"Okay, okay, you are worthy of being my good daughter! You hid so deeply that you even fooled me." Sonosaki Ryubei laughed in anger, and a terrifying aura emanated from him.

"Father, I will go and persuade my sister to come back." Sonosaki Wakana stood up, and a hint of anxiety flashed across her soft and pretty face.

"Hmph, if she wants to leave, let her go. Just pretend that she doesn't exist in this family." Sonosaki Ryubei snorted coldly, turned around and left with her hands behind her back.

Sonosaki Wakana was stunned when she heard this, and sat back down in despair. She looked at the dark night outside through the window of the living room of the mansion, and her expression was full of loneliness.

In this family, there are only two people left, father and daughter...

Mother, brother, and sister have left this family one after another.

The days when their family of five lived happily together seemed like yesterday.

"What should I do..." A trace of sadness flashed in Sonosaki Wakana's eyes.

On the other side.

Sonosaki Ryubei turned around and found Isaka Shinkoro and said, "Isaka-kun, I need you to do me a favor."

"Oh? What does Sonosaki-san need me to do you?" Isaka Shinkoro asked in confusion.

"I need you to help me collect some crystal server samples in the middle of Extreme." Sonosaki Ryubei said.

"Crystal server samples?" Isaka Shinkoro heard this and became interested, and asked, "What do you plan to do with this?"

"Of course, it's for the Gaia Impact Plan." Sonosaki Ryubei said vaguely.

"Gaia Impact Plan? I understand, I will get it for you." Isaka Shinkoro replied.

Although he didn't know what this crystal server was used for, he didn't mind leaving a little for himself to study.

Moreover, he was just about to see this ultimate W.

After all, the omniscient and omnipotent memory in his hand was also a memory made based on the extreme memory.

The next day.

The news that Sonosaki Saeko had left the Sonosaki family and established a new company also became the headline of the Fuuto Daily.

After leaving the Sonosaki family and betraying the museum, Sonosaki Saeko ruthlessly seized the museum's market and took away most of the memory processing factory.

Even the memory sales at the bottom of the museum were not spared by Sonosaki Saeko, who absorbed all of them into her newly established Satofuto organization.

In addition, Sonosaki Saeko also used thundering means to attack and acquire many of the original industries of the Sonosaki family.

After all, Sonosaki Saeko has been running the Sonosaki family's industries for many years, and basically knows her own industries well. If she doesn't take action, it's fine, but taking action will be a fatal blow.

For a time, the Sonosaki family's industries, both openly and secretly, have shrunk significantly.

"This woman is really a ruthless person." Shen Yun looked at the Fuuto Daily in his hand leisurely and smiled.

Although it seems that the museum has suffered a great loss, it is nothing to the museum.

"However, under the pressure of Sonosaki Saeko, Sonosaki Ryuhei may have to plan the crystal server of Cyclone Joker Extreme. At that time, I can also get involved and get the cells of the crystal server." Shen Yun put down the newspaper, narrowed his eyes, and said softly.

In addition to being able to get the cells of the crystal server, Shen Yun estimated that he could also collect the battle data of Cyclone Joker Extreme and Weather Extreme.

It's simply a win.


A few more days passed.

Although the museum suffered a double blow from the open and covert Fuuto, it suffered heavy losses.

But Sonosaki Ryuhei, the underground emperor of Fuuto, did not get angry, but quietly gathered the remnants, and then took the initiative to avoid Fuuto led by Sonosaki Saeko.

Although the residents of Fudu were not aware of the storm in the dark, the people in Minghai Detective Agency had vaguely sensed the turmoil.

"I didn't expect the organization to split up and there was an internal fight. This is a bit bad..." Sudo Kirihiko said worriedly as he looked at the headlines of Fudu Daily.

Sonosaki Saeko's series of actions made the news media in Fudu very excited, with big news every day.

"The internal fight of the dark organization, isn't this good?" Minghai Akiko swung her feet and asked in confusion.

