Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 114 The hard-working Ebron monster, the powerful firepower of the mechanical Golzan, the har

On a deserted island in the Pacific Ocean.

Four transport planes carried a huge mechanical monster with a bright silver body and a hideous appearance and arrived at this desolate island.

The island is not large and there is no trace of any animal life on it.

The plants on the island are only a few ferns and a vegetable leaf more than ten meters high.

This is the Ebron plant monster used as the test target.

After all, the purpose of building the mechanical Golzan is to destroy monsters.

The cheap Ebron monster naturally became the best choice for firepower testing.

And TPC, after nearly a year, has already had quite mature experience in the cultivation of Ebron artificial meat and Ebron crops.

However, Ebron cell protomers have limitations, and the only crops that can be mass-produced are tuberous and rhizomatous plants.

Therefore, TPC mostly uses tuberous and rhizomatous plants in the cultivation of Ebron crops.

Because tuberous and rhizomatous plants can reproduce asexually.

Therefore, it is only necessary to transplant the Ebron cell protomer into a plant, and the number of Ebron crops can be continuously increased through asexual reproduction.

The same is true for Ebron artificial meat.

It can be said that it is extremely safe.

Shen Yun sat by the window, looking at the mechanical Golzan hanging in the air by four transport planes in front of him, and contacted Xincheng in the cockpit of the head of the mechanical Golzan.

"Xincheng, start the thrusters."

"Understood." Xincheng nodded, looked down at the operating table, and pushed the lever of the Mags power system.

The Mags power system installed inside the mechanical Golzan started slowly.

As the Mags power system started, the external armor of the mechanical Golzan composed of Giga also responded to it, and the originally dim eyes also lit up orange-yellow light.

"Thrusters, start!" Xincheng pressed a button on the operating table.

The armor on the outside of the mechanical Golzan's thigh opened, revealing the thrusters hidden in it.

Immediately afterwards, the thrusters on the outside of the mechanical Golzan's thigh and the thrusters on the back began to burst out with a raging light.

At the same time, the two thrusters at the bottom of the backpack unit behind the mechanical Golzan also started.

The four transport planes released the ropes, and the mechanical Golzan soared in the sky with the help of the thrust of the thrusters, flying towards the island ahead at a very fast speed.

The mechanical Golzan has no fluid mechanics design, but only has a strong force to fly.

As long as the thrust of the thruster is strong enough, there is nothing that cannot fly.

Seeing that it is approaching the island, Xincheng pulled the lever, adjusted the position of the mechanical Golzan's legs, and began to slow down and land.

I saw that the mechanical Golzan's legs were facing forward, and his body was slightly leaning forward. The thrusters at the bottom of the backpack unit and the thrusters on the outside of the thighs were spraying colorful light in opposite directions.

The speed of the mechanical Golzan slowed down greatly and slowly landed towards the island.

"It's amazing!" Ye Rui stood in front of the window of the plane, looking at the mechanical Golzan that had landed on the island, and exclaimed.

"Doctor, it has successfully landed on the island. Please give the next instructions." Xincheng said impatiently.

"Let's do a mobility test first. Do you see the more than ten-meter-high vegetable leaf on the island? That's the Ebron plant monster. Wake it up first, and then do a mobility test." Shen Yun said.

"Understood!" Xincheng nodded, pushed the right joystick, and the mechanical Golzan's arms raised.

"Peak Cannon, fire!" Xincheng pressed the launch button on the joystick.

The two peak cannons loaded on the wrists of the mechanical Golzan began to fire at high speed.

In just a moment, the four peak cannons fired more than ten rounds at high speed.

These more than ten laser bullets directly covered the range where the Ebron plant monster was.


A violent explosion rose from the Ebron plant monster, and fire and smoke filled the air.

The attack of the mechanical Golzan startled the Ebron plant monster that buried itself underground.


The surface of the island cracked, and an Ebron plant monster drilled out from the ground, waving the roots on its arms.

Inside the cadre transport plane.

Ye Rui looked at the Ebron plant monster that emerged from the ground with a strange expression.

"It looks like a radish, and there are many different radishes."

"It's not like, it's just a radish, and it's a radish that has been grafted with multiple varieties." Shen Yun looked at the Ebron plant monster on the island and said with a smile.

This Ebron plant monster itself was transformed from a radish.

Because Ebron cells give plants strong vitality, TPC botanists also study those plants that have been transplanted with Ebron cell protozoa.

