Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 148 Experimental Monster No. 1, Vampire Xuena

That night.

Dagu contacted Shen Yun and reported: "Doctor, we have completed the testing of artificial monsters."

"Okay, I'll be right over."

After saying that, Shen Yun hung up the communication. After carefully handling the Zomo cells and making sure that there were no omissions, Shen Yun went to the command room with confidence.

Arriving at the command room, Shen Yun said hello to everyone in the Victory Team and went straight to the computer placed on the command table.

Next to the computer, there is a suitcase containing all the monster capsules.

As soon as Shen Yun sat down, everyone in the victory team gathered behind Shen Yun and watched Shen Yun's operations.

Shen Yun operated the computer and called up the artificial monster test data recorded by the computer.

"Doctor, is it really possible to calculate the most suitable artificial monster through these data?" Lina asked.

"Of course." Shen Yun glanced at the test data recorded on the computer and said while typing on the keyboard: "Based on these test data, we just need to sort these monsters in terms of their overall strength and obedience, and then proceed. Comprehensive calculations will help you select the most suitable monster.”

After saying that, Shen Yun also hit the Enter key, and the monster portraits on the computer screen suddenly split into two columns.

Everyone also came forward to watch. The first column was the order of obedience and was divided into several echelons.

Among them, Gakuma, Makina, and King Morat are the first echelon.

Reylos, Litmarus, and Silbagon are the second echelon.

As for the rest, they are all monsters with poor obedience.

It can be completely ignored.

The other column is the ranking of comprehensive strength, but it is only divided into three echelons.

Among them, Ligadelon and Shilbagon are the first echelon.

Among the remaining monsters, except for King Morat and Gazot, who are at the bottom of the list, the overall strength of the other monsters is basically the same. Even if some are stronger, their strength is limited.

Then, Shen Yun conducted a comprehensive calculation based on the two sequences arranged by the test data.

Soon, the calculation results came out.

"Gakuma, Reylos, Makina, Litmarus, and Silbagon. These five monsters are the most suitable choices as artificial monsters after statistical statistics and comprehensive calculations. ." Chen Yun turned around, looked at everyone in the victory team, and said, "You can choose one of these five monsters as a test subject for actual experiments."

"Would you like to choose from these five monsters?" Everyone was talking about it.

"How about Macchi?" Dagu suggested with a smile.

"Machina has a gentle personality and a high IQ. It also has strong strange powers and super defense from its outer shell."

"The most important thing is that Makina herself was enslaved by the alien girl Saki, and her obedience is very high."

"Machi is great, but its habit of sleeping at night and emerging in the day is difficult to solve." Horii crossed his arms and thought.

"Yeah, what if we encounter a monster at night? Wouldn't it be useless?" Xincheng objected.

"Then PASS!" Shen Yun directly passed Machina.

"What about Shirbagon? It's the strongest among them." Ye Rui suggested.

"But the problem is, Shilbagon's eyesight is a big problem." Zongfang said.

He was very aware of Shirbagon's shortcomings in eyesight.

"That's right." Ye Rui also showed a slightly distressed look.

"This shortcoming can actually be made up for," Shen Yun said.

"Eh? Can the technology of artificially evolved monsters do this?" Lina was a little surprised.

"Of course." Shen Yun nodded and explained to everyone in the victory team: "In the end, these man-made monsters are just data. As long as there is corresponding data, it can be loaded into Silbagon to make up for its eyesight defects. "

"Moreover, by loading data, a monster can gain special abilities that it does not have originally."

"It's amazing." Da Gu exclaimed.

"Then it's decided that it will be Shirbagong?" Xincheng asked.

"It's a pity that there is currently no monster data with outstanding eyesight to make up for Shilbagon's shortcomings." Shen Yun added.


"What about the acid monster Litmarus? The acid it spits out is very corrosive, and even Tiga has suffered a loss." Horii said.

"No, this monster's acid will pollute the land and damage the environment." Shen Yun shook his head and retorted.

"That's right. Litmarus's acid will wither the plants and turn the land into acidic soil, which is very harmful to the environment. As expected, we can only pass." Horii nodded and said.

"What about Reylos? Although this kid is a little playful, he is still very strong. He can dive in the sea and burrow on the ground. It is very functional. How about choosing it?" Lina suggested with a smile.

