Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 26 Lightning Man's Lair and Experiments with Ligaderon's Biological Tissue

"Look at these photos!" Mizuno handed the photos in his hand to Shen Yun and said:

"This is a strange cloud group recently photographed by the TPC meteorological satellite over the Pacific Ocean."

Shen Yun flipped through the stack of photos in his hand.

The photo is very clear, it is a dark cloud flashing with lightning.

These photos show the changes of this dark cloud in the past seven days.

Since it separated from the ionosphere, it has been falling down continuously, and the speed is very fast, which can be said to be elusive.

The locations are marked on these photos.

In just seven days, this cloud group has circled most of the earth.

And a recent photo clearly shows that this dark cloud has landed above the Pacific Ocean, and there is no sign of dissipation.

This is completely inconsistent with the laws of clouds in meteorology.

Mizuno's tone was slightly excited:

"I suspect that this cloud may be the nest of the lightning man. I plan to set up a meteorological investigation team to investigate this cloud. I would like to invite you to join my team to investigate this cloud together."

"If there is really a lightning man in this cloud, this will be the first time that we humans have come into contact with intelligent life other than humans! This moment will be recorded in human history, and we will all be recorded in history!"

Mizuno's face was full of excitement. No one can resist the temptation of being recorded in history.

In life, all we seek is fame and fortune.

But, at this point, fame and fortune are no longer tempting to him.

Only academic breakthroughs are what he pursues.

If he can confirm his hypothesis, then this is not only a major breakthrough in academics, but also a record of history.

An opportunity to be recorded in history is in front of us, and no one can remain calm.

Looking at Dr. Mizuno's excited expression, Shen Yun knew very well.

He couldn't stop Dr. Mizuno from exploring this cloud.

This is Dr. Mizuno's obsession and pursuit.

"I understand. I'll be one of the people who explore the cloud." Shen Yun put down the stack of photos in his hand and said with a smile.

It's a pity that a talent like Dr. Mizuno was eaten by Gazot.

"Okay! That's settled."

After that, Dr. Mizuno couldn't wait to leave Shen Yun's laboratory and began to prepare for the work of the meteorological investigation team.

"Lightning man, Gazot..." Shen Yun looked at the cloud in the photo and fell into deep thought.

If it was seven days ago, there would probably be many lightning men in this cloud.

But now, the lightning men in this cloud are probably eaten by Gazot.

If he goes to investigate now, he will only meet Gazot, not lightning men.

However, he still agreed.

As long as he doesn't get close, won't it be fine?

Of course, even if he goes in, it's nothing.

Gazot is not a danger to him.

This is the confidence given to him by the Tiga armor.

In terms of the performance of the Tiga armor, it is completely possible to single-handedly kill Gazot.

After all, in the mobile world of Ultraman, Qi Ye can single-handedly clear the King's Bridge, and can also join forces with the Lion brothers to crush Nova.

The performance of the Seven Armor is so strong, let alone the Tiga Armor.

In addition, the monster Gazot, which is a mutation of the Lightning Man, has no other special abilities except a plasma ball as a means of attack.

To be honest, even Gakuma is a little more difficult than Gazot.

At least, his petrification ray can really turn Tiga into stone.

And Gazot is really a loser.

In the original plot of Tiga, Gazot was hung up and beaten by Tiga.

If Gazot hadn't pretended to be dead to deceive Tiga, and then attacked from behind without martial ethics, biting Tiga's arm.

Otherwise, it would probably not take much effort for Tiga to deal with Gazot.

Shen Yun put these photos aside. The matter of the Lightning Man is not important.

The most important thing now is the cultivation and experiment of the biological tissue of Ligaderon.

He has handed over the blueprint of Saber Athena to Reiko Kashiwamura.

The manufacture of the mecha has begun. What he needs to do now is to find a way to fuse the biological tissue of Ligadron with the alloy on Earth.

Although this behavior is theoretically feasible.

But it still requires a lot of experiments to determine safety, practicality and weaknesses.

He doesn't want to create a big daddy for himself.

