Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 122 Shen Yun's wish, the pattern opens

"Not this world either." Chaliga sat on the riverbank and sighed.

He had already run through several worlds, but still hadn't found the red ball.


How many worlds would it take to find it?

And this time there was another unexpected problem.

That is, a monster he captured suddenly disappeared.

That monster was the monster Chaliga captured in the world where he first saw the red ball and was about to perish.

As for why it disappeared...

Maybe it died.

Chaliga thought about many reasons for the disappearance of monsters and finally came to this conclusion.

Chaliga knew very well that the disappeared monster was generated by the unknown energy of the red ball.

And this energy was materialized because of the "desire" of someone in that world.

The monster disappeared, either because of insufficient energy or because the person who created the monster died.

Although he took the monster away and delayed the destruction of the world, it was only a delay.

After he left, that world was eventually destroyed, and all humans perished.

If the person who created the monster dies, then the monster will naturally disappear.

Although the monster disappeared, the energy that made up the monster still remained.

Chaliga did not let go of this energy. He used the secret skills of the monster buyer to fix it and transformed it into some kind of object.

He could locate the position of the red ball through this unknown energy.

However, he had searched several worlds and could not find the exact position of the red ball.

Chaliga played with the small red crystal in his hand, which was solidified by the unknown energy and could sense the power of the red ball.

At this time, the red ball in his hand suddenly lit up, as if indicating the direction.

"Here it comes! It appears again!" Chaliga became excited. He quickly opened the box in his hand, twisted the button on the box, and then pushed the switch like a switch.

Accompanied by the ding-dong music, the device inside the box lit up, and a white line emerged from the box and turned in front of the box, forming a time-space tunnel.

"I'm leaving." Chaliga said, standing in front of the time-space tunnel with a bulging belly.

Then, he and his box were sucked into the twisted space-time tunnel.

Chaliga followed the guidance of the red energy stone in his hand and continued to move forward in the vortex of the wormhole.

Soon, he came to the exit of the space-time tunnel.

He jumped out of the wormhole and came to a city.

"This is it!" Chaliga adjusted his hat, picked up the black umbrella, carried the box, and staggered on the street, following the guidance of the red crystal, looking for the red ball.

Chaliga's dress similar to Chaplin did not attract much attention.

Pedestrians on the street only thought he was performing some kind of performance art.

And a video store on the shopping street caught Chaliga's attention.

The TV in this store was broadcasting the special drama of Gaia Ultraman.

"Ultraman..." Chaliga couldn't help but relax a lot when watching the special drama on TV.

Based on his experience of traveling through many worlds, he found a very interesting thing.

In every parallel universe, there is Ultraman.

In some universes, there are real Ultraman, while in some universes, Ultraman only exists in special effects dramas.

In the parallel universes where Ultraman only exists in special effects dramas, there is generally no Ultraman, and even monsters do not exist.

In those parallel universes without Ultraman special effects dramas, there must be real Ultraman, and various monsters.

"Great, without Ultraman, no one will hinder me." Chaliga was very happy.

He stepped on his large shoes, making a puffing sound, and followed the guidance of the red crystal to find the location of the red ball.

Soon, Chaliga followed the guidance and found Kashimada Hiroshi, who had used the red ball to summon Satan Bizo.

He could see that he had the power of the red ball.

They must have seen the red ball.

Chaliga did not hesitate, and immediately stepped forward to stop the three children, saying: "Hello, I am the monster buyer Chaliga, have you seen a red ball that can make wishes come true?"


Xia Xingmian led Shen Yun and Wo Meng to his secret base - an abandoned factory.

Da Gu and Asuka came here first and chatted face to face.

"You mean, you are the Ultraman who inherited the light after me?"

"Yes, but I am far behind Senior Da Gu." Asuka said.

"Then what's the matter with your team uniform? Did the Victory Team finally disband?"

"To be precise, it was reorganized." Asuka told Da Gu the whereabouts of the former seniors of the Victory Team one by one.

Hearing that everyone in the Victory Team would go their separate ways in the future, Da Gu's mood became a little melancholy.

