After Shen Yun improved the current-limiting Albron cells, he immediately started trying to transplant the current-limiting Albron cells into Ligaderon's biological tissues.

Those previous experiments were just appetizers for Shen Yun.

This matter is the real highlight.

After Shen Yun transplanted the power-limiting Albron cells into the Ligaderon biological tissue, he immediately conducted various tests on the Ligaderon biological tissue transplanted with the Albron cells.

The test results showed that after transplanting Albron cells into Ligardron's biological tissue, various data significantly exceeded the original data by a large margin.

This is the power-limiting Albron cell he improved.

If the original Albron cells were transplanted into Ligardron's biological tissue, he didn't dare to think about what would eventually become.

But think about it, after humans are transplanted with Eblon cells, they can become monsters.

What about monsters?

"In other words, Eblon cells can actually infect even monsters..." Shen Yun came to such a conclusion.

Monsters are living things too.

As long as they are living things, Ebron cells can infect, parasitize, coexist, and evolve.

"It's really dangerous."

Shen Yun was a little lucky. Fortunately, the original body of Ebron Cell was the only thing left to him by Ryosuke Sanada.

This Ebron cell is too dangerous.

However, danger is danger, so he still has to continue his research.

If you give up research out of fear of unknown risks, science will never progress.

"However, this experimental product transplanted with Albron cells..." Shen Yun looked down at the experimental product he created in the culture dish, with a trace of hesitation in his eyes.

He was hesitating whether to apply this experimental product to the mecha.

"Forget it, the performance of the mecha is already sufficient. There is no need to take risks and transplant Ebron cells. Let's consider this matter again when the performance of the mecha cannot keep up." Shen Yun shook his head. , gave up his bold idea.

Whether it is Ebron cells or Ligadron's biological tissue, they are all part of the monster.

If these two things are combined with each other, it is not as simple as 1+1=2.

Maybe something unexpected will happen.

Of course, the main thing is to avoid the things you create becoming your own father.

On this point, Xiu Ka has a say.

Especially some of them were made by him.

"Jun Shen! Come and see!" Kallen looked at the isolation laboratory and excitedly waved to Shen Yun.

Kallen's call brought Chen Yun back to his senses. He came to Kallen's side, touched Kallen's head, and asked with a smile: "What's wrong?"

"Jun Shen, look! This is a device I developed based on the principle of creating a barrier at Gadi Toujiao." Kallen said excitedly, pointing to the huge device in the isolation laboratory.

Chen Yun turned around and saw a device similar to a space-based weapon in science fiction movies in the isolation laboratory.

Its main body is cylindrical, surrounded by eight unfolded solar panels that are slowly rotating.

The center of this device is constantly emitting light yellow light towards the ceiling of the isolation laboratory.

After this light yellow light hit the ceiling, it exploded like fireworks, and countless fragments scattered in all directions, and finally disappeared in mid-air.

Shen Yun looked at this scene and immediately scanned the isolation laboratory with infrared rays.

In the picture shown by the infrared detector, there is an invisible barrier in this isolation laboratory, occupying most of the space in the isolation laboratory.

Shen Yun put down the infrared detector and looked at Karen's expression of "Come on, praise me", which was a little funny.

He reached out and rubbed Kallen's head, smiled and commented: "Not bad, Kallen is very good!"

"Humph. Of course." After being praised by Shen Yun, Kallen raised her little head proudly, her cute face full of pride.

Seeing Kallen's proud expression, Chen Yun smiled softly.

It's really easy to handle.

"Do you have a name?" Chen Yun asked with a smile.

"Yes, it's called a barrier restrainer." Kallen nodded and explained to Shen Yun: "The reason why it's called this is because the barrier it creates can be remotely controlled through a computer."

With that said, Kallen waved her hand slightly at the barrier restrainer in the isolation laboratory, and the device immediately stopped.

"This barrier condenser is equipped with a converter inside, which can combine hydrogen with the energy stored inside, convert it into barrier light and release it, building an invisible barrier."