"Kirihiko should be worried about Consortium X." Philip said as he flipped through the wordless book.

"I do have concerns in this regard. But my main concern is that Gaia's memory will overflow because of this." Sudo Kirihiko said dully as he looked at the news that was squeezed to the second section of the homepage.

The second section was about the zebra doping body that was defeated by W last night.

The true identity of the zebra impure body is Yuichi Zaizen, a veteran of the Fuuto Blue Gale team, a player of the professional football league.

Due to age restrictions, this year is his last chance to win the national selection.

Under this pressure, he began to use the power of Gaia Memory to make his competitors injured and withdraw from the competition one by one.

Even unconsciously, he was affected by the toxins of Gaia Memory and gradually transformed into a murderous maniac who wanted to eliminate all his competitors.

If they had not stopped it in time yesterday, there would probably be endless deaths after this.

He was afraid that the internal fighting between the two organizations would lead to the complete flooding of Gaia Memory in the city.

If this happens, the tragedy of this city will never end.

"Gaia memory overflow?" Philip muttered this sentence.

"Okay, don't be so sad so early in the morning. You have ruined the fortune of the office." Ming Hai Ajuko looked at the dull look on Sudo Kirihiko and Philip's faces, clapped her hands and said.

"When has our office ever been prosperous?" Philip raised his head and asked in confusion.

"That's why I want to smile. You righteous heroes, didn't you save the city yesterday? Smailu Smailu!" Ming Hai Ajuko pulled the corner of her mouth with her index finger and smiled.

Looking at the energetic Ming Hai Ajuko, Sudo Kirihiko and Philip couldn't help but smile.

The originally dull mood also improved a lot.

After adjusting the slightly heavy atmosphere, Narumi Akiko seemed to suddenly remember something and asked hurriedly: "Oh, by the way, what about the other half of the hero? How is it?"

"It's quite tragic. Do you want to see it?" Philip stood up from the bench and led Narumi Akiko to the bed in the corner.


Shotaro Sa fell here.

He obviously didn't put on makeup, but he looked like an extra in a zombie movie.

His face was purple, his eye sockets were deep, his eyes were hazy, and he had a mask on his mouth.

"Sho... Shotaro-kun? Are you okay...?" Narumi Akiko couldn't recognize Shotaro Sa when she saw his appearance.

"Ah... Ah... Jiji... Cough! Cough cough cough!"

Shotaro started to cough violently after saying half a sentence, and his body jumped on the bed like a fresh shrimp.

"What...what? What did he just say?" Narumi Akiko didn't understand a word.

"Ah, Akiko, help me, the following is a cough...like this. I can understand it word for word, I just heard him compile a report on the situation of the zebra." Philip translated for Narumi Akiko.

"Is it a cold? Wasn't he knocked out by the impurity?"

"It's a cold. Shotaro said that this seems to be the most serious cold in his life." Philip said with a smile on his face.

"What kind of cold will turn into this?" Narumi Akiko complained.

Philip explained the whole process from beginning to end in order.

"In other words, this guy is completely self-inflicted?" Narumi Akiko looked at Shotaro Zuo lying on the bed with a look of idiot.

In order to look cool, he ran to the sea breeze and blew himself into this state.

Is there anything stupider than this?

"Probably, Queen and Elizabeth seem to be fine."

"Hey... Hey, what's wrong with the eaves? The collapsed box hit Haifeng! Cough! Cough cough cough!" Shotaro Sae asked unwillingly.

"What is he howling about?"

"Why is Kirihiko okay? He and I both got the sea breeze. The following is a cough." Philip translated.

"I don't know either." Sudo Kirihiko was stunned when he heard this, then touched his chin and smiled, "Maybe the wind loves me more."

His schedule last night was basically the same as Shotaro Sae's, except that he didn't sing as much as Shotaro Sae.

Shotaro Sae also struggled on the bed when he heard this, as if he was dancing some strange dance.

It seems that he was very angry about what Sudo Kirihiko said.