"I said Lina, don't forget that the man-made monster's combat time is only one minute. If you dive or burrow into the ground, wouldn't you waste your precious combat time?" Xincheng looked at Lina and said with a smile.

"That's right..." Lina pouted and said.

Reylos, one of the only two remaining monsters, was also ruthlessly passed away.

"So, Kakuma is the only one left to choose?" Hui Jian looked at the only monster left on the computer screen and asked with a smile.

"Kakuma is indeed very suitable. It does not have obvious shortcomings like other monsters. Its petrifying light can even petrify Tiga. It is perfect to restrain monsters and assist us in our battle." Munakata He crossed his arms across his chest and smiled.

"The number one experimental monster of man-made monsters is definitely Gakuma." Shen Yun agreed.

"Doctor, when can the experiment start?" Lina asked excitedly.

"If everything goes well, the physical experiment can be carried out in March or April." Shen Yun thought for a while and replied.

"March and April, it will take so long..."

"This is already very fast." Shen Yun said a little funny.

Shen Yun closed the computer and put it into his suitcase. He looked at everyone in the victory team and said with a smile: "Okay, the No. 1 experimental monster of the artificial monster has been determined. I have to go back to improve the Bizomo cells, so I will stay soon. "

After saying that, Shen Yun left the command room with his suitcase and returned to his research institute to continue the improvement of Bizomo cells.

Time passed slowly, and it soon came to the beginning of March.

In the past month and a half, Shen Yun has made a lot of progress in the improvement of Bizomo cells.

After all, it is not difficult for Shen Yun to improve Bizomo cells through genetic technology as a professional counterpart.

He can improve Ebron cells, let alone Bizomo cells.

During this period, the Exploding Finger Tiger and Sky Bow, which served as Tiga's aid, were completed as early as February.

The particle accelerator used to create high-energy molecular fog has also begun construction and is expected to be completed in late March.

In the same month, Sirah, a strange bird that suddenly appeared, attacked the center of Zilda.

Shen Yun did not interfere too much in this matter.

Just some simple interventions were made to allow the plot to develop in its original direction.

Finally, Sila transformed into a golden black phoenix and flew into the universe together with the souls of its two masters.

This ending is already the most perfect and touching, and there is no need for too much intervention.

After sending Silla away, everyone in the Victory Team also had a slight change in their views on the existence of monsters.

Now, more than half a month has passed since the incident of the strange bird Sirah, and the time has come to March.

However, starting from late February, the number of disappearances suddenly increased.

In just a few days in March, there were already five missing cases.

These unusual disappearances immediately attracted the attention of the Victory Team.

In order to find out the truth, members of the Victory Team patrol the areas with high incidence of disappearances every night.

During this period, Shen Yun worked late every day in order to improve Bizomo cells.

"That's it for today. We'll continue tomorrow." Shen Yun rubbed his somewhat stiff neck, and then carefully sealed the remaining Bizomo cells. After confirming that there were no omissions, Shen Yun left with confidence. .

As soon as he walked into the circular corridor of the base, Shen Yun met members of the Victory Team who were escorting a girl to the medical department.

"Doctor!" Zongfang stepped forward quickly, handed a sealed bag to Shen Yun, and said, "This is the sample we found at the missing scene. Please analyze it to find out what kind of hair this creature is."

Chen Yun took the sealed bag, looked at the hair inside the sealed bag, and then looked at the girl who passed by him and was pushed into the medical department.

Could this be the vampire episode?

Shen Yun suddenly became interested. He had not studied vampires yet, so he had to find a way to draw some blood from this vampire.

"No problem." Shen Yun made an OK gesture.

"Trouble." Zongfang nodded and took Xincheng to the command room to report the situation to Hui Jianjian.

Seeing Zongfang and Xincheng leaving, Shen Yun immediately ran into the medical department and found Xue Na in a ward.

Dagu, Horii, and Lina were with her.

As soon as Shen Yun entered the ward, he looked at Dagu and Horii and said, "Dagu, Horii, you two, hold this woman down, don't let her escape!"

After saying that, Shen Yun looked at Lina again and said:

"Lina, while Dagu and Horii are holding her down, tie her up with a restraint belt!"

