Holy Advent Crusaders have seriously neglected their duties!"

The most furious person was undoubtedly Uriel, and this anger even surpassed the anger against Clark for a time.

It would be better to say that he was brutally beaten by the Knight Magician under the watchful eyes of the Eight Divine Realms. As a result, he was unable to complete the coming of the Son in the end, resulting in the two elements being combined. Uriel was furious!

"You all deserve to die! All of you are going to hell!"

Uriel roared angrily, and the fire of hell poured out, sweeping away all the members of the Holy Advent Crusaders in the square!


"No! Why is this happening!?"

"You promised we would forgive sins!"

"No! Help!"

From the top to the grassroots of the Holy Advent Crusaders, everyone screamed and burned to ashes in the blink of an eye.

This is not the end yet. Their souls after death are still burning in the fire, falling deeper and deeper into hell!

"especially you!"

Uriel glanced at Zed with an angry look, and Zed smiled miserably, without even the mood or thought to defend himself.

Gao Li frowned slightly and had to take out the magician's ring.

He doesn't know what happened to Constantine and Zedd. The current information only stops at the fact that Zedd and Constantine are a couple.

It would be difficult for Gauri to sit back and watch his friend's girlfriend being killed without any reaction.

And because the Holy Advent Crusade mainly developed among the wealthy class, as the big brother of the wealthy class, Wayne Industries collected very detailed information.

It clearly shows that even though the vast majority of the Holy Advent Crusaders are unpardonable, Zed, who has been trained as the Virgin Mary, is indeed an innocent person who has never done any bad things.


At this time, Uriel had already waved his hand, and with extremely resentful mood, he drove the hell fire from before to flood Zed.


Constantine cried bitterly in his spiritual state. Even though he had no body, he was so sad that his whole body was twitching.

The next moment, the flames dissipated, as if someone had wiped them away with an eraser.

All the gods and demons looked over in surprise, and saw a floating magic circle appearing in front of Zed, from which an arm as bright as a diamond stretched out!

It was the barrier cast by that arm that was extremely strong in the face of Uriel's angry blow, leaving Zed unscathed.

"You! You are...!?"

Uriel also trembled in shock. He would never mistake this unique aura, just as the gods and demons in the sky would never forget it——

It's the Lord of Endlessness who has taken action!

If Gao Li had taken action from the beginning, Uriel would have been surprised, but he definitely would not have reacted so violently.

But things are different now.

As soon as he saw the Lord of Endlessness, Uriel reflexively thought of the knight magic created by him.

When he thinks of knight magic, Uriel will think of the knight magician just now.

Thinking of the knight magician... the violent beating he couldn't resist not long ago filled Uriel's mind!

It’s vivid in my mind and fresh in my memory!

I can’t forget it even if I want to!

Even a mage who only practices the knight's magic system is so powerful, how powerful should the Lord of Endlessness himself be? !

Just as Uriel was thinking of this, Gao Li spoke calmly.

"Give me some face, this mortal is old to me."

Uriel's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and his lips moved a few times, wanting to say something, but he hesitated.

Suddenly, Uriel was stunned, as if he heard words coming from heaven.

Just a few seconds later, Uriel gritted his teeth, fluttered his wings and returned to heaven.

"Then for your sake...hum!"

Gao Li was startled when he heard this. He didn't expect Uriel to leave so simply.

Originally, he was a little worried that the Lord of Endlessness, who had only just debuted, might not be able to save face in front of an established super power like Tiantian.

Unexpectedly, it was unexpectedly simple and allowed Heaven to reveal this matter so easily.

After thinking about it, Gao Li decided to maintain his superior demeanor and said nothing more.

After all, the more you talk, the more mistakes you make.

He just turned around to connect the magic circle and gently tapped Zedd's eyebrows.

Endless magic power circulated in Zed's body, causing the demon's power to crumble.

Then Gao Li canceled the connection with the magic circle and did not take away a single cloud.

Something happened here, and even the angel army surrounding Clark retreated from the gate of heaven.

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