Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 256 Thick fog is coming, preparations for war

As the sacrificial ceremony began, the woman who was chosen as the sacrificial victim was also placed in the incubator.

The young monsters that had just broken out of their shells, driven by their hungry instincts, pounced on the woman frantically and gnawed the flesh and blood of the sacrificial victim.

The woman who was used as the sacrificial victim was covered by the dense swarm of young monsters before she could even scream.

In the empty incubator, apart from the sound of the young monsters breaking out of their shells, there were only the creepy gnawing sounds.

When the young monsters that had gathered together dispersed, the woman who had been used as the sacrificial victim was left with no bone residue.

The young monsters that had shared the sacrificial victim also crawled out of the incubator.

As they crawled, their bodies continued to grow. When they crawled out of the incubator, they had grown to a height of one person, but their appearance was still extremely ugly, like a life distorted by nuclear pollution.

The monsters that crawled out of the incubator all knelt on one knee after seeing Galai, Akit, and Yamei.

Although these hatched monsters have a humanoid appearance, they cannot become human like Calais, Akit, and Yamei, and are considered to be relatively low-level monsters.

"My lovely children, eat as much as you can!" The huge mask hanging above the command room flashed blue light, and the voice of the Mother of Mist came from inside it.

As her voice fell, the seemingly endless young monsters crawled out of the hatching room and crawled out of the mothership.

These densely packed young monsters eat almost everything they see, whether it is animals or plants.

The first to bear the brunt are the humans caught by the three cadres of the dense fog.

These humans were instantly submerged in this dense group of monsters, and were eaten by the young monsters, and not even the bones were left.

Countless young monsters poured out of the mothership like a tide and spread in all directions.

Whenever these young monsters eat food, they will grow rapidly and then become monsters.

Wherever the monsters pass, only a wasteland will be left.

When the monsters enter the city from the wilderness, a large number of young monsters have grown into various monsters.

However, behind these monsters, there are tens of thousands of young monsters that are endless.

The originally peaceful city has also turned into a purgatory under the attack of these monsters.

These monsters seem to have endless appetites. They eat whatever they see. Except for steel, concrete, and machinery, they will eat any living organisms as food.

Although Shocker's monsters are stronger than these lowest-level monsters, there are too many of them. Shocker's monsters can be drowned by human sea tactics alone.

And the monsters they eliminated are simply a drop in the bucket in this tide of monsters.

In less than an hour, the city has completely turned into a dead city.

More young monsters evolved into monsters after eating, and those who were already monsters became stronger monsters after eating a lot.

These large numbers of monsters and the young monsters that were still coming in an endless stream spread in all directions like a tide.

Only an empty city stained with blood was left, proving that someone had existed here before.

Delan Castle.

Shen Yun, who had just returned to Delan Castle from the Shocker headquarters, also received such bad news.

"What did you say?!" Shen Yun stood up suddenly, looked at A2, and asked in disbelief.

"The cities in the Wuyue area were attacked by a group of monsters called dense fog. At present, the population of three cities has been eaten up by them." A2 reported.


Shen Yun punched the solid wood table in front of him, causing the solid wood table to snap with a loud noise, and broke in the middle on the spot and collapsed to the ground.

"Asshole!" Shen Yun squeezed out these two words from his teeth, and a little anger appeared on his face.

These are three cities with a permanent population of at least hundreds of thousands of people!

Millions of lives were lost just like that...

The dense fog kingdom is indeed the enemy of all life forms.

Even Shen Yun himself did not expect that the dense fog would come so quickly, and even secretly completed the hatching ceremony.

"Ayun, what happened?" Hearing the loud noise, Maya and Garonia also walked down from upstairs and asked.

It was the first time they saw Shen Yun so angry.

"Nothing, just heard some bad news." Shen Yun took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

"Bad news..." Maya and Garonia looked at each other and didn't ask more questions.

"Where are they heading?" Shen Yun ignored Maya and Garonia, turned to look at A2, and asked.

"The monsters in the dense fog are heading towards us, and it is expected to arrive in half an hour." A2 replied.

"Half an hour, only this much time?" Shen Yun frowned.

