Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 449 Energy Circuit I would like to call it efficient Orugu reappears

"So that's how it is. If we use this energy flow circuit, maybe we can..." Shen Yun looked at the energy flow circuit in his body changing when the charcoal fire burned Orugu and condensed the coal ball missile out of thin air, and his eyes showed some thoughtfulness.

"But how can this evil energy be collected?"

Shen Yun scratched his head. Did he have to fight with Jiaojiao for the pool of green foam liquid left after Orugu was eliminated?

But the problem is that even if he snatched it from Jiaojiao, the evil energy contained in the pool of green foam liquid is limited.

Shen Yun shook his head, put this question aside for the time being, and continued to watch the pictures recorded by the instrument.

Soon, Shen Yun found a bright spot and thought: "When the Orugu activate their special abilities, the horns on their heads are used..."

"Horns..." Shen Yun said, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he clenched his left fist and slammed his palm, saying: "Yes, as long as the horns on the top of the Orugu's head are used, can't we extract the evil energy in the Orugu's body? As long as we take it easy and don't drain the Orugu all at once, won't the evil energy be endless?"

Isn't it much faster to squeeze the Orugu in batches than to collect it by ourselves?

I would like to call it efficient!

In addition, if the Orugu loses its evil energy, it can't use its special abilities and can't make any waves at all.

"You can give it a try." Shen Yun also knew that there were certain risks in doing so, but this was the best solution known so far.

Unless he could find a way to build a device that could automatically collect the free evil energy between heaven and earth.

Otherwise, he could only squeeze it from the Orugu.

"However, these are things to be done in the future. The most important thing now is to make the energy flow circuit first and see if the evil energy can be used through this energy flow circuit." After Shen Yun wrote down this idea, he conducted experiments based on the changes in the energy flow circuit detected in the instrument.

Soon, Shen Yun used the existing materials to build the same energy circuit according to the changes in the energy flow circuit of his left arm when the charcoal fire burned Orugu and sprayed flames, and installed it in the experimental site.

After doing all this, Shen Yun also left the experimental site, remotely controlled the mechanical arm, and stuffed the last evil energy into the energy circuit as a driving energy source.


The evil energy was all transferred into the energy circuit, and wherever the evil energy passed, azure light lit up.

As these azure halos gathered at the nozzle of the energy circuit, a line of fire sprayed out from the nozzle of the energy circuit.

However, the flame did not last for a few seconds, and this temporary energy circuit exploded, and metal fragments flew everywhere.

"The energy circuit in Orugu's body can indeed be used. But why did it fail? Is it because of the material? Or is it because the energy circuit is not complete enough?" Shen Yun looked at the energy circuit that had been broken into pieces and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"It still requires a lot of experiments." Shen Yun sighed.

If there was a living Orugu for him to study, then his progress would definitely be faster.

However, the data and information provided by the charcoal-burned Orugu could allow him to study for a while.

"In short, collect these fragments first, maybe you can find something from them."

Shen Yun walked into the experimental site, picked up the fragments scattered on the ground one by one, and then took these fragments back to the experimental table, intending to analyze the cause of the explosion.

At this time, a subtle sound of footsteps came, and Shen Yun looked away.

Tidom walked into the laboratory, looked at Shen Yun with a smile, and asked: "Mr. Shen, did I disturb you?"

"That's not the case. What does Tidom want to talk to me about?" Shen Yun smiled and asked.

"Really, Shen Jun forgot the time again? It's almost seven o'clock in the evening now. I'm here to call you to have dinner." Hearing this, Didom sighed helplessly and said.

"Is it so late? I'll be there soon." Shen Yun smiled, put down the fragments in his hand, and followed Didom out of the laboratory.

Walking out of the laboratory, the sky outside was not completely dark yet. A setting sun was like blood, setting off the clouds on the horizon.

The lights in the restaurant were bright and brilliant, and the crystal lamps exuded warm tones.

Shen Yun came to the restaurant and saw the dishes on the table. He was surprised and said: "Oh? Is today's dinner curry?"

"Well, I saw that the curry rice made on TV looked delicious, so I tried to make it. It tastes very good." Didom nodded and said with a smile.