"Because I replaced the cosmic substance similar to hydrogen with hydrogen gas, the barrier created by the barrier condenser cannot exist for a long time. The barrier light needs to be released all the time to maintain the existence of the barrier."

Hearing this, Shen Yun scanned the isolation laboratory again with an infrared detector.

Sure enough, the invisible barrier inside the laboratory had disappeared.

"The barrier light needs to be released all the time, so it must consume a lot of money." Shen Yun said thoughtfully.

"So, I added eight solar panels to the barrier converger to absorb solar energy. It can also adjust the direction arbitrarily to maximize the absorption of solar energy. In this way, the energy converted from solar energy can not only maintain the barrier convergence It can reduce the energy consumption of the device and store enough energy to maintain energy consumption at night," Kallen explained.

"As for hydrogen, this problem has not been solved yet. We can only think of ways to use water to decompose hydrogen." Karen crossed her arms and looked a little distressed.

"Don't worry about this. Hydrogen is the most abundant in space. Just add a function that allows the barrier collector to automatically absorb hydrogen." Shen Yun looked at the barrier collector in the isolation laboratory and was quite satisfied.

Let him do it, it's about this level.

"So that's it, I know." Karen suddenly realized.

As soon as Shen Yun mentioned space, she understood Shen Yun's plan.

So, Karen immediately began to use her super high computing power to modify the design drawings.

And Shen Yun was not idle either. He started to draft two plans.

One was a plan to use Ebron cells to make biological wires.

And the other plan was naturally a plan for a low-Earth orbit defense network.

After writing, Shen Yun threw the two plans to Zejing and let him worry about it.

Anyway, he was only responsible for the development of technology.

Within two days, Shen Yun received the news that the skeleton system of the mecha had been built, and the construction of the mecha was about to enter the next stage.

In other words, the mecha would soon be built with the creatures of Ligaderon.

Shen Yun would naturally not fall behind in this matter. He handed his three experimental projects to Karen to look after and record, while he himself was concentrating on the construction of the mecha.

Time passed in a flash, and a month had passed.

Since the incident of Reilos, the earth seemed to have entered a peaceful period, and no monsters had appeared for nearly two months.

Even the people of the Victory Team became much more relaxed. In addition to daily patrols and training, they either yawned in the command room or sat in the hangar to watch the progress of the mecha's construction.


Shen Yun put down the mecha blueprint in his hand, yawning and stretching.

"Guess who I am?" Shen Yun's eyes were suddenly covered from behind.

"Kalen, I know it's you." Shen Yun knew who was coming as soon as he heard the voice.

"Doctor, you guessed wrong." Mayumi smiled and released her hand that was covering Shen Yun's eyes.

Shen Yun looked back and saw Karen with long hair, a devil's horn hair ornament on her head, a black Gothic Lolita skirt, two small devil wings on her back, and a trident and a staff in her hands.

Mayumi was wearing a black dress, a black robe on the outside, and a witch's hat with drooping pointed corners on her head.

"It's you two, but why are you dressed like this?"

"Eh? Doctor, don't you know? Today is Halloween Eve." Mayumi adjusted the witch's hat on her head, looking a little surprised.

"Well, the streets are very lively, we are planning to go out and play." Karen nodded.

"Halloween..." Shen Yun touched his chin and recalled the relevant plot.

Moreover, he remembered that a monster seemed to appear on Halloween, it seemed to be called the alien monster Gilanbo?

A person from another dimension...

Speaking of people from another dimension, we have to mention a person who is a solo player of Ace.

He has been haunting Ace since the TV period.

He sacrificed himself to let Beidou meet Minami Yuko during the Xiaomeng period.

He worked part-time repeatedly to increase the guest appearance rate of Ace during the new generation period.

In the end, he only had resentment, but he still couldn't forget Ace. When he sensed a little bit of Ace's breath, he ran all the way here just to see Ace.

He is really, I cried to death.

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