Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 329 Commission and Trap

2006, Fengdu.

After graduating from high school, Shotaro Zuo, who had been studying with Narumi Shokichi as his apprentice and assistant, whistled and casually opened the door of Narumi Detective Agency with the key.

Seeing the empty Narumi Detective Agency, Shotaro Zuo suddenly had a snicker on his face.

He looked around, as if he were a thief, and quickly came to Narumi Shokichi's position, took off Narumi Shokichi's favorite hat, and then put it on his head.

After putting the white hat on his head, Shotaro Zuo quickly came to a mirror and pretended to look at himself in the mirror.

"I'm really a tough guy." Zuo Shotaro said narcissistically, holding the hat on his head with one hand and pretending to be a tough guy in front of the mirror.

"Boohoo~" Zuo Shotaro whistled, constantly changing his movements in front of the mirror, completely immersed in it, and even Narumi Shokichi didn't know when he came back.

Seeing Shotarou Zuo wearing his own hat, Narumi Shokichi walked behind Shotarou Zuo, reached out and took off the hat on Shotarou Zuo's head, and tapped Shotarou Zuo's forehead.

"It hurts!" Zuo Xiangtaro covered his forehead and said dissatisfied: "What are you doing, Oya-san!"

"Shoutaro, I've said it many times." Narumi Shokichi flicked the hat in his hand, and the white hat flew to the wall and hung on it.

"You're just a half-hearted person, it's too early to put on your hat."

"It's just an imitation, what does it matter?" Zuo Shotaro said unconvinced.

"No." Narumi Shokichi took off the hat on his head, flicked it gently, and said: "It is the responsibility of this hat to hide the man's cold and gentle eyes."

After saying that, Narumi Shokichi looked at Zuo Shotarou who was slightly unconvinced and said, "You don't have either of these, right?"

After Narumi Shokichi said this, he threw out the hat in his hand.

Seeing this, Shotaro Zuo quickly lowered his head.

The hat also passed over Zuo Shotaro's head and hung next to the white hat.

"Oh!" Zuo Shotaro looked back at the hat that was still swinging and exclaimed.

"You can't wear it before I approve it. If you don't want to, just go out. Do you understand?" Narumi Shokichi took off his windbreaker, put it on the ladder beside him, and said calmly.

"I know." Zuo Shotarou muttered, leaning on his desk.

"It's good to know."

"By the way, Ouya-san." Zuo Shotaro suddenly turned around and looked at Narumi Shokichi, who was sitting on the boss's chair, and said expectantly: "I have already learned all the techniques you taught me. Ouya Sang, it’s time for you to take me with you to handle the case.”

"Have you already learned everything? You're a half-hearted person who learns very quickly. Just wait for the next commission. I'll take you with me on the next commission." Narumi Shokichi heard this and nodded, smiling.

"Really? Ouya-san, you can't go back on your word." Zuo Xiangtaro said overjoyed.


After receiving a positive reply from Narumi Shokichi, Shotaro Zuo is now extremely looking forward to the arrival of the next commission.

He must let his uncle see his ability.

Soon, the time came to afternoon.

The door to the Narumi Detective Agency was pushed open, and a woman wearing a black sunhat, a black dress underneath, and a white coat outside walked in.

"Excuse me, is Director Narumi here? I have a request for him." The woman looked at the still young Shotaro Zuo and asked.

"Entrustment?!" Upon hearing this, Zuo Xiangtaro's eyes suddenly lit up and he quickly said: "Ouya-san, a client is here."

Narumi Shokichi, who was roasting coffee beans in the kitchen behind, heard this and calmly turned off the fire and said, "I understand."

After putting down the coffee beans in his hand, Narumi Shokichi, who was wearing a white suit, walked out, came to the woman, and asked, "What kind of commission is it?"

After hearing this, the woman immediately took out a photo from her pocket and handed it to Narumi Shokichi. She said, "Director Narumi, I would like to ask you to protect her for a while. She is now being raped by some bad people." Targeted."

"Are you being targeted by bad guys?" Narumi Shokichi took the photo handed over by the woman and glanced at it lightly.

In this photo, there is a little girl who looks a bit like a mixed race holding a white bear doll.

