Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 8: 11 to 1, the advantage is mine!

Shen Yun thought for a while and thought of a way to transform the bat monster.

The characteristics of this vampire bat are only suitable for wretched development, not for frontal combat.

Moreover, since it has been transformed into a bat monster, it must be able to fly.

Is a bat that cannot fly still a bat?

In this way, the artificial light alloy skeleton of the bat monster needs to be specially customized.

For example, the weight of the artificial light alloy skeleton can be reduced by designing it to be hollow, thereby reducing the weight of the bat monster.

At the same time, the bat monster must have bat wings that allow him to fly.

Although such a design will weaken the strength of the bat monster.

However, for a monster like the bat monster who is suitable for wretched development, it does not have much impact.

Anyway, he was transformed to use viruses to control humans.

No matter how weak the bat monster is, it is an existence that ordinary people cannot contend with.

In addition, the bat monster must have the ability to transform.

If the bat monster wants to control humans, it must hide in human society, so the appearance of humans is indispensable.

After deciding on the transformation plan, Shen Yun immediately returned to his room and started making the artificial light alloy skeleton of the Bat Monster.

As for the artificial muscles and other mechanical organs, they were naturally made by the people below.

It only took Shen Yun one day to make the special artificial light alloy skeleton for the transformation of the Bat Monster.

Then, Shen Yun learned about the death of Midorikawa Hiroshi and Spider Monster.

Shen Yun did not have too many thoughts about this.

"The sacrifice to the heaven is so fast." Shen Yun sighed a little, and then summoned people to start the transformation of the Bat Monster.

The transformation of the Bat Monster went very smoothly. It took only four hours to complete the transformation of the Bat Monster.

After brainwashing the completely transformed Bat Monster with an instrument, Shen Yun asked the Bat Monster to meet with the Great Leader Shocker.

And he left the operating room as soon as possible and returned to his room to take a shower.

Hot water gushed out from the shower head and sprinkled on Shen Yun's agile and strong body.

He scrubbed his body vigorously, rubbing his skin red, as if he wanted to rub off the bloody smell.

"The smell of blood is really bad..."

Shen Yun wiped his body, walked out of the bathroom, looked at the beautiful head in the life support cabin, and sat in front of the workbench to draw the design of the mechanical body.

While Shen Yun was drawing the design, the bat monster also received instructions from the great leader Shocker - to use the blood-sucking virus to infect humans and conduct human experiments.

The bat monster's battle plan was very successful, and he easily controlled the people in an apartment with the virus.

Then, this bat monster didn't know what he was thinking, he actually let the ordinary people controlled by him attack Hongo Takeshi.

Shen Yun didn't know whether Hongo Takeshi was injured or not.

But what he knew was that the bat monster he transformed was defeated that night.

Shen Yun didn't have much feeling about this.

Anyway, for him, as long as the leader Shocker gave a task, he would start the transformation.

Without a task, he was happy to be idle.

Shen Yun took advantage of his free time to use the resources inside Shocker to build a mechanical body for the female fighter who only had a head left.

The remote-controlled Japanese branch's chief Shocker turned a blind eye to this.

As long as they don't betray Shocker, Shocker treats talents well.

As time slowly passed, during this period, Shen Yun transformed a lot of cyborgs for Shocker.

But these cyborgs were defeated one after another by Hongo Takeshi.

This also made the remote-controlled Japanese branch's chief Shocker very dissatisfied.

Among the Shocker branches around the world, only the Japanese branch has the slowest progress.

However, the chief Shocker does not think that this is a problem of the monsters transformed by Shen Yun being too weak.

You must know that Kamen Rider No. 1, the locust monster.

It was transformed by Shen Yun.

The stronger the record of this locust monster, the better it proves that Shen Yun's transformation technology is.

These monsters can't beat Kamen Rider, which can only be said that these monsters are too weak, not Shen Yun's problem.

After all, Shen Yun is just a scientist, who is only responsible for transforming monsters and will not participate in the monsters' combat plans.

And can the failure of these combat plans be blamed on him, the great leader?

So, it's all because the monsters are too weak.

In this case, one monster is no match for Kamen Rider, so arrange two, three! Or even ten!

Ten monsters fight one Kamen Rider.

The advantage is mine!

Soon, Shen Yun was summoned by the great leader Shocker again.

Shen Yun came to the Shocker relief. There were already many people here, but they seemed to be scolded.

The monsters who had been defeated by Hongo Takeshi were also resurrected as regenerated monsters.

As long as the broken parts are repaired, the cyborg will not die.

They are not immortal bodies, but they have been transformed into bodies that cannot die.

This is the real sorrow of the cyborgs.

Looking at these regenerated monsters, Shen Yun's mood inexplicably became a little heavy.

"Leader." Shen Yun came to the eagle relief of Shocker.

"You've come just in time. I want you to create a cyborg that can shoot a five-kilogram wrecking ball twenty meters!" The voice of the great leader Shocker came from the eagle relief of Shocker.

"To create such a cyborg, the other party must be very good at playing football." Shen Yun said.

"Did you hear that? Hurry up and act!" Chief Shocker said to the monsters.

"Eh!" The monsters screamed and immediately started to act, looking for their targets.

Shen Yun immediately returned to his laboratory and began to prepare artificial light alloy bones and artificial organs.

Not long after, the regenerated monsters tied up a famous football player in the sports world and brought him to the Shocker base.

Shen Yun also began to transform him according to Chief Shocker's request.

Soon, Shen Yun transformed him into a poisonous lizard dragon. After a short period of adaptation, he joined forces with the other ten transformed monsters to start their battle plan.

Of course, the subsequent battles were none of his business.

Shen Yun just stayed at the base, using various precision instruments to create the mechanical body of the female fighter.

"It's almost done, it's almost done." Shen Yun looked at the limbs he had built and the torso he was assembling, and his movements in his hands also accelerated a lot.

Not long after the regenerated monsters started fighting, the poisonous lizard dragon defeated Kamen Rider No. 1.

This news also made the great leader Shocker summon Shen Yun again and praised Shen Yun.

"You did a good job, this plan will definitely succeed."

"Ten monsters, plus a lizard monster who defeated the locust monster."

"11 to 1, the advantage is mine!"

Hearing this, Shen Yun's expression was subtle, he lowered his head and complimented:

"The leader has a good idea!"

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