"Eh?" Dagu, Horii, and Lina were also stunned when they heard this.

Although they were a little confused about what Shen Yun wanted to do, out of trust in Shen Yun, the three of them did not ask why, but chose to follow Shen Yun's instructions.

Dagu and Horii immediately stepped forward and held down the woman's arms and knees respectively.

Lina tied her to the hospital bed with the restraint straps that came with the hospital bed.

Chen Yun stared at the sleeping Xue Na on the hospital bed. As long as she had any intention of getting violent and hurting others, he would immediately punch her and knock her back to lie down. Anyway, a vampire has rough skin and thick flesh, so she would take a punch. It’s okay.

However, she had no intention of waking up until Lina fastened her firmly to the hospital bed with a seat belt.

"Doctor, what is going on? Why are we suddenly asked to kidnap people?" Dagu asked doubtfully.

"Yeah, what happened?" Horii also looked confused.

"This is her information." Shen Yun called up Xue Na's personal information, and then handed the PDI to Dagu and the others.

Dagu reached out and took the PDI handed over by Shen Yun. Horii and Lina also moved closer to Dagu and looked at the PDI.

Xue Na's personal information was displayed on the PDI screen, with a photo of Xue Na on it. The appearance in the photo was exactly the same as the one currently lying on the hospital bed.

The last update of her profile was a year ago.

"Citizen Xena, her whereabouts have been unknown for four years, and her personal status has been revised to dead."

Seeing the word "death" on Xue Na's personal information, Dagu, Horii, and Lina suddenly felt chills on their backs, and they all looked back at Xue Na who was lying on the hospital bed.

"Anyway, I will take him away first. You can report on this woman's situation." Shen Yun took back his PDI, then quickly walked towards his research institute while pushing the hospital bed. .

After pushing Xue Na to his research institute, Shen Yun took protective measures for himself and immediately drew Xue Na's blood.

Soon, a syringe of dark red blood was drawn out by Shen Yun.

Shen Yun looked at the dark red blood in the needle tube and immediately analyzed it.

"Her blood contained an unknown virus, and it was this unknown virus that turned her into a vampire."

Shen Yun used a microscope to observe Xue Na's blood. There were more vampire viruses and even red blood cells in the blood.

Then, Shen Yun took some skin tissue and muscle tissue from Xue Na's body, and then observed it under a microscope.

The result was not beyond Shen Yun's expectation. Even the skin tissue and muscle tissue were eroded by the vampire virus.

"No wonder they are so powerful and invulnerable. Her body has been completely eroded by the vampire virus." Shen Yun looked back at Xue Na who was lying on the hospital bed.

It's no wonder that these so-called vampires will be cremated on the spot when exposed to sunlight or ultraviolet rays.

Their bodies have been completely eroded and controlled by the virus.

Once the virus inside their bodies is destroyed, a series of chain reactions will occur, causing them to die together.

"However, judging from Xue Na's performance, it is not impossible to save these humans who were turned into vampires."

"If we can develop a serum based on the vampire virus, we may be able to save these people's lives."

Shen Yun extracted a large number of vampire viruses from Xue Na's blood, conducted in-depth research, and tried to develop a serum.

the other side.

Dagu, Horii, and Lina, after Shen Yun took Xue Na away, they immediately returned to the command room and reported what happened to Hui Jianjian.

After listening to the story of the three Dagu people, Jianjian Hui pondered slightly, then turned to look at Ye Rui and asked: "Team Ye Rui, can you find out where Xue Na disappeared?"

"Okay!" Ye Rui nodded, and then focused on the computer. His fingers were tapping the keyboard quickly, searching for the location where Xue Na disappeared five years ago.

Not long after, Ye Rui found out the approximate location of Xue Na's disappearance and said: "Found it! Xue Na disappeared in South America."

"South America? Why is she going to a place like this?" Xincheng asked curiously.

"It seems that I went to a certain village in South America to report on strange diseases." Ye Rui said.

"Strange disease? What strange disease?" Zongfang frowned and asked quickly.

"I don't know about this." Ye Rui shook his head. There are no relevant reports on the Internet.

"Contact the doctor and see if he has discovered anything." Hui Jian thought for a moment and said.

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