Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 354: Destroying the Kamen Rider Judgment System Allies Dragon Fang Card Box and Blazing Surv

Shen Yun looked at the King Snake that was chopped off by him and rolled on the ground. He also slowly walked to the front of the King Snake, kicked him on the shoulder, and turned him over.

Shen Yun held the poison sword in his hand in reverse, slowly raised it, and then stabbed it fiercely on the card box on the belt around the King Snake's waist.


The King Snake card box was immediately broken into pieces. After the card box was broken, the King Snake's transformer was directly forced to eject from the mirror world, leaving only more than ten Advent Cards in Shen Yun's hand.

"The blank contract card is really here with the King Snake." Shen Yun looked at the blank contract card in his hand and chuckled.

The Advent Cards that burst out of the King Snake card box, in addition to the two blank contract cards that the King Snake already had and the seizure of Advent, the remaining three sets of Advent Cards are Abyss, Demonic Green, and Dragon Rider.

Shen Yun threw the two blank contract cards into the system space, then put away the remaining Advent Cards, and turned to look at the last Dragon Fang.

Longya had also gotten rid of the entanglement of the death tiger and climbed up from the ground.

"What is your choice? Guilty or not guilty?" Longya looked at Shen Yun and asked.

"..." Shen Yun was speechless when he heard Longya's question.

He is just a suspect, and it has not been confirmed whether he is the murderer. You just put him on the spot and convicted him?

Let's not talk about whether the arrested suspect is the murderer. Even if he is really the murderer, according to normal legal procedures, there must be enough evidence to convict him, otherwise there is insufficient evidence.

Insufficient evidence means not guilty.

Unless this person is facing version T0, he can be sentenced without evidence.

After all, consent can be revoked, past consent ≠ current consent, and the first consent ≠ every consent.

So, you know why people keep shouting Oh Yes Yes in European and American movies, right?

Putting aside the messy thoughts in his mind, Shen Yun looked at Long Ya in front of him and replied: "Insufficient evidence, naturally not guilty."

"Not guilty? It seems that this battle has to be fought. As a prosecutor, the only verdict I can accept is 'guilty'!" Long Ya pushed open the Dragon Summoning Machine, took out a Descent Card from the card box, stuffed it in, and closed the Dragon Summoning Machine.

"Sword Vent (Weapon Vent)!"

"Ang——" The Dragon Black One knocked away the Death Tiger, and then with a flick of his tail, the black dragon saber fell into Long Ya's hands.

Long Ya held the dragon saber in his hand and rushed towards Shen Yun quickly.

Shen Yun held the poison saber in one hand and the death summoning machine in the other hand, and also rushed towards Long Ya.

Both rushed to each other, and the dragon saber in Long Ya's hand slashed down.

And Shen Yun held the poison saber in his right hand and slashed at the dragon saber.


The Dragon Sabre and the Poison Sabre collided in mid-air, splashing dazzling sparks.

Longya felt a huge force coming from the blade of the Dragon Sabre, and the Dragon Sabre in his right hand was almost knocked out, but the huge force coming from the Dragon Sabre made Longya step back involuntarily.

"So strong!" Longya felt his right hand was numb, and said secretly.

And Shen Yun took advantage of the situation and rushed forward, holding the Death Summoning Machine in his left hand, and chopped directly at Longya's head.

Longya saw Shen Yun rushing towards him again, and quickly changed his right hand to his left hand, and quickly pushed away the Dragon Summoning Machine, stretched out his hand to take out an Advent Card from the card box and stuffed it into the Dragon Summoning Machine.

"Guard Vent!"

Longya raised his left hand, and the black dragon shield fell on Longya's right hand, blocking Shen Yun's axe that was chopped at his head.


The axe blade chopped on the dragon shield, emitting violent sparks, and Longya's body sank suddenly.

After blocking Shen Yun's attack, Longya swung his left arm, and the dragon saber in his hand slashed towards Shen Yun.

After Shen Yun dodged Longya's horizontal slash, he quickly retreated and kept a distance from Longya.

Looking at the dragon shield in Longya's hand, Shen Yun threw the poison sword in his right hand aside, then quickly opened the white tiger head of the death summoning machine, reached out and took out a descent card from the card box and stuffed it into the death summoning machine, and pushed the death summoning machine together.

"Steal Vent!" (There is a steal descent in the King Snake setting, but Uncle Snake has never used it in the play, and stealing descent can only steal equipment)

The dragon shield in Longya's hand suddenly turned into an illusory white shadow, and then flipped and fell into Shen Yun's hands.

