Special effects: Starting from Ultraman Tiga

Chapter 88 Zaperio Amplifier, responding to Ultraman's heart

Ignoring Xincheng's teasing, Shen Yun accepted the chocolates given to him by Karen and Lucia.

After all, it was a token of Karen and Lucia's kindness, so it was better to accept it.

Later, find a time to explain it to Lucia.

Shen Yun sighed inwardly.

Although he was always soft-hearted, he was not a hesitant person.

He just felt sorry for Lucia and didn't have too many thoughts about her.

Besides, he was just a passer-by in this world.

He was a traveler in pursuit of light. All he could take away were his memories with the Victory Team and Karen.

After the Tiga plot was over, he would leave and go to other worlds to continue his journey.

Moreover, he was not the material to be a scumbag. He could not be affectionate everywhere and could pat his butt and leave without any psychological burden.

After Mayumi's engagement ceremony was over, Shen Yun got up and left, returned to his research institute, and continued his research on the element of Azaya Pelion.

Time passed slowly, and more than half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

After more than half a month of research, the research on amplifying the Zaipelion element has made great progress.

Shen Yun built the basic framework of the Zaipelion amplifier by analyzing the Zaipelion element and made some changes.

Today is the first test of the Zaipelion amplifier.

"Karen, inject the Zaipelion energy." Shen Yun said.

"Understood!" Karen nodded and controlled the computer in the isolation laboratory to inject the Zaipelion energy.

With the injection of Zaipelion energy, a beam of Zaipelion light that was amplified nearly four times shot out and hit the wall in the isolation laboratory.


A violent explosion occurred in the isolation laboratory.

The vibration caused by the explosion could be felt even outside the isolation laboratory.

"Success! It seems that my idea is not wrong." Shen Yun's eyes flashed with a hint of joy.

He looked down at the data detected by the instrument in his hand and thought: "It's only amplified less than four times? Although the power is a little low, it's just an experiment after all. It's already very good to be able to amplify the energy of Zaperio to such a degree."

The real Specium amplifier is a behemoth comparable to Ultraman.

It's normal for this kind of simple instrument used for experiments to have low amplification strength.

Shen Yun looked at Karen on the side and said: "Karen, please check if the Zaperio element amplifier is damaged."

"Okay." Karen nodded, ran into the isolation laboratory quickly, and checked the Zaperio amplifier.

After checking, Karen raised her head, shook her head at Shen Yun, and said: "No damage."

"No damage? I see." Shen Yun nodded slightly.

Yes, Mebius Phoenix Hero is the Ultimate Ultraman.

It's normal for the Specium amplifier to be unable to withstand his Mebius Knight ray.

"Since the experiment is successful, the next step is to improve the Zaperio amplifier." Shen Yun looked at the basic framework of the Zaperio amplifier in the isolation laboratory and said softly.

The original Specium amplifier can even amplify the power of the Mebius Knight's ray, but its defects are also obvious.

Therefore, Shen Yun's improvement direction for the Zaperio amplifier is to reduce the size and make it more personal.

A certain amount of amplification can be sacrificed to achieve the effect of allowing Tiga to use it flexibly.

Of course, the original Specium amplifier must also be built, and it may be used to deal with the conch at that time.

However, Shen Yun felt that even if there was this thing, Tiga might not be able to beat it.

Gatanjea's sense of oppression was too strong.

After finishing the experiment of the Zaperio amplifier, Shen Yun gave Kallen, who had been busy with him for more than half a month, a holiday.

He himself came to the computer and wrote a plan for aid equipment.

Writing a plan is commonly known as asking for funds.

No matter what you build, it costs money.

Although the technology in his mind saves the early development, the subsequent construction still requires a lot of money.

Moreover, this is all for Tiga to build aid equipment, but there is only one Zapelio amplifier. Is this appropriate?

Although Shen Yun has not yet thought about what other aid weapons to build.

But who cares, the money is first.

He will not embezzle funds.

To be honest, for him, money is really just a number.