Multi-variety grafting is one of the results.

Different crops can be grafted onto a plant.

For example, the Ebron plant monster in front of you is a white radish, but it has several kinds of radishes grafted onto it.

Therefore, after this Ebron plant monster became a monster, its appearance became very strange.

This Ebron plant monster is white all over, with a red head and carrot leaves. Its lower body has legs made of roots, carrots become its arms, and red radishes become its palms.

There is even a part similar to facial features in the middle of its body.

This makes its body almost as thick as the top and bottom, and its legs are very short.

It looks very funny.

The Ebron plant monster crawled out from the ground, waving its arms and walking towards the mechanical Golzan.

"Xincheng, be careful to dodge." Shen Yun said.

"Understood!" Xincheng nodded.

The Ebron plant monster waved its arms, and the palm made of red carrots fiercely sent it towards the mechanical Golzan.

Xincheng looked at the Ebron plant monster that appeared on the display screen, and immediately pushed the joystick to drive the mechanical Golzan to dodge.

The transmission system of the mechanical Golzan uses a DNA computer with extremely fast processing speed. Almost the moment Xincheng pushed the joystick, the mechanical Golzan reacted.

The mechanical Golzan took a step back and dodged the slap of the Ebron plant monster.

The Ebron plant monster raised his hand, and the red carrot in his hand shot towards the mechanical Golzan like a bullet.

Xincheng reacted very quickly, controlling the mechanical Golzan to bend down and dodge the attack of the Ebron plant monster.

Then, the mechanical Golzan turned around and swung its tail, and the thick mechanical tail hit the Ebron plant monster directly.


The Ebron plant monster was knocked to the ground on the spot.

"Not bad, such mobility is enough to deal with most monsters." Shen Yun was quite satisfied with the performance of the mechanical Golzan.

"Xincheng, try close combat with the Ebron plant monster next." Shen Yun ordered again.

"Understood!" Xincheng responded, pushed the operating lever, and controlled the mechanical Golzan to stride towards the fallen Ebron plant monster.

The Ebron plant monster got up from the ground and rushed towards the mechanical Golzan.


The two behemoths collided with each other on the spot, making a heavy sound.

Then, the Ebron plant monster was knocked away by the mechanical Golzan.


The Ebron plant monster fell heavily to the ground, shaking the soil and vegetation on the ground up to more than ten meters high.

Xincheng pulled the lever and controlled the mechanical Golzan to come to the fallen Ebron plant monster, grabbed its body, lifted it above his head, and then threw it out.


The huge body of the Ebron plant monster hit the ground, even shaking the ground slightly.

"It is very powerful and has an overwhelming advantage over ordinary monsters." Shen Yun watched the performance of the mechanical Golzan and recorded the relevant data.

"Xincheng, the next step is the firepower test. Test the weapons carried by the mechanical Golzan one by one." Shen Yun said.

"Understood! I have been waiting for this moment." Xincheng said with a smile.

As Xincheng spoke, he manually turned on several switches on the console.

"Texas beam, fire!"

The mouth of the mechanical Golzan full of metal teeth opened, revealing the Texas unit placed inside.

The bright yellow Texas beam sprayed out from the mouth of the mechanical Golzan, like an atomic breath, and blasted towards the Ebron plant cells in the distance.


The bright yellow free charge particle beam hit the body of the Ebron plant monster, and brilliant sparks suddenly exploded on the body of the Ebron plant monster.

A very conspicuous charred black color also appeared on the surface of the Ebron plant monster.

"Ang——" The Ebron plant monster let out a hissing sound, and the electric current on its body surged, turning into a green electric current beam and hitting the mechanical Golzan.

"Ultrasonic beam, fire!" Xincheng shouted.

A golden glow lit up on the neck of the mechanical Golzan, and the energy generated by the Mags power system continuously gathered towards the ultrasonic tumor bag on the forehead of the mechanical Golzan.

The next moment, a golden ultrasonic beam shot out from the launch port on the forehead of the mechanical Golzan.

The golden ultrasonic beam and the green electric beam collided in mid-air.

After a short stalemate, the ultrasonic beam emitted by the mechanical Golzan overwhelmed the electric beam emitted by the Ebron plant monster and hit the chest of the Ebron plant monster directly.


The moment the ultrasonic beam hit the Ebron plant monster, it exploded on its body, and a series of explosions directly blew it to the ground.

