Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 137: Two sisters in the new city, Obik of Yanye Street

TPC base, medical department.

Inside the physical examination center.

Shen Yunduan read the physical examination report in his hand, and then looked up and down at Xincheng, who was shirtless, with a strange look in his eyes.

He really didn't expect that things would develop like this.

Last night, after Dagu and Horii drove Feiyan No. 1 to destroy the UFO that entered the earth, the TPC logistics department immediately set out to recover the wreckage of the UFO.

When the logistics department of TPC recovered the wreckage of the UFO, they did not find the remains of the alien.

In other words, the Natan people are still alive and hiding in human society.

So, Xincheng proposed a plan to use him as bait to lure the Natan people into the trap.

The plan is very simple, that is, to use Xincheng and Maya as bait to lure the Natan people to appear on their own initiative, and the Victory Team ambushed nearby will take the opportunity to eliminate or capture them.

The plan was very successful, and the Natan people did appear.

But in order to save Maya, Xincheng was hit by the Natan people's ray gun.

Then, in order to save Xincheng, Maya's brother Chris Leonardo took the initiative to integrate with Xincheng and share life.

It was so difficult to eliminate a mere Emperor Natan.

Xincheng even almost lost his life, which was really difficult.

However, the final result was good.

"Doctor, can you not look at me with such eyes that want to dissect me? To be honest, I'm a little scared." Xincheng looked at Shen Yun's strange eyes, swallowed his saliva, and asked carefully.

"You think too much, I will only draw a few tubes of blood from you at most." Shen Yun flipped through the physical examination report and said lightly.

After the integration of aliens and humans, even dissection can't study anything.

"..." Xincheng made up his mind to stay away from the doctor in the future.

"Doctor, how are the results of Xincheng's physical examination?" At this time, Zongfang came over and asked in a low voice.

"Xincheng is in good health. After Chris integrated with Xincheng, his physical fitness has far surpassed that of humans, and he has inherited Chris's superpowers. This can be regarded as a blessing in disguise." Shen Yun looked at the physical examination report in his hand and said.

"A blessing in disguise... I hope Xincheng doesn't have such a blessing." Zong Fang sighed and smiled bitterly.

"Anyway, it's good that the person is fine."

"That's right." Zong Fang nodded and asked again: "Doctor, what's the situation of Xincheng and Chris now?"

"Vice Captain Zong Fang, you should know about multiple personality disorder, right?" Shen Yun asked.


"Xincheng is in this situation now." Shen Yun said.

"Multiple personality..."

"Xincheng's situation is much better than that of patients with multiple personality disorder. At least he can communicate with Chris and can actively exchange body dominance with Chris." Shen Yun said.

"I understand." Zong Fang nodded.

"Regarding the arrangement for Xincheng..."

"I plan to let Xincheng rest for a while, and then let him return to the team after he adapts to his current situation. During his rest time, Chris and his sister can also spend some time together." Zong Fang said, looking at Xincheng who was getting dressed.

The Victory Team was very short of manpower, and it was impossible to let Xincheng, an experienced veteran, withdraw from the front line just because Xincheng still had the consciousness of a cosmic person in his body.

"By the way, with Xincheng's current physical fitness, he only needs to rest for four hours a day to meet the normal rest needs of the human body." Shen Yun added.

"Only need to rest for four hours? I understand." Zong Fang looked at Xincheng and smiled.

Xincheng, who had just put on his clothes, felt a chill inexplicably.

"A-choo! What's going on? I always feel like someone is scolding me behind my back?" Xincheng rubbed his itchy nose, looked back at Shen Yun, and asked, "Doctor, can I leave?"

"Let's go, there's nothing for you to do." Shen Yun waved his hand.

"Okay." Xincheng left the physical examination center with a smile on his face.

"Doctor, should we let Chris Maya join TPC? Just like Lucia and Zara." Zongfang looked at Xincheng who was talking to Chris Maya and asked.

"That's not necessary. Let TPC provide her with some protection." Shen Yun said.

Even if the per capita quality of the Tiga world is relatively high, as long as humans still have various desires.

Then things like accompanying drinking, sleeping with, and unspoken rules will definitely exist.

In addition, there is the agency's exploitation of artists.

