And when testing the fit, Gao Li found that unlike the two memories that had a 99% fit, the Shining Concept fit him as high as 99.99%!

This shows that apart from the relationship between the Son and the Father, Gaoli himself is also very consistent with "Shine".

So what are you waiting for, start drawing directly!

The subsequent development also illustrates the correctness of Gaoli's inference from the side.

Because the extraction of the concept "Glitter" is extremely slow and difficult, which shows that this is an extremely high-level and powerful concept!

However, this is also because Gao Li cannot tie Xiao Guang to the laboratory 24 hours a day to extract concepts. After all, he is his own son, and Gao Li cannot do such a crazy thing.

However, the harder it is to create a shining memory, the more Gao Li looks forward to it.

"I wonder what special power I can get from using the 'Glitter' memory to transform?"

Gao Li secretly pondered, could he transform into Shining Tiga?

117. Chapter 117 Joker, old and new heroes



In addition to the slow progress of extracting the concept of "shine", Gao Li has also been busy with something that he cares about.

That is the space gem in his soul.

But obviously, Gao Li thought too simply.

Originally, Gao Li thought that it might be easier when he returned to the DC Universe and regained all the personality and authority of the Lord of Magic.

Yet the opposite is true.

The Space Stone lost all its power directly after leaving the Marvel Universe!

The power of each Infinity Stone relies on the universe in which it is located, and after the Space Stone lost its power, Gao Li couldn't even find it.

It's like throwing a stone in the deep sea. Before, the stone was very bright. As long as you dive into the sea, you would have a chance to see it. Now the stone doesn't even shine at all.

Although Gao Li is the master of magic, he is not the soul master after all, and he is helpless in the face of this situation.

Therefore, Gaoli's next main task was to prepare for the launch of the Skyhawk satellite, and to start investing money to secretly manufacture various TPC technologies.

After all, when it comes to individual weapons, Gao Li is the strongest among the best, but once he thinks of Batman and various Batmobiles and Batplanes, Gao Li feels that he has to come up with some.

It just so happens that TPC's technological crystallization has filled Gaoli's gap in this area.

Days passed like this, and Batman gradually matured, but he never found a chance to meet Fang alone.

This fang became more elusive and appeared very rarely every day, making it difficult for Bruce to track it.

However, the shadow of Fang has always shrouded the underground world of Gotham. Gangs of all sizes have been either disabled or killed, and the security at night has obviously improved a lot.

This makes Bruce more and more confused. Is Fang's approach a better choice?

To this day, after wiping out a small gang, Fang did not leave, but waited at the scene until Batman arrived.

"Batman...or Bruce, you don't mind calling you that, right?"

Bruce stared at the fangs a little warily, but he was not surprised that he knew his identity.

On the day he was assassinated by Scarecrow, Bruce guessed that when Fang rescued him, he must have lifted the mask to see his identity before throwing him at the door of Wayne Manor.

Although Bruce had an electric shock prevention device on his mask to prevent others from lifting his mask, the electric shock obviously could not penetrate the armor of the fangs.

"You can call me whatever you want. What's important is that you are waiting for me to meet today. What do you want to do?"

"Bruce, I plan to retire for a while." Fangs said surprisingly.


Bruce was stunned for a moment before Fang continued: "I love this city deeply, so I will fight against crime and make them count their sins."

"However, I have wiped out almost all the biggest gangsters in Gotham. Although the remaining gangsters may have committed small crimes, their crimes will not lead to death."

"I'm not a murderous person. I only kill those who have committed heinous crimes and deserve death. Therefore, there is no room for me to appear."

Bruce was silent for a moment. After this period of tracking, he also knew that Fang was a very principled person.

Just by looking at Tusk's biological armor, it is clear that he must have strong technological capabilities, and it is even easier to investigate intelligence with the help of those technologies.

Every time before the fangs act, they must have obtained the life records of each target, including their various criminal facts, to decide who should be killed and who should not die.

Although Bruce did not agree with this kind of superior judgment, he also secretly made a comparison and found that the fangs indeed followed this principle.