He has always refused to create a daddy.

If it cannot be applied in practice, the biological tissue of Ligadron is nothing but a chicken rib.


Three days passed in a flash.

During these three days, Karen was also thoroughly familiar with the environment in TPC and her work.

By the way, perhaps because they looked similar in age, the relationship between Lina and Karen became extremely good in just three days, and they became good friends who could talk about anything.

Shen Yun was very supportive of this.

Karen herself was not his vassal. She had her own consciousness and thoughts, and was an independent individual.

As long as Kallen can work hard and assist him in his research, he will not interfere with Kallen's private life.

Personal research room.

Shen Yun looked at the biological tissues in the biological culture chamber in front of him, which were completely integrated with the mechanical skeleton, cables, and lines, and couldn't help but smile indifferently.

"It seems that my idea is indeed feasible."

Shen Yun pressed the button next to the culture cabin. The nutrient solution inside the culture cabin was extracted at an extremely fast speed, and the glass cover of the culture cabin also opened automatically.

Upon seeing this, Karen immediately handed the cable in her hand to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun plugged the cable into the charging port and started the half-biological, half-mechanical humanoid mecha.

The eyes of this semi-finished humanoid mecha emit a faint blue light, proving that it has been activated.

"Karen, try controlling it." Shen Yun turned to look at Kallen, who was wearing a white TPC uniform, and ordered.

"Understood." Kallen nodded, raised one hand, and stared closely at the humanoid mecha in the laboratory.

In just an instant, the built-in computer of this semi-finished humanoid mecha was controlled by Kallen and remotely controlled by Kallen.

Under Kallen's control, this semi-finished humanoid mecha began to take action.

Although these metal skeletons, cables, and lines have been integrated with Ligadelon's biological tissue.

But this semi-finished humanoid mecha can still operate, just like Ligardron's biological tissue, replacing part of the mechanical circuit functions.

In addition, the range of motion and flexibility of this semi-finished humanoid mecha have been greatly increased, and even its performance seems to have become stronger.

"Monster, it's really magical." Looking at this scene, Shen Yun felt a little emotional.

"Karen, get the outer armor I made before." Shen Yun ordered again.

"Okay." Kallen nodded and immediately brought over the external armor that Shen Yun had made using ordinary metal iron as raw materials and stamping dies these days.

Shen Yun immediately started assembling the shell of this semi-finished humanoid mecha.

The assembly of the shell is very simple, so simple that no external force is needed to connect it.

Just put the shell on, and these active biological tissues will actively fuse with the iron shell.

"It's really amazing." Shen Yun couldn't help but exclaimed as he looked at the finished product assembled in front of him.

"Karen, get ready to start testing data." Shen Yun ordered.

"Understood!" Kallen controlled the humanoid mecha and entered the laboratory, preparing for testing.

At this moment, Dr. Mizuno suddenly broke in.

"Dr. Shen, my meteorological survey team is ready and ready to go at any time." Dr. Mizuno said with a smile.

"Are you ready? I understand." Shen Yun nodded, handed the data form in his hand to Kallen, and said:

"Karen, please follow the above requirements and test this humanoid mecha. I will be back soon."

"Jun Shen, I want to go too." Kallen looked at the form in her hand and quickly ran to Shen Yun, eager to give it a try.

She also wanted to go and see the Lightning Man.

"What are you talking about? The magnetic field there will affect the operation of your body. If you don't want to be repaired, just stay in the base and record experimental data." Shen Yun put the spark prism into his pocket, and then got angry He glanced at Karen and lectured.

The magnetic field caused by Gazot will affect the operation of electronic equipment.

Although the human-machine puppet he made for Kallen would not be easily disturbed by magnetic fields.

But that also depends on what kind of magnetic field it is?

The magnetic field created by Gazot is completely beyond the endurance range of the human-machine doll, and it will malfunction if it enters.

Although it may not affect Karen's consciousness, it will definitely be troublesome to repair.

Shen Yun gave Kallen a lesson, then hurriedly followed Dr. Mizuno and left the laboratory.

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