Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 251 Red Dras, the man-made Kivala bat, the method to completely perfect the ultimate monster


The streets and buildings swept by the molecular destruction beam released by the new life form also exploded violently one after another.

The flames generated by the explosions gushed everywhere, completely igniting the streets.

Shen Qin was hit in the chest by the molecular destruction beam released by the new life form with all her strength, and was pushed out directly by the powerful thrust.

There was a faint white smoke emanating from her chest, but there was no scar on her body.


The flames burning on the street made a crisp sound.

The pedestrians on the street had all fled when they started fighting.

Although a lot of buildings and streets were destroyed, the casualties were not great.

The new life form and Shen Qin stared at each other, and the atmosphere was very solemn.

The next moment, Shen Qin's figure disappeared from the spot, and came to the new life form as if teleporting, and the five fingers together stabbed at the throat of the new life form like a sharp blade.

Seeing this, the new life form quickly dodged sideways.

Shen Qin's attack missed, so he used his hand as a knife and slashed out horizontally.

Although the new life form had tried its best to dodge, the difference in body function was too great, and it could not completely avoid Shen Qin's attack.


The new life form's forearm was cut off on the spot and thrown out.

The new life form covered the broken arm with green blood flowing, and quickly retreated backwards, pulling away from Shen Qin.

At the same time, the laser muzzle on its right shoulder also fired a bunch of light blue molecular destruction rays around Shen Qin, preventing Shen Qin from continuing to chase.

It knew that the molecular destruction rays could not cause too much damage to their bodies, and could only play a harassing role. (This is like the final battle between Jiukong and Zero. Supernatural ignition can only warm up the opponent, and if you really want to hurt him, you have to rely on fists)

If you really want to decide the winner, you can only rely on melee.

"Bang bang bang!"

Several light blue molecular destruction rays fell around Shen Qin, and the violent explosion immediately swallowed Shen Qin's figure.

The new lifeform also took the opportunity to absorb the surrounding metal debris and reassembled the broken arm into a more powerful mechanical arm.

The next moment, Shen Qin rushed out of the explosion and came to the new lifeform again, punching it with a strong straight punch.


The new lifeform blocked the punch with its mechanical right arm, and its mechanical right arm immediately sank in, and it slid back in a straight line.

Just as Shen Qin was about to continue chasing, a team of Shocker police in uniform rushed in.

Such a huge commotion happened here, and the Shocker police who patrolled the city all day could not ignore it.

"Iron Me! Dare to make trouble on Shocker's territory! Do you want to die?" The team of Shocker police looked at the streets that had turned into scorched earth, and shouted angrily with a gangster-like tongue-twisting sound.

"Come on, catch them!" The leading Shocker policeman raised his hand and pointed, and the other Shocker policemen lifted their clothes and turned into Shocker Bone fighters, holding weapons and rushing towards Shen Qin and the new life form.


The leading Shocker policeman also turned into a crab monster with a solid shell, sneered and followed Shocker Bone, and walked towards the new life form.

"Tsk, these guys are really good at making trouble." Shen Qin looked at the leading crab monster and smacked his lips impatiently.

The new life form glanced at the crab monster walking towards it, and a long whip suddenly stretched out from the palm of its left hand and rolled towards the crab monster.

"What?" Before the crab monster could react, he was tied up by the long whip in the hand of the new life form.

The new life form retracted the long whip and dragged the tied crab monster towards itself.

The laser gun on Shen Qin's right shoulder immediately fired several molecular destructive rays at the long whip wrapped around the crab monster.

The new life form looked at the Shuka bone fighters in front of it, kicked them away one by one, and used them as shields to block the molecular destructive rays shot by Shen Qin.


The Shuka bone fighters turned into a ball of fireworks on the spot under the molecular destructive rays.

At this time, the crab monster had been dragged in front of the new life form. It stretched out its hand to pinch the crab monster's neck and said in a child's clear voice: "Uncle, I will accept your body."

As soon as it finished speaking, the crab monster turned into a white light and was completely absorbed by the new life form.

