"Human development has indeed destroyed the environment on which many species depend for survival."

After listening to Shen Yun's explanation, Ze Jing also felt a little emotional.

"This is inevitable. Humans can only protect the environment as much as possible while developing themselves, and protect the animals whose living environment is destroyed. Perhaps one day in the future, the monsters on the earth will be protected and watched by humans in cages like animals in cages." Shen Yun smiled and said.



The plane was very fast, and it didn't take too long to reach Kurarashima from the Boso Peninsula.

Ze Jing and Shen Yun got off the plane together and walked quickly towards the mobile base built by TPC.

"Thank you for your hard work." The captain of the TPC investigation team walked up quickly, took off his hat, bowed slightly, and said.

"What's the situation?" Ze Jing asked with concern while walking towards the camp.

"Three miners and three investigators were killed."

"Is that so? The families of the victims should be settled well, and the pensions should be paid as soon as possible." Ze Jing sighed and said.


The group arrived at the mobile base of the quarry.

Sawai looked at the captain of the TPC investigation team next to him and asked:

"Did you see what the monster looks like?"

"No, the only surviving investigator only saw the monster's claws and the scene of people being turned into stone." He shook his head and replied.

"Didn't you see it?" Sawai frowned slightly.

He looked at the workers gathered in front of the TPC mobile base and asked:

"Have any of the workers present seen Gakuma?"

"Yes!" A round-faced middle-aged miner nodded and replied:

"The monster looks like a rock, and there is a horn on its head!"

"Hey, Dad, your eyes are blurry. Gakuma has two horns on its head." The miners next to the middle-aged miner heard this and immediately corrected him.

"Yes, there are two!"

"No, it's one!"




"I've seen it, it has two horns!"


Zawai looked at the workers who were arguing and was a little disappointed: "So no one has really seen a Gakuma."

"Maybe the Gakuma these miners saw was not the same one." Shen Yun said.

"Not the same one? Do you mean there are two Gakumas?" Zei turned his head to look at Shen Yun, and his expression became serious.

This is definitely not good news.

"Yeah." Shen Yun nodded and said, "One person may be wrong, but so many people can't all be wrong."

"It is very likely that these workers did not see the same Kakuma."

Speaking of this, Shen Yun stepped forward and asked:

"Dear workers, can you describe the location of the horns on Kakuma's head?"

"The horns of Kakuma grow in the middle."

"No, the horns of Kakuma grow on both sides."

Shen Yun returned to Zejing and looked at the miners who were arguing again, and said:

"It can't be wrong, there are two Kakumas on Kurara Island."

"Two monsters... This is troublesome." Zejing frowned, thought for a moment, and asked:

"Is there a way to find the location of these two monsters?"

Hearing this, Shen Yun took out a robot with four legs, a round camera on top, and a white body, and said:

"This is the detection robot I developed recently. It can enter many harsh environments for exploration."

Shen Yun said, and then started the detection robot.

As the detection robot landed, the head of the high-definition camera immediately turned around.

Shen Yun connected the camera of the detection robot to the computer in the mobile base.

The computer immediately showed the images taken by the detection robot.

"This robot looks very intelligent." Ze Jing looked at the detection robot that followed his gaze and turned the camera, and couldn't help saying.

"Well, this detection robot is considered an intelligent robot. As a robot that can be mass-produced, its intelligence is not too high, and it still needs to be controlled manually." Shen Yun responded and took out a remote control like a game controller to control the spider-like detection robot to move.

The detection robot crawled alternately on its four legs at an extremely fast speed.

"With this, our investigators will not suffer casualties when encountering monsters in the future." Ze Jing was very happy.

"This detection robot is considered a prototype. If it can complete the task perfectly, it can replace the investigators to go to dangerous places for exploration." Shen Yun nodded and controlled the detection robot to crawl into the mine ahead.

Watching the detection robot enter the mine, Shen Yun and Ze Jing entered the mobile base, looking at the high-definition images displayed on the computer, and controlled the detection robot to continue to go deeper into the mine.

While controlling the detection robot to move forward, Shen Yun looked at the TPC team leader on the side and asked:

"Is there a route for the previously murdered investigator?"

"Yes, yes." The TPC team leader quickly called up the previous route of the TPC investigator.

He pointed to the end of the route and said: "It was here that the three investigators lost contact. The only surviving investigator witnessed the monster capture one investigator and turn two investigators into stone."

"I understand." Shen Yun controlled the detection robot and followed the path of the TPC investigators.

It didn't take long for the detection robot to arrive at the location where the three investigators were killed.

In the tunnel of the mine, a small detection robot suddenly stopped.

The camera on its head rotated and captured a picture of a human-shaped rock standing in the tunnel.

"This is..." Sawai approached the computer screen, looked at the weird-looking human-shaped rock, and couldn't help but say:

"Could this be the investigator who was turned into stone by Gakuma?"

"It should be." Shen Yun controlled the detection robot, bypassed the human-shaped rock, and continued to go deeper inside.

Soon, the footage from the depths of the cave was transmitted to the computer in the mobile base in real time by the detection robot's camera.

A huge, ferocious-looking monster with a single horn on its head was sitting deep in the mine with its eyes closed.

"Is this Kakuma?" Sawai looked at the picture on the computer and exclaimed.

"Start collecting data." Shen Yun controlled the detection robot and cautiously approached Gakuma α.

The detection robot's camera emits an infrared ray and scans around Gakuma α's huge body.

Gakuma α's body data appeared on the computer one by one.

However, not much data about Gakuma α had been collected before the detection robot's perspective suddenly dimmed, and then the signal was lost.

Deep in the mine, Gakuma α moved his body in his sleep, revealing the completely crushed detection robot.

There were still sparks flickering on this pile of wreckage.

Inside the mobile base.

The computer that lost the signal link to the detection robot also had a black screen at the same time.

"Is there no signal?" Sawai looked at the suddenly black screen of the computer and asked doubtfully.

Shen Yun put down the controller in his hand and explained: "No, he was probably too close and was affected by Gakuma's movements."

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