"Ah... Is he the guy who killed my parents? What happened to him?"

Alfred said: "Recently, he decided to testify as a tainted witness against Carmine Falcone."

"Maybe I need to tell you a little bit about who Falcone is - his family is the biggest gangster in Gotham, you just need to know this."

"I understand, I'll rush back right now."

Needless to say, Gao Li knew what Alfred meant.

Physically, he is the son of the Waynes. Emotionally, he has indeed used a lot of property and resources left by the Waynes. He cannot be ignored emotionally or rationally.

"By the way, where is Bruce? Does he know about this?"

"Unfortunately, I still haven't been able to contact Master Bruce."

"Okay, let's do this for now."

Gao Li hung up the phone and said to Harley, who started teasing Xiao Guang, "Be careful, Xiao Guang will bite. I won't be responsible for being bitten."

"Ah? It turns out his name is Xiaoguang..."

Harley woke up from a dream, and Gao Li commanded again: "Go and buy him some children's clothes. I'm going back to Gotham with him."

Harry's efficiency in getting things done was really good. A large number of well-fitting children's clothes were delivered to her in a short time.

Gao Li tried to put it on Xiaoguang, but Xiaoguang was like a cat or dog at home who was resistant to wearing clothes for the first time. He struggled to take them off after a while after putting them on.

"...Be calm, your cub, don't get angry."

Gao Li took several deep breaths and finally realized the difficulties of being a parent.

Harry was holding back his laughter and guessed, "Could it be that he feels the clothes are too restrictive? After all, he has never worn clothes before. Let me try something else for him."

Gao Li sighed, that was all he could do.

After a while, Harley came back with a set of children's Halloween costumes. One of them was a very large one-piece robe, which was loose enough.

Sure enough, Xiaoguang didn't struggle so much this time. Although he still seemed uncomfortable and shook his body, at least he didn't try to tear it off.

"Next comes the shoes..."

Gao Li always had a hunch that if he still relied on the reactions of those pets, this time would definitely be more difficult.

Sure enough, Gao Li's hunch was right.

Compared to struggling to tear off his clothes, Xiaoguang simply couldn't walk after putting on his shoes and froze on the spot.

Gao Li looked up to the sky and sighed. He recalled a lot of videos in his mind of cats and dogs who couldn't walk or almost fell down after putting on shoes. At first, he couldn't tell whether he had an extra son or an extra pet.

"Um...BOSS, what should we do?"

"Why don't you take a look at the condition of your clothes just now?"

"Isn't it possible? He is very uncomfortable now. After the shoes became a few sizes larger, they simply stopped sticking to his feet. Xiaoguang would definitely take them off without hesitation."

Harry didn't know what to do and spread his hands.

Gao Li walked over and scratched Xiaoguang's hair and thought for a while.

"Why don't you just transform back into your beast form? It would be more convenient. You don't even need to wear clothes."

Xiaoguang tilted his head in confusion, not understanding what Gao Li was talking about.

"Forget it, I'm in a hurry, so let's go directly." Gao Li pinched his eyebrows painfully.

He pulled off Xiao Guang's shoes, and Xiao Guang's bare feet became bouncing again like a wild horse.

Gao Li lifted up his back collar to stop him from running around, then got into the car and got on the plane in one go, and soon arrived in Gotham.

It was Alfred who came to greet Gao Li. As soon as he opened the car door for Gao Li, Alfred saw a furry little head sticking out of the car.

To be precise, it was a little head with white hair, but it also had two wolf ears, which gave Alfred the illusion of seeing a Samoyed probing its head.

"Master Gao Li, is this...?"

"This is the surprise I have prepared for you."

As Gao Li got out of the car, he picked up Xiao Guang and held him up in front of Alfred.

"Aph, I have a baby! This is Letter Wayne, my son."


Alfred's pupils were shocked on the spot.

"You...you have a child? When? You were still in a nursing home one or two years ago!"

Gao Li said "uh" and explained: "It's not a biological child, ah... Of course it's not adopted, this is a child I created."


Alfred couldn't help but become more confused. Even if it was a surrogacy, it would only last for one or two years. How could the child grow up so big?

"Afu, look carefully, Xiaoguang is not a human being. In fact, you have seen how he was made. It is the phantom-making machine that I studied with John, Xiao Zha and the others before."

Alfred came to his senses a little, but he was still confused: "It turns out that he is not a human being...but I have also seen the phantom created by that machine. It is exactly the same as a monster, right?"

Gao Li said: "Because it's a regular phantom... well, it's not actually a regular phantom. It's a phantom specially used to produce magic stones. It doesn't have its own intelligence and is equivalent to a big unconscious piece of meat."

"But Xiaoguang is different. He is...well...how should I put it? You can just think of him as the younger brother of Jesus, or the contemporary Jesus."

This made Alfred even more confused. Why did it involve Jesus?

Of course he knew Jesus, or in other words, everyone in Europe and America knew Jesus, but that was even further from reality than magic, and was completely a myth.

As the closest person in the DC world, Gory certainly would not hide it from Alfred, and simply told him about the coming of the Son of God.

This time, Alfred's pupils were not only shocked, but his entire worldview was refreshed!

"Oh my god! Jesus Christ! Master Wright's identity is so noble?!"

Even the knowledgeable old butler couldn't help but be shocked by Xiaoguang's origin at this moment.

It's like Jesus suddenly became his family!

...Although Alfred looked at Xiaoguang who began to lick his cheek again, it was difficult to feel any divinity belonging to the Son of God from him.

But even if the identity of the Son of God is put aside, since Xiaoguang is recognized by Gory as his son, Alfred will naturally regard him as a relative.