After the new life form absorbed the crab monster, a hard shell like a crab shell grew on its body surface, and one of its hands turned into a crab claw.

"Clang clang!"

The crab claw gently clamped, making a crisp sound like metal collision.

"Ou Nei-chan, I'm going to fight back." The new life form raised its claws and clamped towards Shen Qin.

Shen Qin looked at the new life form rushing towards her, and slowly raised her hand. Electromagnetic energy accumulated in her right hand, and golden electromagnetic energy flashed on her fist.

The new life form came in front of Shen Qin, and the crab claws also clamped towards Shen Qin's waist.

At this time, Shen Qin also swung a punch and collided with the crab claws of the new life form.


Shen Qin's fist smashed the crab claws of the new life form with great force, and hit the chest of the new life form with a punch, and the golden electromagnetic energy exploded in the chest of the new life form.


The crab shell on the chest of the new life form was broken by Shen Qin's punch, and her fist even directly penetrated the body of the new life form and passed through its back.

The new life form grabbed Shen Qin's arm and said, "Ou Nei-chan, I won't be polite."

As it said that, it activated the ability to assimilate and absorbed Shen Qin into its body.

"Ou Nei-chan, it's delicious." The new life form wiped its mouth and said.

"My stupid Ou Dou Dou, didn't your Dosan tell you that perfect life forms have the ability to resist assimilation?" Shen Qin's voice sounded inside the body of the new life form. (This setting comes from the official ZO comics. The plot of the comics and OV is basically the same. The only difference is that Dr. Mochizuki was obsessed until his death and transformed Delas into a real perfect life form, that is, Red Delas. Red Delas still wanted to assimilate ZO, but ZO killed Red Delas with the ability to resist assimilation)

She didn't expect that her stupid Ou Dou Dou would be so brave and dare to absorb her directly into her body.

All perfect life forms have the ability to assimilate and resist assimilation. If you want to absorb other perfect life forms, you must first cripple the person so that the other perfect life forms cannot resist, and then slowly digest them. (This is a private setting, a more reasonable explanation for the assimilation ability above)

Shen Qin is stronger than the new life form. Now that the new life form has absorbed Shen Qin into its body, it is more convenient for Shen Qin to absorb the new life form.

After Shen Qin finished speaking, he reversed the assimilation of the new life form.

The new life form suddenly covered its abdomen, opened its mouth suddenly, and roared in pain.

"Nei-chan, no! Don't eat me!" The new life form begged for mercy.

Shen Qin didn't bother to pay attention to the new life form's begging for mercy.

She would call it Ou Doudou, but they were all born in the complete life form project.

In terms of seniority, she is indeed the sister of the new life form.

For Shen Qin, her Ou Doudou can only be regarded as food for her evolution, not a family member.

At this time, Shen Yun also brought A2 to the place where the battle broke out.

And at the scene, there was only a one-armed Dras, roaring in pain.

"Is this Dras? Could it be a new life form created by Dr. Mochizuki alone?" Shen Yun saw the one-armed Dras and had some guesses in his mind.

"If this is a new life form created by Dr. Mochizuki, where is my Xiaoqin? Will it be absorbed by it?" Shen Yun looked at Dras who was screaming in pain in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

However, Shen Yun's worry did not last long, and the one-armed Dras in front of him was distorted, as if it was absorbed by something inside its body.


Finally, the one-armed Dras's figure was completely distorted and disappeared, leaving only a silver sphere floating in the air.

Then, the silver sphere also began to change, from a sphere to a curled up girl, and then from a girl to a nine-year-old girl.

Seeing this scene, Shen Yun immediately breathed a sigh of relief and was completely relieved.

"Xiaoqin, are you okay?" Shen Yun came to Shen Qin and asked.

"How could I be in trouble? I'm super strong!" Shen Qin raised her slender little arm, made a muscle gesture, and said with a smile.

"I'm glad you're okay. I was really scared just now." Shen Yun smiled and rubbed Shen Qin's head, and asked belatedly: "By the way, where are Yui and Jiehua?"

