Because even if they tried their best to escape, they still had to take the passage, but Gao Li didn't need to take the passage. If there was no way, he would just make his own way!

"Fang! Maximum Drive!"

Gao Li clicked the tail of the little dinosaur three times in a row, and under the light effect like a crack in the space, it instantly penetrated more than a dozen walls and penetrated directly into the core of the factory from outside the factory!


The flying gravel knocked down many people, causing them to scream in agony.

Gao Li Shi Shiran walked out of the smoke and dust to end their pain.


A black shadow that had just arrived rushed down from the rafters, trying to stop Gao Li from continuing to kill.

Gao Li was also slightly stunned, relying on his strong physical ability to jump back and confront the bat-like figure.

Batman? Bruce?

Gao Li recognized the other party's identity at a glance and couldn't help but frown.

What are you doing coming out at this time...

However, Gao Li has no intention of getting to know each other, and it seems quite interesting to get along with Bruce without his knowledge.

Bruce said in a deep voice: "Fang, that's enough! We don't have to rely on killing people to solve the problem!"

In fact, Bruce was also wary. Just from his jump just now, he could see that Fang's physical ability was far stronger than his.

stranger? Or is it the increase brought by armor?

While Bruce's mind was spinning, Gao Li, whose voice had also changed due to the fangs' biological armor, sneered.

"It sounds like you still have the principle of not killing? Then you can just keep it to yourself. If you still care about what I do, isn't this too idle?"

Bruce took a deep breath: "Maybe I'm nosy... but I don't want to see a vigilante gradually heading towards the abyss."

"I insist on not killing people, not because of any moral obsessiveness, but because it is a constraint on myself, because I am far stronger than ordinary people."

"Similarly, ordinary people are nothing more than chickens and dogs in front of you. If you let yourself kill without any restrictions, sooner or later you will regard human life as nothing and lose your respect for life!"

"The people I killed were all deserving of death and had done countless evil things," Gao Li said lightly, "I would be irresponsible to ordinary people if I didn't kill them."

"For example, if there is a murderous madman in front of me, then my first reaction will definitely be to send him to another life. Otherwise, at most he will be imprisoned in a mental hospital, and he will continue to harm people after he is released or escapes."

"At that time, the life of the deceased will be my responsibility for not killing him! Because I could have avoided this situation, but did nothing. This is a stupid move!"

Bruce shook his head and said: "What you said are just assumptions. When we do this kind of thing, we can only replace the police who are unable to arrest them and fight against crimes, but we cannot replace the law in trying them."

"We are not gods. We should not be above all sentient beings and judge the lives of others in a superior manner. Otherwise, what is the difference between us and murderers?"

Gao Li felt disgusted after hearing this, and was too lazy to argue with Bruce about such useless nonsense.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense to you. If I keep talking, the mastermind of the factory will run away... If you don't want me to kill people, try to stop me if you have the ability!"

After that, Gao Li chased the gangsters, and Bruce's expression changed greatly, and he followed closely with a grappling gun.

Gauri's figure was as swift as a ghost, wreaking havoc in the dark factory corridors.

Like a ferocious cheetah, he shuttled swiftly through the shadows of the factory, causing the gangsters to flee in terror!

But soon, they found that they had almost no chance of escape.

Melee combat methods and long-range attacks, Gao Li has no shortage of them all!

"Shoulder Fang!"

The bone spur darts streaked through the crowd like lightning, bringing up a large amount of blood, and Gao Li rushed over.

The fighting style after transforming into Kamen Rider Fang is brutal and full of courage. Coupled with the increase in power brought by the biological armor, every hit of Gauri has overwhelming power!

His fists hit the gang members like hammers, making a deafening shattering sound.

Between punches and kicks, the number of gangsters falling down continues to increase!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Spare my life!"

"I don't dare anymore!"

Screams and begging for mercy cannot shake Gao Li's heart at all. Those who can gain a firm foothold in the gang - especially the gangs in Gotham, are the darkest of the dark. They will inevitably face the screams and begging for mercy of the victims. Turn a deaf ear.

Therefore, Gao Li's heart is as hard as iron, and his fists are as hard as iron. Every move he makes carries destructive power, which is chilling.

He uses his extraordinary physical abilities to easily jump, roll and dodge enemy gun attacks, making it impossible for anyone to catch him.

"Damn...his speed has completely surpassed the world record of the Olympic champion!"

Bruce barely caught up, running quickly through the dark corridors, trying to catch the fangs.

However, Gauri was more dexterous than he imagined. No matter how Bruce pursued, Gao Li always passed by, maintaining a brutal confrontation with the gangsters.

"Your violence will not succeed!"

Bruce roared, showing no intention of giving up.

Gao Li sneered when he heard this, with a hint of ridicule in his eyes.

Are you talking about yourself?

Wanting to use violence to bring fear to the darkness of Gotham is exactly what you do as Batman! ?

"I'd better let your head clear up first!"

Gauri instantly approached Bruce and punched him in the chest, knocking him away.


Bruce fell to the ground and struggled to get up in pain.

The martial arts skills learned from the Shadow Warrior Alliance can at best help Bruce make up for some of his disadvantages when faced with an overwhelming disparity in strength between the two sides.

After all, he is not the experienced Batman of later generations, who can even deal with Bane with ease, but the still immature Bruce's will is no different from that of later generations, and his eyes are shining with determination!

Even if he knows he is invincible, he will never back down!

"Arm Fang!"