"To be precise, this is the time when the first wave of fog monsters arrive." A2 heard this and quickly explained: "Their speeds are not uniform. Those with faster speeds will arrive first, followed by the slower ones, and finally the young bodies of the fog monsters."

"I see." Shen Yun nodded slightly, then took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down and not let anger cloud his mind.

After calming down, Shen Yun calmly gave orders: "A2, notify immediately and let the Shocker bones organize the residents in the city to take refuge, including those in the slums. Everyone must be taken away."

"Then, dispatch Shocker tanks, planes, and all the monsters to intercept the fog monsters on their route."

What Shocker has is not only monsters, but also powerful military strength and various black technology weapons.

"Yes!" A2 nodded, and immediately notified according to Shen Yun's instructions.

However, Shen Yun still felt that this was not enough.

He immediately contacted the person in charge of the transformation soldier plan, Himuro Yan, and said bluntly: "Himero, no matter whether you have made up for the defects of the transformation soldier Lv.3 now. Now, immediately carry out the batch transformation of the transformation soldier Lv.3 and put it into the battlefield!"

Shen Yun hung up the phone without waiting for Himuro Yan to answer, and then called Sonosaki Ryubei.

As soon as the call was connected, Shen Yun asked directly: "Sonozaki, can the memory factory over there mass-produce memory now?"

"Of course. But you suddenly asked this, did something happen?" Sonozaki Ryubei was keenly aware of some problems.

"Yeah." Shen Yun responded, and then told Sonozaki Ryubei about the Kingdom of Mist and what happened just now.

"Is there such a thing? I understand, I will start the memory factory now." Sonozaki Ryubei's face also became serious.

"As soon as possible." Shen Yun hung up the phone after saying that.

However, whether it is the transformation of the soldier Lv.3 or the mass-produced Gaia memory, it still takes time to manufacture.

We must find a way to stop these monsters hatched by the Mother of Mist, and we can't let them continue to snowball and grow.

The monsters in the fog are like Zerg. If we don't interrupt their snowballing speed, they will only roll more and more, and roll bigger and bigger.

"Doctor, the message of evacuation has been sent down, but in half an hour, ordinary humans can't run far at all." A2 said worriedly.

"Then use trucks to transport. In short, all the people in the city must be relocated. According to the news from the front line, after the monsters in the thick fog eat people and animals, they will grow rapidly, from larvae to adults with special abilities." Shen Yun said.

This is the horror of the Zerg, whether it is the speed of reproduction or the speed of combat power formation, it is extremely fast.

Once the snowball starts rolling, your killing speed is not as fast as the speed of others' explosion.

In the end, you can only be swallowed by the endless Zerg.

"Whether it is to protect these people or to prevent the monsters in the thick fog from becoming stronger, these citizens must evacuate."

"I know." A2 nodded, and immediately notified Shen Yun's order.

"Kivat Bat II, follow me." Shen Yun shouted to Kivat Bat II standing by the window.

"Are you going to the front?" Kivat Bat II flapped his wings and landed on Shen Yun's shoulder, asking.

"Doctor, you can't go to the front, it's too dangerous!" A2 heard this and turned around and advised.

As she said this, she also looked at Maya and Garonia, motioning them to persuade Shen Yun.

"Yes, my husband should just stay in the rear to command, there is no need to risk his life." Garonia advised.

"With Kivat Bat II here, you don't have to worry." Shen Yun comforted.

The defense of Dark Kiva's armor is three times that of the Demon Emperor's armor.

And the defense of the Demon Emperor's armor will not be harmed even in the center of a nuclear explosion.

"......, I know." A2 heard this and was silent for a while, and did not persuade more.

She served Shen Yun for 23 years and knew Shen Yun's character best.

"Sister Maya, you should also persuade your husband." Garonia looked at Maya and whispered.

Maye shook her head gently and said concisely: "Once Ayun has decided, she will rarely change it."

As she said that, Maye stepped forward and said: "Ayun, let me go with you."

Shen Yun heard this and looked back at Maye, frowning slightly, and was about to say something.

Maye seemed to have expected what Shen Yun would say, so she spoke first: "Ayun, I am the queen of the vampires. My people are all there, so how can I not be there? Besides, you don't have to worry about my safety. Kivala will protect me, right?"

