Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 130: Artificial Meta Field, Nori is defeated in the first battle


The Victory Team went to different areas.

Lina, Shinjo, and Horii boarded the cockpits of the Hiyan 1 and two Hiyan 2s respectively.

Sohma drove the Dram car and went to the outskirts of the city first.

And Nori came to the hangar where the Sabre Athena and the Mechanical Golzan were parked alone.

He quickly passed the Sabre Athena and boarded the head cockpit of the Mechanical Golzan.

Nori looked at the operating console in the head cockpit of the Mechanical Golzan with excitement, and said happily: "I have long wanted to try to drive the Mechanical Golzan myself."

Because the monster code-named Joe Beli Ai will emit strong electromagnetic waves after waking up, remote control of the Mechanical Golzan will inevitably be affected by electromagnetic waves.

Therefore, letting the driver operate manually from the head cockpit is the best choice.

Command room.

Iruma Hui quietly watched the Victory Team leave.

Normally, she should arrange Shinjo or Lina to let them drive the mecha.

However, the extreme idea of ​​Nori before needs to be corrected.

Nori has been on duty too few times, and has not been to the front line many times so far. He has no idea of ​​the cruelty of fighting and war.

Because the child is still young, he must not be allowed to kill the lightning man.

Driving the mechanical Golzan to face the vicious monster is a good choice.

Iruma Hui looked at the scene on the main screen, thought for a moment, and then took the initiative to contact Shen Yun.

Research Institute.

Shen Yun is developing subspace isolation technology. Thanks to the various data he collected, his research is going smoothly.

At this time, Shen Yun's PDI suddenly rang.

He put down his work and answered the call.

Iruma Hui appeared on the PDI screen, and she asked directly: "Doctor, is there any way to drive this monster out of the ground?"

Then, she sent the information of the armored beast Joe Beli Ai to Shen Yun's PDI.

Looking at the data received by PDI, Shen Yun said, "Give me some time to analyze it."

"Please hurry up." Iruma Hui nodded and hung up the call.

Shen Yun looked at the relevant data sent by Iruma Hui and immediately began to analyze Qiao Baili Ai.

Not long after, Shen Yun analyzed the results.

"This monster emits abnormal electromagnetic waves, so it is extremely sensitive to changes in other abnormal electromagnetic waves. It will wake up from its slumber, most likely affected by the Lightning Man." Shen Yun looked at the analysis results and thought.

Then, Shen Yun contacted Iruma Hui and said, "This monster may have been awakened by the influence of electromagnetic waves. You can try it with a high-energy microwave cannon."

"High-energy microwave cannon? I see. Thank you for your help." Iruma Hui nodded slightly and smiled.

"Yes." Shen Yun responded and hung up the call, continuing to research and develop subspace isolation technology.

After this period of research, he has some ideas about subspace isolation technology.

"Light energy can be converted into electromagnetic fields. As long as the light energy generated by the Mags power system is emitted and a strong electromagnetic field is created within a certain range, the space will be folded, forming a discontinuous space-time barrier as a subspace for combat."

"In this way, the battle between monsters and Ultraman will not affect the real world."

"Is this considered an artificial Meta field?" Shen Yun touched his chin and said to himself.


Iruma Hui notified the maintenance team and asked them to install a high-energy microwave cannon on Victory Feiyan No. 1.

Then, Iruma Hui contacted Zongfang again and said, "Deputy Captain, according to the doctor's analysis, this monster will be affected by electromagnetic waves. The maintenance team is installing a high-energy microwave cannon on Feiyan No. 1. After the high-energy microwave cannon is installed, the action will be launched immediately."

"Understood!" Zongfang nodded.

Time passed bit by bit, and two hours passed in a flash.

The pointer came to three o'clock in the afternoon, and the Lightning Man annihilation war began as planned.

Lina drove the Flying Swallow No. 1, while Xincheng and Horii drove two Flying Swallow No. 2s respectively, and set off from the hangar.

The Atlantis also followed the elevator inside the base, rising from the F4 hangar to the exit below the base.

The gate at the bottom of the base slowly opened, and the Atlantis flew out.

The two Flying Swallow No. 2s driven by Xincheng and Horii flew on both sides of the Atlantis, one on the left and one on the right.

And Lina drove the Flying Swallow No. 1, flying over the Atlantis.

The three Victory Flying Swallows and the Atlantis formed an air formation and flew together towards the location of the Lightning Man's nest observed by TPC.

