Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 356 The time has come and the Knight War begins again

Seeing the appearance of the abyss, Shen Yun also took out the Dragon Tooth Card Box and pointed it at the mirror in front of him.

A silver belt suddenly appeared in the mirror and turned around to buckle Shen Yun's waist.

"Hen Shin!" Shen Yun retracted his left hand and quickly pushed the Dragon Tooth Card Box into the slot of the V-belt buckle on his waist.

The black dragon head badge on the Dragon Tooth Card Box suddenly lit up with colorful black light.

Then, three black phantoms turned over and overlapped on Shen Yun, forming a pure black knight armor.

According to his speculation, after using the time advent, only the transformed knight will not be affected by the time advent, so as to retain the memory and return to the past.

"Since the time advent is in hand, don't dawdle, use it quickly." Shen Yun looked back at Yuhei Lian and said.

After speaking, Shen Yun drilled into the mirror in front of him and entered the mirror world.

Yuhei Lian took the time advent card and was about to transform when his wrist was suddenly grabbed by Tatsumi Shinji.

Shinji Tatsumi looked at Yuguro Ren and said, "You can't go in your current state! I'll go."

As he said that, Shinji Tatsumi took the Time Advent from Yuguro Ren's hand, took out the Dragon Rider card box from his pocket, transformed into Dragon Rider, and used the Time Advent.

Shen Yun, who had just entered the mirror world, immediately felt the change of time, and time was flowing backwards.

The figures of Decade and Abyss also disappeared abruptly in the mirror world.

At the same time, Shen Yun's eyes blurred, and he was forced to eject from the mirror world and enter the real world.

Looking at the ground close at hand, Shen Yun quickly adjusted his body shape, supported the ground with both hands, and rolled forward to unload the force. He rolled on the ground and stood up from the ground.

"Where is this...?" Shen Yun looked around the surrounding environment. This was where he had temporarily lived during this period of time.

Although he returned to the past, he did not seem to appear in the office of Atashl Weekly like Kadoya Shi and others. (Time Advent is simply time reversal. Where did these two Kamatas come from?)

Shen Yun touched his pocket and took out the dark dragon tooth card box.

"My guess is correct. Only by transforming into a knight can you retain your memory in the effect of time advent." Shen Yun put the dragon tooth card box into his pocket, quickly left this temporary residence, and rushed to the building where Atashl Weekly was located.

At the same time, on the first floor of a building.

"Who are you? How do you know my plan?" Kamata looked at Kadoya Shi who was blocking him and asked.

"I should be the one asking why. That move just now is not something that humans can do, and there is no such mechanism." Kadoya Shi looked at Kamata and asked.

Suddenly, another Kamata appeared from behind Kadoya Shi, grabbed Kadoya Shi's shoulder, and asked: "See?"

Seeing himself suddenly appear and grab Kadoya Shi, Kamata's face also showed a little surprise.

"Tsk, did you also come here at the moment when Time Vent was activated?!" Kadoya Shi looked at Kamata who grabbed him and understood instantly.

"I disguised myself as a human and lurked in this world, but Momoi seemed to have noticed my identity, so I killed her. I should have killed her." Kamata looked at Kadoya Shi and said with gritted teeth.

Kadoya Shi exerted force with both hands and broke free from Kamata's control, looking at the Kamata in front of him coldly.

"Who... are you?" The past Kamata looked at the person in front of him who looked exactly like him and asked in confusion.

"You are... me!" Kamata walked in front of the past Kamata, opened his arms slightly, and the past Kamata's face suddenly showed pain. His body turned into black particles and was completely absorbed by Kamata. A silver belt also appeared around his waist.

"The past and future Kamata have merged into one?" Kadoya Shi was surprised to see this scene.

Kamata raised the Abyss Card Box in his hand and said coldly: "Hen Shin!"

Kamata retracted his hand and pushed the Abyss Card Box in his hand into the slot of his belt. The shark emblem on the Abyss Card Box suddenly lit up with a golden halo, and three phantoms kept turning over and overlapping on Kamata's body, forming a set of light blue knight armor.

Kamen Rider Abyss.

Abyss looked at Kadoya Shi, took out an Advent Card from the card box, and stuffed it into the Abyss Summoning Machine on his left hand.

"Ad Vent (Contract Advent)!"

The two contracted beasts, Abyss Broken Wood Shark and Abyss Hammerhead Shark, rushed out of the mirror world and attacked Kadoya Shi.

Kadoya Shi saw the two mirror monsters attacking him and was about to take out the Decade driver to transform, but under the continuous attacks of Abyss Broken Wood Shark and Abyss Hammerhead Shark, Kadoya Shi could only dodge in embarrassment and try to distance himself to transform.


