Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 234 Emperor Chrysis vs. Leader Shocker The target of Chrysis Empire's wooing

Emperor Clexis's personal visit to Earth also caused the invasion forces of the Clexis Empire to launch a final counterattack.

Under the powerful power of Emperor Clexis, Shuka's regenerated monsters were no match for Emperor Clexis at all, and were destroyed by Emperor Clexis very easily.

Card repair headquarters.

After receiving the battle report from the front line, the leader of Xiuka also stood up from his chair and said: "This guy really can't calm down."

After receiving the battle report, the Xiuka leader immediately set off for the front line where Emperor Clesis was.

The leader of Shuka is no stranger to the twin planets of the earth - the world of monsters.

Similarly, he also has a certain understanding of the Clesis Empire and Emperor Clesis in the monster world.

With the strength of Emperor Clesis, his weirdos are no match for Emperor Clesis.

Only by taking action himself can Emperor Clexis be stopped.

Frontline battlefield.

Emperor Clexis floated in the air, his huge scarlet eyes constantly releasing red lightning towards the regenerated monsters in Shuka.


Wherever the red lightning passed, there were a series of explosions, and flaming mechanical remains could be seen everywhere on the battlefield.

At this time, Emperor Clexis, who was attacking the reborn monsters who repaired the card, suddenly stopped and turned his head to look in one direction.

The card repairing and regenerating monsters, who were originally in a scattered formation, also made way for them at this time.

A man covered in red robes and wearing a red KKK-style pointed hat also walked slowly.

Emperor Clesis looked at the leader of Xiuka who was walking slowly, and said solemnly: "Are you the leader of Xiuka?"

"Not bad." Leader Xiuka said. (The CVs of these two are Nagu Goro, also known as Ultraman Ace)

"It just so happens that as long as you are eliminated, the earth will be in the possession of our Krasis Empire." Emperor Clesis looked at the Xiuka leader standing on the ground and said solemnly.

"Oh? You can come and give it a try." Leader Xiuka said.

Emperor Clexis didn't talk nonsense. The three small faces above his head also opened their scarlet eyes. Together with the scarlet eyes on his big face, they shot scarlet red towards the leader of Xiuka below. laser and red electric light.

Facing the offensive of Emperor Clesis, Leader Xiuka just lifted up the red cloak covering his whole body with both hands. The inside of the cloak also lit up with dazzling golden light, and a large number of golden light bullets were shot out from the cloak. The red laser and red current fired towards Emperor Clexis collided.


The red laser and red current released by Emperor Clesis collided with the golden light bullet released by Leader Shuka in mid-air. The two different energies were detonated on the spot, resulting in an extremely violent explosion.

Thick smoke from the explosion enveloped the battlefield, briefly blocking the sight of both sides.


The wind roared in the center of the battlefield, blowing away the thick smoke that obscured the view in the blink of an eye.

Emperor Clexis looked down at the Xiuka leader and said: "This guy is really not simple. But that's the end of it."

After saying that, Emperor Clexis also stretched out several tentacles and swept towards the Xiuka leader standing in front.

Seeing the tentacles of Emperor Clexis sweeping towards him, the leader of Shuka also took off the pointed hat he was wearing, revealing the true appearance of his body - a one-eyed weirdo entangled with countless snakes. .

A green light flashed in the one eye of the leader of Xiuka, and the snake on his head seemed to come to life, turning into green giant snakes and sweeping towards Emperor Clesis in mid-air.

The giant green snake that sprouted from the head of the Shuka leader and the tentacles of Emperor Clexis were entangled in mid-air.

The tentacles of Emperor Clexis were easily torn off by the giant green snakes that sprouted from the head of Xiuka leader. These green giant snakes wrapped around Emperor Clexis' body without losing force, and suddenly Smash it to the ground.


Emperor Clexis was hit to the ground by the giant green snake that emerged from the head of the leader of Xiuka. The huge impact shook the ground, and the body of Emperor Clexis also sunk, and even more appeared on the surface. There are cracks like spider webs.

"Your Majesty the Emperor!" General Jagu and the four captains who came with Emperor Clesis also exclaimed when they saw this scene, and their faces also showed shock.

To them, the emperor, who was like a god, actually shriveled under the power of leader Xiuka.

