Shen Yun opened the cabin door.


As soon as the door opened, the whistling wind swept into the cabin, making a low whistling sound.

The reconnaissance plane descended very quickly, and Shen Yun jumped down directly.

A strong sense of weightlessness enveloped his whole body, and Shen Yun fell straight towards the sea.

Shen Yun looked at the data displayed on the visor and said:

"Switch to the air form."

As soon as Shen Yun finished speaking, the liquid-like nanometal material quickly spread from the armored calves and back.

In just a blink of an eye, these nanometal materials were combined into two different external thrusters on the back and legs.

At the same time, the red photon blood built into the Tiga armor began to flow faster.

The red photon blood was accelerated into blue photon blood at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the valve inside the Tiga armor, which was used to separate the two photon bloods with different flow rates, was also opened at this moment.

The two streams of photon blood blended together, and the three-color Tiga armor also turned into silver and blue at this moment.

Then, the thrusters made of nanometal slowly unfolded, revealing the jet nozzle under the spoiler.

The next moment, light blue flames gushed out from the jet nozzles of the thrusters on his back and legs.

The strong thrust accelerated Shen Yun's descent speed by more than a step.

Shen Yun turned around and drew a beautiful arc in the clouds, flying to a position parallel to the reconnaissance aircraft at a speed far exceeding the gliding speed of the reconnaissance aircraft.

Shen Yun looked at Dr. Mizuno and others in the upper cabin, nodded slightly, and then descended to the bottom of the reconnaissance aircraft.

He held the fuselage of the reconnaissance aircraft with both hands, and the thrusters on his back and legs gushed flames several times larger than before, flying upward against the reconnaissance aircraft to slow down the descent of the reconnaissance aircraft.

Fortunately, this reconnaissance aircraft just lost power and glided in the air instead of falling rapidly.

Otherwise, he really couldn't save the people on this plane.

Although the performance of the Tiga armor is strong, it is not Superman after all, and it has unreasonable things like biological force fields.

After the reconnaissance plane stabilized, Shen Yun held the reconnaissance plane and slowly landed on the calm sea.

As the most advanced weather reconnaissance plane, TPC's weather reconnaissance plane has the ability to moor on the water, so there is no need to worry about the reconnaissance plane sinking into the sea.

The reconnaissance plane landed smoothly on the sea, and everyone on the reconnaissance plane breathed a sigh of relief.

It was too thrilling.

In the cabin.

"Great, we are saved." Anna patted her chest and breathed a sigh of relief, and there was still a little panic on her beautiful face.

"Thanks to Dr. Shen." Dr. Mizuno wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and he was also scared.

If it crashed into the sea at the previous speed, it would probably disintegrate directly.

"Ding ding ding!"

Just when everyone was celebrating their survival, the God's Eye system received feedback from inside the cloud.

Tamoriichiro glanced at the picture fed back by the God's Eye and exclaimed:

"Doctor, look, what is this!"

Dr. Mizuno and Anna heard this and immediately came to Tamoriichiro's side and looked at the picture fed back by the God's Eye at the same time.

Although the transmitted image was a bit blurry, it was still successfully displayed.

In the dim environment inside the cloud, a shadow similar to the shape of a monster can be vaguely observed.

"Is this the Lightning Man?" Anna turned her head and looked at Dr. Mizuno and asked.

Dr. Mizuno looked at the picture fed back by the God's Eye, nodded, and shook his head: "This is the Lightning Man, but this is definitely not the original appearance of the Lightning Man. This must be a monster mutated from the Lightning Man!"

"Doctor, the movement speed of the cloud has suddenly increased, and it is heading towards Japan." Tamoriichiro looked at the positioning of the God's Eye and said quickly.

"Quick! Contact the base and ask them to send the Victory Team to intercept. Don't let this monster reach Japan." Dr. Mizuno ordered hurriedly.

Tian Shouyi nodded, picked up the headset and contacted the base immediately.

After trying several times, he finally contacted the base.

"Doctor, it's connected!" Tian Shouyi was surprised.

"Quick! Report the matter of the cloud group!" Dr. Mizuno urged.


Shen Yun leaned against the cabin door, quietly listening to the movement in the cabin, and did not go in to disturb.

He just silently looked at the cloud group that was about to disappear from sight.

Although the hint in the TV was very obscure, Gazot did prey on fleeing citizens in the city.

If Gazot could be intercepted outside the country, many people would be saved.


Over the Pacific Ocean.

Shen Yun sat in the TPC rescue plane, and was escorted back to the TPC base by the elites of the TPC Police Bureau with Dr. Mizuno and others.

Although the speed of the TPC rescue plane was not slow.

But compared to the modified fighters like the Victory Swallow, its speed is still much slower.

They were just rescued.

The Victory Team had already shot down Gazot and successfully intercepted it on the coastline.

As the first person to study the lightning man, Dr. Mizuno naturally took the lead in analyzing the monster for the Victory Team together with Horii.

Shen Yun had no say in this matter.

However, he was also happy to be free.

It was just that this woman named Anna was a bit annoying.

After finding a random excuse to get away from the woman who liked to chat with him, Shen Yun came to Dr. Mizuno and watched his conversation with Horii.

"This doesn't make sense." On the screen, the fat Horii was puzzled and scratched his head:

"According to your speculation, Dr. Mizuno, the Flash Man is a creature that is closer to gas than solid, and the individual Flash Man is not large, how can it mutate into a monster?"

"You have already said that it is my guess. Since it is a guess, it is normal to make mistakes. After all, none of us have seen the real appearance of the Flash Man. It is stupid to take an unconfirmed guess as the truth." Dr. Mizuno said in a deep voice with a straight face.

Horii looked embarrassed and showed a slightly embarrassed smile.

This made him seem to be back in his school days.

"Dr. Mizuno, why do you think the Flash Man has become like this? Why did he attack humans?" Iruma Hui interrupted.

Based on the conversation between Horii and Dr. Mizuno, she had a general understanding of the situation of the Flash Man.

Lightning people are highly intelligent creatures that live in the ionosphere.

Since humans and lightning people have lived in peace for so many years, why did these lightning people become monsters and why did they attack humans?

Some bad guesses arose in the heart of Iruma Hui.

"About this..." Dr. Mizuno pondered for a moment and said, "I suspect it's because of electromagnetic waves."

"Electromagnetic waves?" Iruma Hui was a little surprised.

"Yes, you see." Dr. Mizuno sent a video to the command room of the Victory Team.

Nori played the video on the main screen.

On the main screen, various pictures kept flashing, and several pictures flashed every second, which was dazzling.

"What is this?" Iruma Hui looked at it, then looked away and looked at Dr. Mizuno with a little doubt.

"This is the signal received by the God's Eye from the dark clouds." Dr. Mizuno explained.

"In other words, the lightning people are likely to be affected by human electromagnetic waves and mutate?" Horii guessed.

"That's right. With the advancement of human civilization, a large amount of electromagnetic waves are sent to the ionosphere outside the earth. These electromagnetic waves destroy the living environment of the lightning people. With the living environment destroyed, the lightning people either cannot adapt to the environment and die, or adapt to the environment and mutate. Obviously, they choose the latter." Dr. Mizuno said.

"In other words, the appearance of this monster is the bitter fruit caused by humans themselves?"

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