The test site for the artificial monster was chosen at the seaside not far from the TPC base.

The beach in this area was also blocked by TPC on the grounds of technical experiments, and no ordinary citizens were allowed to approach.

The logistics department of TPC was setting up the tent of the mobile base.

And Shen Yun was debugging the equipment delivered by the logistics department of TPC to achieve long-distance transmission of high-energy molecular mist.

After all, the principle of artificial evolutionary monsters is to combine the nanomachines sealed in the capsule with the high-energy molecular mist, and then transform it into the appearance of the monster according to the data inside.

This high-energy molecular mist is naturally achieved through long-distance transmission through technology.

"Karen, start the holographic image." Shen Yun looked up at Karen who was controlling the holographic image and said.

"Understood!" Karen nodded, and immediately started the holographic projection, projecting the holographic projection of Golzan on the beach.

"Hiss--" As soon as the holographic image of Golzan appeared, he waved his arms and shook his head and let out a low roar.

This fangs and claws look is almost the same as the real one.

The appearance of Golzan caused a panic among the TPC logistics staff present.

However, they soon realized that this was just a very realistic virtual projection.

The Victory Team members who came on foot also saw Golzan standing on the coast.

"Is this a holographic image? It's so real." Horii looked at the motionless Golzan and said in surprise.

"It looks just like the real thing." Shinjo nodded.

"But what do you want such a realistic projection for?" Lina asked in confusion.

"Who knows?"

The Victory Team members chatted and came to the experimental site.

"Doctor." Iruma Hui came to Shen Yun.

"You are here?" Shen Yun looked at the Victory Team members, smiled slightly, and said: "The experiment will start soon, you can find a place to rest for a while."

This experiment itself is not a very dangerous experiment.

"I know." Iruma Hui nodded slightly, and then arranged for the Victory Team members to rest.

Soon, Shen Yun finished debugging the equipment, then took the monster capsule of Kakuma off the charging device and installed it on the matching user device.

Then, Shen Yun pressed the trigger on the user device facing Golzan in the distance.

I saw a beam of green light shooting out from the inside of the monster capsule, turning into circles of light green halos in the air.

Then, a giant creature with four limbs on the ground, two sharp horns on the head, bright red dorsal spines, and a body like a hedgehog appeared on the beach.

"Hiss--" As soon as Kakuma appeared, he let out a full-bodied roar.

"Is this an artificial monster? It's really amazing." Horii's eyes were full of amazement.

This artificial Kakuma is exactly the same as the Kakuma β they had fought before.

"It's a pity that it's just an artificial monster. It would be great if humans could really control real monsters." Xincheng sighed.

After the incident with the monster Xila, Xincheng's concept of monsters has also changed a little.

"If there is such a day, humans and monsters can coexist peacefully." Lina's eyes showed hope.

"There will be such a day." Dagu looked at Lina and smiled.

Shen Yun looked at the materialized Gakuma and immediately turned back to look at Kallen.

Kallen made an OK gesture, indicating that everything was normal.

Shen Yun nodded, then turned back to look at Gakuma and ordered: "Gakuma, attack Golzan in front."

Golzan's holographic projection also made a deterrent roar at the right time.

Such a test is mainly to test whether the artificial monster is warlike, so as to avoid the situation like Miklas in the past.

After all, Gakuma, a monster that can live peacefully with humans for so many years and can be worshipped as a sacred beast by humans, is more or less docile in character than some vicious monsters.

Gakuma attacked humans only because humans mined stones without restraint, which reduced Gakuma's food. Gakuma had no choice but to attack humans and turn them into stones to eat.

If it is not tested with a vicious monster, it is very likely to escape from the battlefield like Miklas.

Gakuma received Shen Yun's order, raised his body and roared. When his body fell, the beach also trembled slightly, and the claws on his feet also extended.

After rubbing the ground with his feet, Gakuma took a step and rushed towards Golzan.

Golzan's holographic projection was not far from Gakuma. Gakuma rushed to Golzan's holographic projection after running a few steps, and slapped Golzan's holographic projection with a slap, smashing Golzan's holographic projection with his sharp claws.

Shen Yun looked at this scene, then turned back to look at Kallen, and said: "Kallen, change to the holographic projection of Silbagon."

