Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 140 Meeting between Director Sawai and Obike

Watching the temporary subspace on the deserted island dissipate again, Shen Yun glanced at the darkening sky, picked up the communicator, and said: "Everyone has worked hard. Today's experiment ends here. We can return."

This afternoon, Shen Yun conducted dozens of subspace isolation experiments and obtained a lot of data.

With these data, combined with Kallen's huge computing power, the improvement of subspace isolation technology will be much simpler.

When Shen Yun returned to the base, the sky had completely darkened.

Leaving the hangar, Shen Yun took Kallen and walked straight to the research institute of the Science Bureau.

He planned to use Kallen's computing power to conduct simulation experiments on the computer.

"Ding ding ding."

On the way back to the research institute, the PDI carried by Shen Yun suddenly rang.

Shen Yun took the PDI out of his pocket and turned it on. The figure of Zejing appeared on the screen of the PDI.

"Dr. Shen, I want to talk to you about the monster protection area." Zejing said straight to the point.

"I know, I'll go there right away." Shen Yun nodded and hung up the communication.

After closing the PDI, Shen Yun turned his head and looked at Karen who was following him, and said: "Karen, I'll leave the simulation experiment of subspace isolation technology to you."

"Okay." Karen nodded.

Shen Yun nodded and walked towards the director's office.

Arriving at the director's office, Shen Yun pushed the door open.

Ze Jing, who was reviewing documents with his head down, raised his head when he heard the door being pushed open. After seeing Shen Yun, he smiled and gestured:

"Sit down."

"Director." Shen Yun sat in front of Ze Jing.

Ze Jing poured Shen Yun a cup of tea and said: "I have read the proposal for the monster protection area. I think your idea is very good, so I want to talk to you about the detailed implementation plan."

"No problem." Shen Yun smiled.

Shen Yun and Ze Jing discussed the implementation plan of the monster protection area together.

For example, the acquisition of Yanye Street, compensation for residents' relocation, and the future development direction of the monster protection area.

Soon, the detailed plans for the acquisition of Yanye Street and compensation for the relocation of residents were finalized one by one.

In the end, only the future development plan of the Monster Sanctuary remained to be finalized.

Zejing drank a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and said: "What do you think about the development plan of the Monster Sanctuary?"

Shen Yun thought about it and said: "My idea is to develop the tourism industry in this area, because the future Monster Sanctuary will most likely be modernized and retain the local customs to the greatest extent. In this way, the only industry that can be developed is the tourism industry."

"And this tourism industry can be said to be a crucial step in achieving the peaceful coexistence of humans and monsters."

"Oh? Can you tell me more?"

"Of course." Shen Yun smiled and explained: "The development of tourism in the Monster Sanctuary can allow humans and monsters to come into close contact. With more contact, humans will not be too afraid of monsters and will be surprised by the existence of monsters. No wonder. Monsters can live openly in human society without hiding. "

"In addition, tourism can protect the local environment to the greatest extent and will not cause too much trouble to monsters. "

"As long as the monsters in the monster protection area can ensure the safety of tourists, with human curiosity about monsters, the monster protection area is definitely the first choice for tourists. In this way, the monsters in the monster protection area can also maintain their income and expenditure and be self-sufficient. "

After speaking, Shen Yun also picked up the teacup, drank a sip of tea, moistened his throat, and continued: "Of course, such a plan still requires the consent of the monsters. "

Zawai nodded slightly and said: "It is indeed necessary to take the opinions of the monsters as the main consideration. "

Then, Zejing and Shen Yun finalized the relevant development plan.

After determining the implementation plan, Shen Yun also stood up and said goodbye.

Back to the institute, Shen Yun saw Karen's slightly busy back.

She walked back and forth, conducting simulation experiments on subspace technology while recording the data of the simulation experiments.

Hearing the noise, Karen turned around quickly. When she saw that it was Shen Yun, she smiled and walked over quickly.

"Mr. Shen!"

"How is the simulation experiment going?" Shen Yun asked.

"Three hundred and forty-two simulation experiments have been carried out, and there have been no errors so far." Karen reported.

Upon hearing this, Shen Yun rubbed Karen's head lovingly and smiled, "Thank you for your hard work. Let's stop here today. Let's talk about the simulation experiment tomorrow."

Karen nodded, then rubbed her flat belly with her hands, raised her head and looked at Shen Yun eagerly, saying:

"Mr. Shen, I'm hungry."