The same situation also occurred in TPC branches around the world.

And the ground forces of TPC also arrived at the outskirts of the city within these two hours.

The tank troops of TPC aimed their guns at the huge cave on the mountain, waiting for the monster to appear and then open fire together.

Of course, the main force of this operation was still the mechanical Gorzan driven by Nori.

The ground forces of TPC can only play a diversionary role at best.

Zongfang stood in front of the mobile base and observed the huge cave on the hill with a telescope.

The cave was very deep and seemed to lead directly underground.

Zongfang put down the telescope, walked into the mobile base, and asked the technicians who were monitoring the monster's movements:

"What is the current situation of the monster?"

"The monster has not moved for the time being. It seems to be still dormant." The technician replied looking at the life response displayed on the military computer.

"Sleep...I understand, continue monitoring." Zongfang nodded, and then contacted Dagu and Yerui via radio.

"Da Gu, Ye Rui."

"Yes." They both replied in unison.

"According to the original plan, the battle will start in 20 minutes." Zongfang looked at the watch on his wrist and said.

"Understood, we will arrive within 10 minutes." Dagu nodded and said.

"Understood." Zongfang replied and hung up the communication.

Dagu's Feiyan-1, which had been equipped with a high-energy microwave cannon, slowly entered orbit.

The mechanical Golzan was transported to the exit by an elevator, then lifted up by four transport planes, and flew towards the suburbs of the city again.

Ye Rui was sitting in the cockpit of the mechanical Gorzan's head, feeling a little nervous.

This is the first time he has arrived at the front line since he joined TPC.

Moreover, he will also drive a mechanical Gorzan to fight against vicious monsters.

To say I'm not nervous would be a lie.

"Huh!" Ye Rui kept taking deep breaths to relieve his nervousness.

A few minutes later.

Feiyan No. 1 driven by Dagu and the mechanical Gorzan, which was lifted by four transport planes, arrived at the scene.

"Once the monster wakes up from dormancy and starts to move, the radio communication status will become very bad. Just in case, we will use flares to transmit the message at that time." Zongfang conveyed the relevant instructions to Dagu and Yerui. .


Zongfang lowered his head and glanced at his watch. After confirming the time, he issued an attack command:

"All team members start fighting!"

Dagu, who flew to the designated location, immediately fired an invisible microwave cannon at the surface to replace the drilling beam, attacking Qiao Beilii hidden in the rock formations and driving it out of the ground.

Under attack from the microwave cannon, Joebelia was awakened again, and it angrily emerged from the ground.

The hill swayed slightly, and Joe Belial burst out of the hole it had dug.

The exposed half of its body emitted extremely strong electromagnetic waves, and collided with the high-energy electromagnetic gun fired by the microwave cannon, causing the air around it to explode with dense sparks.

The No. 1 machine driven by Dagu also shook violently due to the collision of two different electromagnetic waves.

"What the hell are you doing!" Dagu held the control stick tightly to maintain the balance of the aircraft.

The technicians in the mobile base looked at the monster's rising value on the computer and hurriedly said: "Command! It's bad, the monster's output power is rising!"

"What do you mean?" Zongfang turned around and asked.

"This means it hasn't used its full strength yet!"

"What?" Zongfang was shocked and quickly contacted Dagu and shouted: "Dagu, run!"

However, the communication at the scene had long been interfered with by the electromagnetic waves emitted by Qiao Beiliai, and the communication had long been cut off.

Seeing the unresponsive Feiyan No. 1, Zongfang also understood and cursed: "Damn it! We can't communicate!"

Without any hesitation, he immediately took out the flare magazine from the magazine bag on his waist, loaded it into the Victory Hypa gun, and fired the flare into the sky.

Red flares shot into the sky with a piercing scream.

"Attention all, start shelling!" the commander of the ground forces immediately ordered after seeing the signal flare.

The tanks of the ground forces opened fire in unison, and a dense barrage fell on Qiao Beilii who crawled out of the cave.

The smoke and sparks generated by the successive explosions completely engulfed Qiao Beili.

Because of the bombing by ground troops, the electromagnetic waves on Qiao Beiliai's body were interfered with, and the No. 1 aircraft piloted by Dagu was able to escape.

After seeing the ground troops opening fire, Ye Rui also hurriedly operated the mechanical Gorzan to attack Qiao Beili.

