Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 350 The Destroyer of the World, Sora's World, Narutaki, Onodera Yusuke

"Let's go back, Natsu Mikan." Kadoya Shi retracted his gaze and came to Guang Natsumi and said.

As soon as he finished speaking, an aurora curtain suddenly appeared, and then passed through their bodies, taking them to another place.

"This is..." Guang Xiahai looked at the familiar surroundings and ran quickly towards the photo studio.

She is worried about her grandfather.

Kado Yaji followed Mitsumi Natsumi, looked at the blurred knight card in his hand, and asked strangely: "What's going on? The ability... doesn't seem to be able to be used continuously for a long time."

"That's because all your past is lost."

A sudden sound suddenly reached Kadoya's ears, leaving Kadoya froze on the spot.

"Shi-kun?" Guang Natsumi looked at Kadoya Shi who suddenly stopped, then quickly walked up to Kado Yashi, grabbed Kado Yashi's arm, and planned to pull Kado Yashi away.

But at this time, Kadoya Shi saw the demonized demon flying in the sky, and quickly protected Mitsuatsumi under him.

A fish with wings flew over their heads, and then flew to a tall building not far away covered with demonized sprites, and started fighting with these demonized sprites.

"They're killing each other." Men Yashi murmured as he watched the Guhuo bird with a face like a fish, a body like a snake, and wings on its back transform into a demon monster and rush into the group of demonized monsters to start a killing spree.

Then, Gu Huoniao crashed into the building covered with demonized monsters. As if it was the last straw that broke the camel's back, the whole building exploded, and a huge fireball rose from the collapsed building. rises, emitting a large amount of light and heat.

Nearby buildings were also burned to ashes by the flames of the explosion.

The flames that continued to spread also attracted the surrounding crowd.

Seeing that the flames caused by the explosion were about to affect a mother and her son, Guang Xiahai rushed over without hesitation.

"Natsumi!" Seeing Mitsumi Natsumi's reckless behavior, Kado Yashi was suddenly startled and ran over quickly.

Before they could get closer, the world seemed to have stopped.

"Eh?" Guang Xiahai was also a little surprised by this change.

"Really, what are you doing!"

But in Kado Yashi's field of vision, there was a figure in white walking out of the flames.


"There's still a little time." Hong Du looked at Kado Yashi and said.

"You said, I can save the world, right?" Kado Yashi walked towards Hongdu and asked.

"Yes." Hongdu stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

The scenery around Kadoyaji quickly disappeared, and he came into a dark space, as if he was in a starry sky.

Looking at the multiple earths in front of him, Kado Yashi also had a look of astonishment on his face.

"It's a spectacular sight." Hongdu walked over and asked, "Did you remember anything?"

"No. I just remember the way of fighting." Kado Yashi shook his head, then looked at the planet floating in front of him and asked, "What is that? It looks like the earth."

"Yes, it's the Earth." Hongdu said.

"Why...the earth..." Kado Yashi looked at the two earths colliding together and wondered.

"In these nine worlds, nine Kamen Riders were born." Hongdu looked at the gradually collapsing earth and explained: "Their stories were originally independent, but now, the stories are gradually merging, and the world will also Become one."

"Eventually, all worlds will be destroyed."

After finishing speaking, Hongdu also looked at Kado Yashi and said: "Decade, you must embark on a journey to these nine worlds. This is the only way to save the world."

Kado Yashi looked down at the knight cards in his hand that had lost their power, looked up at Benito in front of him, and asked, "Why me?"

“For you are the destroyer of worlds, and creation only derives from destruction.”

After Hongdu finished speaking, a dazzling light suddenly lit up in the space, and Kado Yashi also came back to his senses.

The surroundings are still a doomsday scene, and time is still standing still.

"My partners and I will do our best to make this world exist for a little longer."

Empty my world.

Shen Yun sat in the cafe, quietly flipping through the newspapers in his hands.

Although it was only a past issue of the newspaper, the information in the newspaper was enough for Shen Yun to understand the current situation of Kuuga's world.

"At this point in time, has Gulangji not appeared yet?" Shen Yun put down the newspaper in his hand and said thoughtfully.

"You can go to Dengrong Mountain to see it." Shen Yun looked through the window of the cafe to Dengrong Mountain not far away.

In Kuuga's TV, the Aguru Belt was excavated from the ruins of Mt. Kurōga.