"Not bad, although it's the first time to make it, it looks really delicious." Shen Yun praised.

As he said that, Shen Yun came to his seat and sat down. The golden curry soup was poured on the semicircular rice. The stewed beef was covered with curry soup. The potatoes and carrots were soaked in curry soup and could not be distinguished from each other.

In addition to the beef curry, there was a pile of chopped cabbage and a piece of cut fried pork chop next to the plate.

And from the cut surface of the fried pork chop, it should be pork tenderloin. The crispy skin wrapped around the tenderloin was only a thin layer, and the fresh gravy was constantly flowing out along the cut.

"Hehe, my cooking skills are very good." Tidom snorted and smiled, and also came to sit opposite Shen Yun.

As soon as he sat down, Tidom looked up at Shen Yun and said, "By the way, Mr. Shen, you should still remember what you said at noon, right?"

"What about lunch?" Shen Yun was stunned at first, then he immediately recalled it and smiled: "Of course I remember, that is, I will teach you how to surf the Internet in the evening. I will teach you after dinner."

"Then it's settled!" Tidom said happily.

"I won't break my promise for such a small matter." Shen Yun smiled dumbly.

He is not a Chinese parent who regards games and the Internet as a scourge.

However, when it comes to surfing the Internet, Shen Yun also pays attention.

Generally speaking, there is no Internet wall on the external network, and some messy things can be found on the Internet.

If you want Tidom to surf the Internet healthily, some unhealthy things must be filtered out in advance.

The Internet wall is really a good protection for some netizens whose values ​​have not yet been formed and who cannot distinguish right from wrong.

And those who can climb over the wall are basically people whose values ​​have been formed, and they will not be affected at all.

After all, they climb over the wall just for GHS.

As for those who can't even climb over the wall...

If you can't even climb over the wall, what's the color? Go and study honestly.

After dinner, Shen Yun and Tidom cleaned the dishes together, and then Shen Yun brought Tidom to the laboratory, borrowed the computer in his laboratory, and taught Tidom how to surf the Internet.

The first thing was to let Tidom recognize the keyboard. There are two input methods for Japanese keyboards, one is Japanese input method, and the other is Romanization input method.

Each key on the Japanese keyboard is marked with hiragana. You can input directly by pressing the corresponding hiragana key, and hiragana and katakana can also be converted.

While teaching Tidom to recognize the key positions, Shen Yun also let the artificial intelligence in the computer filter some information on the Internet.

Tidom also learned quickly and figured out the key positions of the keyboard in a short time.

Seeing this, Shen Yun directly let Tidom get started.

As a computer novice, Tidom also used the classic one-finger Zen for novices to input one key position at a time.

Shen Yun couldn't help laughing when he saw Tidom looking up at the computer screen, then lowering his head to identify the letter keys, and typing one by one with his index finger.

Seeing this scene, he also recalled the first time he came into contact with a computer, and he also used one-finger Zen to type like this.

For beginners, it takes a long time to practice typing proficiently.

Soon, Tidom used one-finger Zen to input the words "huge beast" into Yahoo's search engine through the Roman Pinyin input method.

In just a moment, many web pages appeared in front of Tidom, providing various information.

However, most of them were similar or false news.

But this was also quite shocking for an ancient person a thousand years ago.

"Wow, so amazing!" Tidom browsed Yahoo, her pretty face full of excitement.

In 1999, Yahoo was in its heyday in Japan, and the traffic of Livedoor and Google combined was less than a fraction of Yahoo.

However, after Tidom browsed through several articles, he found that these articles had nothing to do with the Power Beast.

"Why are they all fake news?" Tidom frowned and said.

"The information on the Internet is very complicated. If you want to search for the news you want, the keywords must be specific and accurate." Shen Yun pointed out.

As he said that, Shen Yun walked to the side of Tidom, squeezed Tidom aside, deleted a few words in the search bar, re-entered the keywords "behemoth, ghost, legend, thousand years ago", and then searched.

The content retrieved on the website also changed accordingly. The legend of the hundred ghosts in the Heian period, monster animation, etc., were all presented to Tidom.

