Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 209: Numerical crush, the victory of numerical monsters

Gazeya adjusted her glasses and said in Gurongi with a cold expression: "Leopard, you are going to lose."

As soon as she finished speaking, Meibi'o was severely injured by the Leopard Man and could only struggle to break free from the Leopard Man's hands.

Then, the appearance of Shen Yun and A2 also aroused the interest of the three of them.

Although they could not understand the language of modern Linduo, they could still see the respectful attitude of the Leopard Man.

Baberu looked excited and turned directly into a buffalo Gurongi, saying in Gurongi: "Are they the high-level masters in "Shocka"? Let me meet them."

Baruba stretched out her hand to stop Baberu and said in Gurongi: "Wait a minute, let Meibi'o explore their strengths and weaknesses first."

Baruba glanced at Baruba and said in a muffled voice in Gurongi: "Okay."

Baruba suppressed the urge to fight with the high-level masters of "Shocka" and watched the development of things patiently.

When Gayaze and Baberu saw the belt emerging from A2's waist, their faces suddenly changed.


Gadolu shook his head and explained in Gurongi: "No, she was probably created by the modern Lindo, a warrior similar to Kuuga."

Kuuga himself was also an invincible warrior created by the super ancient Lindo.

However, everything in this era made him more and more confused.

Not only can Lindo become a monster similar to their Gurongi clan, but there are even warriors similar to Kuuga.

Then, the speed shown by A2 when chasing Mebio also made their expressions solemn.

As a cheetah species, Mebio's speed is unique in Gurongi.

With Mebio's speed, it is completely no problem to complete the Kijiru game and be promoted to the Mei Group.

And as the three strongest people in the Ge Group, they dare not guarantee that they can beat Mebio in speed.

Although Mebio suffered internal injuries in the previous battle, and his speed has dropped a lot compared to his heyday.

But the fact that the opponent was able to catch up with Mebio and capture him in such a short time is very telling.

Gadulu changed from human form to Rhinoceros Beetle Gurongi, and his brown eyes instantly turned green.

Gadulu changed from a fighting form to a shooting form.

Then, he reached out and took a tooth from the tooth necklace on his chest.

After Gadulu took it off, it changed instantly.

In just a blink of an eye, the tooth turned into a weird-looking metallic crossbow.

Gadulu raised the crossbow and aimed at Mebio, whose limbs were broken by A2.

He would not allow the warriors of the Gurongi clan to be humiliated by Linduo like this, and die at his hands with dignity.


The arrow shot from the crossbow shot towards Mebio with a sharp sound of breaking through the air.

The moment the arrow was shot, its sound was caught by A2.

A2 immediately turned around and raised his hand to knock down the arrow shot at Mebio.

Then, A2 opened two pairs of wings behind his back and quickly rushed towards Gadulu and the other two.

Seeing A2 flying towards the three of them alone, Gadulu was a little unhappy.

"Alone? She is really underestimated. Don't do anything. Let me fight her." Gadulu said to Gazeya and Babel in Gurongi.

As the strongest person besides the King of Gurongi, Gadulu's pride does not allow him to join forces with others to fight the enemy.

Upon hearing this, Gazeya and Babel also stepped back a few steps, hugged their arms and watched the show with Baluba and Dorudo of the La Group.

Not only Gadulu, Gazeya and Babel also thought that they did not need to join forces with others.

Gadulu raised his crossbow and shot several arrows at A2 flying towards them.

The arrow was so fast that it arrived in front of A2 in the blink of an eye.

A2 looked at the arrow shot at her, and had no intention of dodging.

According to the calculation of her chip, the arrow shot by this rhinoceros beetle monster could not even penetrate the enhanced suit she was wearing outside.

After reaching this conclusion, A2, who was wrapped in the enhanced suit, was too lazy to dodge. She flapped the two pairs of wings behind her and accelerated directly to hit it.

The arrow hit A2's enhanced suit and was directly bounced off by the dense white fluff on the surface of the enhanced suit.

Seeing the arrow bounced off, the color of Gadulu's eyes changed again, from green to blue.

As Gadulu changed from a shooting body to a smart body, the crossbow in his hand also changed.

The two sides of the metallic crossbow contracted and then quickly extended, turning into a crescent shovel with crescents on both ends.

Gadulu held the crescent shovel with both hands, slowly raised it, and then slapped it towards the flying A2.

A2 looked at the crescent shovel coming towards him, and just stretched out his hand to grab the crescent-shaped shovel head.

Gadoulu held the shovel with both hands and tried to pick A2 out.

However, the crescent shovel in his hand did not move at all.