It's time to go home from school now, and the three little guys basically go home together.

"They should still be hiding in a safe place. I was only focused on absorbing Ou Doudou and didn't take care of them." Shen Qin scratched his head and said embarrassedly.

"Let's go, come with me to find them back." Shen Yun didn't blame her too much, just rubbed Shen Qin's head and took her out to find people.

Not long after, Shen Yun found Yui and Jiehua in a relatively safe corner nearby.

"Do-san!" Jiehua saw Shen Yun and threw herself into Shen Yun's arms with tears in her eyes.

"Are you all not injured?" Shen Yun asked.

"No." Yui patted the dust off her clothes and said.

"It's good that you are not injured. I'll have someone pick you up after school." Shen Yun stretched out his hand and held Yui in his arms, saying.

Because Shen Qin was there, he dared to let them go to and from school by themselves.

However, what happened today made Shen Yun feel scared.

After sending Yui and Jiehua home safely, Shen Yun returned to the laboratory, repaired A2's wind and thunder belt, and added a suppressor to A2 to suppress part of A2's performance to prevent it from being too strong and causing self-destruction.

"There must be a way to make A2 fully perform."

Shen Yun frowned and thought about the solution.

"It would be great if A2 could be turned into a complete life form like Xiaoqin. Maybe this would perfectly perform the performance of the body." Shen Yun leaned back in his chair, turning the chair, and sighed.

Shen Yun, who was turning the chair, suddenly glanced at the two advanced memory sticks he had placed on the table.


Shen Yun suddenly had an idea, as if he had thought of something, and said with joy: "If it is that memory, it seems that it is not impossible to turn A2 into a new life form."

Thinking of that possibility, Shen Yun was full of energy, and immediately began to cultivate a complete life form according to his previous experience.

However, the cultivation of a new life form cannot be completed in a short time.

In his spare time of cultivating a new life form, Shen Yun also used the technology of the Vampire Clan to create the Kivala Armor for Maya.



Time passed, and a year passed in the blink of an eye.

Delan Castle, laboratory.

"It's almost time, and it's time to go to Fengdu and get the memory stick. Otherwise, this new life form will probably develop self-awareness in a short time." Shen Yun looked at the silver sphere that had basically developed in the culture medium, and his eyes showed excitement and expectation.

As long as he got the memory stick, his long-cherished wish would be truly fulfilled.

During this year, he not only cultivated a complete life form, but also used his spare time to create the Kivala Armor.

In addition to the Kivala Armor, Shen Yun also created a bionic bat robot - Kivala by simulating the Kivat tribe.

This Kivala little bat was made according to Shen Yun's impression of Kivala.

Not only did it perfectly simulate the appearance of the Kivat tribe, but its control over the Demon King's power was just like the real Kivat tribe.

Moreover, Shen Yun installed the same artificial intelligence program as the Shumagia inside the Kivala bat. As long as it can awaken the technological singularity, it can be the same as the real Kivat bat.

Although the Kivala Armor and the Kivala bat have been made long ago, Shen Yun is not in a hurry to send them out.

He plans to wait until the anniversary and give them to Maya as a gift.

After all, life needs a sense of ritual.

Shen Yun turned his head and looked at the Kivala bat with many cables for data transmission, and said: "It won't be long before you can be in the hands of your real owner."

Shen Yun checked that the program of the Kivala bat was running, and found that there was no problem, so he left the laboratory.

"A2, come with me to Fuuto." Shen Yun only took A2 and went to Fuuto with her.

After a year, Shen Yun once again stepped into Fuuto.

A year ago, Shen Yun contacted Sonosaki Ryubei and asked him if he could make the memory he wanted.

After receiving a positive answer, Shen Yun did not rush to ask Sonosaki Ryubei to make the memory he needed.

Instead, he waited until now - when everything was ready.

The complete life form was cultivated and the interface technology was completely perfected.

Shen Yun valued the memory he wanted very much and did not intend to let this memory pass through the hands of a second person. He planned to use this memory himself.

Of course, after using it, he would erase the memory interface and would not use it a second time.

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