Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 51 There is no garbage in the world, only resources placed in the wrong place

Looking at the backs of the two people leaving playfully, Shen Yun smiled lightly and continued to improve the Ebron cells.

In just half a day, Karen returned to the research institute full of energy.

As soon as she came back, she enthusiastically shared her experiences with Shen Yun.

In the end, it was just two sentences to summarize, dolphins are cute and sashimi is delicious.

Not long after Lina returned from completing the mission, the Victory Team received an international emergency signal.

The oil survey station in the R Sea was attacked by a monster, and the Victory Team immediately set out for rescue.

Shen Yun had no interest in this deep-sea monster.

This kind of monster with genetic mutations caused by nuclear radiation has no use or reference value.

However, when I think of what Da Gu said at the end, combined with his behavior before crossing, Xiao Rizi.

I have to say that this is still quite ironic. Xiao Rizi really doesn't deserve to have Grandpa Yuan.

When Shen Yun heard the news of the monster again, it was already the next day.

The monster was restored to its original appearance by Tiga and disappeared in the deep sea.

The appearance of Reilos also made TPC understand that protecting the environment is urgent.

The bad consequences of human experiments will eventually be borne by humans themselves.

The enemy this time is a deep-sea fish that has been mutated by the radioactive energy produced by human nuclear tests. Will the next enemy become a monster and come out to retaliate against humans because of human experiments?

After discussion at the TPC Supreme Staff Meeting, it was decided to suspend all experiments that are harmful to nature, ecology, and the environment.

At the same time, the development process of the space power generation plan should be accelerated to replace all polluting energy with clean and pollution-free energy as soon as possible.

Although environmental protection policies have been promulgated one by one, the pollution caused by humans to the environment cannot be restored in a day or two.

And Shen Yun's idea of ​​using Ebron cells to make biological superconductors and use them as wires was also known to Zejing.

Zejing was very interested in Shen Yun's idea.

"Dr. Shen, is it possible to use Ebron cells to make biological superconductors?" Zejing looked at Shen Yun and asked.

"Of course it is possible. Regarding the idea of ​​biological superconductivity, some people have long proposed that some parts of nerve fibers have the property of room-temperature superconductivity. It's just that today's technology cannot realize this idea." Shen Yun nodded and replied.

"Ebron cells are different from nerve fibers. As long as they are transplanted into the body of any organism, they can hold a large amount of electricity and have the property of biological superconductivity."

"Then how do you plan to solve the problem of Ebron cells going out of control?" Ze Jing asked.

"This. It's very simple. We can solve this problem with artificial meat." Shen Yun replied.

This artificial meat is not vegetarian meat made from plants, but artificial meat cultivated from animal cells.

He really couldn't completely solve the side effect of Ebron cells that can expand the dark side and extreme emotions.

But he could minimize the impact of this side effect, plus his improved power-limited Ebron cells.

He didn't believe that this Ebron cell could turn a piece of unconscious rotten meat into a monster under power-limited conditions.

"Artificial meat?" Ze Jing was stunned for a moment. He couldn't keep up with Shen Yun's jumping thoughts.

"That's right." Shen Yun nodded and explained: "Since Ebron cells can turn organisms into monsters, then we only need to choose something that is not an organism and meets the conditions for Ebron cell transplantation."

"Therefore, artificial meat is the perfect choice."

"We only need to transplant Ebron cells into artificial meat, and then shape the artificial meat into the size of wires and cables. Moreover, the production conditions are simple, there is no technical content, and it has the conditions for popularization."

In addition, Ebron cells can survive only by absorbing electricity. Cultivating this kind of artificial meat transplanted with Ebron cells can save even the culture medium, and only need to transmit electricity, which greatly reduces the manufacturing cost of artificial meat.

Hiss, in this way, it seems that he doesn't need to transplant Ebron cells into animals specifically to create monsters to experiment with his ideas. He only needs to transplant them into artificial meat, continuously transmit electricity to it, and see if this artificial meat can grow bigger.

Yes! That's it!

I'm really a genius!

Shen Yun suddenly understood, and he couldn't wait to try it now.

By the way, let's see if this artificial meat transplanted with Ebron cells can be eaten.

After listening to Shen Yun's story, Ze Jing nodded slightly and asked with a smile: "How confident are you?"

"Theoretically, there is no problem." Shen Yun said.

"Theoretically?" Ze Jing was a little surprised.

"Director Ze Jing, you should know that there is nothing in science that can be 100% successful." Shen Yun said.

His idea seems feasible, but if it is really implemented, it may not be so smooth.

"I see. I will give you the greatest support." Ze Jing nodded and smiled.

"Then I'll take my leave first. I still have a lot of experiments to do." Shen Yun stood up and said goodbye.

After leaving the director's office, Shen Yun immediately returned to his research institute.

"Karen, please notify the staff of the TPC cafeteria to prepare a live cow. I want to collect multifunctional stem cells." Shen Yun instructed Karen as soon as he entered the research institute.

"Okay." Karen nodded and ran out of the research institute quickly.

Shen Yun himself took advantage of this time to prepare the animal cell culture dish.

Artificial meat starts with stem cells, by collecting tissue samples from animals, separating pluripotent stem cells from the tissue samples, and then placing them in the corresponding animal cell culture dish.

This culture process is very long. Even if Shen Yun has mastered the biological technology of Shuka, it will take at least three or four days.

That night, Shen Yun completed the collection of tissue samples and the separation of pluripotent stem cells, and placed the muscle stem cells of the cow in the culture dish.

Then, Shen Yun threw the animal cell culture dish to Kallen to take care of.

He continued to improve the Ebron cells.

Three days later, the muscle stem cells in the culture dish had grown into a whole piece of artificial beef.

Shen Yun took out the artificial beef cultivated in the culture dish and transplanted the Ebron cells modified by Sanada Ryosuke into the artificial beef.

His modified Ebron cells still need some time to cultivate.

"Ebron cells successfully parasitized. Sure enough! Ebron cells can't distinguish between living organisms and biological body tissues." Shen Yun observed the artificial beef transplanted with Ebron cells and thought.

"But, that's not the case. This piece of artificial beef is actually 'alive'."

It's just that the environment in the culture dish gives the cells an illusion that they are still in living tissue.

But illusions are illusions, and these cells are indeed 'alive'.

Shen Yun was observing, and the piece of artificial beef suddenly began to 'twitch' involuntarily.

"Is this... beginning to crave electricity?" Shen Yun took the 24V battery that he had prepared long ago, then clamped the electrodes on the battery on the piece of artificial beef and turned on the battery switch.

Although according to the nature of Ebron cells, as long as Ebron cells are transplanted, it can absorb any strong current.

But this is only a palm-sized piece of artificial beef after all, and he thinks it's better to be steady.

24 volts of electricity are continuously transmitted from the battery to this piece of artificial beef.

The artificial beef that absorbed the electricity began to slowly stretch and rapidly proliferate.

"It's amazing." Shen Yun looked at the artificial beef that absorbed electricity to proliferate, and a smile appeared on his face.

There is no garbage in the world, only resources placed in the wrong place.

I still can't figure out the author's background of Qidian. I'm too lazy to figure it out, so I just posted the Shocker Scroll to the work related. These Shocker extras don't count the words, but they are still counted as extra chapters. After finishing the 40th anniversary movie version, the Decade chapter will be placed in the main text.

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