"Texas gun, fire!" Ye Rui quickly entered the command and aimed at Qiao Beierai who emerged from the ground.

Mechanical Gorzan's mouth full of metal teeth opened, revealing the Texas unit inside.

The light yellow charged particles visible to the naked eye continued to gather, and finally turned into a yellow particle cannon, which was ejected from the mouth of the mechanical Gorzan.

The Texas beam penetrated the smoke and hit Joe Bailey in the chest.


Qiao Beili's chest suddenly exploded with a cluster of brilliant sparks.

As if it was hurt by the beating, Qiao Beilii couldn't help but scream. Under the insect horn above its head, blue high-voltage current was fired directly towards the mechanical Gorzan.

Caught off guard, Mechanical Gorzan was hit in the head by the high-voltage current fired by Qiao Beiliai.


A cluster of sparks exploded from Mechanical Gorzan's head, and the power of the high-voltage current made Mechanical Gorzan take a few steps back.

Because he was close to the head cockpit, Yerui immediately felt a violent vibration, and some electric sparks shot out from the small head cockpit.

When the vibration stopped, Ye Rui immediately looked at the screen in the cockpit.

Seeing Qiao Beiliai's ferocious and ugly face on the screen, Ye Rui's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a bit, and his palms became sweaty.

"Calm down, I need to calm down! Attack quickly! Stop the monster from approaching!" Nori muttered to himself, trying to calm himself down and input commands to attack the monster coming towards him.

"Error! Command error!"

"Error! Command error!"

In panic, Nori input the wrong attack commands several times in a row.

"What's going on?" Zong Fang, who was attacking Qiao Baili Ai with a tank gun, saw the mechanical Golzan suddenly stop attacking, and also showed some doubts.

Why didn't he continue to attack?

Qiao Baili Ai ignored the artillery fire of the TPC ground forces and came straight to the mechanical Golzan, waving his huge sickle-shaped arms and slashing the mechanical Golzan's chest.


A series of sparks exploded from the mechanical Golzan's chest.

Its huge body was also beaten back several steps by Qiao Baili Ai's strange power.

There was another vibration in the cockpit of the head.

Then, it waved its sickle-like arms and clamped the arms of the mechanical Golzan and the fuselage together.

Seeing this scene, Zong Fang was also afraid that his own artillery fire would interfere with his own people. He quickly took out another flare, loaded it into the Victory Hyper Gun, and fired it.

The green flare flew into the sky with a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

Seeing the green flare, the commander of the ground force immediately ordered: "Stop the attack!"

For a while, the ground forces stopped the fire output.

Without the fire coverage, the smoke quickly dissipated.

I saw Qiao Baili Ai clamped the mechanical Golzan with his sickle-shaped arms.

The strange power of Qiao Baili Ai's arms made the mechanical Golzan unable to move.

"What's going on?" Ye Rui anxiously pulled the operating lever, but the operating lever seemed to be stuck by something and could not be pulled at all.

After clamping the mechanical Golzaan, the insect horns on Qiao Baili's head dropped, and the azure high-voltage current gathered again and hit the head of the mechanical Golzaan directly.


The mechanical Golzaan was hit by Qiao Baili's current and sparks flew everywhere.

Sparks also continued to explode in the cockpit of the mechanical Golzaan's head.

"Nori!" Zong Fang exclaimed when he saw this scene.

Da Gu's expression changed slightly, and he quickly unzipped his zipper, took out the divine light stick from his arms, and planned to transform.

At this moment, on the battlefield.

Qiao Baili let go of the mechanical Golzaan, and the huge body of the mechanical Golzaan fell straight to the ground.


The soil on the ground was shaken up dozens of meters by the fallen mechanical Golzaan.

Nori's head also hit the operating table as the mechanical Golzaan fell.

He fainted without saying a word.

Qiao Baili Ai looked at the "dead" mechanical Golzan lying on the ground, stood near the "corpse" of the mechanical Golzan, and roared triumphantly.

Seeing this, Zong Fang quickly took out a flare from the magazine bag on his waist, loaded it into the Victory Hyper Gun, and immediately fired it.


A smoking flare was shot into the sky.

The commander of the ground force saw it and began to shout to his subordinates: "Retreat quickly!"

The ground forces of TPC received the order and began to retreat one after another.

Qiao Baili Ai did not continue to pursue these retreating tanks, but turned around and went into the cave again to continue sleeping.

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