After all, the fangs are so powerful that he has the ability to maintain an overwhelming advantage and at the same time find the time to identify the crimes of each enemy. It is simply a piece of cake.

There may not even be a need for Fang himself to tell. The moment he sees the enemy, the computer will automatically identify and mark whether this person is a target for killing!

"In short, the city will be left to you - as a symbol of deterrence against crime, you are the one more suitable to bring fear to them."

Bruce had mixed emotions after hearing this, and he actually felt like he was being entrusted by his senior.

After a long time, Bruce asked dully: "Fang, will you come back?"

Gory smiled slightly: "Maybe... If the crime reappears in the future and makes this city cry again, I will definitely show up!"

Bruce silently took a fighting stance: "I am very grateful that you saved me, but I cannot approve of your way. You who killed so many people are just a criminal."

Gory said calmly: "Then I suggest you find the rulers of each country to hold them accountable. Whether it is the kings, generals, or the expansion of territory, a large number of deaths cannot be avoided."

"However, people deliberately ignore this point and do not regard them as murderers and criminals. Instead, many people regard them as great men who should be worshipped and emulated."

"So this is a relative thing... I think the only thing I can do is to ensure that this is for the betterment of the world and to ensure that I can have a clear conscience."

Bruce stopped talking and attacked calmly, but Gory did not fight with him, and laughed and left.

After a few rounds of simple entanglement, the smoke bombs ambushed on the scene were detonated by Gory. When Bruce rushed out, there was no trace of Fangs.

After all, it was Gowrie who took the initiative to meet Bruce, so how could he not prepare to get away in advance?

All Bruce could do was to leave the scene silently before the police arrived, and secretly made up his mind while driving.

"Leave Gotham to me... I will never let you have a chance to appear again, Fang!"

After Fang announced his vacation, Bruce became even busier.

The underground world of Gotham City did not remain calm for long, and soon all kinds of newcomers appeared, such as the "Joker" who was only heard of but never seen.

In addition, a large number of copycats emerged, making Bruce exhausted.

Fortunately, the BAT armor that Gowrie sent him was really good.

For example, the greatly increased strength was just right.

Although the punching force of one ton seems low, it is completely enough for Bruce. Even if the punching force is higher, Bruce has to consider lowering it.

The reason is simple, because Batman is a non-killing doctrine.

Too much punching force can cause him to accidentally kill someone if he is not careful, which is even worse.

And a ton of punching force is just enough to ensure that if the enemy's vitals are not hit, then Bruce can knock the enemy out or make him incapable of action with one move if he slightly reduces his strength.

This is very important. In the past, Bruce's punching and kicking methods all relied on his own strength and skills. Only when he hit the vitals could he defeat the enemy with one blow.

However, the fighting process is ever-changing. Bruce cannot guarantee that every move will hit the enemy's vitals. Often, many people have to hit three or four moves in a row to cripple the opponent.

Now with the BAT armor, everything has become easier. No matter who you hit, it's just a matter of one punch.

In addition, Bruce is most satisfied with its protective performance.

Although Bruce used to have high-tech fabrics such as Kevlar fiber to protect him from bullets, the part of the kinetic energy that could not be completely eliminated by the bullet still had to be forcibly resisted by his well-trained body.

Moreover, Kevlar fiber can only prevent bullets, but cannot resist sharp weapons or beasts' bites, which often makes Bruce's body swollen and blue, with small wounds everywhere.

Alfred was extremely distressed, but Bruce had no choice. Wayne Industries' technology did not focus on individual weapons, and he had previously directly used the ready-made development prototypes of the Applied Science Department, which could only do this at most.

Now it's better.

When the enemy's guns hit him, Bruce couldn't even feel any impact through the BAT armor, and the whole person was relaxed and free.

Not to mention the sharp weapons such as swords, the BAT armor is airtight, even the joints without heavy armor can effectively resist these injuries.

As for the dog bites that had been a big blow... Today, when dealing with those imitators, Bruce also encountered them releasing hounds to bite people, but it's a pity that they are not the same as before!