Previously, Alfred was very puzzled about Xiaoguang's origin, so he asked a little too much, not that he did not recognize Xiaoguang.

On the contrary, when he later learned that Xiao Guang was the second-generation son of God, the son of God, and the younger brother of Jesus, Alfred was a little nervous.

Was he a little too disrespectful?

Gao Li smiled and patted Alfred on the shoulder, saying: "Don't think too much. No matter what his status is, or whether he has more titles than the Dragon Mother, it still doesn't change that I am his father."

"Just help take care of your son with a normal heart... Oh, should he be considered a grandson to you? Haha, anyway, teach him to read and write first, otherwise it will be very troublesome if he can't even speak and communicate now."

Alfred nodded and reached out to touch Xiao Guang's head.

Well, it feels so good!

Perhaps because Alfred has a strong Gao Li aura, or perhaps because Gao Li has a good relationship with him, Xiao Guang did not resist Alfred, and squinted his eyes and let him touch him.

Not long after, they returned to Wayne Manor, and Alfred prepared the relevant information in advance.

"The case in which Joe Gill accuses Falcone will go to trial tomorrow. The prosecutor is Rachel, Bruce's childhood friend. Do you need to meet Miss Rachel first?"

Rachel is Bruce's childhood sweetheart, and she is not familiar with Gao Li, so Gao Li shook his head and refused.

"No need, I don't know Rachel, it will only add to the embarrassment."


Alfred nodded and took Xiao Guang away with a happy face.

As an old man who lives alone in an empty house, the addition of a new member to the family is definitely what he is most happy to see.

So it is really as Gao Li said, a big surprise!

At least Alfred is very happy. He feels that in recent years, except for Gao Li waking up, this is the only thing that makes him happy.

"Master Wright, please come with me, I will take you to have snacks...Oh, by the way, can you eat chocolate?"

The words are to Xiao Guang, but the eyes are looking at Gao Li.

Gao Li scratched his head and said uncertainly: "I don't know, because I came too quickly and I haven't had time to test him."

"But although Xiao Guang is the head wolf, he should be able to eat chocolate, right? Otherwise, it would be too funny for the Holy Son to die of poisoning from eating chocolate..."

"Master Gao Li!" Alfred said angrily, "Master Wright is your son, please be serious and don't make such a joke!"

"Oh...oh, okay, sorry."

Gao Li shrank his neck subconsciously.

But he soon reacted and felt extremely distressed.

What's going on? Is this the so-called intergenerational affection?

It feels like he just had Xiao Guang, and his status in Afu's heart has plummeted.

Afu is actually fierce to me because of Xiao Guang!

Looking at the backs of Alfred and Xiao Guang leaving, Gao Li curled his lips and felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Since the case related to Joe Gill will not be heard until tomorrow, Gao Li found that he had returned early. He had nothing to do for the time being, and could only play with the blank Gaia memory and lost drive that he brought back.

The technology is ready, so Gao Li has already made both. The problem now is where to find high-level "concepts" to instill in them?

"Huh... Speaking of which, if you absorb the God's origin directly, the memory will be overloaded because the energy level is too high. Now that Xiao Guang is a transit station, I wonder if it can still succeed?"

PS1: After the third generation, the third generation will be called "young master" by Alfred, and the second generation Gao Li and Bruce will automatically be promoted from "young master" to "old master".

However, this is a change in the text. In fact, in English, they are all "Master Gao Li" or "Master Bruce", which sounds no different, so I won't write about the two's reactions to the change in the name. I feel that someone will ask, so I explain it.

PS2: The time point here is different from that in "Batman Begins". In the Batman version shot by Nolan, the murderer who shot the Waynes appeared in court to testify before Bruce went to study in the League of Shadows. Here it was changed to happen during Bruce's study in the League of Shadows, so Alfred was unable to contact Bruce.

This universe has Bruce's younger brother Gorri, which is obviously different from the Nolan version of the universe, but just similar. Of course, Bruce will be back soon, but he will meet Gorri as a younger superhero.

110. Chapter 110 Explosion! Emperor of Heaven! Emperor of Earth! Delta!



After thinking for a while, Gorri felt that it was very interesting.

But there is no rush for this matter now, so Gorri didn't think too much. There is a system prompt that needs to be dealt with more-

New rewards have arrived!

It's still SSS level!

"Is it because of the advent of the Son of God? But to be honest, I don't seem to have done anything too big or difficult. I always feel that such a high-level lottery is like picking it up for free..."

Gorri scratched his head, a little confused, but full of joy in his heart.

Picking it up for free is good!

Who doesn't like to pick up good things for free?

What Gao Li didn't know was that in addition to the changes brought about by the advent of the Son of God, he also spread the knight's magic and knight's magic to the magic world, which also had a far-reaching impact.

What's more, Clark also helped Gao Li to advertise for free!

And this big advertisement of the knight magician was advertised in front of countless gods and demons in the eight divine domains, which can be said to have an excellent publicity effect.

Combined with multiple factors, the influence was finally stacked to the SSS level.

"No more words, start drawing!"

The golden lottery machine suddenly appeared out of thin air, and soon the results appeared, and turned into a light spot into Gao Li's mind.

"Another knowledge reward?"

Gao Li was slightly surprised, and then his expression was a little strange.

How to say it, this reward is quite predestined.

It turned out to be a high-end technology package of SMART BRAIN!

It includes the relevant technology of the Eagle Satellite, the development data of the burst form of Kamen Rider Faiz, and even Kamen Rider Delta, Kamen Rider Tiandi, Kamen Rider Didi... All the photon blood data of different levels are also covered!

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