"Yes." The woman nodded, clenched her clothes tightly with her hands, and said with a somewhat frightened look: "They claim to be from the museum. I heard about Director Narumi from others, so I wanted to entrust you with it."

"Museum?" Narumi Shokichi heard this, his expression suddenly became serious, and said: "I understand, I will accept this commission."

"Is it really okay? They are not ordinary people." The woman asked with a somewhat uneasy expression.

"Don't worry, since I accepted this commission, I will protect her, even if it means risking my life. This is my principle as a detective." Narumi Shokichi gently patted the woman's shoulder. , comforted.

After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the desk with the photo in hand.

He planned to call Shroud and see if she knew anything.

Shotaro Zuo looked at Narumi Shokichi with admiration.

Ou Yasang is really handsome.

When will he become a man like Ou Yasang?

Narumi Shokichi's words also calmed down her uneasy mood these days.

Looking at Narumi Shokichi's tough face, the woman was deeply attracted by the mature manly temperament exuding from Narumi Shokichi, and couldn't help but step forward and hug Narumi Shokichi from behind.

Shotaro Zuo who was standing aside was not surprised when he saw this scene.

Narumi Shokichi paused, reached out and grabbed the woman's wrist, and moved her hand away from his body.

Looking at the client in front of him who also had a look of embarrassment on his face, Narumi Shokichi didn't say much, he just patted her shoulder gently.

"Director Narumi, regarding the commission fee..."

"It won't be too late to give it after the commission is completed." Narumi Shokichi raised his hand and said.

"I understand, this is where the child is hiding. For that child, please leave it to Director Narumi." The woman handed a piece of paper with an address to Narumi Shokichi, and then bowed slightly to Narumi Shokichi. He turned around and left Narumi Detective Agency.

Seeing the client leaving, Shotaro Zuo immediately approached Narumi Shokichi and said, "Oya-san, you promised me before that you would take me out to handle the case. You can't break your promise."

Narumi Shokichi, who had just picked up the phone and planned to contact Shroud, paused when he heard this and looked up at Zuo Shotaro, who was looking at him expectantly.

Recalling the horror of the museum, Narumi Shokichi also frowned slightly.

He did agree to this, but this time they were entrusted with a museum, not a single dopant.

The dangers are not comparable to those related to adulterants.

However, if he got into a fight with someone from the museum, it would be difficult to take care of the little girl.

After careful consideration, Narumi Shokichi looked at Zuo Shotaro seriously and said: "This commission is very dangerous. If you want to follow me, you must obey my orders. Do you understand?"

"Understood! I promise to obey your orders." Zuo Shotaro slapped his chest loudly.

"Cough cough cough..."

However, because he used too much force, Zuo Shotarou actually made himself angry.

This idiot...

Narumi Shokichi looked at Zuo Shotarou who was coughing up tears and shook his head helplessly.

Narumi Shokichi dialed the landline phone number, called Shroud, and asked Shroud about the little girl.

"I don't know." Shroud replied.

"Even you don't know the purpose of the museum?" Narumi Shokichi couldn't help but be a little surprised when he heard this.

"I don't know everything. Besides, with that man's character, it's not unusual for him to do anything." Shroud's voice was cold.

A guy who is ruthless enough to use his son as a tool or a living part can naturally do even more shameful things.

"I understand." Narumi Shokichi hung up the phone with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Wen Yin doesn't know the purpose of the museum either. It seems that this time, we can only adapt to circumstances." Narumi Shokichi thought to himself.

Seeing Narumi Shokichi hang up the phone, Shotarou Zuo quickly asked: "Oya-san, when will we set off?"

"Shoutarou, I have said many times that no matter what you do, you must not be impatient, especially in the detective field." Narumi Shokichi came back to his senses, looked at the impatient Zuo Shotarou, and preached.

"I understand." Hearing this, Zuo Xiangtaro also slightly calmed down the slightly impatient expression on his face.

Seeing that Zuo Shotarou could bear his temper, Narumi Shokichi also nodded secretly.

Be able to endure your own temper and make progress.

Before setting off, he needs to get everything ready.

Although it is his principle not to use Gaia memory in his work.

However, this time he has to face people from the museum, and there will always be times when he has to use it.

Sonosaki's house.

