Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 476: The Burning Warrior's Heart, Weapon Evolution, Fangbark Bristle Destroyer Cannon

"Give everyone's life back!"

Ya Wanghong pulled the film open suddenly and released all the life energy stored in the film.

Dozens of streams of light broke away from the film and flew in all directions.

One of the streams of light also flew directly into the turtle rock and landed on the body of Washio Yue who was lying on the ground and curled up, making Washio Yue return to his original state.

"Yellow!" Tidom looked at Washio Yue who was gradually returning to his original state, and his fair and jade-like face also showed joy.

"The body has recovered..." Washio Yue sat up, looking at the recovered body, and understood that the battle plan had been successful.

"That guy..." Recalling the serious and resolute expression of Shizizou, Washio Yue also smiled.

Then, Washio Yue pulled off the blanket wrapped around his body, got up from the ground and ran out of the turtle rock.


In the square in the city center.

Yabaiba and Jiaojiao led a team of Orugetes and rushed over. Seeing that Yaweihong had released all the life energy that Camera Orugu had taken away, they could not help but say in hatred: "Damn Yaweiranger, you are here to ruin our good things again!"

"Camera Orugu, take a wonderful group photo of them." Jiaojiao looked at Yaweihong and the other four with a cold voice.

"I will definitely do it this time! Install the film!" Camera Orugu quickly got up from the ground, threw away the broken shutter cable in his hand, took out a new roll of film, and stuffed it into the film compartment on his waist.

Then, Camera Orugu quickly came to Jiaojiao and said respectfully: "Great Jiao, please help me press the shutter."

"Okay~" Jiaojiao laughed and put his hand on the shutter of Camera Orugu.

Seeing Jiaojiao's action, Yaweihong and the other four were also startled and looked at Camera Orugu nervously.

"Disappear, you troublesome Yaweiranger!" Jiaojiao sneered and raised his hand to press it.

However, before she could press the shutter, a subtle gunshot echoed.

A cluster of sparks suddenly exploded from the lens of Camera Orugu, and a 'ding' sound was heard.

When the sparks fell, some cracks appeared on the lens of Camera Orugu.

"My advanced lens! Who actually broke the advanced lens that is as important as my life?! Get out of here!" Camera Orugu looked at his lens with several cracks, and couldn't help but get a little angry.

"This is..." Yabaiba picked up the bullet that was bounced to the ground and said, "Bullet?"

Yabaiba looked up and saw Shen Yun standing on the rooftop of a residential building hundreds of meters away with a sniper rifle, and said, "Where is the sneak attack guy!"

Jiaojiao and Camera Orugu subconsciously looked up when they heard this.

"Oh? Looks like I've been discovered." Shen Yun saw Yabaiba, Jiaojiao, and Camera Orugu looking at him, without any regret for being discovered. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, and he pulled the bolt. The shell ejected and fell at his feet, making a crisp sound of "ding-dong".

Then, Shen Yun raised the AWM sniper rifle again, aimed at the crack on the lens of Camera Orugu, and pulled the trigger again.


The moment the bullet was fired, it came in front of the lens of Camera Orugu.


Yabaiba captured the trajectory of the bullet and blocked the snake blade in his hand in front of the lens of Camera Orugu. The bullet hit the snake blade and made a light "ding" sound.

"Tsk." Seeing that the bullet was intercepted by Yabaiba, Shen Yun also tsk lightly, put away the AWM sniper rifle with a faint smoke coming out of the muzzle, and turned around and left.

Modern firearms have limited damage to Orugu. If it is unexpected, it can still be of some use.

If discovered, bullets from modern firearms cannot threaten Orugu.

Of course, those sniper rifles with super large caliber, single shot, and explosive bullets are excluded.

"Damn human! Don't try to run!" Camera Orugu saw Shen Yun running away and wanted to find trouble with Shen Yun.

"Stop! Isn't your lens still broken? Hurry up and aim your lens at the Fangranger. After taking away the Fangranger's body, Master Shuten will naturally repair the lens for you." Jiaojiao looked at Camera Orugu and said dissatisfiedly.

"Yes..." Camera Orugu suppressed his anger, turned around, and aimed the lens at the Fangrangers again.

"Hah!" At this time, Yawei Huang also rushed to the scene, swooped down directly from the air, pulled out the Beast King Sword on his waist, and slashed the damaged lens of Camera Orugu with one sword.