Under the overpass

Shinji Tatsumi ran all the way and saw Kadoya Shi who was being attacked by the Abyss Broken Wood Shark and the Abyss Hammerhead Shark near the river bank. He rushed forward quickly and pushed the Abyss Hammerhead Shark away, allowing Kadoya Shi who was besieged by the two contracted beasts to breathe a sigh of relief.

Abyss looked at Kadoya Shi and Shinji Tatsumi and said, "This is not the mirror world. If you lose here, there is no hope and it means death. In this kind of battle, can you beat me?"

Before Abyss finished speaking, Kadoya Shi was slapped away by the Abyss Broken Wood Shark.

And Shinji Tatsumi was also pushed out by the Abyss Hammerhead Shark.

The two collided in mid-air and fell to the ground.

"The strongest person makes the judgment, this is the duty given to you. Then I will sentence you to death here." Abyss stood not far away, looking at Shinji Tatsumi and Kadoya who fell to the ground, and said coldly.

"I am not fighting alone." Shinji Tatsumi looked at Abyss and climbed up with difficulty.

"Idiot! Humans fight for themselves." Abyss said disdainfully.

"Sometimes, we do fight for ourselves, just with these hands." Kadoya Shi got up from the ground, looked at his hands, and continued: "But, we can also hold each other's hands with these hands. At that time, even if we are weak or stupid, we are no longer alone."

"Now the two of us are partners." Shinji Tatsumi continued.

After that, Kadoya Shi also took out the Decade driver, and Shinji Tatsumi raised the Dragon Rider card box in his hand.

"Hen Shin!" The two shouted at the same time.

Kamen Rider Decade and Kamen Rider Dragon Rider appeared in front of Abyss.

And the two contracted beasts of Abyss also rushed towards Decade and Dragon Rider at this moment.

Decade and Ryuki also immediately went up to fight with the two contracted beasts.

Looking at Decade's back, Abyss couldn't help but ask: "What's up, Nanimono?"

"It's just a Kamen Rider passing by, remember that." Decade raised his hand and pointed at Abyss and replied.

At this time, the driving card box on Decade's waist suddenly opened automatically, and three knight cards jumped out automatically and were grabbed by Decade.

"The real battle begins now." Decade turned his head and looked at Ryuki, saying: "Shinji."

"Yeah." Ryuki nodded.

"Hehe." Abyss sneered, took out the Final Vent Card from the card box, and stuffed it into the Abyss Summoning Machine.

"Final Vent!"

Abyss Broken Wood Shark and Abyss Hammerhead Shark suddenly turned around and jumped into the water, with a shark fin swimming back and forth on the water.

The next moment, a huge shark rushed out from underwater, causing a lot of splashes.

"Ga——" The Abyss Great White Shark swung its tail in mid-air and rushed towards Decade and Dragon Rider below.

"Ad Vent (Contract Advent)!"

A slightly low voice came, and a dark oriental dragon also rushed out of the water and hit the Abyss Great White Shark, knocking the Abyss Great White Shark out and falling into the river, splashing a huge splash of water.

"Nani?!" The Abyss looked at the suddenly appearing Dragon Black, and immediately looked at the dark figure standing on the bridge.

"Hey, am I not late?" Shen Yun put his hands on the edge of the bridge, looked at Decade and Dragon Rider below, and greeted.

"I came in time." Decade looked back at Longya standing on the bridge and said.

Shen Yun climbed over the guardrail, jumped off the bridge, and came to the side of Decade and Longqi, saying: "Leave this abyss great white shark to me, you go deal with this abyss. Shiga-san, don't forget what you promised me."

"Huh? You didn't do anything at all, did you?" Decade turned his head and looked at Shen Yun, unhappy.

This guy only said that he was discussing cooperation with him, but he didn't show up from beginning to end, and most of the things were solved by him.

"My goal is also Time Vent, but I'm just unlucky and someone got there first." Shen Yun smiled faintly and said, "In terms of the result, there is no difference, right? Besides, I'm here to help you, right?"

"You are so nice." Decade said unhappily.

"Don't care about such trivial matters, Shiga-san." Shen Yun put his arm around Decade's shoulder and smiled.

"Go away!" Decade pushed Shen Yun, and several water blades passed through the gap between the two.

Decade took the driving card box from his waist, combined it into the driving card box sword, then reached out and wiped the blade, then rushed towards the abyss with the driving card box sword.

Dragon Rider held the dragon saber and rushed towards the abyss with Decade.

After seeing Decade, Dragon Rider and the abyss fighting, Shen Yun also looked up at the Dragon Black who was biting the body of the Abyss Great White Shark in mid-air.