On the other side, Gao Li, who had temporarily repelled Bruce, had summoned a sharp wrist armor and used ruthless attacks.

He almost killed a gangster with a knife. The sharp blade was like a white light in Gao Li's hand. The bone blade split the air and made a shrill scream.

The gangsters couldn't resist his attack at all, and they all fell to the ground howling miserably!

"That's enough! Today's tragedy will make them remember the lesson for the rest of their lives, and they won't need to kill so many more people!"

Bruce tried to stop Gowrie's killing and pounced on him again, but in return was Gowrie's counterattack.

However, Bruce is worthy of being a master of martial arts. After being caught off guard for the first time, he has been able to gradually master the skills and fight with people who are far stronger than himself.

He used his agility to avoid Gao Li's fierce attack, and at the same time launched a series of precise punches and kicks.

However, Gao Li's physical reactions and defensive capabilities were extraordinary. Even though his technique was far inferior to Bruce's, he still easily blocked his attacks.

"You are really persistent, Batman..." Gao Li's eyes turned cold, "What gave you the illusion and confidence that you can fight me?!"

Gao Li no longer took the time to hunt down the remaining gang members, but devoted all his energy to attacking, and soon Bruce was forced into a desperate situation again.

Although Bruce fought hard, he couldn't find a breakthrough no matter what!

"His armor technology is higher than mine, and there are almost no weaknesses!"

Bruce thought and judged secretly in his heart, but his fists were gradually losing their strength.

Facing Gao Li's brutal offensive, he began to feel exhausted!

Bruce understands that his power cannot match that of Fangs, and he needs a smarter way to stop Fangs' crazy behavior.

Thinking of this, Bruce found the opportunity, rushed out suddenly, and escaped from Gao Li's attack range.

He then fired the Batarang and remotely activated the factory's fire extinguishing system!

In an instant, a powerful jet of water sprayed from the ceiling, covering all directions, making the scene look like a heavy rain.

This water curtain also obscured the line of sight. Bruce gave full play to his concealment skills and gradually hid in the heavy rain.

However, in fact, Bruce was standing not far away, staring at Gao Li intently.

Holding a timed portable bomb in his hand, he probably made an internal assessment.

"Judging from his armor's defense, setting the explosion level to level three will ensure that it will not kill him, but will stun him..."

Thinking of this, Bruce passed by Gao Li from a blind corner and stuck the bomb directly on Gao Li!

"Fang, your killing ends here!" Bruce's voice was cold and firm.

"That's not possible!"

Gao Li smiled coldly, and a small wolf-shaped memory jumped out of the rain curtain, directly replacing the small dinosaur memory.


With the low registration sound, the white biological armor was disbanded and replaced with blue biological armor.

The bomb that adhered to it was also directly ejected into the distance in the process!

"This! This is..."

Bruce's eyes widened, and he was kicked away by Gao Li who suddenly accelerated, and hit the wall with a "bang".

At this time, the bomb in the distance also exploded on the spot. Against the background of the fire, Gao Li's figure was as invincible as the devil!

You know, more than a month has passed since the concept of "Fang" was extracted. Gao Li did not do anything. Of course, he found time to extract the second Gaia memory from Xiao Guang.


The adaptability is also as high as 99%, which confirmed Gao Li's conjecture about his Holy Father, so Gao Li also made it into an autonomous mobile memory in the shape of a wolf.

"Batman, I want you to remember - there is absolutely no way you can resist me! Just keep this deep in your heart!"

Gao Li snorted coldly. He knew how great the effort just now was. Even with the protection of armor, Bruce would definitely not be able to get up for a while.

Under Bruce's painful gaze, Gowrie slaughtered the remaining gang members one by one.

This also includes the mastermind of this underground factory and the director of Arkham Asylum - Scarecrow, Jonathan Crane!

At this point, Scarecrow has died here forever, and Batman has one less enemy to face in the future.

As Gao Li said, the two characteristics of the fear gas and the scarecrow hood are too obvious. Since he has recognized them as a madman who will kill people in the future, of course he will not let him go and will just kill him neatly. life!

It is God's business to forgive this madman, and all Gory has to do is send him to see God!

After doing all this, Gory left in style, leaving Bruce gasping for breath and barely getting up.

So strong... too strong!

Bruce clenched his fists. Is this the strength of the veteran masked vigilante who debuted earlier than me! ?

115. Chapter 115 Dare to burn my house! ?



Everything was calm during the few days when Bruce went home to rest.

Since Scarecrow and Falcone had been killed by Gory in advance, there was no incident of Falcone entering the mental hospital, and Rachel went to question Scarecrow angrily, but was caught.

A few days later, Wayne Manor held a banquet.

Because Bruce's birthday was coming.

However, as the birthday boy, Bruce himself had no intention of attending the meeting, and only wanted to disguise himself as Batman to go out.

"Master Bruce, you can't keep messing around like this! The disastrous defeat to Fang's Hand a few days ago, doesn't that make sense?"

Alfred tried to dissuade him with both worry and anger.

You know, the day Bruce fought Fang, he came back with injuries, which made Alfred very distressed.

However, Bruce still didn't take it seriously, and just said lightly: "I don't have time to attend the banquet, you can either let Gorrie take my place to deal with the guests, or send all the guests home."

"Excuse me, this is your birthday, Master Bruce! Master Gorrie can't replace you on this occasion!" Alfred became even more angry, "You must pay attention to maintaining your reputation!"

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