The lens, which had already cracked, was chopped into pieces by Yawei Huang's sword, sparks flew everywhere, and the lens fell all over the ground.

Yawenhuang flew over the heads of Yabaiba, Jiaojiao, and Camera Orugu, and landed in front of Yawenhong and the other two.

"Yellow!" Seeing Yawenhuang coming, everyone became excited.

"Humph, you are really a messy guy." Yawenhuang patted Yawenhong's chest and said.

"I reluctantly recognize you as the leader."

"Yellow, men's tsundere is disgusting." Yawenbai came to Yawenhuang and said with a smile.


"Damn it! You actually gave my high-end lens to..." Camera Orugu said angrily as he looked at the lens fragments on the ground.

And the voice of Camera Orugu also made the five people focus on them.

Yawenhuang stood in the middle of the five people and took the lead in calling out the names:

"The lonely and arrogant eagle, Yawenhuang!"

"Raging shark, Fangwei Blue!"

"Steel bull, Fangwei Black!"

"Gorgeous white tiger, Fangwei White!"

"Scorching lion, Fangwei Red!"

"Where there is life, there is the roar of justice." Fangwei Huang placed his left hand on his right chest, then slowly retracted it in front of him, then slapped the ground fiercely, and posed with the other four people, calling out the names:

"Beast Squadron, Fangwei Rangers!"

"Kill them!" Jiao Jiao waved his hand and shouted.

"With pleasure!" Camera Orugu strode forward and walked towards the Fangwei Rangers.

"Ha!" Fangwei Huang summoned the Eagle Sword, and with just a slight jump, he jumped in front of Camera Orugu, and the Eagle Sword in his hand slashed at Camera Orugu's body one after another.

"Bang Bang Bang!"

The blade of the Eagle Sword slashed at Camera Orugu's body, and a large piece of sparks burst out.

"Didn't you eat?" Camera Orugu raised his hand and grabbed the Eagle Sword that Yawenhuang chopped at him, sneering.

"What?!" Seeing Camera Orugu grab his weapon, Yawenhuang was also shocked.

"Go to hell!" Camera Orugu raised his right leg and kicked Yawenhuang's abdomen in succession, exploding a large piece of sparks.

Finally, he grabbed Yawenhuang's neck and threw him out.

Yawenhuang rolled several times in the air and hit the mirror beside him, smashing it to pieces.

"Yellow! Are you okay?" Yawenhong and the other four also came to Yawenhuang and said.

"It's okay, my strength seems to have weakened." Yawenhuang got up from the ground, looked at his hands, and said strangely.

"Of course, the Vilimon and the Fangranger are connected in spirit. If one is injured, the other's power will be significantly reduced. Your life energy was taken away before, causing Fanghawk to become weak. Now your life energy has just returned. It will take some time to fully recover your strength." Tidom, who was sitting in front of the Holy Spring and watching the scene, couldn't help but complain.

"Eh? Is that so?" Fanghuang was surprised.

It was just a short exchange, and Camera Orugu also launched an attack.

"Film Storm!" The cloak made of film behind Camera Orugu, its surface lit up with a purple halo, and then quickly extended, wrapping around the Fangrangers.

"You actually broke the advanced lens that is my lifeblood, this hatred will be repaid with your lives!" Camera Orugu said, while lifting the Fangrangers tied with film into the air, and a series of azure electric currents flowed along the film to the Fangrangers.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The chests of the Fang Rangers, which were wrapped in film, continued to explode with large sparks, and they fell from midair and hit the ground.

"How is it? Does it hurt? Is it uncomfortable?" Camera Orugu looked at the Fang Rangers who fell to the ground and asked excitedly.

Yafenghong groaned in pain and looked up at Camera Orugu who was laughing. The roar of Fangshi also echoed in his mind.

"Yafengshi, I know, I can't give up. I am the leader! How can I not save everyone as a leader? I can still fight!" Yafenghong stood up with difficulty, looked at Camera Orugu in front of him, and clenched his fists.


With the encouragement of Fangshi, when the warrior's heart is burning, the claws of breaking evil will evolve to be more powerful.

The yellow lion eyes on the helmet of Yafenghong bloomed with a gleam of light in the roar of Fangshi.

"Lion fangs!"


The fist-shaped weapon in Yawenhong's hand changed into a gun with a golden lion head in the blink of an eye.