Shen Yun pushed open the slide cover of the Dragon Summoning Machine, then reached out and took out an Advent Card from the Dragon Tooth Card Box and stuffed it into the Dragon Summoning Machine.

"Final Vent!"

A slightly low voice sounded, and the Dragon Black swung its tail on the Abyss Great White Shark, slapping it away, and then quickly swam from mid-air to Shen Yun's side.

Shen Yun's body slowly flew up into the air, and in the air, he made a knight's kicking posture. The black dragon wandering behind Shen Yun spewed out a mouthful of black flames from his mouth, pushing Shen Yun's body to kick the Abyss Great White Shark in the air at a very fast speed.

Before Shen Yun kicked the Abyss Great White Shark, a black flame hit the Abyss Great White Shark first.

The black flame fell on the Abyss Great White Shark, and solidified in just a blink of an eye, fixing the Abyss Great White Shark in the air.

The next moment, Shen Yun, dragging the black flame with his right foot, kicked the Abyss Great White Shark and passed directly through the body of the Abyss Great White Shark.


The Abyss Great White Shark, formed by the combination of two contracted beasts, turned into a huge ball of fireworks in the air.

The air waves generated by the explosion even splashed the water surface below.

Shen Yun fell from the air and turned to look at the Abyss who was fighting with Decade and Dragon Rider.

Without the contracted beast, the strength of the Abyss was greatly reduced. Decade and Dragon Rider seized the flaw and slashed the Abyss' chest with the card box sword and dragon saber in their hands.


Two clusters of sparks exploded on the chest armor of the Abyss, and the figure flew out and rolled on the ground.

Seeing this, Shen Yun also walked quickly to the front of the Abyss, stepped on the chest of the Abyss, and reached out to take the Abyss card box from his belt.

With the death of the contracted beast, the emblem on the Abyss card box also disappeared, and it became the same as before the contract.

And without the Abyss card box, the Abyss, which had become a blank body, also turned into mirror-like fragments and dissipated, revealing Kamada's figure.

Seeing that the Abyss was defeated, Decade and Ryuki also lifted their transformations and quickly came to Shen Yun's side.

Looking at Kamata lying on the ground, with green blood on his forehead and mouth, Kadoya and Shinji Tatsumi were also shocked.

"Green blood?!"

"It seems that he is not human." Kadoya said.

"This guy is Undead." Shen Yun said.

"Undead? What is that?" Kadoya asked.

"You can understand it as an undead creature. A monster that can only be sealed but not killed." Shen Yun said.

"That's right. He is the King of the undead creatures, his name is the Red Heart King, also known as 'Paradoxa Undead'." Minglong came over and explained.

"Then you are..." Kadoya looked at Minglong with a frown.

"The experiment in this world is over, and it's almost time for us to leave. Decade, this world has also been destroyed because of you. Hahahaha." Minglong looked at Kadoya and laughed.

Kado Shi looked at Mingtaki who was laughing with a bad face, thinking about the meaning of his words.

Mingtaki laughed, and a gray-white aurora curtain with rippling water took Kamata away, and his figure disappeared in front of the three people.

"What does he mean by this?" Kado Shi turned his head and looked at Shen Yun and asked.

"I don't know." Shen Yun shook his head and said.

What Kado Shi needs to do is to destroy the parallel world, not to become friends with the Kamen Riders in these parallel worlds.

As Hongdu said, creation can only be derived from destruction.

So, Decade is the destroyer of the world, and there is no knight more loving than Decade.

"You really don't know?" Kado Shi doubted.

"Sometimes, knowing too much is not good. If you want to give up your current life, I don't mind telling you what I know." Shen Yun looked at Kado Shi and said meaningfully.

Kadoya was silent for a moment after hearing this, and said, "Forget it. I am quite satisfied with my current life."

"Okay, don't think too much, come with me, kill all the remaining knights, and vent your depressed emotions." Shen Yun patted Kadoya's shoulder and smiled.

"That..." Tatsumi Shinji had been listening to the conversation between the two, and couldn't help but interrupt.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yun looked back.

"After what happened before, I also thought a lot. The Kamen Rider Judgment System is indeed not a fair and just system." Tatsumi Shinji handed the Dragon Rider card box in his hand to Shen Yun and said, "This card box is for you, I hope you can destroy the Kamen Rider Judgment System."

"Thank you." Shen Yun was not polite, and stretched out his hand to take the Dragon Rider card box handed by Tatsumi Shinji, and then threw it into the system space together with the Abyss card box.

"Shika-san, let's go. Next, we have a tough battle to fight, and there are still twelve card boxes left to be recycled."

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