"Oops..." Longya's heart skipped a beat when he saw the dragon shield being taken away.

Shen Yun held the shield in his left hand and the axe in his right hand, and rushed towards Longya quickly.

Longya saw Daya rushing towards him, gritted his teeth, and went straight to meet him, slashing at Shen Yun with the dragon saber in his hand.

Shen Yun raised the dragon shield in his left hand and blocked Longya's slash.


The dragon saber slashed on the dragon shield, and violent sparks burst out immediately.

Shen Yun swung his left arm and swept away Longya's right arm, leaving Longya wide open. Shen Yun raised his hand and chopped with an axe, and chopped on Longya's chest.


A cluster of sparks exploded on Longya's breastplate, and his body staggered after being chopped, and he almost fell to the ground.

Without waiting for Longya to stand firm, Shen Yun strode forward, swung the Death Summoning Machine, and chopped Longya with another axe, knocking him to the ground.

Longya rolled on the ground for several times, and just as he was about to get up from the ground, a pair of silver leggings appeared in front of him.

Shen Yun used the Death Summoner to turn Longya over, and then chopped the card box on Longya's waist with an axe.


Longya's card box was broken, and more than ten Advent Cards flew out of the broken card box, and then were caught by Shen Yun.

Shen Yun glanced at the Advent Cards in his hand. In addition to Longya's Advent Card, there were three sets of Advent Cards: Iron Soldier, Odin, and Chooser.

"Odin's Advent Card..." Shen Yun looked at Odin's Advent Card and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

If it was Odin in the Dragon Rider TV, his strength could basically be said to be invincible among the Dragon Rider Kamen Riders.

However, the Kamen Riders in the parallel world will only have an enhanced form at most, not a final form.

In other words, in this parallel world of Dragon Rider, all Kamen Riders have no survival form, including Odin.

Odin without the survival card is no different from other knights.

After all, Night Knight can kill Odin alone and get the Time Advent Card. It seems normal that Longya can defeat Odin and get Odin's Advent Card, right?

At the same time, in the court.

The arrested suspect looked at the last Kamen Rider left on the big screen and felt a little uneasy.

In the Kamen Rider trial system, Kamen Riders with different opinions will fight each other until the last one.

The opinion of the final winner is the verdict.

Whether he is guilty or not depends on Shen Yun's opinion.

"Kamen Rider Da Ya won the battle, his opinion is the verdict, the prisoner is not guilty!" A slightly majestic voice came from the big screen of the court, announcing the verdict.

After Shen Yun defeated Longya, he also returned to the driving flying number and drove the driving flying number back to the real world.

After returning to the real world, Shen Yun also took out the Da Ya card box from his waist.

As the Big Tooth card box was taken out, the knight armor on Shen Yun's body also shattered like a mirror, and the Big Tooth card box in his hand also turned into black particles and slowly dissipated, just like when humans were decomposed by the mirror world, almost exactly the same.

"I thought the winner could keep the card box and participate in the next knight war. It's boring." Shen Yun couldn't help but curl his lips and said as he watched the Big Tooth card box in his hand slowly disappear.

He used Big Tooth very smoothly, with high appearance, strong combat power, and extremely buggy card deck.

If he was assigned a weaker card box, such as the sharp blade and the antelope king, when the next knight war started, it would be a headache.

After all, in this parallel world of Dragon Knight, as long as a case occurs, a knight war will be launched.

When the next case occurs, the knight war will be repeated again.

However, by then, the transformers will be another group of people.

"But my goal has been accomplished." Shen Yun took out the two blank contract cards he secretly left from the system space.

He had analyzed the Contract Advent Card, and now he had the blank contract card. He only needed to do a simple comparison to verify his idea.

In the blink of an eye, a week had passed.

"As I guessed, the contract card has the possibility of contracting a monster. If you want to contract a monster, you must first get the monster fighting instrument, and combine the technology of the two to make this possible." Shen Yun put away the two blank contract cards in his hand and said to himself.

"I have already got the benefits of this world, and it is time to leave. However, before leaving, I have to destroy the Kamen Rider trial system in this world." Shen Yun stood up from the chair and looked at the interview program on the big screen outside the window.

This is an interview with the winner of the Knight War. After he won the Knight War, the media also came to him and wanted to interview him, but he refused.

In this parallel world of Dragon Knight, the knights who got the card box and participated in the Knight War are like big stars.