And this parallel universe of Kuuga seems to have been found by Yusuke Onodera in a ruins.

Chen Yun estimated that the ruins were probably in Dengrong Mountain.

Otherwise, the Gurungi would not kill people nearby when they played the game of Kikilu.

Moreover, in order to complete this so-called sacred game of Kikilu, Grungji directly dispatched the powerful Grungji of the Mei Group and the Ge Group, and even the Buffalo Grungi among the three strongest members of the Ge Group.

The most outrageous thing is that Buffalo Grungji, one of the three strongest members of the Ge Group, had only one digit number when he was eliminated by Decade...

Even in the later stages of Kuuga TV, Gurungi, the vulture comparable to a general, was still an unconfirmed life form No. 8.

This strength is really extraordinary.

If this was put in Kuuga TV, no matter how many lives Yusuke Godai had, he would not be able to pick up enough.

As a result, the two strongest Gurongis of the Kuuga Group, the Vulture Gurongi was shot dead by Kuuga's Pegasus form, and the Buffalo Gurongi was kicked to death by Decade.

Especially Onodera Yusuke, he actually killed the strongest Gurongi comparable to the Kuuga Group with his basic form, which is really a bit outrageous.

The last Kuuga who can crush all the Gurongis with his basic form was called Riku.

"Could it be that Narutaki directly gave Riku's full-level account to Onodera Forget Me?" Shen Yun guessed.

In addition to this explanation, Shen Yun could not think of any other explanation.

If this is not Riku's full-level account, it is hard for him to imagine that Onodera can crush the Gurongi of the Kuuga Group with his own strength.

It took Godai 13 years of training to do this, how can you have the strength comparable to Godai's 13 years of training just after getting the belt? (Official novel of Kuuga, 13 years later, the fifth generation returns and uses the basic all-powerful to defeat No. 49, the Gurongi that even the ultimate newborn Kuuga cannot defeat)

"Let's go to Dengrong Mountain." Shen Yun stood up and went to the counter of the cafe to pay the bill, and then went to Dengrong Mountain with Meibio and A2.

Dengrong Mountain is not big, and Shen Yun soon found a ruin on the hillside of Dengrong Mountain.

However, someone has already got there first.

Onodera Yusuke looked down at the Aguru belt around his waist and couldn't help but reach out and knock it.

"What is this...?" Onodera Yusuke looked puzzled.

In front of Onodera Yusuke stood a middle-aged man wearing a beige windbreaker and glasses.

This person was Mingtaki.

Ming Long looked at Onodera Yusuke who was studying the Agul belt and said, "One day a demon will appear to hinder you."


"He is the existence that destroys everything. Decade, he is your real enemy." Ming Long said.

Onodera Yusuke scratched his head and asked, "As long as we defeat this demon called Decade, it will be fine, right?"

"That's right."

Seeing Ming Long and Onodera Yusuke appearing in this ruin, Shen Yun's eyes could not help but fall on Ming Long.

To be honest, the character of Ming Long is a very confusing character in Decade's TV.

If you say he is a good guy, he became Super Shocker's cadre, Colonel Zor, in the joint theatrical version of Decade and W.

He also became Dr. G and became a laser crab monster in Super Hero Wars.

If you say he is a bad guy, he has been committed to stopping and destroying Decade and wants to save the parallel world.

After all, Kadoya Shi who has not lost his memory is the leader of the Great Shocker. In order to prevent the parallel world from being destroyed, destroying Decade is naturally the best solution.

This is also the reason why Ming Long has been spreading rumors that Decade is a demon in the parallel world.

Although Kadoya Shi has lost his memory, for Ming Long, it basically makes no difference whether Kadoya Shi has lost his memory or not.

As long as Kadoya Shi does not die, he will recover his memory sooner or later and then destroy other worlds.

"Decade must be defeated, otherwise the world will fall into a crisis of destruction." Ming Long once again told Onodera Yusuke, and then his figure was swallowed by the aurora curtain and disappeared in front of Onodera Yusuke.

Watching Ming Long leave, Shen Yun also glanced at Onodera Yusuke, without any intention of meeting him, and turned away directly.

After Onodera Yusuke got the Aguru belt, the Gurongi sealed in the ruins also revived in modern times and began to attack humans.

In order to deal with Gurongi, humans quickly set up the Unconfirmed Life Response Unit to deal with the threat of Gurongi.