"What?!" Camera Orugu was shocked.

Shen Yun, who came all the way from the rooftop of the residential building to the square with a briefcase on his back, also saw the scene of Yawenhong's explosion.

"It's really outrageous." Shen Yun threw the briefcase aside, took out a microcomputer, and scanned Yawenhong at the moment. The energy reaction in his body has exceeded that of Washioyue.

"When the synchronization rate reaches 60%, the claws of breaking evil will evolve?" Shen Yun guessed as he looked at Yawenhong's performance.

Yawenhuang was also surprised. Looking at Yawenhong's changed weapon, he said in disbelief: "The weapon has changed?"

He has been fighting for a year, and his weapon has not changed.

But how long has Yawenhong joined the team, and the weapon has evolved?

Is this the leader?

"Yawei Mane Destroyer Cannon!"

"Standard mode!" Yaweihong raised the Yawei Mane Destroyer Cannon, aimed at the camera Orugu in front of him and pulled the trigger.

The muzzle on the mane of the golden lion head continuously fired emerald green light bullets like a machine gun, hitting the camera Orugu and emitting large sparks.

"Final mode!"

"Roar!" The lion head of the Yawei Mane Destroyer Cannon roared, opened its mouth suddenly, and a thick barrel protruded from it. Colored energy continued to gather towards the muzzle, and circles of colored energy continued to shrink. A colored light bullet shot out from the muzzle and hit the chest of the camera Orugu.


The concentrated light bullet hit the chest of the camera Orugu, and immediately exploded violent sparks, and light red gunpowder smoke also filled the air.

"Wow!" The camera Orugu also screamed, and the film that bound the Yawei Rangers was also broken.

"Haaaa!" Yawenhong transformed the Yawen mane destroyer back into a lion fang, split the lion fang in two, and then pounced forward and slapped it on the face with the split lion fang.

"Bang bang!"

Camera Orugu's face exploded with violent sparks, and he screamed and fell to the ground.

At this time, Yawenlan and Yawenbai also broke free from the film, crawled on all fours, grabbed Camera Orugu's shoulders, and dragged it to the stone sculpture in the center of the square, sparks flying.

Yawenhei followed closely, grabbed Camera Orugu's feet, swung it up, and began to spin in place. After spinning several times, he threw it out and fell heavily to the ground.

Yawen Huang opened the wings behind him, grabbed Camera Orugu's shoulders, flew into the air, hit its head on the billboard near the square, and then dropped it from the air and fell to the ground again.

Yawen Huang fell from the air, and the other four people also ran over.

Yawen Huang looked at the four people running over and said, "Take advantage of now!"

The other four also nodded, immediately stood in a row, took out their weapons, and assembled them.

"Breaking the Evil Beast Sword!" Yawen Hong held the Beast Sword, looked at Camera Orugu who stood up from the ground again, and said coldly: "Evil ghost, retreat!"

Yawen Hong swung the Beast Sword, drew a circle in front of him, and then swung the Beast Sword and slashed at Camera Orugu.

A blade of energy light composed of the power of the five people's Yawen slashed towards Camera Orugu's head, and in an instant, Camera Orugu was split into two.

"Ugh!" Camera Orugu screamed, and violent sparks exploded all over his body. Finally, with a loud bang, Camera Orugu slowly fell to the ground with flames rising into the sky.

After Camera Orugu fell to the ground, the Fang Rangers holding their own weapons also jumped and turned around, with their backs to the explosion caused by Camera Orugu.

Camera Orugu, who fell to the ground, flashed with azure electric currents on his body, and turned into a pool of green foam liquid at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This is not good, Jiaojiao!" Yabaiba looked at Camera Orugu, who had turned into a pool of green foam liquid, and turned his head to look at Jiaojiao, saying.

Jiaojiao understood, held the scepter in both hands, shook it slowly, and chanted: "Orugu Seed, please let the lost evil give it powerful power again! Inside the ghost! Outside the blessing!"

As Jiaojiao finished chanting the spell, the top of the scepter in her hand opened instantly, and several pea-like seeds shot out from it and fell into the pool of green foamy liquid left after the camera Orugu died.

As soon as it fell into the pool of green liquid, the ghost beans quickly absorbed the remaining evil energy in the liquid, sprouted and grew quickly, and quickly built into a huge camera Orugu in the image of the owner of the absorbed evil energy.

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