Those wild dogs bit him so hard that his teeth hurt, but they couldn't bite through the BAT armor at all. Under the huge force amplified by the BAT armor, they couldn't have any dragging effect.

Since changing into the BAT armor, Bruce has hardly been injured in the operations that lasted for more than half a month!

Every time he realized this, Bruce would be extremely grateful to Gao Li.

You know, if Gao Li is willing to sell this technology to the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of National Defense will definitely go crazy for it, and the US military can dominate the world with it, and the Feidian Group will be able to leap into the top giant and there is no one else!

However, Gao Li has no such intention at all. He is obviously unwilling to use it in the war, but he has specially developed this special version for his brother.

However, this perfect BAT armor also brought Bruce a little distress.

That is Fox, who previously provided him with equipment. I was quite curious why Bruce didn't look for him at all during this period, but after seeing the BAT armor, I was completely stunned.

When Bruce saw Fox again, Fox's eyes were full of bloodshot, and he had obviously stayed up late for research and development for a long time.

I don't know if this was aroused by the desire to win or the passion, or it was difficult to accept his backward performance in weapons research and development?

In short, Bruce could only advise him to rest more.

In addition, something good happened in Gotham recently that made Bruce extremely happy.

The Gotham Prosecutor's Office has transferred a new Attorney General, Harvey Dent, who is a young man full of justice and courage, and even earned the nickname "Knight of Light".

Every time Bruce heard about Harvey's uncompromising attitude in the face of evil, he couldn't help but think -

If Harvey can continue to exist as a symbol of justice in Gotham, will Gotham no longer need Batman in the future?

After all, Batman, who chooses to fight violence with violence, is actually a deformed existence above the law, as he said to Fangs that day.

Thinking back to Fangs after many days, Bruce couldn't help but associate Harvey with him.

If the day comes when Batman can retire, Bruce feels that he is just like Fangs that day, handing over the beloved Gotham to Harvey as a senior.

Next, it depends on you, Harvey Dent!

"During the time when Batman can still exist, let me help you solve the threat of the Joker."

Bruce secretly made up his mind.

The Joker has been getting more and more crazy recently, and seems to be targeting Batman everywhere.

He first killed the admirer who imitated Batman, and recorded a video before the other party died, just to convey a message:

Batman, if you don’t take off the mask and surrender, I will kill one person every day~

This is not an unwarranted threat.

Even the Joker’s daily targets are not unknown people!

First, the previous police chief of Gotham City, then the famous female judge of Gotham City, and then the mayor of Gotham City himself!

"According to the JOKER business card left by the Joker, among the fingerprints detected on it, only Prosecutor Rachel and Attorney General Harvey are still alive."

At night, Jim Gordon summoned Batman to meet through the bat light on the roof of the police station.

With the hiding of Fangs, Batman's name is getting bigger and bigger in Gotham City, and gradually becomes the latest symbol of fear in the underground world.

Batman, who insists on the principle of not killing, is obviously more appreciated by Gordon than Fangs. Gordon even asks Batman to cooperate with him to deal with criminal cases from time to time.

"I understand. I will follow up."

Although Bruce became upset because of this, he still maintained a calm tone of answer.

Rachel and Harvey - the two people Bruce least wants to get into trouble!

Needless to say, Rachel is Bruce's childhood sweetheart, and Harvey and Bruce became friends after meeting once.

Especially watching Harvey talk about his recognition of Batman in person, knowing Batman's ideals, and knowing that Batman has always hoped that someone can take over his responsibilities... Bruce just felt that he had met a confidant!

Harvey's concept of justice deeply touched him, so he also used the identity of Bruce Wayne to promise to hold a charity fundraising gala for Harvey, so that Harvey would no longer have financial worries.

Gotham needs an ideal knight of light like Harvey, not an illegal dark knight like Batman.

Harvey and Rachel must not get into trouble!

"If the target is these two, the charity gala must be the best place to start..."

Bruce's eyes flickered, and he thought about the plan.

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