If you can win the Knight War, it will greatly increase the fame and value of the law firm and the lawyer itself.

A simple check can reveal a lot of interest chains derived from the Knight War.

For example, the most typical gambling industry - betting on these knights, who will win in the end.

In addition to gambling, there are many off-site tricks.

Although the card boxes are randomly distributed to those involved in the case, prosecutors and lawyers, the Knight War will not be fought for only one day.

There is a lot of room for operation here.

"If all the card boxes are taken away, or all the advent cards are taken away, this Kamen Rider trial system will probably not be able to continue." Shen Yun plans to try it.

If this can't stop it, then he can't do anything.

"However, if I want to complete this, it's too difficult for me to do it alone. I need an ally. For example, Kadoya Shi." Shen Yun looked at the news that Guang Xiahai was arrested as a suspect on the big screen on the street standing by the window, and chuckled.

It just so happened that Kadoya Shi had also come to the world of Dragon Knight, and he could just use Kadoya Shi's power.


On the street.

Onodera Yusuke was walking down the street with Kadoya Shi. He looked at Kadoya Shi's suit and asked, "By the way, what's the matter with your outfit?"

"It's always like this. I became like this as soon as I came to this world." Kadoya Shi said.

Onodera Yusuke was looking at Kadoya's outfit when he suddenly caught a glimpse of the golden badge on Kadoya's collar. He pointed at the golden badge and said, "Which one is a lawyer badge? How could he become a lawyer?" Woolen cloth?"

Yusuke Onodera looked at Kadoya Shi with some confusion.

Kado Yashi didn't pay attention to Onodera Yusuke's words, he just fiddled with the magenta camera hanging on his chest and took photos of the surrounding scenery.


The sound of cameras keeps ringing.

"Ignore me!" Yusuke Onodera shook his head in displeasure, put his hands in his pockets, and complained: "I'm always ignored anyway."

At this time, a piece of news suddenly appeared on the big screen on the street.

"This morning the editor-in-chief of Atashl Weekly Momoi was murdered in his office. Mitsumi Natsumi, who was present at the time, was arrested on suspicion of murder."

"Hey, Yusuke!" Kado Yashi suddenly shouted while looking at the news being played on the screen on the outer wall of the building.

Hearing this, Onodera Yusuke turned around, trotted to Kadayaji's side, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Kado Yaji pointed at Mitsumi Natsumi, who was pouting on the big screen with a depressed look on his face.

"The suspect, Guang, denies committing murder. The police are currently investigating her relationship with the victim, Ms. Momoi, and the motive for the crime."

"Natsumi is a murder suspect?!" Yusuke Onodera said in shock.

"Did she finally kill someone?" Kado Yashi put his hands in his pockets and said with an expected expression.

Onodera Yusuke subconsciously wanted to nod, but suddenly reacted and reached out to pat Kado Yaji's chest.


After Shen Yun saw the news of Guang Xiahai's arrest, he contacted the law firm he had hypnotized before, and asked the president of the law firm to take over the case and transfer it to him.


Hearing a familiar buzzing sound, a black card box appeared on Chen Yun's desk.

Seeing this card box, Chen Yun's eyes suddenly lit up and he smiled.

"Is it actually a dragon tooth this time?" Shen Yun reached out and picked up the dragon tooth card box on the table and said with a smile. (In the sixth episode of Decade, there are no Dragon Fang, Decider, King Snake, and Dragon Rider. I originally wanted to choose King Snake, but I prefer Dragon Fang...)

"A2, give me some of the power of the fire from the golden phoenix." Shen Yun handed a blank advent card to A2 and said.

It was not difficult for him to just get a blank advent card.

A2 has absorbed the golden phoenix and has the same abilities as the golden phoenix. It just uses a small part of its power to create survival cards. This is not difficult and will not affect the strength of A2 itself.

"Yes." A2 held the blank advent card in both hands, and a pair of golden wings suddenly opened up behind her back. The golden feathers kept falling, and she held the blank advent card in her arms, out of thin air. A raging fire was lit.

These burning fires also poured into the blank advent card in her hand.

Soon, this blank advent card had a pattern - golden wings surrounded by blazing fire.

And this is the ‘Survive’ that is absolutely impossible to appear in this world.

"Very good." Shen Yun looked at the survival card in A2's hand and couldn't help but smile.

With this survival card, after transforming into the dragon tooth survival form, you can kill everyone in the mirror world.

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