Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 66: Shrinking the Light and Common Sense Modification of the Potion

Research Institute.

Shen Yun took the shrinking ray gun and released the captured humans from the space inside the shrinking ray gun according to the usage in the Crow Man's memory.

Looking at the three unconscious little people who were only the size of a finger, Shen Yun pinched the collar of an office worker with his fingers and observed carefully with a magnifying glass.

"It seems that they are reduced in proportion."

Shen Yun put down the unlucky office worker and handed the unlucky guy who was captured to the TPC staff, asking him to send these unlucky guys to the medical department for examination, and then his eyes fell on the shrinking ray gun in Horii's hand.

There are only two principles of shrinking guns.

One is similar to Pym particles, which reduces the distance between atoms of an object to achieve the purpose of reducing the size.

The other is the cell shrinking gun in Doraemon, which directly shrinks the target cells to achieve the purpose of reducing the size.

However, the cell shrinking gun in Doraemon has limitations. The cell shrinking gun can only shrink animals and plants, but not other objects.

After observing for a while, Koji used the shrinking ray gun to irradiate some objects in the laboratory.

Objects irradiated by this shrinking ray will shrink in proportion and then be sucked into the shrinking ray gun.

"What a great technology." Koji could not help but exclaimed when he saw this scene.

"It seems that the principle of this shrinking ray gun is to reduce the distance between atoms of an object, so as to achieve the purpose of reducing the size. The technology of the Crow people is very high." Shen Yun walked closer to Koji and said.

"However, this shrinking ray gun requires energy whether it is to shrink objects or humans. In this way, this shrinking ray gun can't shrink monsters at all." Koji looked at the shrinking ray gun in his hand that had lost a lot of energy, and said regretfully.

"In terms of the size, density, and mass of the monster, it is really unrealistic to want to shrink the monster with a shrinking ray, and even if this gun can shrink the monster, the energy required to shrink the monster is probably quite amazing." Shen Yun said.

"Yes." Horii nodded, looking at the shrinking ray gun in his hand, and put forward a bold hypothesis:

"If we reverse the principle of this shrinking ray gun, can we reverse the ray that can magnify objects and humans?"

Shen Yun nodded in agreement and said, "This is possible, but to magnify objects, the energy required may be more than the energy to shrink objects. And the human body may not be able to withstand the pressure when it is magnified. The biggest possibility is that the human body will explode in the process of magnification."

"Even if the human body can withstand the increased pressure, with the current oxygen content on the earth, humans will probably soon suffocate due to lack of oxygen after becoming larger."

"That's true." Horii looked at the shrinking ray gun in his hand, his face full of disappointment.

This technology is too useless for today's humans.

It's a pity to throw it away.

"I was so busy chatting that I almost forgot that we still have to study ways to counter the shrinking ray." Horii slapped his head, remembered their mission, and said in annoyance.

"It's not too late to start now." Shen Yun smiled and borrowed the instrument used to detect light waves in the research institute to analyze the shrinking light.

After their analysis, this shrinking light gun converts energy into special light, thereby reducing the distance between the atoms of the irradiated object and achieving the effect of shrinking the human body.

This technology is not very practical. Not to mention the energy required to shrink the object, what can be done by shrinking the object?

Do we have to learn from the movie "Shrunk Life" and mass-produce Lilliput?

No wonder this shrinking gun has never been used since it was obtained by the Victory Team.

It's really useless.

"Since the shrinking light is light, can it be reflected through the principle of light reflection?"

"Yes! As long as the shrinking light is diffusely reflected according to the wavelength of the shrinking light, the protection effect can be achieved." Horii said happily.

"Then follow this method."

Soon, a protective cartridge that can reflect shrinking light was developed.

"Let's try it out." Horii loaded the protective cartridge into the Victory Hepa gun.

"Okay!" Shen Yun picked up the shrinking ray gun and pointed the gun at Kojii.

Shen Yun pulled the trigger and fired the shrinking ray at Kojii.

Kojii saw this and also pulled the trigger to fire a special bullet, forming a protective shield in front of him, successfully resisting the effect of the shrinking ray.

"We succeeded!" Kojii saw this, his fat face was full of joy.

"Try to make as many protective bullets as possible. Vice Captain Zong Fang's hunter team will take action tonight to avoid being discovered by those crows." Shen Yun said.

"Understood!" Kojii nodded and accelerated the speed of making protective bullets.

With the joint efforts of the two, ten protective bullets were made in less than a quarter of an hour.

And now, only two hours have passed.

In the original plot, Kojii only took one night to make protective bullets through the image of the shrinking ray fired by the crows.

Now, Kojii not only has the real shrinking ray gun in his hand, but also has Shen Yun to help analyze it.

It is not an exaggeration to work out a solution in two hours.

Shen Yun contacted Iruma Kei and immediately asked Horii to send the protective ammunition bag to Sokata after learning that Sokata had not set out yet.

He himself returned to the interrogation room.

There were only Shinjo and Daigu in the interrogation room.

The two sat in front of the crow man, holding paper and pen, and used the memory reader to watch the memory of the crow man in a very miserable way, and then translated the crow man's language through the pan-language translator to record the relevant information.

Shen Yun walked behind Shinjo and Daigu, put his arm around their shoulders, and said with a smile:

"I say, isn't it too inefficient for you to collect intelligence like this?"

"There's no way, this guy doesn't cooperate at all." Shinjo raised his head and said helplessly.

"Yes, this crow man's mouth is really too tight." Daigu scratched his head in distress.

"Is that so..."

Shen Yun glanced at the tied up crow man, wondering if the medicine he developed would be useful for aliens.

"I have a way to make it speak and tell us information."

"Doctor, why didn't you tell me this earlier?" Xincheng looked at the information he had recorded for half a day and immediately put on a mask of pain.

"You didn't ask either." Shen Yun patted Xincheng and Dagu on the shoulders and smiled, "Wait, I'll be back soon."

After that, Shen Yun ran out of the interrogation room, came to his own research institute, and took out the potion he had sealed before.

After getting the potion, Shen Yun rushed back to the interrogation room without stopping, pinched the crow man's beak, and poured the potion into it.

Soon, the effect of the drug took effect, and the crow man's eyes were half open, and he was completely in a daze.

Shen Yun gave a hint to the crow man through the pan-language translator.

"You are a kind person, and your heart is tormented by the act of arresting humans. Therefore, you want to atone for your sins, so you found us and plan to tell us all the information you know."

"Doctor, will this work?" Xincheng asked in a low voice.

"Just watch." Shen Yun whispered back, then looked at the crow man and said:

"Do you know what to do?"

"I know... I'm here to atone for my sins, and I want to provide you with information."

The crow man was still slow in speech at first, but he became more and more energetic later, and even completely recovered to normal at the end.

"Then, please tell me the information you know." Shen Yun smiled.

"No problem!" The crow man agreed very readily and began to reveal the information.

"No way? This is also possible?" Xincheng was shocked.

"This drug is really terrible." Da Gu looked at the crow man who seemed to have changed into a different person, and felt a little terrified.

There will be an extra chapter of the Shocker extra chapter tonight, I will try my best to see if I can get two chapters

The news of the release was too sudden, and I didn't prepare the manuscript.

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