"Understood!" Kallen nodded, and immediately projected the holographic projection of Silbagon on the beach.

"Roar!" The holographic projection of Silbagon roared.

"Gakuma, continue to attack." Shen Yun said again.

"Ang——" Gakuma roared, and the two horns on his head fell down, parallel to his eyebrows.

Then, Gakuma rushed straight to the holographic projection of Silbagon, and hit the holographic projection of Silbagon with his head, smashing it.

Seeing this, Shen Yun also nodded slightly and ticked the test item in his hand.

Gakuma fully meets the requirements and is stronger than the timid Miklas.

"Next is the ability test." Shen Yun glanced at Gakuma and said, "Gakuma, use the petrification ray."

Gakuma opened his mouth immediately after hearing this, and a beam of light blue petrification ray came out of his mouth and shone on the beach.

All the places illuminated by the petrification ray turned into stone, even the sand on the beach was turned into stone.

"Next, release the back ray."

"Hiss--" Gakuma roared, and the bright red dorsal spines behind it also lit up red, and released a red destructive ray towards the sea in front.

The red destructive ray hit the sea surface, directly blasting the sea surface and stirring up water splashes tens of meters high.

"Hua La La."

Several tons of sea water fell, stirring up countless water splashes.

"Not bad, as an artificial evolutionary monster, it has passed." Shen Yun was very satisfied with Gakuma's performance.

Such a performance is much stronger than Miklas.

After doing all this, the one-minute time limit has expired, and Gakuma has also turned into light green particles and disappeared.

Seeing Gakuma disappear, Shen Yun also took off the monster capsule on the transmitter, which had lost its emerald green color, and put the monster capsule back on the charging device for charging.

Then, Shen Yun came to the Victory Team and said, "The preliminary test of the artificial monster has been completed. The next test will trouble everyone in the Victory Team. I will select the users of the artificial monster during the test."

"Select users? How to select?" Iruma Hui asked curiously.

"From the degree of fit." Shen Yun thought about it and replied.

"Then when do we start the test?" Lina asked impatiently.

"It takes an hour to fully charge the nanomachine." Shen Yun said.

"Charge for an hour, but can only fight for one minute?" Lina complained.

During the chat, the one-hour charging time passed quickly.

Gakuma's monster capsule was fully charged again.

Shen Yun picked up the fully charged monster capsule, looked at the Victory Team, and asked, "Who will go first?"

"I'll go, I'll go! I know monsters best."

"Don't come on, let me go!"

"Give it to me!"

"I want it too!"

The five people, including Daigu and Shinjo, were silent for a moment, and then they immediately started to fight for the right to use it.

"It's really like a child." Zong Fang did not participate in it, but came to the side of Iruma Hui, watching the scene of Daigu, Shinjo and others chasing and playing, and laughed.

"Yeah." Iruma Hui's face was also full of smiles.

The two looked at each other and smiled.


In the evening.

After a whole day of tossing, Shen Yun also completed all the tests of the artificial monsters, and by the way, he also selected the user of the artificial monsters-Horigai.

Although the artificial monsters are like the Tiga armor, all team members can use them, but the main user is still Horrigai.

"It's already evening, so is our flower viewing going to be a waste?" Xincheng asked, looking at the red sunset.

"Appreciating flowers at night is actually a different experience." Iruma Hui said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, I agree with flower viewing at night!" Lina raised her hand in agreement.

"Not bad, and there are not many people at night, so it won't disturb others." Horii also nodded in agreement.

"Is it decided then?" Iruma Hui looked at the Victory Team, blinked, and smiled.

"Doctor, Karen, come along too." Iruma Hui did not forget to invite Shen Yun and Karen.

"Okay, it just so happens that I have finished all the work on hand." Shen Yun agreed with a smile.

"Then everyone go back and change clothes and gather at the park in area X." Iruma Hui clapped his hands and said with a smile.

"Yes!" The Victory Team responded in unison with a smile.

"Dagu, I'll trouble you here." Shen Yun patted Dagu's shoulder and smiled.

"Yes~" Dagu said weakly.

After changing into casual clothes, everyone came to a park in Area X to gather.

When everyone arrived at Area X, it was already dark.