"Oh, that's it!" Tidom heard the words and showed a look of surprise, and said excitedly.

"In addition to search engines, there are forums like 2ch, which can use the power of netizens to find relevant information." Shen Yun opened the Japanese forum 2ch again.

2ch is the largest comprehensive forum in Japan. It was established in May 1999. Although it has only been established for less than two months, there are still many active people in the forum.

2ch's status in Japan is equivalent to websites such as Tianya, Mop, and Tieba.

Because it has only been established for less than two months, there are still few posts on 2ch.

Shen Yun directly created a post on 2ch, explained his discovery, and then clicked to publish.

The appearance of a new post quickly attracted netizens in 2ch, and they began to speak under the post.

The floors in the post were stacked very quickly. Didom browsed the messages that appeared one by one. Although she wanted to reply, she couldn't keep up with the rhythm with her typing speed.

"This is really interesting!" Didom browsed the messages that kept appearing under the post with surprise.

Seeing Didom's appearance, Shen Yun couldn't help but smile.

At the beginning, he was like this when he first came into contact with Tieba.

Every time he played on the computer, the first thing he did was to open the web page to check Tieba to see if there was anything interesting.

At that time, most netizens on the Internet were very friendly, and it was common for big brothers to guide newbies.

But with the development of the times, the hostility on the Internet has become more and more serious. Spreading rumors, provoking wars, and stealing weapons have become very common.

"Take your time to play. I still have research to do. If you don't understand something, come and ask me." Shen Yun touched Tidom's head and smiled.

"Yeah!" Tidom stared at the message on the virtual screen in front of him and nodded repeatedly.

Shen Yun smiled slightly, turned around and came to his laboratory table, picked up the fragments of the energy circuit explosion, and began to analyze.

Soon, Shen Yun found a clue. On these recycled metal fragments, there were traces of wear and tear where the energy circuit passed.

"Is it really a material problem?" Shen Yun pondered slightly.

Although the alloy he used was not the alien technology alloy in the world of Kamen Rider and Ultraman, it was also considered the best one on the market.

Even so, it didn't last too long and exploded.

"Speaking of alloys... use Pedanium alloy? Or Gundamium alloy? Or Luna alloy? Or Adamantium alloy?" Shen Yun pondered, and there were many options in his mind.

As long as he wanted, these alloys could become materials for shaping energy circuits.

"Let's try some of them out when the time comes, just in time to see which one is the most suitable." Shen Yun shook his head. The suitable materials themselves were found through experimental comparison.

He knew the formulas of these alloys, and it was not difficult to make them.

However, smelting these alloys requires some preparation in advance, so it is naturally impossible to start now.

What's more, the evil energy he extracted from the test tube of green foam liquid has been used up.

The little solution he stuffed into the energy circuit before was the last evil energy.

His current work is to improve the energy circuit and try to make a device to extract evil energy from the horns on Orugu's head.

Time passed slowly. After the hour hand pointed to twelve o'clock, Shen Yun also rubbed his eyebrows and planned to continue tomorrow.

Shen Yun glanced at Tidom, who was still browsing the 2ch forum with great interest, and drove her back to her room.

Surfing the Internet is fine, but Internet addiction must not exist.


Early the next morning, Shen Yun sent a mobile phone to Wenzaemon for contact at any time.

At the same time, Shen Yun also gave Tidom a homemade smartphone that can be directly connected to the network in his laboratory.

Although the function is only a beggar's version compared to future smartphones, Tidom was overjoyed to get this smartphone.

Days passed by, and Shen Yun's life was very simple. In the morning, he smelted alloys, played games and watched TV with Tidom in the afternoon, and studied the energy circuit of Orugu in the evening, and developed a device to extract the evil energy of Orugu.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month passed, and it was early July.

On this day, a burst of urgent alarms suddenly sounded in the villa.

"What's wrong?" Tidom, who was watching TV series with the air conditioner on, heard the alarm, stood up quickly and asked.

"Orugu appeared." Shen Yun, who came out of the laboratory after hearing the alarm, explained.

Finally appeared, Orugu!

Do you know how long I have been waiting? It's been almost a month and a half!

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