It's not like he has never been a consortium.

At that time, he invested in various research everywhere, and then shared their research data.

That was really spending money like water, hundreds of billions of US dollars.

Fortunately, the money was well spent, and he learned a lot of technology.

Shen Yun typed very quickly, and a new plan was soon produced.

With this plan, Shen Yun found Zejing who was sitting in the office drinking tea, and then slapped the plan on Zejing's desk.

"Director Zejing! This is a new plan, take a look."

"New plan?" Zejing's hand trembled, and the tea in the teacup almost spilled.

The plan proposed by Shen Yun was very expensive.

For example, Tiga armor, mecha, low-Earth orbit defense network, etc.

Shen Yun nodded, sat directly opposite Ze Jing, took a teacup and poured himself a cup of tea, then said:

"Well, about the plan for aid equipment."

"Assistance equipment?" Zejing put down the teacup in his hand and asked in confusion.

"In short, it is equipment used to assist Tiga." Shen Yun said.

"Equipment used to assist Tiga?" Zejing was stunned for a moment, then picked up the plan that Shen Yun put on the table and started reading it.

The plan did not contain much content, all of which were ideas about assistance equipment, but the only one that was actually completed was the Zapelio Amplifier.

After reading the plan, Zejing asked with a little curiosity: "Dr. Shen, can you tell me why you want to make such assistance equipment?"

"Maybe I want to respond to Ultraman's heart." Shen Yun recalled a guy who always had a silly smile and was so naive that he couldn't help but smile.

"Tiga protects us humans, and we humans should also respond to Tiga and help Tiga."

"This is the meaning of the existence of assistance equipment!"

And this is also the meaning of the existence of Meteor Technology, in order to respond to the hearts of Ultra Warriors!

"Is that so." Zejing pondered slightly, flipped through the ideas on the plan, and finally closed the plan.

Zejing looked up at Shen Yun and asked, "Can the above idea be realized?"

"Yes." Shen Yun nodded.

"Okay!" Zejing smiled and said, "Doctor, you are right. We humans cannot take Tiga's protection for granted. We must let Tiga feel our human kindness. I agree with this plan."

He looked at these plans. If the above ideas can be realized, they are indeed very practical.

Moreover, most of these aid equipment are auxiliary equipment, so there is no need to worry that one day, the weapons made by humans will be used on humans.

"Then I will continue to study." Shen Yun nodded, stood up and planned to leave.

"Don't worry, there have been many cases of missing citizens similar to the Lebik people in recent times. The Victory Team still has no clue, so I would like to trouble you, Doctor, to use your technology to help the Victory Team investigate." Zejing said.

"Disappearance case? I know."

Shen Yun raised his eyebrows. Another disappearance case?

This should be done by the Stendel star called Abbas, right?

He was still very impressed by this red and blue alien.

Shen Yun got up and left the office, walking towards the Victory Team's command room.

Because of the previous kidnapping incident of the Crow Man, the Victory Team had many missing cases in order to avoid the recurrence of the Crow Man, but they knew nothing about it.

The Victory Team has improved its countermeasures for abnormal phenomena and special events.

In this way, the Victory Team's work has increased a lot.

However, thanks to this, the strange disappearance of citizens this time was quickly discovered by the Victory Team.

The Victory Team immediately launched an investigation into these strange disappearances.

But after investigating for several days, not only did they not find any clues, but the number of missing people continued to increase.

Command room.

Iruma Hui looked at the information of the missing citizens in his hand, trying to find out what they had in common.

However, from the information of these missing citizens, it seems that there is nothing in common.

If you really want to say, they are probably all relatively young adult men.

For example, fitness coaches, boxers, workers, bikers, long-distance runners, and now there is another actor.

These people's occupations have nothing in common at all.

"Captain, take a break. You haven't had a break for a long time." Munekata handed Iruma a cup of hot cocoa and advised.

"Thank you." Iruma thanked him, took a sip of the hot cocoa, and said, "Now is not the time to rest."


The telephone in the command room rang, and Iruma reached out to answer it.