How could this not astonish them. (In the finale of RX, Emperor Clexis died too perfunctorily. He was said to be an almighty god in the setting, but he was killed by RX in a few blows. He was not as good as Gulan Zairas and Jagumidola. Feeling oppressive...)

After the Xiuka leader smashed Emperor Clesis to the ground, he also took back the green giant snakes. The one eye on his face looked at Emperor Clesis with interest.

The leader of Xiuka did not have much murderous intention towards Emperor Clesis. Instead, he wanted to bring Emperor Clesis and his Clesis Empire under his command.

Emperor Clexis stood upright from the ground. The blow from Leader Shuka did not cause much damage to him, but it made him lose face in front of his subordinates.

"Oh Nole!" Emperor Clexis opened his mouth wide, and his mouth glowed red. Two red conical energy light cones were spat out by Emperor Clexis, and they moved towards him at an extremely fast speed. The leader of Xiuka flew away.

The single eye on the face of the Shocker leader also lit up a red light, and two fireballs shot out from his single eye and collided with the red light cone spit out by Emperor Chrysis.

"Bang bang!"

The fireball and the light cone collided in mid-air, and then annihilated in mid-air at the same time.

"Emperor of Chrysis, you should understand that you are not my opponent." The Shocker leader looked at Emperor Chrysis and spoke slowly. (Emperor Chrysis used these few tricks in the TV...)

After hearing this, Emperor Chrysis also fell silent. He was now using all his strength.

But he didn't even test the bottom of the Shocker leader.

How could such a powerful person exist on Earth.

"I will give you two choices now, you and your empire will join Shocker, or be destroyed by me, and then annexed by Shocker." The Shocker leader gave Emperor Chrysis two choices.

Although Shocker and the Chrysis Empire have been fighting for nearly a year, both sides are almost fighting their brains out.

But this did not affect his recruitment of Emperor Chrysis and his empire.

"Your Majesty..." General Jagu and the four captains also looked at Emperor Chrysis.

Emperor Chrysis looked at Chief Shocker, and after a moment of silence, he said: "I can promise you. However, the Monster World where we live is now on the verge of destruction due to the environmental pollution of the earth. You must give up some land for the residents of the Monster World to live in."

"I can promise you, but you must abide by the rules set by Shocker." Chief Shocker said indifferently.

Anyway, the residents of the Chrysis Empire, even if they move to the earth, have to accept Shocker's rule.

Moreover, killing all the people of the Chrysis Empire is not in Shocker's interest.

The Chrysis Empire knows to leave some humans as slaves.

"..., I understand." Emperor Chrysis was silent for a moment, but still agreed. (Although Emperor Chrysis did not appear in the 40th anniversary movie, General Jagu dared to oppose the proposal of Chief Shocker at the Shocker United Nations Conference with full confidence, and even wanted to wipe out all mankind. If Emperor Chrysis was killed, General Jagu would not be so confident)

The war between Shocker and Chrysis Empire, which lasted for a whole year, ended in such a whimper.

The Chrysis Empire joined Shocker and became a part of the Shocker United Nations.

The permanent envoy of the Chrysis Empire in the Shocker United Nations is General Jagu.

And North America on the earth was also drawn by Chief Shocker and was placed under the command of the Chrysis Empire.

The area of ​​plains and hills in North America accounts for almost half of the total area.

It is not a problem for the whole of North America to feed the 5 billion people of the Chrysis Empire, not to mention that the technology of the Chrysis Empire is extremely advanced, so it is not a problem for the 5 billion people of the Chrysis Empire to live on a continent.

After all, the defeated party is not qualified to make more demands.

After the war between Shocker and the Chrysis Empire ended, both sides began to recuperate.

This war, which lasted for a year, caused great losses to both sides.

The Chrysis Empire was also quietly transporting residents of the Chrysis Empire to Earth.

Chrysis Fortress.

Command room.

Dasmada glanced at General Jagu and the four captains and said, "Unfortunately, our Chrysis Empire, as the defeated party, joined Shocker and accepted Shocker's rule. However, the war that lasted for nearly a year also made other organizations that joined Shocker develop an irreconcilable hostility towards our Chrysis Empire."

"Although it is a shame, our Chrysis Empire must win over some organizations within Shocker as our allies."