"That's right." Kivala, the little bat, flew to Maye.

Seeing Kivala, Shen Yun's frown relaxed and said: "Okay..."

Then, Shen Yun looked up at Garonia and said: "Xiaoqin and the others, please take them back and take care of them, Garonia."

"I know." Garonia nodded gently.

"Let's go." Shen Yun nodded slightly and walked out immediately.

Maya and A2 followed closely behind.


As Shen Yun issued one order after another, the war machine called Shocker began to operate.

The radio and airships broadcast evacuation notices and assembly points throughout the city.

The citizens of the entire city also got on the cars and evacuated in an orderly manner under the organization of Shocker Bone.

The Shocker tank weighing 2000 tons and equipped with a huge cannon slowly drove through the streets under the driving of Shocker Bone.

Above the city, fighter jets that exceed the speed of sound and are extremely flexible fly low, and the piercing sound of breaking through the air is heard one after another.

These planes, tanks, and various devices are also deployed by Shen Yun and slowly rush to the target location.

Outside the city.

Gurongi, Vampire, Orphino, and Shocker's group of monsters gathered here.

"Time is running out, so I'll make it short." Shen Yun looked at the leaders of various races in front of him and said, "The monsters from the Kingdom of Mist will arrive at the estimated location in five minutes. At that time, the Shocker tanks and Shocker planes will bombard the enemy and intercept the enemy's air units."

"But the number of enemies is extremely large, and the Shocker tanks and Shocker planes may not be able to eliminate all the enemy units. What you have to do is to clean up the fish that slip through the net. Prevent the monsters from the thick fog from breaking into the city and attacking humans."

"The goal of this operation is to delay time until all the residents in the city are evacuated."

"Do you understand?"

Shen Yun briefly explained the combat mission of this time to all the monsters present.

"I understand."

Shen Yun nodded slightly and looked at the Gurongi side, led by Gadulu and Baluba.

"Can you Gurongi use the monsters from the Kingdom of Mist to play the Kikiru game?" Shen Yun asked.

Baluba thought for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay."

The essence of the Kikiru game is a killing game. Killing Linduo can advance to the next level, so killing stronger monsters can also advance to the next level.

"Well, take this opportunity to restart your Kikiru game." Shen Yun nodded and said.

Then, Shen Yun looked at Huaxing again and said, "Huaxing, from today on, you can inject Orpheino energy into those seriously injured and dying."

"Thank you, Doctor." Huaxing looked happy and thanked him quickly.

Over the years, their Orpheino clan has relied on natural awakening or apostle regeneration for some dying people to add companions.

Of course, the latter was tacitly agreed by Shen Yun.

After all, for those who are going to die, they are going to die anyway, so why not give it a try.

If they succeed, they will be reborn, and if they fail, they don't even need to be cremated, they will directly turn into a handful of ashes and can take the ashes away on the spot.

Huaxing also understood Shen Yun's implication.

You know, the scale and intensity of the war between Shocker and the Kingdom of Mist this time are not comparable to the invasion of the Kingdom of Chrysis.

After all, the war between the Kingdom of Chrysis and Shocker was just a war between monsters.

But the Kingdom of Mist is different. The number of monsters in the Kingdom of Mist is too large, and ordinary people will be involved.

Even through the method of apostle regeneration, few people can withstand the power of evolution and awaken to Orphino, but as long as the base is large enough, there will be many people who can successfully awaken.

Moreover, their Orphino clan may be able to find the King of Orphino in this war.

"As for you, the Vampires..." Shen Yun looked at the Vampires again. Sitting in the seats were the three Vampires, Maye, Bishop and Rook.

"Eat as much as you want this time. These guys have much more life energy than ordinary people."

Just as Shen Yun finished speaking, A2 suddenly opened the curtain of the tent and walked in, reporting: "Doctor, the monsters in the thick fog are almost within range, and the Shuka Bones have already set off in the Sky Cyclone."

"Oh? Have the monsters in the thick fog arrived?" Shen Yun raised his eyebrows and stood up and walked out.

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