Before Shen Yun could speak, his PDI rang again.

"Sorry." Shen Yun apologized, took out the PDI, and connected the communication.

Da Gu's face also appeared on the PDI screen.

"Doctor, Obik wants to talk to you about the monster protection area." Da Gu said quickly when he saw the communication connected.

"Really? You hold Obike steady, I'll be there right away." Shen Yun nodded and hung up the call.

Dagu is really good, he actually convinced Obike.

Shen Yun smiled and quickly contacted Director Zejing through PDI. It might be unsafe for him to go alone, so he simply took Director Zejing with him. He believed that with Director Zejing's personal charm, he would definitely be able to convince Obike.

Soon, the friendly face of Director Zejing appeared on the communication interface of Shen Yun's PDI.

Shen Yun immediately informed Director Zejing of Obike's intention and invited Director Zejing to go with him.

Director Zejing was also very interested in monsters like Obike, and readily agreed to Shen Yun's invitation.

After hanging up the call, Shen Yun also breathed a sigh of relief.

With Director Zejing's help, this wave is stable.

At this time, Karen suddenly pulled Shen Yun's sleeve: "Mr. Shen."

Shen Yun turned around and asked with a smile: "Karen, what's wrong?"

"Can I go with you? I haven't seen monsters yet." Karen looked at Shen Yun with expectant eyes.

Shen Yun looked down at Karen, then stretched out his hand to pinch Karen's cute face, and said with a smile: "Of course. When the time comes, let's go and have a bowl of soba noodles, how about it?"

"Yes, yes!" Karen nodded happily, her eyes full of expectation.

Shen Yun drove the car, carrying Karen in the co-pilot seat and Director Sawai in the back seat, to Yanye Street.

Soon, Shen Yun arrived at the location given by the Victory Team.

The Sherlock and Drum cars parked on the side of the road were very conspicuous.

Shen Yun stopped the car and got out first to open the door for Karen and Director Sawai.

At this time, the Victory Team also saw Shen Yun and Sawai and ran towards them.

"Doctor, Director!" Dagu waved at the two from a distance.

Seeing Dagu, Sawai also smiled and waved at Dagu.

The Victory Team ran to Sawai, and Zongfang saluted Sawai: "Director."

"Take me there." Sawai smiled.

"Understood!" Zongfang nodded and walked in front to lead the way.

The others surrounded Sawai and came to Obike's noodle stand.

Sawai greeted Obike, sat down, and chatted with Obike.

Shen Yun just stood in the distance and watched this scene, with an unprecedented sense of accomplishment in his heart.

"Is this old man the legendary monster? He looks no different from humans." Kallen looked at Obike and said with a strange look.

"If modern monsters want to live in human society, they can only disguise themselves as humans to survive in human society. Such a life should be very depressing for these monsters." Shen Yun looked at Obike who was talking to Sawai and said.

"Is that so? Then when the tourism industry in the monster protection area develops, will the monsters in the monster protection area no longer have to disguise themselves as humans to live?" Kallen asked again.

"That's right." Shen Yun nodded.

"Then let's play again at that time." Kallen suggested with a sweet smile.

"Okay." Shen Yun looked at Kallen, stretched out his hand and rubbed Kallen's head, and smiled.


Perhaps because Obike and Director Sawai are both old, they actually have a lot of common topics.

After a long conversation, Director Sawai also roughly understood Obike's thoughts.

When Obik talked about the old village, he didn't sound like a big monster at all, but more like an old man who was particularly nostalgic.

All he did was just to protect the village in his memory, his hometown.

Obik loved this land more than anyone else.

Soon, after understanding Obik's request, Zei took the initiative to get to the point: "We TPC will acquire all the land in this area to build a monster protection area as a habitat for monsters. We will also demolish the modern buildings here and rebuild the village in your memory, Mr. Obik."

"However, these are all conditional."

"What conditions?" Obik asked hurriedly.

"I hope Mr. Obik can bring all the monsters in difficult situations back to the protection area and control these monsters so that they don't hurt humans or do evil at will." Zei looked at Obik and said in a gentle voice.

"For those evil monsters, we TPC will ruthlessly eradicate them."

"This is not a problem. The vicious monsters have long been wiped out by the former exorcists. The monsters that are still alive are all relatively docile." Obike agreed directly, and then asked impatiently: "Are there any other conditions?"

Sawai laughed, pushed a white paper in front of Obike, and said softly: "The Monster Sanctuary is an important pilot project for TPC to realize the ideal of peaceful coexistence between humans and monsters. I hope you can agree to this plan, Mr. Obike."

