The battle at the port did not last long. The gangsters who used to be able to show off their power against civilians were powerless against the Kamen Rider.

Gao Li even followed the clues and destroyed several dens of the Falcone family.

It was like a chain reaction. Every time they destroyed a base, Gao Li could find the new rat nest of the Falcone family from the information left in the base.

In just a few days, the power of the Falcone family was directly reduced by more than 90%, almost in name only!

It took several days because Gao Li combined work and rest. He only went out to fight for a short time every night and went back to sleep, never disrupting his healthy work and rest.

Even so, the bad reputation of "Fang" has spread throughout the underground world of Gotham!

At the moment when Batman has not yet debuted, "Fang" is the existence they fear the most!

It can even be said that this is even more than their fear of Batman in the future.

Because compared to Batman who insists on not killing, Fangs really kills!

And he is merciless, often killing all the members directly!

Especially after almost wiping out the Falcone family, Gowrie followed their criminal network and set his sights on the other gangs in Gotham City.

If the initial focus on the Falcone family was because Carmine Falcone offended him, then Gowrie, who saw more crimes in the process, has already planned to clean up Gotham's underground world.

Again, Gotham is Wayne's Gotham, and Gowrie will not let go of anyone who makes this city cry!

That's right, Gowrie is declaring war on the entire Gotham underground world!

"The crime rate in Gotham City has plummeted recently. Do you have any clues?"

Today, when Jim Gordon was at work, he heard his young police officers discussing enthusiastically.

"It must be because of the vigilante Fang! He scared the criminals in Gotham!"

"Fang... He looks so handsome, just like a chivalrous knight."

"Knight? Do you know what he looks like?"

"According to eyewitnesses, he seems to be wearing a full body of white armor, right?"

"That's great. If I were given a set of that kind of armor, I could be a knight!"

As soon as the two finished chatting, they turned around and saw Gordon standing by the window with a cold face.


Gordon said coldly: "Fang is an illegal vigilante and is not worth promoting!"


The two young police officers nodded and saluted quickly, not daring to refute the chief of the Gotham Police Department.

But the disapproval in their eyes was still keenly captured by Gordon.

When Gordon returned to his office, he couldn't help sighing.

In fact, he was also very conflicted in his heart!

On the one hand, Fang's actions had violated the law and caused a large number of deaths.

On the other hand, Gordon, who had fought as a sheriff and criminals for many years, understood that almost all of the dead deserved to die.

Moreover, Fang's radical actions were indeed effective, and the crime rate dropped significantly!

It can only be said that to deal with those ruthless people in the underworld, only by finding a more ruthless guy can we effectively fight poison with poison.

Therefore, Gordon himself didn't know what to think when facing Fang!


Gotham Airport.

Bruce Wayne returned to this long-lost city, which was also his hometown that he missed so much.

He finally returned after completing his studies!

In fact, his return was not so peaceful.

During this period of time when Bruce lost contact, he was actually studying in the Shadow Warrior League.

However, on the day when the Shadow Warrior League was assessed, Bruce finally knew the goal of the Shadow Warrior League-

that is to destroy the corrupt Gotham!

As the number one Gotham fan, Bruce certainly would not agree, so he decided to resist the order and protect his city.

Batman is worthy of being Batman. Even before his debut, Bruce is a first-class ruthless man.

Just like this resistance, the apparent leader of the Shadow Warriors League was accidentally killed by the beams, and the headquarters of the Shadow Warriors League was also burned down by Bruce.

Bruce rescued his teacher Dukala with mixed feelings, and then rushed back to Gotham.

Since he left Gotham to find himself, he has experienced years of hard training and countless tempering, and now he has finally become a powerful man with superb skills.

Bruce understands that his abilities have long surpassed the imagination of ordinary people. He has astonishing skills, and his martial arts have reached incredible heights. He has a clear self-assessment.

But these abilities are not self-praise, but the responsibility to protect the people he loves, which will make Bruce's heart full of determination and desire!

Because Bruce realized that he not only has to protect the safety of Gotham City, but also those who are extremely important to him-Alfred and his brother Gory!

That's right, the brother he had hoped countless times to wake up... the only family member besides Alfred, and the only relative Bruce has in the world.

Gary Wayne!

Bruce has sworn since he was a child that he will protect this only brother to the death!

112. Chapter 112 Bruce Wayne's shock!



After years of traveling, Bruce deeply understands that darkness is not limited to the criminal world, but also exists in everyone's heart.