A2, who was holding the crescent shovel head, only exerted a little force with his five fingers, and the shovel head immediately made an unpleasant creaking sound.

The crescent-shaped shovel head was actually squeezed into a ball by A2 with one hand.

A2 slowly let go of his hand, and Gadoulu immediately withdrew. He looked down at the shovel head squeezed into a ball by A2, and couldn't help showing a horrified look.

What a terrifying power...

Gazea and Baberu, who were watching the battle on the sidelines, felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy when they saw this scene.

Gadolu's blue eyes instantly changed to purple, and he changed from a sensitive body to a strong body.

The crescent shovel in his hand also changed its shape, from a crescent shovel to a metal heavy sword.

Gadolu held the metal heavy sword with both hands, strode forward, picked up the metal heavy sword and slashed towards A2's shoulder.


The heavy metal sword struck A2 on the shoulder, making a muffled sound.

A2 was hit by Gadolu's metal heavy sword, but his body didn't even sway.

Most of Gadolu's power was resisted and neutralized by the exoskeleton and fine white fluff on the enhanced suit.

The remaining force hits A2, and for A2, there is no pain at all.

Not to mention, A2's artificial muscles are special elastic muscles that can absorb all attacks. Even if she is not wearing enhanced clothing, just based on the ability of these special elastic muscles to absorb all attacks, Gadolu's heavy sword slashed her body, even her A layer of skin cannot be broken.

Chen Yun looked up at the high-rise building, where A2 and the general were fighting an almost one-sided battle.

Just as he expected, the general did not have an electric shock body, and with the four basic forms alone, he would not be A2's opponent at all.

Just based on paper data, these three people are not necessarily as high as A2 when stacked together.

A2's punching power alone exceeds one hundred tons (V3's punching power is 90T), and its kicking power exceeds two hundred tons (V3's kicking power is 100T).

His punching power alone is already stronger than Kuuga's kicking power data in his ultimate form. (The Showa Knights are data monsters)

The kicking force of the general's electric shock body may not be 70 tons.

The most important thing is that the current A2 is not truly complete.

Shen Yun only used the techniques of Xiuka, Gale Xiuka, and Distron.

As for the transformation technology of the GOD Agency, Chiton, Dilza Army, Badan Empire, and Clesis Empire, he has not yet used it for A2.


Gadolu looked at A2 who had been slashed by his heavy sword but seemed to be fine. He took two steps back in horror and couldn't help but growl in Gurungi language: "This is impossible!"

A2 turned his head slightly, glanced at the heavy sword on his shoulder, and said indifferently: "How weak."

Although I didn't know what Linduo said in front of me, I knew it was definitely a sarcastic comment without having to guess.

Gadolu held the hilt of the sword with both hands, swung the heavy sword, and slashed towards A2's head.

A2 just reached out and grabbed the tip of the heavy metal sword firmly. No matter how hard Gadolu tried, he couldn't move it down an inch. Instead, A2 slowly lifted it up.

Gadolu turned to look at Gayaze and Baberu who were still watching, and angrily yelled in Gurungi: "Gayaze, Baberu, don't be stunned, come here and help!"

Gayaze and Baberu also woke up when they heard Gadolu's angry shouting.

As the strongest Gadolu, if he falls, they will only die faster when facing this terrifying female Lindo.

Gayaze and Baberu also transformed from Junmin body and fighting body into rigid body in an instant.

Their bodies also changed accordingly.

Gayaze's skin changed from brown to gray, the pauldrons on his shoulders also changed into the shape of fish fins, and fin-like arm blades grew on his arms and thighs.

Barberu's shoulders also grew spikes like horns, and the vellus hair on his body became more and more prosperous, covering the exposed skin on his arms.

After Gayaze and Baberu transformed into rigid bodies, they immediately took off their accessories and turned them into weapons, and rushed towards A2 together.

Gayaze took the spear and stabbed it at the belt around A2's waist at an extremely tricky angle.

Baberu swung the hammer covered with nails and hit A2 on the chest.

At this moment, they couldn't care less about their so-called pride. The female Linduo in front of them was too powerful.

If they don't join forces, all three of them will die.

Faced with the siege of three Gurungi, A2 did not panic at all.

A2 raised his leg and stepped on the spear thrust by Gazea to the ground. He grabbed forward with his other hand and caught the hammer swung by Baberu.

A2 grabbed Gadolu and Baberu's heavy swords and maces and yanked them hard.

The two men were dragged forward two steps, and their weapons were thrown out of their hands.

A2 threw away the heavy sword and mace, stretched out his hands like lightning, grabbed Gadolu and Baberu by the necks, and then threw them both off the roof of the building one by one.