Obik took the white paper handed by Sawai. He just glanced at it and saw a few big words written on the cover - "Planning Scheme for Characteristic Tourism Industry in the Monster Sanctuary of Yanye Street"

"Tourism industry?" Obike scratched his head and flipped through the white paper under the light of the noodle stall.

This white paper clearly planned the development plan of the Monster Sanctuary in the next few years.

Although Obike has been hiding in this small place, he has lived for so many years and can be considered knowledgeable.

He could still understand the contents of this white paper.

In short, this plan is to develop monsters into local characteristics, attract human tourists to play and visit, and let human tourists frequently come into contact with monsters, so as to achieve a strategy of peaceful coexistence between humans and monsters.

"That's no problem. I actually like the hustle and bustle." After reading the plan, Obike returned it to Sawai.

"Are there any other conditions?" Obike asked again.

"No, there are only these conditions. However, if I have to say it, I really hope that Mr. Obike can protect the human tourists who come to the monster protection area in the future." Zejing smiled and said

"Please rest assured, I will definitely protect them!" Obike patted his chest.

"Regarding the migration of residents and the construction of the village, it will take a long time. I hope Mr. Obike can wait patiently."

"However, we will not force those residents who are unwilling to move away from their hometown to move."

"I hope you can understand this." Zejing looked at Obike and said in a gentle tone.

"I can understand, I can understand." Obike nodded repeatedly.

He knew the taste of losing his hometown, and he could also understand those humans who were unwilling to move away.

"That's good, I wish us a happy cooperation in advance." Zejing smiled slightly, stood up, and stretched out his hand to Obike.

"Thank you, thank you very much!" Obik's eyes were slightly red. After wiping his hands vigorously with his clothes, he carefully held Zejing's hand, fearing that he would hurt Zejing.

Seeing Obik like this, the more sentimental Lina felt a little sour in the tip of her nose.

Zejing let go of Obik's hand, then looked at his watch and said, "It's getting late. I have to go back and prepare to deal with the land acquisition and the relocation of residents."

"Before you leave, please be sure to eat a bowl of soba noodles I made. This is the only thing I can show off now." Obik looked at Zejing with a slightly embarrassed look.

"Soba noodles, I'm a little hungry. Please give me a bowl." Zejing heard this and sat back.

"Okay!" Obik was busy with joy, and his smile was bright, as if he had hope for life again.

"That's great." Shen Yun also smiled.

"Come over here and have a bowl of soba noodles to warm your body." Obike looked at everyone and greeted them warmly.

Everyone sat around Obike's noodle cart. They were busy for a long time and were a little hungry.

Soon, bowls of fragrant soba noodles were brought up by Obike.

This rich aroma made people's appetites grow.

"I'm starting." The Victory Team said, and then they ate the noodles in big mouthfuls.

"This tastes really good!" Horii took a bite, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he praised while slurping the noodles.

"It's really delicious." Da Gu nodded in agreement.

"If you like it, come often. I won't charge you." Obike smiled.

"Really?" Hearing this, Kallen immediately raised her head and looked at Obike and asked.

Is there such a good thing?

Shen Yun knocked Kallen's head gently with his hand knife and said, "No matter how delicious the food is, you will get tired of it if you eat too much."

He has lived with Kallen for almost two years. How could he not know what Kallen was thinking?

With Obike's financial situation, if Kallen came a few more times, Obike's noodle stall would not be able to operate.

"Then I'll just eat less. Anyway, it's free." Kallen thought for a while and said.

The Victory Team also laughed when they heard it.

They have seen Kallen's appetite. She is simply a big eater.

The most outrageous thing is that she doesn't gain weight after eating so much.

Lina is almost envious.

A bowl of soba noodles is not a lot. Director Zejing put down his chopsticks, looked at Obike with a gentle smile, and said:

"Thank you for the hospitality."

The bowl in front of him has become clean, with only a little soup left.

"Mr. Obike's soba noodles taste very good. I will come back to taste it next time. Now we should leave." Zejing said in a gentle tone.

"Please go slowly! Be sure to take care of yourself." Obike waved goodbye.

Sawai also smiled and waved goodbye to Obike, and got into Shen Yun's car surrounded by the Victory Team.

Shen Yun, after Karen got in the passenger seat, drove the car and drove towards the TPC base under the escort of the Victory Team.

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