Yashiro Ai, who was originally a detective, also became a member of the Unconfirmed Life Response Unit in this incident.

After Gurongi appeared again, the Unconfirmed Life Response Unit established by the Metropolitan Police Department also quickly took action to attack the Unconfirmed Life 1, that is, the Spider Gurongi.

However, human weapons have no effect on Gurongi at all.

Instead, the police officers of the Response Unit were easily killed by the Unconfirmed Life 1 like crushing insects.

When the Unconfirmed Life Response Unit was about to be annihilated, Onodera Yusuke transformed into Kamen Rider Kuuga and fought against the Gurongi.

However, compared to the newborn form that the fifth generation transformed at the beginning, Onodera Yusuke directly transformed into the almighty form, without the need for the transition of the newborn form.

Because there were three Gurongi before, the Kamen Rider Kuuga who appeared after them was called Unconfirmed Lifeform No. 4 by the Countermeasures Department.

And Onodera Yusuke's first battle was also Spider Gurongi, just like the fifth generation Yusuke.

Onodera Yusuke's first transformation, he was not proficient in using Kuuga's power, but he was able to suppress the Spider Gurongi.

However, just as Onodera Yusuke was about to win, a Rhino Gurongi suddenly appeared in the middle.

Facing the siege of Spider Gurongi and Rhino Gurongi, Onodera Yusuke, who was fighting Gurongi for the first time, also fell into a bitter battle.

Shen Yun stood on a high place, quietly watching the battle between Kuuga and two Gurongi in the square below.

After watching for a while, Shen Yun turned his head and looked at Meibiou standing beside him, and asked with a smile: "Do you want to meet your companions?"

Mebio shook his head decisively upon hearing this, and said politely: "There is no need for this. They are not companions to us."

Shen Yun nodded slightly, and said no more, just quietly watching the battle below.

Although Onodera Yusuke was in a tough fight, as time went on, Onodera Yusuke also completely mastered Kuuga's power and completely reversed the situation.

After a simple side kick that blew up Spider Gurongi, Rhino Gurongi knew that he was no match for him, so he turned around and ran away, not giving Onodera Yusuke a chance to catch up.

After a tough fight, Onodera Yusuke was almost exhausted and had no strength to catch up. He could only watch Rhino Gurongi run away.

In the end, Onodera Yusuke fell to the ground exhausted and changed from Kuuga back to his original appearance.

After seeing Kuuga fall to the ground and change back to Onodera Yusuke, Yashiro Lan immediately took the unconscious Onodera Yusuke back and took good care of him.

Time passed slowly. Under the activeness of Kuuga transformed by Onodera Yusuke, the previously escaped Rhino Gurongi and Unconfirmed Lifeform No. 3 were eliminated one by one by Onodera Yusuke.

And the Unconfirmed Lifeforms No. 5 and No. 6 that appeared later were also eliminated by Onodera Yusuke with the support of the Unconfirmed Lifeform Countermeasures Department.

In the process of fighting Gurongi, Onodera Yusuke and Yashiro Lan also formed a deep bond.

To be precise, it should be the sister taking care of the brother.

And Onodera Yusuke developed a feeling of admiration for Yashiro Lan.

After all, who doesn't like a mature and gentle big sister?

February 1st.

Shen Yun sat by the window of the hotel, looking at the Dengrong Mountain in the distance, quietly sipping tea.

Suddenly, sirens sounded on the street outside, and police cars drove along the road in one direction.

"Report to all patrolling units, an unidentified life form has been confirmed to have appeared at the Kita 2 warehouse in Fujimi 2-chome. The on-site command of the incident is held by the members of the Metropolitan Police Department's Unidentified Life Form Countermeasures Headquarters."

"Police officers participating in the operation on the scene, please follow the instructions of the countermeasures headquarters members and approach the unidentified life forms with caution. I hope that no casualties will occur."

The voice from the intercom inside the police car also came into Shen Yun's ears with the breeze.

"Unidentified life form No. 7 has appeared. It seems that Kadoya Shi has also arrived in Kuga's world." Shen Yun looked at the police car going away and thought to himself.

However, Shen Yun did not plan to go over, but looked at the TV screen playing in the hotel room.

The Unidentified Life Form Countermeasures Team has surrounded the Unidentified Life Form No. 7, the hermit crab Gurongi, who attacked a female police officer.

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