But everyone got promoted, and those who pursued their dreams pursued their dreams, and they developed very well.

This is also the only consolation.

"What about the doctor? Why did the doctor become the director?" Da Gu asked curiously.

"I'm not very clear about this. I only know that Director Shen Yun took over Director Zejing's position as the director of TPC in 2012, and Director Zejing retreated to the backstage as a consultant." Fei Niao scratched his head and said a little embarrassedly.

As for why Shen Yun became the director of TPC headquarters, he also couldn't understand the inside story.

"Dagu, Asuka, let me introduce you two. This is Gaoshan Womeng, he is the Gaia Ultraman who just appeared." Shen Yun came to the two and introduced Gaoshan Womeng to them.

"I am Yuan Dagu." Dagu stood up and stretched out his hand to Womeng.

"I am Asuka Shin." Asuka also smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Gaoshan Womeng, please teach me!" Womeng also stretched out his hand and shook the hands of Dagu and Asuka.

Xinxing Mian watched this scene excitedly.

This is a handshake between three Ultramen across time and space.

"Speaker, I wanted to ask just now, how did we come to this world? And why do people in this world know that I am Gaia?" Womeng asked.

"Speaker?" Dagu and Asuka were also a little surprised when they heard Womeng's address.

"You should ask Xiao Mian about this question." Shen Yun threw the question to the initiator.

"Xiao Mian?" I dreamed of looking at Shinsei Mian who had brought them to this secret base.

Shinsei Mian excitedly answered my dream's two questions.

"The ball that can fulfill wishes? Is it the one that allowed us to cross the dimension and come to this world?" I dreamed thoughtfully.

"But, are we characters in a special effects work?" Asuka scratched his head and said.

"No, we really exist!" I Meng shook his head and said seriously: "Although this sounds incredible, if we assume that the number of parallel universes is infinite, then every time point, every choice made by everyone, every inspiration and idea that emerges, will derive a parallel universe."

"Then, no matter how small the probability of an event is, it will definitely happen in the multiverse!"

"Although in this time and space, everything that happened and experienced in our time and space has become the content of special effects works. But the content of these special effects works cannot be exactly the same as our experience."

As he said, I Meng turned his head to look at Xinxing Mian and asked: "Mian Jun, can you tell me who is the speaker of Alchemy Star?"

"It's Daniel!" Xinxing Mian answered without thinking.

"In my world, Daniel and Catherine are only vice-speakers, and the speaker is Shen Yunsang." I Meng said.

"Eh?" Xinxing Mian was very surprised.

"Presumably, in your world, the identity of the speaker is also different." I Meng said firmly.

"Well, the doctor is a scientist in the Science Bureau in my time and space, and I have received a lot of help from the doctor." Da Gu said.

"The director is the director of TPC in my time and space." Fei Niao said.

Xin Xing Mian was also stunned when he heard what I Meng and the others said.

This is completely different from what he knew.

"Mian Jun, can you let me investigate the ball that can fulfill wishes?" I Meng looked at Xin Xing Mian and asked.


"If you want to say why..."

"Does I Meng want to go back to your original world? So you want to investigate this ball?" Xin Xing Mian said.

I Meng shook his head, leaned over and looked at Xin Xing Mian, and said: "This ball not only called me, but also summoned monsters here."

Xin Xing Mian thought for a moment, and finally nodded, saying: "I know. But you must not run back without permission."

"Well, it's agreed!" I Meng nodded.

Xin Xing Mian also nodded, put the backpack on the ground, reached into the backpack, grabbed the red ball, and then shook it hard.

The red ball that could be easily taken out seemed to be stuck in the schoolbag. If you don't use force, you can't take it out at all.

"It seems that this ball has become bigger."

"Xiaoyou, help me." Xinxing Tsutomu raised the schoolbag and turned to face Pingjian You and said.

After Pingjian You put the things in his hand on his arm, he reached out and grabbed Xinxing Tsutomu's schoolbag. The two of them used all their strength to pull out the slightly larger red ball.

