Lina's report made TPC fully operational.

Members of the TPC Police Bureau and Medical Department rode military trucks into the city.

To be precise, only members of the TPC Medical Department rode trucks.

Members of the Police Bureau were running.

These members of the Police Bureau were all wearing standard exoskeleton armor with TPC and Police Bureau logos printed on the collar and back.

With the increase in the standard exoskeleton armor, their speed was not slower than that of the truck.

After entering the city, the members of the Police Bureau split into three groups.

One group helped the Medical Department to build a temporary medical point.

One group cooperated with the police in the metropolis to find the children who ate the lollipops.

The last group, in small teams, entered the city to search for witches.

Soon, temporary medical points were built one after another.

One after another, children were sent to the temporary medical points for various examinations.

"Doctor, what are the results of the examination?" Iruma Hui looked at Shen Yun and asked.

Shen Yun took off his gloves and handed the analysis report to Ju Jianhui, saying: "The ingredients of the lollipops contain drugs with hallucinogenic effects. These drugs are temporarily hidden in the children's blood and will be catalyzed by some external force, thereby controlling these children."

"Do these drugs have any impact on the children's health?" Ju Jianhui asked with concern.

"These drugs will be metabolized by the human body within 72 hours and will not have much impact on the human body." Shen Yun replied.

"It's good that there is no impact." Ju Jianhui breathed a sigh of relief, showing a reassuring smile, and was completely relieved.

Finally heard a good news.

"Dr. Shen, you said that the drugs in the children's bodies will be catalyzed by some external force. What kind of external force is it?" Ju Jianhui thought for a moment and asked again.

"I don't know, but according to my speculation, it is very likely to be sound."

"Sound? Why is it sound?" Ju Jianhui looked a little confused.

"Captain Ju Jianhui, I wonder if you have noticed a very strange place."

"Strange place?"

"Yes." Shen Yun nodded, opened a roster, pointed to the registered address, and said:

"Captain Ju Jianhui, don't you think the home addresses of these children are too scattered?"

Many of the registered addresses are far apart.

"With such scattered addresses, no matter what method the witch uses, it will appear inefficient."

"But sound is different. The range of sound transmission is very wide."

"If I were that witch, I would only need to let these children who ate lollipops hear a certain melody to catalyze the drugs in the children's bodies. Let these children gather in one place, and then catch them all in one fell swoop."

"In this case, as long as the children wear earplugs, can they avoid being controlled?" Ju Jianhui thought.

"Captain Ju Jianhui, this is not a problem that can be solved by wearing earplugs. Sound is just a transmission medium, and it is not necessary for children to be able to hear it." Shen Yun explained patiently.

"Dr. Shen, is there no solution?" Ju Jianhui asked unwillingly.

"Yes, find the witch's lair and kill it." Shen Yun said.

"Find the witch's lair..." Iruma Hui smiled bitterly.

If she could find the witch's lair, she wouldn't be so anxious here.

"The place with abnormal magnetic field, Munakata, Shinjo, Horii and the other three have searched carefully, and there is no abnormal phenomenon."

"All have been searched? If so, then there is only this possibility." Shen Yun pretended to think and said.

"What is it?" Iruma Hui asked hurriedly.

"Another dimension."

"Another dimension?" Iruma Hui looked puzzled.

"Another dimension refers to some other time and space that are not in our time and space but coexist with our time and space. Their existence cannot be found in our time and space. This kind of place is an other dimension." Shen Yun explained briefly.

"Dr. Shen seems to know a lot about the other dimension?" Iruma Hui said in surprise.

"It can't be called understanding, but it can be said that I know a little bit." Shen Yun smiled modestly.

He inherited part of the memories of the Yabo people, so it is normal for him to know more about the other dimension than normal people.

Moreover, there is a subject called the other dimension in the Mebius world.

Especially Dr. Fujisawa Asami, who looks exactly like Mayumi, is an authority on the physics of the other dimension.

He also learned a little bit, and with the memories of the Yabo people.

For him, it was just opening a passage to the other dimension, which was not a problem at all.

Although Iruma Hui wanted to ask what level Shen Yun was talking about.

But out of concern for the children, she suppressed this thought and asked seriously:

"In that case, Dr. Shen has a way to open the passage to the other dimension?"

"We have to go to the site to investigate in person." Shen Yun did not deny it.

"I'll let Vice Captain Munakata and others escort you there."

"I have to go back to the base first and prepare the corresponding equipment." Shen Yun said.


In the other dimension.

The unconscious Dagu was awakened by a cheerful and childlike song.

Dagu opened his eyes and looked a little confused.

When he saw that he was locked in a transparent glass cover, he immediately woke up and kept slapping the glass cover with his hands, but it was useless except for making the glass cover vibrate slightly.

He couldn't escape at all.

"La la la la la ~"

In the room, a cheerful child's voice attracted Dagu's attention.

He looked closely and saw a little boy about seven or eight years old riding a rocking wooden horse, humming an unknown song happily, and he seemed very happy.

But if you look closely, you can find that the child is wearing a clown hat on his head, and there are many cables connected to it. I don't know where the other side of the cable is connected.

In addition to this child, Dagu also saw the Victory Hepa gun and the God Light Stick on the table.

Dagu hit the glass cover that locked him with his head in annoyance, annoyed by his carelessness and impulsiveness.

"Creaky-" A slight sound suddenly came from the strange room.

Dagu turned his head and saw a wooden door that was not connected to anywhere suddenly opened.

The witch in a black robe walked out of the wooden door slowly.

The witch closed the door and went straight to the child sitting on the wooden horse.

Seeing this, Dagu immediately slapped the glass cover and shouted: "Hey! Who are you?!"

"Where is this place!"

"Hey! Hey!"

The witch seemed not to hear Dagu's voice and came to the little boy riding the wooden horse and humming a ballad.

It stretched out its skinny and scary palm, pinched the boy's chin, and turned the boy's head towards itself.

But the little boy didn't seem to be afraid of this scary witch at all.

His eyes were dull, as if he was trapped in some beautiful illusion, and he kept humming this unknown ballad.

"Stop! You are not allowed to touch him!"

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