Probably because it was already night, there were almost no other people in the park.

The night breeze blew gently.

The light pink cherry blossoms swayed in the breeze, and some petals were blown off by the breeze, forming a rain of petals.

The originally bright and colorful cherry blossom rain, with the embellishment of the night, actually had a bit of dreamlike beauty.

Under such cherry blossom rain, the Victory Team chose a location on the grass under two adjacent cherry trees, and laid a carpet on the grass, and spread the drinks and food they brought on the carpet one by one.

"Okay, okay, everyone can eat." Horii greeted with a smile.

"Great! Finally, we can eat." Karen happily picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of croquette in the food box.

"Karen, I really envy you. You can eat anything and never gain weight." Lina reached out and rubbed Karen's flat belly, eyes full of envy.

Hearing what Lina said, Shen Yun wanted to laugh.

Karen is not a human, of course she can't gain weight no matter how much she eats.

Unless the battery bulges.

"Come on, come on, let's not stop until we get drunk today." Xincheng opened a bottle of sake and poured wine for everyone.

"Doctor, you should have a drink too." Xincheng raised the bottle in his hand and gestured.

"I don't like drinking very much." Shen Yun waved his hand, picked up the milk Zongfang brought, and poured himself a glass.

Zongfang smiled and raised his glass to clink it with Shen Yun, then took a sip of milk.

"I want to eat this."

"Take it, hold it."

"Don't grab it!"

"It's all there. It's all there."

"Okay, stop pretending."

Opposite them, there were people watching the cherry blossoms at night like them.

Chen Yun also noticed the two women who were admiring the flowers.

He looked at the beautiful face of the kimono girl and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Isn't this the Gozen-sama of the Ninfu Sentai? (The actors are all Hitomi Miwa)

The miko Tidom of the Hyakuju Sentai, the Gozen-sama of the Ninfu Sentai, and the Remon Jasmine of the Tokusou Sentai, these three are all his childhood goddesses.

"Doctor, what are you looking at?" Xincheng noticed Shen Yun's gaze and looked over curiously.

The moment he saw the girl in kimono, Shinjo was immediately moved: "It's so beautiful."

Zongfang also took a look, and the girl in kimono was indeed very beautiful, but in his eyes, she was still not as good as Megumi Nakama.

"You, you behave like this whenever you see a beautiful woman." Zongfang shook his head with a smile.

Xincheng looked at the girl in kimono, took a sip of wine from a disposable paper cup, and complained: "Doctor, you are so unjust! You actually secretly look at beautiful women by yourself without asking me to look with you."

"What do you mean by secretly watching? I'm obviously looking at it openly and honestly."

"Hey, Kallen, go and take care of the doctor." Lina looked at Kallen with a smile.

"It is human nature to love beauty. I am just appreciating beauty, just like I will appreciate your beauty." Shen Yun said seriously.

"Hmph, you pass." Lina snorted and laughed.

There was also a slight smile on Hui Jian's pretty and intellectual face.

No woman doesn't like compliments from others.

"As expected of a doctor, he easily accomplished what we couldn't do." Horii gave a thumbs up.

"Do you want me to go up and say hello?" Xincheng asked drunkenly.

"Go, go, I'll tell you the truth." Shen Yun said with ill intentions.

"Then I'll go." Xincheng was a little moved and planned to go over and strike up a conversation.

"Don't be stupid. You will be the one who gets hurt when the time comes. Beautiful flowers have thorns." Zongfang advised in a tone that sounded like someone who had experienced it.

Xincheng thought so and sat back again.

"Don't be cowardly, Xincheng." Shen Yun looked disappointed.

He thought he could see some fun.

Why are you so timid?

He is truly a king of words.

"Doctor, you just want to see my joke." Xincheng laughed and cursed, then looked at Zongfang and asked: "Speaking of which, Commander, haven't you ever been in love? How do you know so clearly?"

"Aren't we the same captain?" Zongfang said.

"Oh~" Xincheng suddenly showed an ambiguous smile when he heard this.

"What are you talking about?" Hui Jian was eating a piece of croquette, looking at Zongfang and Xincheng, and asked.


The two of them immediately sat up straight and drank their drinks as if nothing had happened.

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