Bruce knows the horror and destructiveness of darkness. The invasion of darkness is everywhere. It can corrode people's hearts, destroy families, and make people lose hope.

He has experienced darkness personally, and he has struggled in fear, but Bruce now believes that he has enough power to resist the invasion of darkness!

He believes that he can use these powers to protect those he cherishes and ensure that they are no longer harmed by the dark forces.

Originally, Bruce was determined to lead Gotham City to break the darkness in his own way after returning, bringing safety and peace to everyone.

After hearing that Gory woke up, the ecstasy in his heart made Bruce realize that protecting Alfred and Gory's safety is also one of his most important responsibilities.

He hopes to give his family a hopeful future!

Bruce is mentally prepared for this. The responsibility of protecting his family and the city is not easy.

But only when they are safe can Bruce really put down the burden in his heart and focus on defeating those dark sins.

With this in mind, Bruce stepped into Wayne Manor.

Bruce looked from afar and saw Alfred standing on the sunny lawn with a kind smile on his face.

Everything was so beautiful and nostalgic.

Alfred also noticed Bruce at this time and was surprised.

"Master Bruce!?"

"Alfred, long time no see!"

Bruce smiled and greeted him. The relationship between him and Alfred had long surpassed that between a butler and his master, more like a father and son.

Alfred also turned all his surprise into joy, but he did not run to Bruce immediately, but waved to the distance first.

"Master Wright! Please come back!"

Bruce: "?"

He was confused. Who is Wright? How did he become a young master?

Alfred took the initiative to introduce: "Master Bruce, Master Wright is the son of Master Gowrie. I wrote to you about this before, but you don't seem to have received it."

Bruce: "???"

He was even more confused. Gowrie had only woken up for a short time, and he actually had a son?

It's so fast to start a family and build a career...

Then, he saw a white-haired little boy with animal ears and tail, running back from a distance with a ball in his arms.

Bruce: "???"

What's the matter with this child?

Bruce didn't think Alfred would be so bored as to dress a child like this. Could it be that Gowrie's bad taste?

But this costume is too complete and perfect. Bruce couldn't see any traces of props.

Then he heard Alfred continue: "Don't be too surprised by what I say next."

Bruce said with a wooden face: "I have received professional training and will not be surprised by anything."

Alfred said: "Okay...then I'll tell you, Master Wright is not a human, but a wolf."

Bruce: "......?"

"According to Master Gowrie, you can think of it as an Eastern monster or a Western monster transformed into a human form, but it seems a bit disrespectful to say so."

Alfred took a deep breath and began to reveal the big news.

"After all... Master Wright is, in a sense, the son of God and the brother of Jesus! He is the Son of God of the present age!"

Bruce was already full of questions.

What son of God, brother of Jesus...If Alfred hadn't looked normal, he would have suspected that the old butler was joking with him.

The Son of God of the present age? That's it?

Bruce glanced at Xiao Guang. He had never seen the Son of God rolling on the ground with a ball for his own amusement.

Alfred explained: "It sounds unbelievable, but in fact, it's like this. It all started with Master Gorri's research..."

Alfred roughly talked about what happened in the past period of time. Even with Bruce's brain, it felt a little out of order.

The reason was that his brother had only woken up for more than a year, but he had already done so many earth-shaking things!

It really seemed too unreal.

He had thought that after he returned from his studies, he, Alfred and Gori were no longer from the same world...

Unexpectedly, they really were not from the same world in the end, in another sense.

The clown was actually himself!

"You mean... Gori taught himself, became a magician, and became the new generation of the Holy Father by accident?"

Bruce took a deep breath and asked in disbelief.

Alfred nodded: "That's basically right."

In fact, Alfred didn't know much.

In the early days, when Gori and his friends were studying magic, Alfred couldn't understand it at all, so he never participated.

And the awakening of the giant beast and the rise of darkness in the later period happened too quickly and too quickly, and Gori didn't have time to tell Alfred.

As for the current event of the Son of God's coming, Gori only vaguely explained why the Son of God was with him, and didn't go into detail on many details, otherwise it would be too much to explain.

After Alfred's second transmission of this information, Bruce knew even less.

It took a long time for Bruce to digest the shock in his heart.

No matter what, Bruce was undoubtedly very happy in his heart that there was a new younger generation in the family.

"Where's Gowrie?"

"Master Gowrie is sleeping."

"Uh... okay, let's not disturb him for now."

Bruce went back to the mansion to wash and change clothes, and finally met Gowrie who was yawning while eating.

"Bruce? You're back?"

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