Gadolu and Baberu fell downward from a height of tens of meters in a free fall position.

In just a moment, of the three Grungji that besieged A2, only the shark species Gurungi remained.

Gazeya saw A2 looking at her, and in fear, she gave up the weapon in her hand, turned around and ran away.

A2 picked up the spear dropped by Gazea and threw it towards Gazea who had not run far away.


The spear instantly pierced Gazeya's back, passed through her abdomen, and nailed her to the ground on the roof of the building.

Red blood gurgled from her abdomen, dyeing her skin and belt red, making her look extremely miserable.

However, such an injury is nothing at all when it comes to Gurungi.

As long as the magic stone in her body was not pierced, it would not take long for her to recover from her injuries.

A2 walked over slowly, reached out and pulled out the spear that pinned Gazeya to the ground.


A flower of blood burst out from Gazeya's back, and Gazeya couldn't help but groan in pain.

She looked at A2, her eyes full of fear, and subconsciously stepped back.

The strength of this female Linduo is even stronger than Rick who sealed them.

Even Gurongi will feel fear.

A2 threw the bloody spear aside, grabbed Gazeya's neck and lifted her up.

Although Gazeya's injuries looked terrible, A2 actually had control over her strength.

After all, Shen Yun didn't ask her to destroy these super ancient monsters.

So, she still focused on catching them.

A2 carried Gazeya to the edge of the top floor, and then threw Gazeya down.

After throwing Gazeya down, A2 turned her head and looked at the vulture Gurongi who didn't take action, and the woman in the red skirt who didn't turn into a Gurongi.

When Baluba and Dorudo saw A2's sight and looked at them, their hearts skipped a beat and they subconsciously took two steps back.

"You are not the target." A2 retracted her sight, and the two pairs of wings behind her opened again, and she also jumped from the roof.

Seeing this plague god leave, Dorudo and Baluba breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

On the street.

Meibio turned over with difficulty. Thanks to Gurongi's powerful self-healing ability, she has recovered a little now.

In five or six minutes at most, her broken limbs will be fully recovered.

After all, she only had broken bones in her limbs, and it was not a serious injury.

"Bang! Bang!"

In her vision, two figures suddenly fell rapidly from a high altitude and hit the ground not far away, smashing the ground into concave marks, and dense cracks spread like a spider web.

When Meibio saw the true face of the two figures, his pupils instantly shrank to the size of a needle tip.

No one in the Gurongi clan didn't know the three strongest people in the Ge Group.

The two strongest people in the Ge Group were thrown down from the sky, which meant...

Before the following words appeared, another figure fell from the sky and smashed a big hole in the ground.

But this figure was much more miserable than the previous two. There was a blood hole in her abdomen that went through from front to back, and it was oozing bright red blood.


Falling from a high altitude to the ground also aggravated Jiazeya's injuries, causing Jiazeya to spit out a mouthful of blood.

"It's faster than I expected." Shen Yun smiled as he looked at the three Gurongi who fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a while.

As long as these three Gurongi are subdued first, the other Gurongi can be handed over to them.

High-level Gurongi can command and even enslave low-level Gurongi.

After Gazeya landed, A2 also slowly landed on the ground.

After landing, A2 immediately lifted the transformation, then ran to Shen Yun quickly, knelt on one knee, and said with a smile: "Doctor, I am glad to have fulfilled my mission."

"Well done." Shen Yun reached out and touched A2's soft silver hair, smiling.

Seeing this scene, Meibiou was so scared that he dared not breathe.

The three strongest people in the Ge Group could not beat this female warrior of Linduo.

This female warrior of Linduo is probably as powerful as the King of Gurongi. (Referring to the intermediate state of Daguba)

Even such a powerful female warrior has to kneel in front of this Linduo.

How powerful is this Linduo?

The names of Gurongi monsters are divided into three parts: the prefix is ​​the class to which they belong, which will change due to upgrades; the infix is ​​the real name, which is different for each person; the suffix is ​​the classification of the Gurongi species.

The suffixes of Gurongi monsters are usually divided into six types: Ba, Da, Gi, Re, Gu, and De.

Ba refers to non-aquatic arthropods such as insects and spiders.

Da refers to terrestrial mammals that cannot fly.

Gi refers to fish and other aquatic animals.

Re refers to reptiles and amphibians.

Gu refers to birds and winged mammals.

De refers to plants or fungi.

The King of Gurongi will add the suffix Ze, which is unique to the King of Gurongi, to the suffix representing the species of organisms.

For example, N·Daguba·Zeba, N·Gamio·Zeda.

In the language of Gurongi, Ze means special and sacred.

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