"Next, it's the backpack cannon." Xincheng looked at the tutorial on PDI and immediately entered a series of instructions on the keyboard on the console.

"Backpack cannon, fire!" Xincheng pressed the launch button on the control backpack unit panel.

The muzzles of the two cannons on the shoulders of the mechanical Golzan immediately began to gather energy. Before the Ebron plant monster climbed up from the ground, the two cannons accumulated energy and shot out two fireballs.

The two fireballs rotated against each other and hit the body of the Ebron plant monster.


The huge body of the Ebron plant monster was blown to pieces by the two fireballs on the spot.

"In terms of firepower, it's pretty good." Shen Yun looked at the shattered Ebron plant monster and nodded gently.

He designed and manufactured this cannon, and the technology used was the Impreza cannon.

Impreza's cannon was extremely powerful and almost killed Mebius.

Ordinary monsters can't withstand a few cannons.

Not to mention, this cannon can also fire at high speed and provide firepower coverage.

"It's not fun. I haven't used the Mags cannon yet." Xincheng looked at the remaining energy and muttered.

"Okay! Xincheng, your mission is complete. We will pick you up right away. Next, it will be Ye Rui's turn to remote control." Shen Yun said.


Shen Yun asked the pilot to fly to the head cockpit of the mechanical Golzan, and then dropped the ladder.

Xincheng climbed up the ladder and said with a smile: "It's really not fun. I haven't had enough fun yet."

"Don't talk nonsense. There will be plenty of time for you to play in the future." Shen Yun cursed with a smile, then looked at Ye Rui and said: "Ye Rui!"

"Yes!" Ye Rui sat on the operating table with excitement and began to control remotely.

Shen Yun and Xincheng stood behind Ye Rui and watched his operation.

The display screen on the operating table has the perspective of the first person and the third person, and there is a data chart of the mechanical Golzan next to the perspective screen, showing the body condition.

Because Xincheng killed the Ebron plant monster, there was no opponent and could not carry out actual combat.

Ye Rui could only familiarize himself with the operation and then vent his firepower on this deserted island.

By observing Ye Rui's operation and the reaction of Mechanical Golzan, Shen Yun also confirmed that when the Mechanical Golzan was remotely controlled, the Mechanical Golzan almost responded to Ye Rui's control in real time without any delay.

However, if the remote control is too far away, there will still be some delay.

"Okay, the test of Mechanical Golzan is over, and we can return." Shen Yun patted Ye Rui on the shoulder and said.

The cadre transport plane that Shen Yun and the other two took returned to the base first.

The other four transport planes lifted the Mechanical Golzan and returned to the base together.

After returning to the base, Shen Yun returned to his research institute.

"The Mechanical Golzan is completed, and I can rest for a while." Shen Yun took a sip of tea, then looked at Karen and asked, "Karen, how is the batch of Ebron rice planted before?"

He has been very busy in the past few months and has no time to observe that batch of Ebron rice.

"It's almost harvested now." Karen answered truthfully.

"Is it almost harvested? Let me see." Shen Yun was also a little surprised when he heard this. He immediately put down the water cup and came to Kallen.

Kallen found the video on her mobile phone. The rice plant transplanted with Ebron cells without side effects had its stalk bent by the golden rice ears.

In the picture, this Ebron rice plant was bent by the rice ears.

Shen Yun estimated that if this rice plant stood upright, it would be at least two and a half meters tall.

This is already considered a giant rice.

Moreover, there are many rice grains on the golden rice ears, and the grains are full, which looks very high quality.

"Kallen, have you calculated how many kilograms per mu can reach?" Shen Yun asked.

"I calculated it. If it is calculated, it is about 4,000 kilograms per mu." Kallen nodded and replied.

"4,000 kilograms per mu? Great! Really great! Hahaha!" Shen Yun happily picked up Kallen and turned around.

After holding Kallen and turning around twice, Shen Yun put Kallen down and said, "Kallen, notify them to send this rice plant over."

He had to write a paper and send it back to China overnight, and send this rice plant back by the way.

You know, this is just conventional rice, not hybrid rice with higher yield.

If Ebron cells can be transplanted into super rice, how much can it yield per mu?

I dare not think about it.

"Okay, okay..." Kallen nodded a little dizzy.

Is this the hug that Mayumi said?

Why, it feels a little different?

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