"Ryubei-san, I heard that you plan to eliminate the Kamen Rider in Fengdu?" Shen Yun sat on the sofa in the hall, looking at Sonosaki Ryubei who held Mick in his arms, asked with a smile.

"That's right. He caused a lot of damage to our museum." Ryubei Sonosaki stroked Mick and smiled.

"So, you know the identity of Kamen Rider Skull?" Shen Yun asked with interest.

"I know a little bit. So, I set a trap for him and planned to lure him out." Sonosaki Ryubei defended.

"Oh? Trap? What kind of trap?" Shen Yun asked with interest.

"You will know when the time comes." Sonosaki Ryuhei did not say clearly.

At this time, a man in black suddenly ran in, leaned down and whispered a few words in Sonosaki Ryubei's ear.

Sonosaki Ryuhei nodded slightly and said, "Then let's do it."

After saying that, Sonosaki Ryubei turned to look at Chen Yun and said with a smile: "Sir, the show is about to begin. Please come with me to watch it."

"Okay." Chen Yun smiled slightly, stood up from the sofa, and left Sonosaki's house with Ryubei Sonosaki.

At the same time, inside Narumi Detective Agency.

Narumi Shokichi reached out and took off the white hat hanging on the wall and put it on his head.

Shotaro Zuo was also secretly surprised when he saw Narumi Shokichi taking off his white hat.

Ou Yasang will only wear this white hat at critical moments.

As long as you wear this white hat, it means that this commission is very dangerous.

After putting on this white hat, Narumi Shokichi said: "Let's go, Shotaro."

"Okay!" Zuo Xiangtaro also showed joy on his face.

Finally, he could finally work on the case with Ou Yasang. He had been looking forward to this day.

Narumi Shokichi put one hand in his pocket, held the hat on his head with the other, and strode out of the office.

Shotaro Zuo, on the other hand, followed Narumi Shokichi carelessly. If his reason hadn't told him not to be too proud, he would be dancing with joy now.

The people who were watching near Narumi Detective Office immediately reported their whereabouts after seeing Narumi Shokichi and Zuo Shotaro going out.

As the underground emperor of Fudu, Sonosaki Ryuhei has long known the true identity of Kamen Rider Skull.

The reason why he did not directly attack Narumi Shokichi was because he was concerned about the existence of Consortium X.

Consortium X invested in Shroud's pure memory, and Narumi Shokichi represents the pure memory technology developed by Shroud.

The dopant represents the Gaia memory technology he developed.

Only by completely defeating Narumi Shokichi in front of Consortium X can he prove that the Gaia memory he developed is better than Shroud's pure memory.

Only in this way can he get more investment. (These are all my personal conjectures, just watch it for fun. In the TV show, Sonosaki Ryuhei kept W, probably for the ultimate data. In the drama, Sonosaki Ryuhei created the Gaia processor and After letting Sono Saki Wakana fuse with the Gaia processor, he stopped acting immediately)

Soon, Narumi Shokichi brought Zuo Shotaro to the address given to them by the client.

As soon as they reached the alley downstairs, they saw a group of masquerade dopants dressed in black and with their heads wrapped in white bones.

Upon seeing this, Narumi Shokichi quickly pressed Zuo Shotarou's shoulder, led him to hide outside the alley, and then carefully looked at the situation in the alley.

They were holding a little girl and walking down the stairs outside.

And what they were holding in their arms was the little girl in the photo.

"Oya-san, why do these guys all have skull faces?" Zuo Shotaro looked at the masquerade hybrids in front of him and asked in a lowered voice.

"They became like this because of the Gaia memory." Narumi Shokichi observed the positions of these masquerade dopants and said solemnly.

"Gaia memory? Isn't that the source of power for those monsters that are causing havoc in the city? There are so many here?!" Zuo Shotaro was shocked.

"Shoutaro, I will give you your first order now." Narumi Shokichi said as he looked at the little girl being brought downstairs by the masquerade doped body.


"That is, stand here and don't move!"

After Narumi Shokichi finished speaking, he pressed the hat on his head and rushed into the alley.

"Ouya-san!" Zuo Xiangtaro was startled and quickly followed him.

The two masquerade dopers who were on guard in the alley, after seeing Narumi Shokichi who suddenly rushed out, immediately rushed towards Narumi Shokichi.

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