Shen Yun quickly grabbed the collars of the two little guys, which prevented the two children from falling to the ground.

"The shape seems to be different from before." Nanase Risa looked at the red ball in Xinxing Tsutomu's hand that had become bigger and the surface became bumpy, and suddenly said.

"What's going on?" Pingjian You pushed his glasses and asked in confusion.

Shen Yun looked at Nanase Risa who suddenly spoke with a meaningful look.

He knew very well that Nanase Risa and the red ball were one. The red ball destroyed many worlds and absorbed countless desires.

The desire absorbed by the red ball contains a part of goodness.

And she is the good side of the red ball.

"The reason why this red ball has changed may be because your wish has been fulfilled." Shen Yun said.

"Eh?" Xin Xingmian looked at Shen Yun in confusion.

"According to the law of conservation of mass, wishes cannot be fulfilled out of thin air. To fulfill a wish, you need energy equal to it. The more difficult the wish is to fulfill, the more energy is needed. And in this world, the only thing that can be called endless is human desire." Shen Yun walked in front of Xin Xingmian, reached out and picked up the red ball, and said in a flat tone.

"I can fulfill your wish, no matter what kind of wish it is."

The moment Shen Yun picked up the red ball, he heard a voice coming from the red ball.

"I heard the voice of this red ball." Shen Yun looked at the red ball in his hand and said softly.

All kinds of images appeared in his mind for no reason.

Endless wealth, beauties to enjoy, power above ten thousand people, and even an indestructible kidney.

As long as he made a wish, all these would come true.

Shen Yun was not very interested in the first three wishes, but this indestructible kidney made Shen Yun a little moved.

No man can refuse an indestructible kidney.

Nanase Risa saw the desire on Shen Yun's face, and her eyes revealed a little sadness.

She knew that another world was going to be destroyed.

She was part of the red ball and could not stop it at all.

Although the negative emotions inside the red ball had been affecting Shen Yun's thinking, Shen Yun's heart was calm.


Too vulgar!

Is he Shen Yun such a person? (Mainly because he has enjoyed them all.)

This kind of wish has no pattern at all.

"I want to see communism fully realized. Can you do it?" Shen Yun shook the red ball in his hand and asked.

Do you understand what pattern is?

+1 point for the pattern group.


Shen Yun's wish seemed to have burned the CPU of the red ball. It didn't speak for a long time and didn't glow.

"Is it frozen? Or is there not enough energy? Can't I fulfill my wish?" Shen Yun patted the red ball and asked.

Nanase Risa looked at Shen Yun with a very strange expression.

She never thought that Shen Yun would make such a wish.

At this time, shouldn't I give priority to satisfying my own desires?

Shen Yun's wish made the red ball completely silent.

The energy required to fulfill Shen Yun's wish is too huge. Even if it absorbs all the desires of humans in this world, it may not be fulfilled.

However, as a wishing machine, it has to fulfill Shen Yun's wish.

Under such a contradiction, the intelligence inside the red ball was a little stuck for a while.

"This really seems like a wish that the doctor can make." Da Gu smiled slightly.

"The wish has not been fulfilled. It seems that there is a limit to the wishes that the red ball can fulfill." I Meng looked at the motionless red ball and thought thoughtfully.

"Chairman, I'll call EX first, and we'll analyze the red ball together." Imeng turned his head and looked at Shen Yun, saying.

"No problem." Shen Yun made an OK gesture.

He was very interested in this wishing ball that represented the pinnacle of scientific and technological civilization.

Imeng nodded, turned on the communicator on his left wrist, and called: "EX, fly to this position immediately."

"I know, Imeng." The artificial intelligence on the FighterEX responded.

After receiving Imeng's order, the FighterEX parked at the school also started automatically.

"EX, take off!"

The jet hole at the bottom of the machine ejected a strong airflow, pushing the FighterEX to take off on the spot.

The crowd gathered around the FighterEX, seeing the FighterEX suddenly start, all screamed and retreated.

FighterEX flew into the sky and flew towards the factory where Imeng was.

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