"Alas... In this case, I can't do my work for the time being. Although the hypothesis that 'idiots don't catch colds' was broken during the virus-doped body incident, it is indeed the first time I have seen him get so sick." Philip said distressedly.

"Maybe it's because idiots don't usually catch colds, so when they do catch a cold, it's as severe as an idiot. This is a hypothesis that really interests me, and I'm excited too." Philip said, and he became inexplicably excited again.

After saying that, Philip looked at the dead Shotaro Zuo, and inexplicably wanted to play a prank in his heart.

Philip closed the wordless book in his hand and walked to the desk inside the office - it used to be dedicated to Ming Hai Shouji, but now it belongs to Shotaro.

Philip came to the boss chair behind the desk and sat down with a provocative smile on his face, saying: "Then, Aki-chan, why don't you let me be Shotaro for a while, what do you think?"

Shotaro Zuo immediately looked at him with a "what?" expression, and raised his head, looking a little funny.

"It's just exchanging the usual tasks, Shotaro is the armchair detective, and I am the out-and-out action guy, which is also in line with Hard Boiled..." Philip imitated Shotaro Zuo's usual tone of voice and exaggerated movements, and said.

Ming Hai Ajuko and Sudo Kirihiko were silent for a while, then burst into laughter, and the detective agency was filled with joy.

In response, Zuo Xiangtaro expressed a fierce protest, although it was just noise to others.

At this time, the doorbell of the agency suddenly rang.

Zenon Resort.

Shen Yun lay on the beach chair, enjoying a leisurely vacation, and by the way, waiting for Philip and Ming Hai Ajuko to arrive here.

Although I don’t know when Philip will come, it’s right to wait in this resort belonging to the Zenkongji family.

The timeline of W's official novel, Heir of Z, is roughly between episodes 32 and 33.

This official novel explains the origin of the Gaia processor, and also features Philip's transformation into Kamen Rider Cyclone. It also fills in the gaps in the theatrical version of "Gaia Memory of Destiny", where Shotaro Sa's Lost Drive came from.

At the same time, it also explains why Sonosaki Ryubei knew W's true identity but had always left W alone - just to wait for W to evolve into the Ultimate W, and then get the power of Extreme from Cyclone Joker Extreme.

Now that W has evolved into the Ultimate W, Sonosaki Ryubei will definitely take action immediately.

At that time, he can also take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and get the cells of the crystal server.

If he really can't fish in troubled waters, Shen Yun doesn't mind forcibly taking the cells in the crystal server.

However, apart from these general plots, Shen Yun can't remember the other plots.

He only remembered that, except for the second daughter, Zenkuji Kasumi, the Zenkuji family was basically doped.

They even wanted to open a memory processing factory underground.

However, they were stopped by Shotaro Sae and Philip in the end.

While recalling the plot, the roar of a motorcycle engine came from far away, and Shen Yun, who was lying on the beach chair, looked back.

Philip rode the Tough Guy and brought Ming Hai Akiko to the outside of Zenon Hotel.

Also traveling with them was Sudo Kirihiko.

Shen Yun glanced at the cap produced by Wind Scale on Philip's head. It was shaped like a hunting hat with a slightly long brim. The design with light green lines on the light camel-colored bottom looked surprisingly coordinated with Philip's clothes.

"Alternating detective?" Shen Yun just glanced at it and retracted his gaze.

It seems that his luck is not bad. He waited for Philip in less than two days.

Although Shen Yun just glanced at Philip, Philip looked up at Shen Yun's position as if he had noticed something.

"Philip... Shotaro-kun, what's wrong?" Ming Hai Ajuko asked, holding back her laughter.

"Nothing, let's go up." Philip shook his head, and after parking the Tough Guy, he took Ming Hai Ajuko and Sudo Kirihiko into the hotel.

"The show is about to begin, and I have to get ready too." Shen Yun sat up from the beach chair and murmured.

If you want to watch the show, you naturally have to find a good viewing position.

The villa of the Zenkongji family is very good.

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