"This is the command room. Saw a monster? I see!" Iruma hung up the phone, and a look of joy appeared on her face.

She immediately contacted Dagu and Shinjo, and said, "Team Shinjo, team Dagu, please rush to the 55R point area!"

"Who is missing this time?" Dagu asked.

"No, this time it's a witness."

"Okay! We'll rush to the scene immediately." Shinjo said.

After hanging up the call, Iruma began to wait for good news from Dagu and Shinjo.

I hope this witness can provide some useful information.

At this time, the automatic door of the command room opened, and Shen Yun walked in.

"Doctor, why are you here?" Zong Fang was also a little surprised to see Shen Yun coming.

"Director Zejing asked me to help you investigate the missing cases." Shen Yun smiled, then came to the command table, found a seat and sat down, and asked: "Captain Iruma Hui, are there any clues about the missing cases?"

"There are no clues, it's like they disappeared out of thin air." Iruma Hui shook his head.

Shen Yun picked up the information on the table and pretended to flip through it.

Soon, Shen Yun finished reading the information of nearly twenty missing persons.

"These missing persons have nothing in common, and even prevention is impossible." Iruma Hui was very troubled.

"No, if you want to talk about common points, there are actually some." Shen Yun put down the information in his hand and said: "Captain Iruma Hui, have you discovered? Among these missing people, most of them have physical fitness far beyond ordinary people. Even the most ordinary-looking ones had fought with others before they disappeared. I suspect that this alien may only catch strong people."

Iruma Hui picked up the information of these missing citizens and read through them one by one.

As Shen Yun said, although these people have different occupations, they are indeed strong.

"That's true..." Iruma Hui put down the information and had new doubts in his heart.

"Why does this alien want to capture strong humans? Does he want to make them slaves?" Lina asked.

"It's possible. Maybe this alien only captures strong humans just to put them in an arena similar to the Roman Empire to fight each other." Horii guessed.

Shen Yun couldn't help but look at Horii when he heard this.

Horii's guess was very close to the purpose of the Standel people.

At this time, Dagu and Shinjo contacted the command room and reported the information they got from the witnesses.

Based on the information from Dagu and Shinjo, the Victory Team contacted the portrait artist, and through these detailed descriptions, the appearance of the two Standel people was drawn.

Shen Yun picked up the portrait of the Standel people drawn by the portrait artist.

You know what, it really looks like one.

Not long after, Dagu and Xincheng also returned to the base.

Xincheng picked up the three views of the cosmic man drawn by the portrait artist and asked, "Is this the guy? Which one of them is correct?"

"But there may be two." Dagu also picked up a painting and said.

"They were so scared at the time, so what they said may not be reliable." Zongfang looked at the painting in his hand and said seriously.

"But this is the biggest clue now." Iruma Kei said.

Nori suddenly said, "I input that image and checked it. Among the confirmed cosmic life forms..."

"No one matches this image. Is that what you want to say?" Horii said.

"You are right." Nori nodded.

Zongfang put down the painting in his hand, crossed his arms, and said, "The problem now is how to catch this guy."

"Yes, but the most important thing now is to rescue the missing people first."

"This is simple. I just need to lure him out and I can lock his position. At that time, it will be very convenient whether to catch or rescue people." Shen Yun smiled.

"Lure them out..." Hearing this, Iruma Kei's eyes lit up, as if she had thought of something.

"But how to lure them out? This alien only targets strong humans. But there are many strong people. How can we lure them out accurately?" Horii asked.

"Notify the citizens not to do any exercise at night, and not to fight, so that most of the targets can be reduced."

"I understand, doctor, you are going to put on a show, right?" Lina smiled.


"This method is indeed feasible." Munakata's eyes lit up.

Shinjo and Daiko looked at each other, their eyes full of confusion.

I don't understand what the doctor and the vice-captain are talking about.

"There is no time to lose, let's act now." Munakata stood up.

"No, it's too late today, let's wait until tomorrow night. Have a good night's rest first."

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