That agency really treats the famous artists under its hands as cash cows and shakes them hard.

As a phenomenal female singer, Chris Maya's agency even accurately calculates Chris Maya's daily schedule to a few minutes, and even has the business of accompanying her for meals.

"I understand." Zongfang nodded and immediately arranged it.


Seeing Xincheng coming out of the TPC physical examination center, Chris Maya, who was sitting on a chair outside the physical examination center, immediately stood up.

She looked at Xincheng and asked, "Are you my brother? Or..."

"I am Xincheng, and I am also your brother. We are now sharing a body." Xincheng replied.

As he said this, Xincheng couldn't help but recall the explanation Chris Leonard gave him.


"In short, after I merge with you, my life will be shared with you, and we will share your body."

"Does this have a negative impact on you?"

"No, it's similar to when I attached myself to you before. It's just that your consciousness is the dominant one."

"With my consciousness as the dominant one..."

"In short, I want to use your body to act, and I need your consent. It's not like when I attached myself to you before, with me as the dominant one. Moreover, after we integrate, you will also inherit the superpowers of our clan."

"Superpowers? Is it telepathy?"

"I guess so. Telepathy is just the simplest application of mental power."


"Brother, you won't leave the earth, right?"

Chris Maya's voice pulled Xincheng out of his memories.

Looking at Chris Maya's happy smile, Xincheng nodded and smiled.

"Yes. I won't leave."

After he and Chris Leonardo integrated, they became the same person.

He is Xincheng and Chris Leonardo.

The only difference between them is that their dominant consciousness is different.

"Great!" Chris Maya excitedly threw himself into Xincheng's arms and hugged Xincheng.

Being suddenly hugged by Chris Maya, Xincheng couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, but he quickly reacted, showing a gentle smile, and patting Maya's back skillfully.

Suddenly having a younger sister, how happy is this for a sister control?

And this scene happened to be seen by the Victory Team who came together.

Seeing this scene, Horii was struck by lightning, and the whole person was stunned on the spot, as if he had lost his soul.

"Horibii, are you okay?" Lina looked at Horii's sluggish expression, smiled and bumped Horii with her shoulder, and asked.

"I'm not okay at all, my heart hurts so much!" Horii covered his heart and said with a sad face.

Seeing his idol throw himself into the arms of Xincheng, it really made him heartbroken.

Dagu was also very happy to see Horii's exaggerated performance.

When Shinjo saw the Victory Team, he brought Chris Maya to the crowd and said with a smile: "Chris Maya, my sister. I don't need to introduce her to you. I believe you all know her."

"More than that." Horii took out a CD and came to Maya, saying excitedly: "Ms. Maya, I am your loyal fan. Please sign for me."

"Okay." Maya smiled slightly, took out a marker, and skillfully signed her name on the cover of the CD.

"Thank you so much." Horii was very happy holding the CD.

"Let me introduce you." Shinjo immediately introduced the Victory Team to Chris Maya.

"Good old man Da Gu, ace pilot Lina, computer genius Nori..."

"And Horii, don't look at his silly look, but he is actually a weapons technology expert of our Victory Team. Many weapons were developed by him." Shinjo put his arm around Horii's shoulders and introduced with a smile.

"Who are you talking about being silly?" Horii slapped Shinjo's hand and stared at Shinjo.

Shen Yun, who had just finished discussing the follow-up of the matter with Zongfang, just walked out of the physical examination center and saw Shinjo and Horii bickering.

Looking at this lively scene, Shen Yun smiled and did not participate in it.

He still had a lot of things to do.

Shen Yun simply said hello to the Victory Team, left the physical examination center, and returned to his research institute to continue to improve the design drawings of the aid equipment.

At the same time, Zongfang also implicitly warned the agency behind Maya to stand up for Maya on behalf of TPC.

With TPC's endorsement, the agency behind Maya naturally dared not offend Maya.

As the only relative of Shinjo, Mayumi was naturally informed of the situation of Shinjo at the first time.

Upon hearing the news, Mayumi only complained about Shinjo twice and didn't say much.

Because the incident had already happened, no matter how much she complained, it would be useless.

However, Mayumi was also very surprised that her idol had become her sister.

But Mayumi was very rational.