After the defeat, Emperor Chrysis no longer concealed the secret that Dasmada was his clone.

After Emperor Chrysis's original body returned to the Monster World, the Earth invasion army left on Earth was led by Emperor Chrysis's clone Dasmada.

"Your Majesty, who should we win over?" General Jagu immediately asked after hearing this.

Dasmada showed two photos on the screen in the command room and said: "Gorgom, an evil organization that existed in the ancient times of the earth, and the only human among the senior cadres of Shocker."

"According to my investigation, Gorgom, like us, once went to war with Shocker. However, the war between Gorgom and Shocker ended with the killing of Gorgom's Creation King and Gorgom joining Shocker." Dasmada pointed to the photos of the three priests of Gorgom and analyzed.

"Except for Gorgom, all the organizations within Shocker are direct subordinates of the leader of Shocker. I believe that Gorgom must be unpopular with other organizations within Shocker and is an organization suitable for alliance."

"Your Majesty, what is special about this human?" asked Mary Barron.

Mary Barron's inquiry also made the three captains Gadison, Bosgon, and Gaidorion nod their heads repeatedly.

They could understand trying to win over Gorgom, who was as powerful as them.

They didn't quite understand trying to win over a human like this.

Even if this human was a senior cadre of Shocker, he was just one person after all, not a powerful organization like Gorgom.

What was there to win over such a human?

"Don't underestimate this human. He can take the position of a chief cadre of Shocker as a pure human being, which can prove his ability." Dasmada looked at the four captains who didn't care and said in a deep voice.

"The position of a chief cadre of Shocker can only be held by the leader of an organization. This human does not belong to any organization within Shocker, and only obeys the leader of Shocker. His status is equal to that of the leaders of various organizations."

"According to my investigation, this human has an extremely genius mind and has mastered the transformation technology of all organizations within Shocker. He was involved in easily destroying the new life form of the strongest monster of Cressis, Granzailas."

"Moreover, the strongest cyborg of Shocker was transformed by him."

"He transformed No. 1 and No. 2?" Gadison said in disbelief.

In the war between the Cressis Empire and Shocker, Kamen Rider No. 1 and No. 2 destroyed countless monsters of them.

Although they were cyborgs from 18 years ago, Gadison had to admit that Kamen Rider No. 1 and No. 2 were powerful.

The monster robots he created with the most advanced technology of the Clesis Empire could not defeat the two modified humans from 18 years ago.

Such news is really shocking.

"Yes." Dasmada nodded, and continued: "His guards were also modified by him personally."

"18 years ago, his guards could easily defeat the two Kamen Riders he modified. Now, 18 years have passed, and no one knows to what extent he has modified his guards."

"Moreover, he is not alone. He has the Gurongi clan, the Vampire clan, and the Orphino clan as his supporters."

"His existence itself is equivalent to a powerful organization."

"In addition, he is a direct subordinate of Chief Shocker and only obeys Chief Shocker. He is an excellent target for us to win over."

"Your Majesty, please forgive me for being presumptuous. Our Clesis Empire has killed many humans so far. As a human, will he really be won over by us?" General Jagu asked worriedly.

"You don't have to worry about this. I have investigated this human. This human is extremely thirsty for knowledge. As long as we take out the technology of the Chrysis Empire, we will definitely be able to attract and win him over." Dasmada said very confidently.

"I understand." General Jagu lowered his head and said.

"Jagu, you lead Persian and Gadion to the Gorgom Fortress to discuss the alliance with Gorgom. Mary Barron, Gadison, you and I will go to see this human together." Dasmada ordered.

The alliance should naturally start as early as possible to avoid being excluded by other organizations.

Moreover, his arrangement is also based on deep considerations.

Mary Barron is also a great beauty among humans, and Gadison is full of advanced technology of the Chrysis Empire. She may be more attractive to Shen Yun than Mary Barron.

And the appearance of Persian and Gadion is really not flattering.

Going there may have a counterproductive effect.

Then, Dasmada led Maribaron and Gadison, took some of the advanced technology of the Chrysis Empire, and went to where Shen Yun was.

General Jagu went to Gorgom Fortress with Bosgon and Gadion to discuss the alliance with the three priests of Gorgom.

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