After understanding what happened, Mayumi generously gave up her brother to Maya.

Maya was very grateful for this.

After a few visits, the relationship between the two girls soon became close.

As time passed, the time for Maya's first anniversary concert was getting closer.

The agency behind Maya also begged Maya to come back for rehearsal.

Maya didn't want to disappoint her fans, so she agreed.

After holding the concert for the first anniversary of her career, Maya simply took a vacation and traveled around with Shinjo, who was also on vacation, to make up for the time they lost.

This peaceful life didn't last for a few days before a bizarre case broke the peace.

There was an incident of Obik attacking humans on Hikino Street, and the hair of the humans attacked by Obik turned white.

The Victory Team, who were eating in the cafeteria, also received news from the command room.

"Oh my God, the rumors about Obik are true! I thought it was just an urban legend." Lina said in surprise.

"Do monsters really exist?" Xincheng swallowed his saliva. He was most afraid of these ghosts.

"Don't forget Su Na Gui. Su Na Gui is a legendary ghost. Doesn't he really exist?" Da Gudao said.

"This world is becoming more and more incomprehensible." Horii sighed.

As the Victory Team talked, they finished the remaining food on their plates, then each of them picked up a bag of milkshake and walked towards the command room while drinking it.

"By the way, how is the person who was attacked now?" Lina asked curiously.

"Let me see..." Dagu took out the PDI and searched for related topics on the Internet.

Soon, Dagu found related topics in the Obike topic.

"The person who was attacked is still alive, but his hair has all turned white." Dagu said.

"You said his hair has all turned white." Lina looked back at Dagu and said in surprise.

"He must have encountered something terrible." Shinjo affirmed.

"Well, it is said that he is still in a coma." Dagu nodded and said.

"Put him there, maybe..." Horii bit the bottle mouth and said vaguely.

"Don't eat when you are talking, I can't hear what you are saying clearly." Shinjo said.

Horii swallowed the milkshake and continued, "My deceased grandmother always told me that I must not look back when Obike appears."

"Why?" Lina asked curiously.

"Because you will be eaten." Horii said.

"Ah? You will be eaten?" Daigu, Lina, and Shinjo turned their heads to look at Horii in astonishment and asked in unison.

"Do you know that someone was eaten?" Shinjo asked hurriedly.

"I'm not sure about this, but my grandmother told me so." Horii said.

The four of them discussed and walked into the command room.

After entering the command room, the four of them came to their seats and sat down.

Seeing that all the members of the Victory Team were present, Sohō began to talk about Obik: "Rumors that someone had seen Obik spread around Hikino Street about three months ago. However, this is the first time that a real victim has appeared."

"Look carefully, the place where the young man met Obik is here." Sohō posted a topographic map on the main screen, then marked one of the locations and said, "It's here."

Nori took over Sohō's words and marked another location on the map, saying, "Then he was found here, in the mountains of Hikino Street."

"According to the police, it was only five minutes before and after." Sohō said, looking at the map on the main screen.

"How is it possible?" Shinjo said in astonishment.

"It only took five minutes to travel such a long distance? How did they do it?" Lina was also very confused.

"That's why they asked the Victory Team to go out." Iruma Kei said.

"Why did Obik send him back?" Daiko suddenly asked.


"Whether the young man met Obike or something else, he came back alive. Don't you think this is strange? Obike finally caught a person, why did he send him back immediately?" Daigu asked in confusion.

"As long as we find out Obike's true identity, we can solve this question. Starting tonight, everyone will patrol Yanye Street." Iruma Hui looked at the Victory Team and ordered.

"Understood!" The Victory Team replied in unison.

Although the task has been arranged, there is still a long time before the evening.

The Victory Team did not waste this time. By investigating the hot topic of Obike on the Internet, they looked for sightings of Obike and tried to find out the trajectory of Obike's activities.

However, these so-called sightings of Obike were actually just hearing the voice of "playing with Obike" coming from behind, and Obike was not really seen at all.

And the only human attacked by Obike is still in a coma, and they can't get any clues from the attacked person.

The investigation into Obik has also reached a deadlock.

"Speaking of which, the doctor seems to have a deep understanding of myths and legends. If we ask the doctor, we might be able to find out something." Da Gu suggested.

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